你就聯想成,切得越深,切口就越大,這樣比較好記。 所以take it down(把它拉低一點) a notch(程度)的意思,就是稍微緩一下,别做到那麼絕或 ...
所以take it down(把它拉低一點) a notch(程度)的意思, 就是稍微緩一下,别做到那麼絕或誇張的地步。 這慣用語超好用,也因此它的中文翻譯很多,必須即興發揮 ...
#3. "to take something down a notch" 是什麼意思 - 每日頭條
1: Take it down a notch! / Bring it down a notch! (給某人降降風頭/勢頭/興奮點). 例句:I know you're excited, but you need to bring it down ...
#4. take it down a notch-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: Take it down a notch.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"take it down a notch"
#5. "take it down a notch"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)的問題
take it down a notch 是什麼意思. 查看翻譯 · 放轻松点的意思通常在一件事情做得很过分的时候才会用的 "Let's turn the music down a notch" "把音乐调 ...
take it down a notch中文 :不要沖動(俚語) …,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋take it down a notch的中文翻譯,take it down a notch的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
take it down a notch ... 從urban dictionary的原意來解釋就是別激動,別這麼熱情。。。 ... "Do you think that maybe I should talk to him gently ...
notch 這個單字一般指V 型的刻痕,同時也有「等級」的意思。 所以啦,take it up a notch 正是「更上一層樓」,又上昇了一個檔次的意思。 另外,也 ...
#9. take it down a notch中文 - 藥師家
「take it down a notch中文」+1。1:Takeitdownanotch!/Bringitdownanotch!(給某人降降風頭/勢頭/興奮點).例句:Iknowyou'reexcited,butyouneedtobringitdownanotch ...
#10. take it down a notch中文 - 軟體兄弟
take it down a notch中文,有關英語(美國) 的問題| 放轻松点的意思通常在一件事情做得很过分的时候才会用的"Let's turn the music down a notch" "把音乐调小声点" ...
#11. 看影集學英文——摩登家庭Modern Family 1-1
take it down a notch : instruction to an individual to regulate his or her level of enthusiasm. 中文可翻譯為收斂一點
#12. LC:Take it down a notch - 人人焦點
You're a bit loud at the moment, can you please take it down a notch. (最後一句依然留給大家來翻譯。) Language Cafe 由國際台首席英文主播 ...
#13. "take it down a notch"? - 知乎
也是在Modern Family看来的,S02E18里面,Gloria让Jay和她去看音乐会,被Jay拒绝了. 这个地方应该就是take it easy或者calm down的意思.
#14. NOTCH在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
It has wellpreserved leather straps (and no trace of a heel strap) and has a notch or groove running the length of the underside. 來自Cambridge ...
#15. take down a notch 中文
but you need to bring it down a notch. You're new … Bring it all down a level so you can function effectively and get it done in le Take it down a notch ...
#16. "crank it up a notch "是什麼意思 - 旅遊日本住宿評價
crank it up a notch中文,大家都在找解答。 it's a expression/slag meaning to turn ... "to take something down a notch" 是什麼意思| crank it up a notch中文.
#17. down a notch - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"down a notch" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。 ... Policy Advisory Group to take heed of any unfair mode of competition that may ...
#18. take it down a notch意思 :: 台灣咖啡館
take it down a notch 意思| 台灣咖啡館 ... 咖啡廳名稱:NOTCH咖啡本町店縣市:台北市詳細地址:台北市中正區重慶南路一段35號營業時間:用餐是否有限時:是否有插座:.
#19. Take It Down a Notch : Djcybertsai: 數位音樂 - Take It Down a Notch : Djcybertsai: 數位音樂.
#20. Take it Down a Notch - Urban Dictionary
If somebody is taking more than his fair share, or thinks he's all that, it's time "take him down a notch." Put him in his place. To take someone down a ...
#21. "take it down a notch"? - GetIt01
"take it down a notch"? 01-31. I was watching "Modern Family" the other day and this phrase baffled me ...
#22. what does "take it down a notch" mean? - italki
Well, imagine a machine with a lever (/an arm /a hand gear) on it. ... "take it down a notch" = make less intense (for example, make slower, ...
#23. take sb down a notch是什么意思 - 百度知道
2. You have to take capital appreciation of the property into account. 你必须将该处房产的资本增值考虑在内。 来自柯林斯例句 3. "Take That" are ...
#24. Let's take it down a notch.:少し落ち着こうよ - YOSHIの ...
Let's take it down a notch.:少し落ち着こうよ ... 【フレーズ】Let's take it down a notch. ... 昨日とは反対のニュアンスになります。 ... 気持ちを少し ...
#25. Take down a notch: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音
也许最重要的是,弗拉基米尔·弗拉基米罗维奇(Vladimir Vladimirovich) 从不害怕将其提升一个档次。 Maybe you should take it down a ...
#26. Charlie & The S******d Take It Down a Notch, Pt. I - Single
在Apple Music 聆聽Spells的《Charlie & The S******d Take It Down a Notch, Pt. I - Single》。串流《Taking It Over (Acoustic)》、《Second Home (Acoustic)》等 ...
#27. take down a notch 中文– top notch 中文 - Barcelonan
互译语言,中文,英语Translator Translate texts with the world's best machine ... To take it down a notch omit Push-Up~} Objective is to keep those hips from ...
#28. take it down a notch的翻译是: 什么意思? 中文翻译英文
take it down a notch. 5个回答. 走下来一个档次 2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名. 正在翻译,请等待... 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名. 采取它在山谷下
#29. 如何理解裡面let us take it down a notch這句話。感覺很彆扭 ...
1樓:忽忽唔知. 敢問童鞋,這個是摩登家庭的書?還是網上資料列印?我也在學習這個劇,多謝! 2樓:prince嗜妳成命. 其實很多英文翻譯過來也挺彆扭 ...
#30. 手機的「瀏海」英文怎麼說? - Sammy 老師
比如有人太吵,說Take it down a notch, will you? ... 叫此人不要表現得太好笑top-notch則是一流,很好的意思例如:His performance is top-notch.
#31. Take down a notch - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
To reduce or damage one's ego or pride; to humble or humiliate one. I'm really glad that pompous oaf lost his court case—maybe that will take him down a ...
#32. Take It Up A Notch 照片檔及更多印度人照片 - iStock
立即下載此Take It Up A Notch 照片。在iStock 的免版稅圖片庫中搜尋更多印度人圖片,輕鬆下載快捷簡易。
#33. a notch - 中国的翻译
A notch的中国的翻译– 英语-中文字典和搜索引擎, 中国的翻译. ... 好了你不用这么大声的我会飞Okay, take it down a notch. So take it down a notch?
#34. Will Ferrell, Take It Down A Notch - Penny Bank - KKBOX
Penny Bank的歌曲「Will Ferrell, Take It Down A Notch」在這裡,快打開KKBOX 盡情收聽。
#35. TAKE IT DOWN A NOTCH in Turkish Translation - Tr-ex
Translations in context of "TAKE IT DOWN A NOTCH" in english-turkish. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "TAKE IT DOWN A NOTCH" ...
#36. Take It Down a Notch - Dream Big | Shazam
Take It Down a Notch. Dream Big. Pop. 4 Shazams. PLAY FULL SONG. Get up to 1 month free. Share. OVERVIEW. LYRICS. PLAY FULL SONG. Connect with Apple Music.
#37. AEE 842: Don't Take It Down a Notch! Listen Today - All Ears ...
Or they had loud parties? Did you ever have to ask them to be quiet or “take it down a notch”? What does that mean?
#38. Take down a notch Definition & Meaning |
Also, take down a peg. Deflate or humble someone, as in He's so arrogant that I wish someone would take him down a notch, or That defeat took them down a ...
#39. Vevo - The Kings Of Leon guys take it down a notch on...
The Kings Of Leon guys take it down a notch on their latest track "WALLS":
#40. Prioritizing mental health to boost your business: advice from ...
To be able to bring my best self to the table, to be a great facilitator of a transaction, to be the top-notch relational broker that I know ...
#41. What Is Abdominal Separation, or Diastasis Recti, and ... - Nike
While it happens to almost pregnant person, try these tips from experts ... a good cue to take your other go-to core exercises down a notch, ...
#42. Game 3 Preview: Warriors at Mavericks - 5/22/22 -
The Warriors have shot 56 percent from the floor through the first two games, and the Mavs will need to bring that down a notch or two if ...
#43. Take down a notch | WordReference Forums
Hello, is "take it down a notch" an idiom in English? What does it mean more specifically? I tried looking it up online but after reading ...
#44. Take it down a notch | Traductor inglés español
Traduce take it down a notch. Ver traducciones en inglés y español con pronunciaciones de audio, ejemplos y traducciones palabra por palabra.
#45. notch是什么意思,英语在线翻译 - 精品学习吧
I'm sure that would be quite a notch on your belt. 那你以后肯定就有机会飞黄腾达了吧. For my plan to work, I have to take him down a notch ...
#46. Sunny's Story - 第 374 頁 - Google 圖書結果
“I know that you did not just tell me who I can or can't see. Did you just do that? ... “Want to take it down a notch for her sake?” “Oh, my bad; sorry, ...
#47. Redemption Point: A Crimson Lake Novel - Google 圖書結果
My god, it's like a bomb hit!” No one spoke. Sweeney felt sweat running down her ribcage inside her pristine shirt. ... “Take it down a notch.
#48. Oh Lord, Help Me Keep My Panties On - 第 96 頁 - Google 圖書結果
In turn, I would tell him to take it down a notch and remind him that I was thinking about taking a break from the dating seen. Cory told me not to worry; ...
#49. The Real Thing: Lessons on Love and Life from a Wedding ...
... she's also trying to take it down a notch. She wants couples who are getting ready to walk down the aisle to know—really know—that it will be hard.
#50. Call of Vultures - Google 圖書結果
“You mean, did someone beat the snot out of him because of it? No. Nobody but my mother ever knew ... “Take it down a notch, Joe,” she advised, voice low.
#51. Word to the Wise - 第 135 頁 - Google 圖書結果
you think it's best if you come in and talk to them voluntarily before they ... in the air and lowered it, gesturing for Lindsey to take it down a notch.
#52. The British encyclopedia, or, Dictionary of arts and sciences
Take any quantity of lead you think fit , After you have done casting , take them and melt it down in an iron vessel ; and as out of the water , and dry ...
#53. Polar Perfection - Google 圖書結果
I had decided to give them both barrels because I was tired of the ... We are all proud of you, parents and coaches, but we need to take it up a notch.
#54. 每日一词-Take it down a notch_浦东翻译公司
Take it down a notch 在口语中经常可以看到,当我们想让对方别激动,淡定一点时,我们会这样说Let's take it a notch。 比如,在《摩登家庭》第一季 ...
#55. The Works: Revised & Corrected by the Author, with an ...
farther than it had yet done , bounded up off the sward and rolled on beyond . ... “ Now , take it in turns , I will leap last .
#56. take it down a notch - Türkçe İngilizce Sözlük - Tureng
Tureng Dictionary and Translation Ltd. Tureng Çok Dilli Sözlük size İngilizce, Fransızca, Almanca, İspanyolca ve Türkçe terimleri arayabileceğiniz kapsamlı ...
take it down a notch中文 在 Vevo - The Kings Of Leon guys take it down a notch on... 的必吃
The Kings Of Leon guys take it down a notch on their latest track "WALLS": ... <看更多>