關於utmost的評價, Lee Hsien Loong
We saw our largest daily number of COVID-19 cases so far yesterday. Many were from foreign worker do...
We saw our largest daily number of COVID-19 cases so far yesterday. Many were from foreign worker do...
Hero https://www.facebook.com/100014456797730/posts/842843302874222/?d=n My dad is an essential...
Pic - Expecting Twins again ... Alhamdulillah - Sy...
I am very disappointed that my siblings have chos...
前外相聶偉敬就香港暴血局勢,緊急致函香港特首林鄭月娥。 於是,又到了學英文時間。 先留意上...
前外相聶偉敬就香港暴血局勢,緊急致函香港特首林鄭月娥。 於是,又到了學英文時間。 先留意上款:聶...
Visited the National Centre for Infectious Diseas...
Visited the National Centre for Infectious Disease...
你知道為什麼 #又是聶永真 嗎? 因為我很讚! ─────────────────── 郭元益 ...
致關心中研院的朋友,晚安: 首先,謝謝大家的關心。相信大家相當憂心本院出現境外移入的群聚感染。不過...