【🇹🇼🇨🇿 WoShiTaiwanRen 台捷連線記者會】
落實 #韋德齊參議長 今年8月底率團訪台的成果
#魔法部 今日舉辦 #台灣 #捷克 #華語文獎學金 記者會
#曾厚仁次長 + 捷克經濟文化辦事處代表 #朗樂
透過視訊熱線與捷克布拉格化工大學 #馬捷卡校長
曾次長感謝 #靜宜大學 #輔仁大學 #政治大學 #東海大學
#成功大學 #清華大學 #中山大學
看來韋德齊參議長帶起的 #我是台灣人 旋風
已經席捲台捷各界 (T-shirt大缺貨啊~~~
讓更多捷克學生來台 親自體驗 #台灣文化
#台捷友好 🇹🇼🇨🇿
Deputy Minister Harry Tseng and representatives from several of Taiwan’s top universities were sporting “#WoShiTaiwanRen / #JsemTchajwanec T-shirts at a press conference to announce 50 places for #Czech students to come to #Taiwan to study as part of the Taiwan-Czech Republic Mandarin Scholarship Program today. The shirts make reference to the speech made by President of the Czech Senate Miloš Vystrčil when addressing Taiwan’s Legislative Yuan on a recent visit to Taiwan.
In his opening remarks to the audience, which included Representative Patrick Rumlar, Deputy Minister Tseng thanked the universities from both countries for their efforts in facilitating the program and said he hoped to see further academic exchange between the two countries. He also thanked the Senate President for leading the delegation to Taiwan, despite pressure from China, enabling the strengthening of ties across many different fields.
Rector of the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Professor Pavel Matějka--who was part of the Czech delegation--stated that his trip to Taiwan was very fruitful and allowed him to establish contacts with six Taiwanese universities. We look forward to hosting the students in 2021 and wish them luck in their studies!
全面性的民主合作夥伴關係 在 【 ... - 外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan ... 的必吃
希望未來能有更多學校共襄盛舉擴大台捷學術合作讓更多捷克學生來台親自體驗#台灣文化 · #韋德齊參議長上月訪台22項成果之一 · #全面性的民主合作夥伴關係 ... <看更多>