槟城新开 #花园系咖啡馆
#优美环境 #享受丰富Brunch😍
想在新年吃个丰富的美味Brunchie吗?来这里就对啦!槟城Chulia Street新开一家花园系咖啡馆[Kopi & Co]~这里的环境优美,布满整个花草树木,很有花园的感觉~
其实这家咖啡馆位于Chulia Street的[Eastern Hotel 東方酒店]里~
[Kopi & Co]主打西式早餐系列,三文治,意大利面等等~这里的早餐超级丰富又大份量,价格2也很实惠!非常推荐各位去试一试!还有咖啡也不错喝耶😍
[早餐 Breakfast Menu]
🍳《Classic American Platter》RM23.90
经典美式早餐 - 里面有鸡肉香肠,牛肉培根,鸡蛋,烤黄豆,炒蘑菇,烤番茄,烤烘烤吐司及沙拉~这么大份的早餐,只需RM23.90‼️价格真的很实惠又美味,吃的超饱足的😋😋
A plate of chicken sausages, grilled beef bacons, egg of your choice, baked beans, sautéed mushrooms, grilled tomatoes served with toasted bread and garden salad.
🍳《Kopi & Co Egg Benedict》RM18.90
这里的egg Benedict 不错吃,muffins面包搭配烟熏三文鱼,半生熟荷包蛋以及自制荷兰酱,还有一些烤芦笋,别有一番风味!
Breakfast muffins topped with smoked salmon, poached eggs finished with homemade hollandaise sauce and a side of grilled asparagus~
🥪《Kopi & Co Club Sandwich》RM24.90
Sliced chicken breasts, beef bacons, fried egg, cheddar slice, Lolo bionda, marinated cucumber slices, peppers and fresh slices tomatoes served with toasts and side of fries and garden salad.
🌮《Pull Beef Sandwich》RM26.90
Tender beef cut slowcooked and pulled, drizzled with homemade barbecue sauce served in toasted panini with the side of garden salad and french fries.
[咖啡 Coffee]
☕Kopi Ice Dirty RM13.90
I Fat点了这杯老板推荐的肮脏咖啡,泡沫满到流出来,看了好疗愈哦!
☕Horlicks Latte RM14.90
Address : 509, Chulia Street, Georgetown, Penang (Eastern Hotel)
Business hours : 8am - 6pm
Facebook : Kopi & Co.