【XTERRA Taiwan 2020 Registration Info】
★☆ 無須折扣碼,就比早鳥團報價更便宜 ★☆
(English Below)
XTERRA 教練兼越野三項職業選手許元耕,針對 XTERRA 賽道風格給予選車重點:
1、避震:選擇避震行程在 100~120 左右的車款,在爬坡時的穩定性較佳。
2、輪胎:因應河床極長下坡地形,選擇胎寬 2.0~2.2,搭配無內胎系統、全能胎紋,可提升在乾燥或稍微潮濕的路面時的抓地力。
挑一部適合你的登山車,生涯首場越野騎乘賽,就從 XTERRA 帶你深入墾丁秘境開始~
【XTERRATAIWAN 2020 Registration Info】
- 開報優惠:2019/09/01~09/07
★☆ 無須折扣碼,就比早鳥團報價更便宜 ★☆
XTERRA certified coach & Elite racer 許元耕Yuan-Keng Hsu provides his advice on MTB selection for races like XTERRA Taiwan:
1. Suspension: Select a model with suspension travel of 100mm-120mm, which is better for climbing.
2. Tires: Due to the long downhills, river beds & grassy climbs, choose a tire width of 2.0-2.2, with a tubeless system & all-round tread. This improves grip on dry or slightly wet track.
3. Weight: The lighter the bike, the better it'll be for XTERRA cross-country style racing & it'll be especially helpful for the climbing you'll experience on the XTERRA Taiwan bike course.
【XTERRATAIWAN 2020 Registration Info】
- Early Early Bird $: Sep 01-07, 2019
★☆ No group codes available during early bird as this pricing is the most competitive. ★☆
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