turnout rate中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

#1. turnout rate - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"turnout rate" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#2. Turnout (rate)是什么意思? - Will的美语课
所谓turnout,或turnout rate,其英文意思是指:the percentage of eligible voters who cast a ballot in an.
#3. voter turnout rate 中文- 投票率… - 查查在線詞典
voter turnout rate中文:投票率…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋voter turnout rate的中文翻譯,voter turnout rate的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
turnout 的例句. turnout. The present system of electing individuals is considered seriously flawed given the low voter turnouts. 來自Cambridge ...
#5. turnover rate - 周轉率 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
中國大陸譯名: 出栏率. 以turnover rate 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文 ...
#6. voter turnout rate 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
voter: n. 投票者;選舉人。 a casting voter 決定性投票者[主席]。 turnout: 1. 走出屋外的人群;(集會的)出席者,到會者;外貌;服裝;裝備。2. 生產(量)。3.
#7. 投票率-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
NLGN发现北爱尔兰的上院议员投票率最低。 The NLGN found that peers resident in Northern Ireland vote least often.
#8. turnover(rate)-人員流動率 - 經理人
為什麼你所任職公司的人員流動率那麼高? Generous wages and benefits usually result in low employee turnover. 豐厚的薪水和福利往往能讓人員流動率降到最低。
#9. voter turnout rate中文 - 法律貼文懶人包
Voter Turnout Data - United States Elections Project。 This spreadsheet now includes VAP and VEP estimates for the 2014 general election. National and state ...
集會等的)出席者;聚集人數[S1];產量,產額[S1]. Dr.eye 譯典通 · turnout · 查看更多. IPA[ˈtɜːnaʊt]. 美式. 英式. n. 到會人數; 到場人數; 參加人數;清理 ...
#11. turnout rate – 中文翻译– Multitran 词典
登录 | Chinese | 使用条款 · 词典论坛联络. 英语⇄ 中文. Google | Forvo | + · turnout rate · 技术 · 转换率 · 增加 | 报告错误 | 获取短网址 | 语言选择诀窍.
#12. 公務員事務局- 搜尋政府部門常用辭彙
英文, voter registration campaign. 中文, 選民登記運動;選民登記活動. 類別, 政制及選舉事務. 英文, voter registration drive. 中文, 選民登記運動.
#13. File:2016 ECSC Election Turnout Rate.png - 維基百科
您可以自由:. 分享– 複製、發佈和傳播本作品; 重新修改– 創作演繹作品. 惟需遵照下列條件:. 姓名標示– 您必須指名出正確的製作者,和提供授權條款的連結,以及表示是否有 ...
#14. voter turnout rate — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
While the average voter turnout rate at Victorian state elections since 1999 is over 92 percent, there has been a general decline in voter turnout at the ...
#15. 選制變遷對投票參與的影響:以台灣立委選舉為例
Effects of Electoral System Change on Voter Turnout: The Case of ... effect of system changes on the turnout rate and voting behavior of individual voters.
#16. 投票統計表
Turnout. 累積投票人數. Cumulative. Turnout. 累積投票率. Turnout rate(%). 南丫島北段鄉事委員會. Lamma Island (North) Rural. Committee.
#17. Turnout 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Turnout 释义: The turnout at an event is the number of people who go to it or take part in it. | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#18. US Elections 2020 Vocabulary / Voter Turnout - BBC
Find out the meaning of 'Voter Turnout' and learn how to use it with three examples from the news.
#19. Voter Turnout by Election - Elections & Voting - Washington ...
Election Date Description Total Counties Total Precincts Eligible Registered Vot... 11/2/2021 General Election 39 7,722 4,814,675 8/3/2021 Primary 37 6,774 4,355,213 4/27/2021 April Special Election 19 576 326,147
#20. Voter Registration and Turnout Statistics - IN.gov
Implementation of National Voter Registration Act in Indiana (1995) · Summary of Voter Participation Data Before the Implementation of NVRA, 1948-1996 ** · NVRA ...
#21. Central Election Commission:::A Research on Improving the ...
The CEC collaborated with Professor Chuang Wen-Zhong and his research team of Shih Hsin University to conduct a research on improving the current method for ...
#22. Registration and Electoral Office 選舉事務處
Registration and Electoral Office Website 選舉事務處網頁.
#23. 選管會主席記者會發言全文(只有中文 ...
As far as your second question is concerned, polling stations were short of ballot boxes and as a result, the voting process was delayed. Some ...
#24. 轉寄 - 博碩士論文行動網
詳目顯示 ; 2008年全國性公民投票參與因素之探究 · A Study on the Factors of Voting Participation in the Taiwan 2008 National Referendums · 劉正山 · Cheng-shan Liu.
#25. Election Committee constituency voter turnout tops 90 pct in ...
HONG KONG, Dec. 19 (Xinhua) -- The cumulative turnout rate in the Election Committee constituency of the seventh-term Legislative Council ...
#26. 转换率_百度百科
转换率turnover ratio,turnover rate 在一定群体、群落和生态系统中,现存量(个体数或生物量)处于稳定时,在一定时间内输入量(或输出量)对现存量的比率称为转换 ...
#27. 員工流失率 - MBA智库百科
員工流失率(Staff turnover rate)員工流失率就是辭職員工占單位時間內員工總數平均值的比例。員工流失率指標的高低根據企業性質而定, 傳統企業一般以2~4% 為正常, ...
#28. 英语-汉语turnover rate翻译
'turnover rate'在免费英语-汉语词典的翻译,查看更多汉语的翻译。
#29. 我曾见证香港真正的民主选举,它绝不是这样的 - 纽约时报
#30. Turnout in 2020 election spiked among both Democratic
Turnout in the 2020 election was exceptionally high, resulting in a victory for Joe Biden. In response, some Republican-controlled state ...
#31. 00560 工程術語與縮寫Terminology and Abbreviation - 台灣區 ...
1.一般術語及定義General Terms and Definitions. 英文全名或定義. FULL NAME OR DEFINITION. 中文意義. CHINESE MEANING. 縮寫. ABBR. Contract Price. 契約價格.
#32. 別訪問我!我對政治沒興趣: 主題效應與TEDS 高估投票率之研究
「主題效應」(topic effect) 指出,對調查主題越感興趣的人越可能. 接受訪問,所以和主題有關的估計值容易被誇大。台灣選舉與民主化調. 查(TEDS) 是一個以政治及選舉為 ...
#33. APIAVote: Get Involved
Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote) was founded in 2007 with a vision to increase civic engagement among Asian American and Pacific Islanders ( ...
#34. Voter Turnout Rate - 2019 District Councils Election
Time (as at) Aggregate Voter Turnout Aggregate Voter Turnout Rate (%) 08:30 157,889 3.82 09:30 430,446 10.41 10:30 720,455 17.43
#35. KMT Humbled by Turnout Rate, Not DPP - Kuomintang News ...
In the 2009 local elections, the ruling Kuomintang (KMT) won 47.88% of the vote, down nearly 2 percentage points compared to the 2005 local elections. Meanwhile ...
#36. SQL: SELECT * FROM this || 國家教育研究院-電機工程學術名詞
英文名稱, 中文名稱. tube resonator, 管式諧振器. tube type arrester, 管式避雷器. tube-in-sheet heater, 管板式加熱器. tube-lined boiler wall, 敷管爐牆.
#37. Legislative Council Election turnout rate - Social Indicators of ...
The percentage of registered voters who turned out to vote in Legislative Council election. Voters in 1991 election were those aged 21 or ...
#38. How could voter turnout influence US elections outcome?
Voting is a central pillar of democracy. The US consistently scores lower than other Western democracies in voter turnout.
#39. Registration and Turnout Statistics - Office of Elections
Interactive Registration and Turnout Maps Primary Elections (1959-2020)
#40. Voting Powers - World Bank Group
Member countries are allocated votes at the time of membership and subsequently for additional subscriptions to capital. Votes are allocated differently in each ...
#41. Department of Environmental Protection, Taoyuan logo
In the past, the most difficult part of the bureau's inspection of air pollution fees was not being able to grasp the businesses' amount of raw material usage.
#42. Hung Elected KMT Chairperson with Record Low Turnout Rate
Hung Hsiu-chiu, nicknamed “Little Red Pepper,” won the election for the Chair of the Kuomintang political party earlier on March 26.
#43. Historical Voter Turnout | Department of Elections
Date Registration Turnout % Turnout Precinct Mail Ballot % Reg; Vtrs Rtnd; Mail B... 3/03/2020 503,899 305,184 60.56% 107,184 198,000 39.29% 11/05/2019 495,050 206,122 41.64% 59,428 146,694 29.63% 11/06/2018 500,516 372,848 74.49% 127,886 244,962 48.94%
#44. Should we worry about low voter turnouts in Switzerland?
On average, less than half of registered Swiss voters go to the polls. But there's no need to panic about negative effects on the country's ...
#45. 17.7 Million Americans with Disabilities Voted in 2020, a ...
Expanded access to mail-in ballots pushed disability turnout to 17.7 million, up from 16 million in 2016. The researchers will discuss the ...
#46. With Voter Turnout At All-Time Low, Coalition Calls For ...
(New York, NY) -Only 1 in 4 registered New York City voters participated in the 2014 midterm general election, continuing a trend of ...
#47. turnover rate 中文 - Sichere
存貨週轉率Inventory Turnover-知識百科-三民輔考. 英文名称Turnover Rate 中文名称,换手率也称周转率,指在一定时间内市场中股票转手买卖的频率, ...
#48. 中學生活與社會課程常用英漢辭彙
本辭彙依照下列原則編訂:. 1. 本辭彙包含的英文辭彙均以英文字母次序排列。 2. 當某英文辭彙有多於一個中文譯名,並以斜線號(/) 分隔,表示各譯名的適切 ...
#49. Ballot return statistics - King County
Ballot return statistics will be available 15 days prior to Election Day. Results · Request data · Past ballot return stats.
#50. Voter turnout of Election Committee sector exceeds 95%
Nine hours into the Hong Kong Legislative Council election, about 95.4 percent, or 1381, of the 1448 members in the Election Committee ...
#51. 中大學生會代表會CUSU Council - Publications | Facebook
所有香港中文大學學生會中央組織及成員書院學生會一律免交按金及租金. 團體如有意投攤,煩請先細閱《投攤 ... Aggregate Voter Turnout Rate as at 4pm, 21 March:
#52. UM students break voting records in 2020 - University of ...
A junior at the University of Michigan School of Kinesiology, Riley Friedman is a first-time voter. Image credit: Fernanda Pires.
#53. How Britain voted in the 2017 election | Ipsos MORI
As we have for every general election since 1979, Ipsos MORI has produced estimates of how the voters voted in 2017.
#54. Why 2020 Broke Voter Turnout Records - Nonprofit Vote
The historic 2020 election — which saw over 160 million voters turnout — didn't start with the series of primaries earlier this year or even ...
#55. Ambivalent Voting Behavior: Ideology, Efficacy, and the ... - X-MOL
In contrast to theories that predict a higher turnout rate among the poor in authoritarian regimes, I show that the socioeconomic dynamic of voting in Iran ...
#56. Hong Kong sees record-low voter turnout in its 'patriot-only ...
Hong Kong had a record-low 30.2 percent voter turnout in its first "patriot-only" Legislative Council elections on December 19, 2021.
#57. SSM: The NT celebrates result despite having lowest survey ...
Sixty-one per cent of Territorians voted Yes, but the NT had the lowest participation rate in Australia, with less than half of 20 to ...
#58. Polling Locations and Voters | CDC
Archived Webpage: Guidance on routine cleaning and disinfection of polling locations and actions polling station workers can take to reduce risk of COVID-19 ...
#59. Voter turnout (video) | Khan Academy
#60. voter turnout rate - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供voter turnout rate的在线翻译,voter turnout rate是什么意思,voter turnout rate的真人发音,权威用法和精选例句等。
#61. Turnout rate of Functional Constituency in LegCo election reaches ...
Turnout rate of Functional Constituency in LegCo election reaches 55.9%. chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2021-12-19 21:58. Share. Share - WeChat.
#62. Association of Chronic Opioid Use With Presidential Voting ...
Findings This cross-sectional analysis of a national sample of Medicare claims data found that chronic use of prescription opioid drugs was ...
#63. The Political Process - Steam
Explore a dynamic world of politics in this turn-based, political simulator. Create a character, run for political office, write legislation ...
#64. Multi-media Functions at www.vote04.hk to Boost Turnout Rate
In addition to the basic information about the 2004 LegCo election, Civic Exchange has enriched VOTE04 by adding and refining THREE major interesting features:.
#65. Tinder Orders More Swipe Night Following Transformative 20 ...
Los Angeles, Calif. - August 11, 2021 - Tinder, the world's most popular app for sparking connections with new people, announced today that it has ordered a ...
#66. Progressive Turnout Project | LinkedIn
Progressive Turnout Project | 2448 followers on LinkedIn. We rally Democrats to vote. | Progressive Turnout Project is the largest voter contact ...
#67. “Youth Political Participation and Social Media Use in Hong ...
Youth have become a force for transformational change in Hong Kong. They have played a visible and prominent role in a number of political activities and policy ...
#68. 2020 Census Response Rate Update: 99.98% Complete ...
99.98% of all housing units and addresses nationwide were accounted for in the 2020 Census as of the end of self-response and field data ...
#69. 英文中文Organ(原始) 提供秘書處參考權責機關Commissioner ...
英文. 中文. Organ(原始). 提供秘書處參考權責機關. Commissioner. 處長. 人事處. 臺北市政府人事處. Deputy Commissioner. 副處長. 人事處. 臺北市政府人事處.
#70. Employee Retention vs. Turnover: Key Differences & Why It ...
There are distinctions between retention and turnover rates. Taken together, however, they provide a holistic view of your workforce's ...
#71. Campaigns, Mobilization, and Turnout in Mayoral Elections
mayoral elections, voter turnout, local politics, civic engagement, mayors ... Wood (2002), for instance, finds an average turnout rate of 34 percent in ...
#72. SDI Report 2012.pdf - 香港社會服務聯會
政府統計處. 香港電台. 入境事務處. 香港警務處. 公務員事務局. 香港懲教署. 水務署. 財經事務及庫務局. 司法機構. 康樂及文化事務署. 民政事務總署.
#73. Mexico Referendum on Former Leaders Has Low Turnout - WSJ
President Andrés Manuel López Obrador had hoped to advance efforts to investigate and prosecute alleged wrongdoing of several past ...
#74. What Causes Low Voter Turnout in the United States? - EKU ...
In the 2012 presidential election, only about 55% of the voting age population cast a ballot. Voter turnout is even lower in midterm election ...
#75. These are the countries with the highest voter turnout - The ...
A record-breaking 40 million Americans cast their vote early in the midterm elections. Here's how the US turnout stacks up against other ...
#76. hot sale online Shires Tempest Original Turnout Pink Nebular 75 ...
add our free customizable currency converter and exchange rate tables to your site today. currencies by name · a b c d e f g h i j k l ...
#77. Oxford Languages | The Home of Language Data
Explore Oxford Languages, the home of world-renowned language data.
#78. The Straits Times - Breaking News, Lifestyle & Multimedia News
The Straits Times - Get latest breaking news, business, sports, lifestyle, tech & multimedia and more news in Singapore, Asia & rest of the ...
#79. As It Happened: Arsenal U23s 1-1 West Ham United U23s
Two West Ham changes - Okoflex comes off for Thierry Nevers, and Mipo Odubeko comes on for Perkins. Not bad attacking options to have off the ...
#80. Neil Kothari - The Cavalier Daily - University of Virginia's ...
It is highly inequitable to offer students who are in a comfortable living situation an opportunity to gain an unfair advantage while leaving behind those who ...
#81. Germany: Thousands protest coronavirus pandemic policies
As Germany battles a fifth coronavirus wave, people took to the street to rail against COVID-19 restrictions and a possible vaccine mandate.
#82. Culture Politics and Linguistic Recognition in Taiwan: ...
... an Act on the Unification of Chinese Transliteration (中文譯音統一規定草案), ... The low turnout rate suggests that many members may have preferred to ...
#83. Armed robbers go free under the Democrats - The Australian
So let me introduce you to Alvin Bragg, the new district attorney for Manhattan. He is the local prosecutor whose job it is to enforce the law, ...
#84. French teachers strike over 'chaotic' COVID-19 strategy for ...
PARIS (Reuters) -Tens of thousands of French teachers angry with the government's COVID-19 rules walked off the job on Thursday and took to ...
#85. 轉換率- turnover rate 在一定 - 華人百科
轉換率turnover ratio,turnover rate 在一定群體、群落和生態系統中,現存量(個體數或生物量)處於穩定時,在一定時間內輸入量(或輸出量)對現存量的比率稱為轉換率。
#86. NYC Allowing 800,000 Non-Citizens to Vote - NTD News
Voter turnout in New York City has been going down for decades and is often only around 20 ...
#87. Kalidoface app. Q. The latest Tweets from coockie skillet ...
Kalidoface app. Q. The latest Tweets from coockie skillet (@coockiesousa). About Vrchat Furry Avatar World . A WeChat MiniProgram Face AR using TensorFlow.
#88. Best Dr. Bill Bailey Podcasts (2022) - Player FM
A political comedy podcast hosted by Erin Gibson and Bryan Safi who cover LGBTQ+ and gender issues of the moment with hilarity and healthy doses of vulgarity ...
#89. Mishler lab. Plasma clearance and renal excretion of ...
Mishler lab. Plasma clearance and renal excretion of erythrocyte cryoprotectant hydroxyethylated amylopectin. , Grover, H. He was ahead of me moving at ...
turnout rate中文 在 中大學生會代表會CUSU Council - Publications | Facebook 的必吃
所有香港中文大學學生會中央組織及成員書院學生會一律免交按金及租金. 團體如有意投攤,煩請先細閱《投攤 ... Aggregate Voter Turnout Rate as at 4pm, 21 March: ... <看更多>