關於tibi的評價, Yana Samsudin
#Repost from @arymuzamer ・・・ @yanasamsudin #makeup by #arymuzamer for #ffm27 **sorry for the not...
#Repost from @arymuzamer ・・・ @yanasamsudin #makeup by #arymuzamer for #ffm27 **sorry for the not...
怪美的 舞蹈還喜歡嗎?? 昨晚擦了個汗 因為自己默默在內心打了個分數 (別理我) 希望你們...
I love dresses. @tibi @zimmermann @lanecrawford...
Hari ini, wakil saya, Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Sh...
Saya telah melawat Hospital Queen Elizabeth petang...
I love my family. Semua orang sayangkan keluarga m...
好期待這個特別花了兩天錄影的節目,溫馨又惹笑!🥰🥰🥰 #ootd @jimmychoo @harv...
Backstage makeup for New York fashion here I come...
Happy Friday☀️ Outfit @harveynicholshk @tibi Mak...