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關於黑蒜頭食譜的評價, 蘿潔塔的廚房

期待已久的羅宋湯食譜終於來惹~ 兒子跟女兒喝幾口後就跟我說,媽咪,這個很像那個賣潛艇堡那家的湯,好好喝喔~ 這道羅宋湯剛做好後,拍了幾張照給持家男,結果還被抱怨XD 他看了影片說:你這個料這麼多, ...

大家食飽吂?客家料理端上桌,白飯要多煮一杯,賣菜郎今天報名了公益料理課,與客家媳婦主廚一同做做菜! #分享幸福展開看食譜 1. 客家麻油雞酒 (媽媽味吃了流淚) 土雞隻(母雞) 老薑1大塊 冰糖小匙 純米酒2~3瓶 黑芝麻油3大匙 枸杞子1大匙(可不放) 2. 客家小炒 五花肉300g 豆乾5片 魷魚乾1隻 芹菜1小把 青蔥5~8根 大紅辣椒1根 蒜頭末2大匙 米酒2大匙 糖1小匙 醬油2大匙 白胡椒粉適量 鹽&油適量 3. 客家鑲豆腐

大家食飽吂?客家料理端上桌,白飯要多煮一杯,賣菜郎今天報名了公益料理課,與客家媳婦主廚一同做做菜! ...

今日教大家 📌蒜容牛油焗龍蝦尾車厘茄 📌姜餅人 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 龍蝦尾凍肉資料👉https://bit.ly/3adssZ3 🍏🍏🍏蘋果膠連結🍏🍏🍏 中文 https://www.jlc-health.com/tc-maria-christmas-optin Eng https://www.jlc-health.com/en-maria-christmas-optin 🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏 2020年11月30日Live 食譜 特別鳴謝easycook 食譜義工團,快靚正呀🙏🙏 薑餅人曲奇 材料: 原味曲奇粉 一包 豆蔻粉 半茶匙 丁香粉 半茶匙 薑粉 四茶匙 玉桂粉 兩茶匙 鹽半 茶匙 牛油(室溫) 150 克 雞蛋 一隻 做法: 1)牛油放大碗內用發蛋器撥開 2)把原味曲奇粉,所有香料粉,鹽加入已撥開的牛油內,用攪拌棒把牛油及粉拌勻 3)加入雞蛋一隻,再拌勻,然後用手輕輕將粉團稍微搓埋 4)將混合物倒在即矽膠墊上,再用手搓成粉團 5)將粉團分成兩份,分別放入兩個食用膠袋中,從大粉團取出兩份小粉團,把小粉團放在膠袋的角落裏,然後用木棍把袋中的粉團搓成一薄塊, 封好袋口,然後存放在冰格裏30分鐘至硬身 6)硬身後從冰箱取出,沿著膠袋邊把袋剪開,跟著用薑餅人、聖誕樹或星星曲奇模在餅皮上印出曲奇,然後放在已鋪上焗盤紙的餅盤上,放入已預熱攝氏180度焗爐內焗12~15分鐘便可取出。 * 溫馨提示:餅模先沾上少許麵粉然後印出薑餅,會較容易脫模。 * 如果要用糖霜裝飾,須等薑餅放涼後才可開始裝飾 English Version (YouTube video starts at 17:23. Skip to 31:10.) Gingerbread Man Cookies Ingredients: Plain cookie mix - 500g Butter - 150g (room temperature) Ginger powder - 4 tsp Cinnamon powder - 2 tsp Nutmeg - ½ tsp Clove powder - ½ tsp Salt - ½ tsp Egg - 1 whole Plastic bags or plastic wrap Methods: 1. In a mixing bowl, add in butter and whip until fluffy. 2. Add in plain cookie mix powder, ginger powder, cinnamon powder, nutmeg powder, clove powder, and salt. Mix well. 3. Add in egg and mix well into a dough. 4. Split the dough into 2 pieces and put each into a plastic bag. 5. Fill the two corners of the plastic bag with doughs and flatten the rest with a rolling pin to your desired even thickness. Seal the plastic bag and put it in the freezer and freeze until the dough is hardened about 30 minutes. Repeat the same with the other dough in the plastic bag. 6. Once the dough is hardened, remove plastic bag and shape into pieces with cookie cutter. Dip the cookie cutter into some flour for easy release and prevent stickiness. 7. Bake at 180C (350F) for about 12 – 15 minutes. Serve. 蒜蓉牛油焗龍蝦尾車厘茄 材料 📌 紅椒,青椒,黃椒各一個 📌 車厘茄數粒 📌 急凍龍蝦尾4 - 5隻,視乎氣炸鍋容量。 紅椒,青椒,黃椒醃料 📌 橄欖油少許 📌 黑胡椒少許 📌 鹽少許 龍蝦尾牛油 📌 牛油少許 📌 鹽少許 📌 黑胡椒粉少許 📌 蒜頭少許 做法 1. 紅椒,青椒,黃椒切細件,加入橄欖油,黑胡椒,鹽,之後連同車厘茄放入氣炸鍋用200度焗3分鐘。 2. 龍蝦尾用手將它屈鬆,之後用長匙羹尾端篤入龍蝦尾底部,貼住內殼篤入,用意把龍蝦肉與殼分離。之後再屈鬆龍蝦尾數下。 3. 用剪刀沿著龍蝦尾背部中間剪開殼,剪到最尾一格停,再向左右兩邊打橫剪一剪。 4. 用尖的刀仔篤入龍蝦尾兩邊側邊向入刮一刮,用意令龍蝦肉離開龍蝦殼,之後用手指伸入龍蝦尾底部用力頂龍蝦肉出來,直至到尾段停止。(此時狀態是3/4的龍蝦肉躺在龍蝦尾殼上)之後見到腸部除去,再把龍蝦尾用清水沖乾淨,索乾水份。之後龍蝦尾放在枱上攤開。 5. 碗內放入牛油,黑胡椒粉,鹽,蒜頭碎,撈勻。用匙羹刮一羹牛油塗在龍蝦肉上,直至全部龍蝦肉塗上牛油。 6. 氣炸鍋內的紅椒,黃椒,青椒,車厘茄倒出在碟上,備用。 7. 龍蝦再攤開尾部,逐隻逐隻平放入氣炸鍋內。用200度焗9 - 10分鐘。焗好後後取出,鋪在步驟6的碟上,之後用掃將已溶的牛油掃上在龍蝦肉上,即成。 English Version (YouTube video starts at 3:29. Skip to 23:11 for finished products.) Baked Lobster Tails with Garlic and Butter and Cherry Tomatoes Ingredients: Frozen Lobster tails (Defrost and flex it a couple of times on both sides to loosen the meat by holding onto both ends of the lobster tail. Stick a chopstick into the underside and loosen the meat. Cut the upper shell through the center all the way to the tail and cut a vertical slit. Use a small knife to carefully loosen the meat on both sides of the shell because frozen lobster tail meat tends to stick to the shell. Slowly wiggle the meat out from the shell with your hand but leave the last part of the meat intact with the tail. Air fry with the shell on will retain its moisture and better presentation. Clean away any debris and pat dry.) Vegetable Ingredients: Bell peppers - cut into chunks (green, red, yellow) Cherry tomatoes Seasoning Ingredients: Olive oil Salt Black pepper Butter Garlic, minced Methods: 1. In a bowl, add in bell pepper chunks. Spray a bit of olive oil and add salt and black pepper. Mix well. Transfer to air fryer. Add in cherry tomatoes. Cook for 3 – 4 minutes at 200C. After 3 – 4 minutes, transfer to a serving plate and arrange nicely. 2. In a bowl, add in butter, salt, black pepper, and minced garlic. Mix well. Scoop a spoonful and smear on top of lobster tail meat. 3. Transfer lobster tails to the air fryer. Flatten the tail fins nicely. Cook at 200C for 9 minutes for juicy tender or 10 minutes for chewier texture. 4. Optional to drizzle melted butter on top before serving. #肥媽食譜 #mariakitchen

今日教大家 📌蒜容牛油焗龍蝦尾車厘茄 📌姜餅人 ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ 龍蝦尾凍肉資料👉htt...

大家食飽吂?客家料理端上桌 Part 2! 白飯要多煮一杯,賣菜郎今天報名了公益料理課,與客家媳婦主廚一同做做菜! #分享幸福看食譜 1. 客家麻油雞酒 (媽媽味吃了流淚) 土雞隻(母雞) 老薑1大塊 冰糖小匙 純米酒2~3瓶 黑芝麻油3大匙 枸杞子1大匙(可不放) 2. 客家小炒 五花肉300g 豆乾5片 魷魚乾1隻 芹菜1小把 青蔥5~8根 大紅辣椒1根 蒜頭末2大匙 米酒2大匙 糖1小匙 醬油2大匙 白胡椒粉適量 鹽&油適量 3. 客家鑲豆腐

大家食飽吂?客家料理端上桌 Part 2! 白飯要多煮一杯,賣菜郎今天報名了公益料理課,與客家媳婦主...