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關於creativity中文的評價, 艾力克斯 Alex

我小時候暑假天天都打球和打電動,每天跟朋友好好玩。現在當爸爸每天都叫Ryder寫中文作文,看英文書,覺得自己很兇忘了當小孩的樂趣。他說家裡的XBox One都是我在玩,感覺不公平。今天買了新遊戲Mi...

沒關係 “It’s okay” 許靜雯 Lisa Hui 原創歌曲 歌詞視頻 Lisa 的創作心靈: "沒關係"是Lisa 2016年五月份寫的原創歌曲。lisa 當時原本是為了愛情和新生命來臨而放棄了她最喜歡的音樂世界。也因為這種改變而令Lisa 那段時間意志非常消沈。 碰巧加拿大多倫多中文電台舉辦了"第九屆中文歌曲創作大賽"Lisa就藉著這個機會寫了"沒關係"參賽,因而重投音樂的懷抱. 這是她再次回到音樂舞台寫的第一首原創歌曲,描述關於一個為音樂而生的女生,經過不同的愛情歷練,走進愛情的虛假世界而迷失,連唯一支援自己動力"音樂"也放下不管。 可惜無論她多麼的努力都只是在渴望得到真愛的邊緣遊走,現實都給她重重的打擊, 今天這女生從謊言中醒覺,痛苦中成長蛻變,終於學懂了放下,再次回到她最愛的音樂世界,站上舞臺再次發亮。 她發覺原來只要走進音樂的世界,所有的委屈和痛苦都只是一個經歷,一切都不重要,因此這首歌叫《沒關係》。 希望觀眾會感到音樂的真實和生命,無論受多大傷害, 只要有音樂, 一切的苦難都會是《沒關係》。 這首歌有在「多倫多中文電台」有播放過,「A1 Chinese Radio Toronto Canada」,與商業電台 嘅《馬路的事 我哋的事》, 還有台灣電台「獨立音樂講堂 -第二十八集」(DJ罐頭)。 這是我的真實寫照,希望大家能在輕鬆中的音樂中感受到我的經歷。 "It's Okay" is an original song written by Lisa Hui in May 2016. Lisa had given up her beloved musical world for her love and new born son. The change in circumstance left Lisa very depressed at the time. This song was written for the "9th Chinese Song Writing Competition", sponsored by the Canadian Chinese radio station. Lisa took the opportunity to write and record "It's Okay" while rejoicing in her return to music. "It's Okay" describes a girl who is reborn to create music... capturing Lisa's return to writing original songs. The story of a woman who's experiences through a false world of love left her without her creativity. Leaving her alone in a place where no matter how hard she tries the reality of lost love leaves her on the edge. The reality of life has hit her hard. Today, this girl wakes up from the lies, grows and transforms the pain into strength. She learns to let go and return to her beloved musical world again. Standing on the stage and shining again is where she wants to be. She has realized that as long as she walks in the world of music the pain and hurt are no longer important... "It's Okay" Lisa hopes that her audience and listeners feel the truth and the life in her music. No matter how much damage or trauma we have experienced as long as there is music "It's Okay" Instagram: lisahui94 YouTube: https://youtu.be/axeS-dexOmo English translation Lisa Hui & brett beattie

沒關係 “It’s okay” 許靜雯 Lisa Hui 原創歌曲 歌詞視頻 Lisa 的創作...