身為姐姐嘅QQ善良懂性,即使新來的Gigi霸佔了牠的玩具和床,都不會責怪Gigi。這種默默的包容和遷,正是QQ歡迎Gigi的方式🥺 有QQ的陪伴,加上主人的悉心照顧,Gigi漸漸放下戒心,與QQ成為一對孖公仔,和平相處而且互相尊重🧡
狗狗一直是公認有靈性又聰明的動物,而牠們所擁有的同理心,能感受到人類甚至同類的情緒變化,芝娃娃姐姐QQ就是很好的榜樣💭 雖然姐姐QQ已經到了彩虹橋,但是從狗狗身上體現到的純真、簡單、善良,我們永遠不會忘記🤍
📖#PetoStory 分享 – A dog epitomizes the simple love and kindness
#Chihuahua #QQ #Gigi
How much do you know about what goes on in your pup’s head? Can dogs really read minds? 🧐
It’s said that dogs can perceive changes in human emotional status and also feel empathy for human suffering. Then do they empathize with other dog’s emotions?💭
QQ and Gigi the Chihuahua are sisters without blood relation.🐶🐶 The younger sister Gigi had been abandoned and even nearly been euthanized.😢 It was not surprised that Gigi suffered from emotional issues after being rescued, she dared not to look right into others’ eyes and walked in slouching posture.😞
QQ as the elder sister, never blamed Gigi for occupying all her toys and bed. She chose to be tolerant as the tender way to welcome Gigi joining their family.🥺🥺 With all the time that QQ and Gigi spend following each other around, they can finally get along well and have developed a strong bond.🧡
QQ is resting in peace, but the way how she epitomized showing the simple and pure love to others is the thing will never be forgot. QQ is always there in the hearts of Gigi and her owners. 🤍🤍
Petoyo全新系列 #PetoStory 定期會收集不同主題之故事,你同毛孩嘅故事有機會被分享喺社交平台,甚至被拍成短片。
雖然每個寵物性格習慣唔同,但係奴才見面總有講唔完話題 因為貓狗奴之間存在太多共鳴。Inbox我地分享你嘅諗法啦!
A new series called #PetoStory is on Petoyo. We are collecting stories of different themes. The story you share may very well end up on social media or even be made into a short film.
Have you ever found that there are always endless topics discussed and shared among pet owners? There are certain things that only pet owners fully resonate with and can truly understand. Share your tales with us!
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