#1. sugary drinks - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"sugary drinks" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
使用Reverso Context: Identify 2 types of sugary drinks.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"sugary drinks"
#3. 飲料百百種用英文怎麼說? | EF English Live | 遠見雜誌
何謂soft drink?soft drink 又稱non-alcoholic beverage,就是沒含alcohol(酒精)的飲料,也就是給小朋友或是未成年人喝的飲料,包括:milk、tea、juice ...
軟性飲料(Soft drink),又名清凉飲料,酒精含量(體積比)低於0.5%的天然或人工調配饮料。在歐美地區原本的定義是指由濃縮原料製成的碳酸或非碳酸飲料,但現在已是極低 ...
#5. 【sugary drinks中文】SoftDrink的定義是?|Yahoo奇... +1
了解更多。 ,大量翻译例句关于"sugary beverages" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句 ... Sugary Soft Drinks - 喝含糖飲料less sugary drinks - 不含糖份的飲料, ...
soft drink 翻譯:(不含酒精的)軟性飲料;汽水。了解更多。
#7. 「汽水」的不同叫法 - 語之奧秘
香港的教科書一般都是用 soft drink,因為 soft 和 drink 對學生都是簡單的英語生字,不過 soft drink 在英語裡的定義原來是這樣的:a cold drink ...
#8. Sweet drinks 中文,大家都在找解答 旅遊日本住宿評價
Sweet drinks 中文 ,大家都在找解答第1頁。6 天前- drink 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. drink. noun [ C or U ]. uk. Your browser ... I don't let the children ...
#9. 「糖」成為全球健康新公敵!徵收「糖稅」真的能打擊肥胖問題 ...
「糖稅」是近年來世界各國政府熱議的話題之一,無論是叫做「含糖飲料稅(Sugary drink tax)」或者「汽水稅(Soda tax)」,它們的本質都是一樣 ...
#10. diet soda翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
diet soda中文的意思、翻譯及用法:無糖汽水;無糖飲料。英漢詞典提供【diet soda】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#11. 聪明孩子多喝水:限制在学校内及周边售卖和营销含糖饮料校长 ...
聪明孩子多喝水:限制在学校内及周边售卖和营销含糖饮料校长指南[Be smart drink water : a ... the sale and marketing of sugary drinks in and around schools].
#12. soft drink 中文 - 查查在線詞典
中文 翻譯 手機版. 不含酒精的軟飲料; 不含酒精的飲料,通常指汽水; 都是指; 冷飲; 清涼飲料;軟飲料;無醇飲料; 軟性飲料; 軟飲料(不含酒精); 軟飲料,不含酒精飲料 ...
#13. 【糖分攝取】飲用含糖飲品因心血管引致的早死風險大增三成
... 指出飲用含糖飲品(sugar-sweetened beverages, SSBs) 或是人造甜味劑飲品(artificially sweetened beverage, ASBs),會增加早死風險。
#14. 少冰≠ little ice、微甜≠ little sugar!點手搖飲必學英文 - 經理人
每個人喜歡的飲料冰度不同,中文說的「正常冰」、「少冰」、「去冰」,中文 ... brown sugar pearl milk tea is the most popular drink in our shop.
#15. caustic soda - 氫氧化鈉 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 地質學名詞, caustic soda, 苛性鈉;火鹼. 學術名詞 紡織科技, caustic soda, 燒鹼,苛性鈉,氫氧化鈉. 學術名詞
#16. 請老外喝飲料,不要說成Do you want to drink something
很明顯的這個drinks 指的是soft drinks,意思是「你要什麼飲料?」。 稱讚別人酒量很好,英文用"He can really drink.",說自己滴酒不沾,則這麼說"I don't drink at ...
#17. 找Sugary drinks相關社群貼文資訊
提供Sugary drinks相關文章,想要了解更多Soft drinks obesity、sugar-sweetened中文、Sport drink相關餐飲資訊或書籍,就來餐飲貼文懶人包.
#18. Mexican soft drinks tax 墨西哥將對含糖飲料徵重稅 - BBC
媒體英語會帶大家一起學習BBC 撰稿人在報道世界大事時常用到的單詞和短語。 A glass of soft drink. Soft drinks often contain high levels of sugar ...
#19. 身體究竟會發生什麼事?(What If You Only Drank Soda?)
#20. SWEET FOODS AND DRINKS 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译
使用人造甜味剂的食物和饮料是另一种选择,可能有助于抑制你对甜食 的 渴望。 Sweet food and drinks don't make you feel full,.
#21. Nutrition: Sugary Drinks - NYC Health
Sugary drinks are beverages with added sugars. They include soda and sweetened tea, as well as sports, energy and juice drinks. It is easy to consume too much ...
#22. New York mayor tries to ban supersized sweetened drinks
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg hopes to battle obesity by banning restaurants from selling sugary drinks in excess of 16 ounces.
#23. sugary翻译为:含糖的,甜的;媚人
sugary 的中文意思:含糖的,甜的;媚人;,点击查看详细解释:sugary的中文 ... It is possible that the water displaced sugary drinks in the hydrated group ...
#24. sugary drinks - 中国的翻译
Sugary drinks 的中国的翻译– 英语-中文字典和搜索引擎, 中国的翻译. ... It has identified the causes of the problem as sugary drinks and failure to brush teeth.
#25. 有關攝入過量糖分的主要關注事項
Major Concerns of Excessive Sugar Intake. 超重/肥胖 ... 含糖飲料. Sugary drink. 產品含有添加糖、濃縮玉. 米糖漿或濃縮果汁,包括 ... water drinks, sweetened.
#26. soft drinks 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
Beer buyers were more likely to buy frozen dinners, cold cuts, pork, mutton, crisps, sugary products, butter, margarine and soft drinks.
#27. 在App Store 上的「SODA - Natural Beauty Camera」
SODA - Natural Beauty Camera 4+. 快速轻松的美颜相机 ... SODA~簡單輕鬆的美肌相機, ... 日語, 泰文, 簡體中文, 繁體中文, 英語, 越南文, 韓語.
#28. 饮料市场趋势- Sugar Tax - Super Aqua 超水
The World Health Organization said on Tuesday governments should raise taxes on sugary drinks to fight what it says are global obesity and diabetes ...
#29. Fleet PHOSO-SODA - 亞洲大學附屬醫院
Fleet ® PHOSPHO-SODA® “佛利特” 護舒達口服液使用說明(注射止痛劑病患) --下午檢查. 檢查時間: 年 月 日( 星期 )下午 時 分. *假如清腸不完全,導致殘餘糞便覆蓋於 ...
#30. Drink Water! - New York State Department of Health
Drink Water! Drinking water can help you maintain a healthy weight and enjoy a healthier diet. Sugary drinks are leading sources of added sugars in the ...
#31. 健康攸關— 反「含糖飲品」運動針對年輕人
Drinking large amounts of sugar can lead to serious health problems. ... Sugary Drink 宣傳運動,傳達「含糖飲品」會嚴重損害健康這個訊息。
#32. Get the Facts: Sugar-Sweetened Beverages and Consumption
Sugar -sweetened beverages (SSBs) or sugary drinks are leading sources of added sugars in the American diet.
#33. less sugary drinks的翻译是: 什么意思? 中文翻译英文
less sugary drinks. 5个回答. 少喝含糖饮料 2013-05-23 12:21:38 回答:匿名. 不含糖份的饮料 2013-05-23 12:23:18 回答:匿名. 较不含糖的饮料 2013-05-23 12:24:58
#34. 健康飲食餐盤(Chinese – Traditional)
... Healthy Beverage Options · Drinks to Consume in Moderation · Sugary Drinks ... Sports Drinks · Energy Drinks · Public Health Concerns: Sugary Drinks.
#35. Taxing Sugary Drinks in Kazakhstan: Key Questions and ...
To improve people's health in Kazakhstan, the government is considering a tax on sugary drinks. This topic in Kazakhstan is complicated by ...
#36. Taxing sugary drinks can curb global epidemic of obesity and ...
Unhealthy diet accounts for more than 11 million deaths annually, with four million deaths due to obesity, the United Nations health agency ...
#37. Different ways to reduce consumption of sugary drinks
sugar obesity drinks taxation soda. ... Consumption of sugary drinks is considered to be a key driver behind the global obesity epidemic, ...
#38. Food-based dietary guidelines - 大韩民国
Avoid binge eating or over-eating and increase physical activity. Choose foods lower in salt, sugar, and fat. Drink plain water and refrain from sugary drinks.
#39. Fleet Phospho-Soda 45 mL (佛利特護舒達口服液)
學名:Sodium phosphate dibasic anhydrous 180 mg/mL. Sodium phosphate monobasic anhydrous 480 mg/mL 口服液. 商品名:Fleet phospho-soda 45 mL(天義). 中文 ...
#40. Vodka Soda 食谱 - Absolut Drinks
创造完美Vodka Soda 使用此分步指南. 在威士忌杯中装满冰块。 添加所有原料。 用青柠装饰。 绝对伏特加原味, 苏打水, 青柠汁, 青柠.
#41. Added sugars: Don't get sabotaged by sweeteners - Mayo Clinic
That's because it's added to so many foods and beverages. Added sugar contributes calories but not nutrients. Some evidence links sugars to obesity, diabetes ...
#42. Health Care Section - Sugary Drinks Go Away! Body Healthy Every ...
中文. Menu. Home · Introduction · About · Employees · Downloads · Student insurance · 108 semester(Accident day 108/8/1-109/7/31) · 109 semester(Accident ...
#43. Soft drinks ban in WA hospitals welcomed as beverages lobby ...
A ban on sugar-sweetened drinks at Western Australia's public hospitals is aimed at tackling obesity, but the beverages lobby warns it may ...
#44. 低血糖- Low Blood Sugar
Eat or drink one of these: • ½ cup or 120 milliliters of juice or soda. (no diet, sugar free or calorie free drinks). • 3 or 4 glucose tablets.
#45. Researchers sound alarm on sugary drinks - The University of ...
Sugar -sweetened beverages are the largest source of sugars in our children's diets, linked to weight gain, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart ...
#46. Sweetened Beverage Tax - License and Tax Administration
Seattle's sweetened beverage tax was designed to result in the improved health of Seattle residents by reducing the sales and consumption of sugary drinks. It ...
#47. Does the Prevalence of Obesity Affect the Demand for Soft ...
The impact of soft drinks on obesity has been widely investigated during the last decades. Conversely, the role of obesity as a factor ...
#48. Association of Sugary Beverage Consumption With Mortality ...
Key Points español 中文 (chinese). Question Is the consumption of sugary beverages (ie, sugar-sweetened beverages and fruit juices) ...
#49. Which countries consume the most sugary drinks? - The World ...
By 2014, it had dropped to third place for highest per-capita sugary drink consumption. Chileans are now the biggest consumers of sugary drinks, ...
#50. 精選菜單及酒單| Red Sugar | 香港嘉里酒店
#51. 為什麼有些氣泡水喝來鹹鹹的?四大種類口感、用途大不同!
如果將賽爾脫茲氣泡水(seltzer)、蘇打水(club soda)、天然氣泡礦泉水(mineral) 與通寧水(tonic water) 幾種氣泡水倒進玻璃杯,排排站擺在一起,看起來 ...
#52. Water Vs. Sugary Drinks - Jeffco Public Schools
-Drinking water helps maintain a healthy weight and boosts the immune system. Why Not Sugar Sweetened Beverages? -Consumption of sugary beverages is the single ...
#53. Sugary Drinks May Be Bad for Aging - The New York Times
Consumption of both sugar-sweetened and artificially sweetened drinks was tied to an increased risk for frailty in women over 60.
#54. 「糖」成為全球健康新公敵!徵收「糖稅」真的能 ... - 奇摩新聞
「糖稅」是近年來世界各國政府熱議的話題之一,無論是叫做「含糖飲料稅(Sugary drink tax)」或者「汽水稅(Soda tax)」,它們的本質都是一樣 ...
#55. How Sugary Drinks Cause Unhealthy Weight Gain
Why so sugary drinks get such a bad rap? Soda, juices, Kool-Aid™ and many sport drinks have NO nutritional value but are high in calories, and ...
#56. Sugary Drinks | First 5 California
Did you know that one can of soda contains about 10 teaspoons of sugar? ... child instead of sugary beverages like soda, fruit juices, and sports drinks.
#57. Fleet phospho-soda
藥品學名Phosphoric acid and Disodium phosphate. 商. 品. 名英文:Fleet phospho-soda 中文:佛利特護舒達口服液. 劑型含量45 ml/bot,每ml 含:. Phosphoric acid.
#58. High Fat Sugar Salt Food and Beverage - Google Support
We support responsible advertising of food and beverages. High Fat Sugar Salt (HFSS) Food & Beverage (F&B) Shopping ads are allowed if they comply with our ...
#59. Sugary drinks possible cause of gout - Lifestyle -
365bet官网中文登陆"But when people with this gene variant consume sugary drinks, it takes on Jekyll and Hyde characteristics; the apparent function of the ...
#60. "It is proof that taxes on sugary drinks can win substantial ...
it is proof means evidence or something to support your statement · 中文(簡體) · 中文(繁體,臺灣).
#61. soda中文意思 - 看影片不用背單字
soda 的中文意思是什麼呢?2022年最常見的用法,有166影片中用到這個單字,並且可一鍵全部播放,快速聆聽各種外國人(真人),講述這個單字,不再是死死的機器發音。
#62. Sugar - natural, added, health risks, cutting intake, substitutes
Sugar itself does not contain any essential nutrients — it only provides energy. Foods and drinks may contain a combination of naturally-occurring sugars and ...
#63. 「彈珠汽水」英文是「marble soda」嗎? - 空中美語部落格
彈珠汽水日文名稱「ラムネ」是來自英文的「lemonade」日文發音「Ramune」,即是萊姆的意思。 ※居多都稱「彈珠汽水」為「Ramune」,若要講「marble soda」 ...
#64. 糖果蘇打傳奇- Google Play 應用程式
馬上下載《糖果蘇打傳奇》! 《糖果蘇打傳奇》是由知名的《糖果傳奇》製作團隊所打造的超棒遊戲!獨一無二的糖果、更多神奇的配對組合,還有多種饒富挑戰的遊戲模式, ...
#65. Sale 释义| 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Dictionary
Shops reported an increase in the sale of snacks and soft drinks. 美式英语: sale /ˈseɪl/; 阿拉伯语: بَيْع; 巴西葡萄牙语: venda ato de vender; 简体中文: 销售 ...
#66. How sugary drinks during pregnancy affect childhood obesity ...
Matt Kasman summarizes recent research on the relationship between sugar-sweetened beverage consumption by mothers and childhood obesity and ...
#67. 如何區分(工業用及食用)蘇打粉 - 營養新知
由於蘇打粉的天然無毒特性經常被愛好環保的人士拿來推廣,但一般市面賣的有分為食用蘇打(Baking soda)與工業用蘇打(Washing Soda),雖然名字聽起來很像, ...
#68. cream soda 中文意思是什麼
cream soda 中文意思是什麼. cream soda 解釋. 加糖和香子蘭的汽水. cream : n 1 奶油,乳皮;奶油色,淡黃色;液麵皮。2 〈the cream〉 精華;真髓;妙處。3 奶油色的 ...
#69. 小苏打和食用碱面的区别Baking Soda vs Soda Ash - YouTube
#70. Schweppes玉泉忌廉味汽水|成分及營養資料 - Coca-Cola ...
在1783年,德國出生的珠寶商人和業餘科學家Jacob Schweppe 大膽嘗試,發明了世界上第一個汽水商業生產系統,並成立了Schweppes Company。及後,該公司更成功打進英國 ...
#71. 代糖是什麼?有壞處會致癌?認識人工甜味劑的利與弊
營養(天然)甜味劑:例如甜菊糖苷、羅漢果苷等糖苷(Glycoside)類;以及麥芽糖醇、赤藻糖醇、木糖醇等糖醇(Sugar alcohol)類。以最常被添加在「無 ...
#72. Saudi Arabia to levy 50% excise tax on sugary drinks starting ...
Sugar sweetened beverages ("SSB's") set to get costlier by almost 50% in Saudi Arabia. The General Authority of Zakat and Income "(GAZT") of ...
#73. 調酒相關的terminology @ 屎單粒的diary - 隨意窩
熱飲hot drinks. 酒精性飲料Hard/dry drinks. 無酒精性飲料Virgin/soft/sweet drinks. 烈酒Spirits. 釀造酒fermented alcoholic beverages. 蒸餾酒distilled alcoholic ...
#74. 一次搞懂泡打粉(Baking Powder)跟小蘇打(Baking Soda)
造成麵包或糕點膨鬆的主要成分,包括小蘇打(Baking Soda) 、泡打粉(Baking Powder)、跟酵母這幾種。焙初學者常常分不清楚這幾種材料, ...
#75. 學英文/點餐一定要會!少冰、少糖、加珍珠英文怎麼說 - 雲論
regular sugar > less sugar > half sugar > quarter sugar > sugar-free ... 水(water)和碳酸飲料(carbonated drinks) ... spark / soda 汽水.
#76. Sugary Drink - The Free Dictionary
A serving of this beverage. In both senses also called soda pop; also called regionally cold drink, drink, pop 1, soda, soda water, tonic. See Note at tonic.
#77. Should There Be a Tax on Soda and Other Sugary Drinks?
Kelly Brownell says a tax is an effective way to cut obesity and the harm it causes. William Shughart II says the health benefits are far ...
#78. Is there any way to stop people from gorging on sugary drinks?
Humans are similar, except we don't need the boric acid; the sugar water itself — in the form of juice, energy drinks, and soda — is the ...
#79. Remedy Drinks 在Instagram 上发布:“Feelin' those post-Easter ...
It's time to break up with the sweet stuff…” ... Photo by Remedy Drinks on April 13, 2020. ... 中文(简体). Afrikaans, Čeština, Dansk, Deutsch, Ελληνικά ...
#80. Sugary Drinks - God's Love We Deliver | God's Love We Deliver
One 20 oz. soda contains up to 250 calories – the equivalent of more than 16 teaspoons of sugar. Excess calories and sugar can lead to health issues such as ...
#81. Intoduction to Sugar Beet | 學術寫作例句辭典 - Academic Accelerator
In this study, a high carbon activated carbon was obtained from the sugar beet pulp by carbonizing with concentrated citric acid.
#82. Sugary drinks possible cause of gout - 做你的猫PR社,网红国产福利 ...
Sufferers of gout might soon be advised to add sugary drinks to the list of foods that can cause the painful and crippling affliction to flare up.
#83. Goats and Soda - NPR
We're all neighbors on our tiny globe. The poor and the rich and everyone in between. We'll explore the downs and ups of life in this global village.
#84. USA: Coca-Cola, PepsiCo & Cadbury Schweppes agree to withdraw ...
USA: Coca-Cola, PepsiCo & Cadbury Schweppes agree to withdraw sugary drinks from schools over health concerns - some health advocates urge further steps.
#85. (4-3)調酒的類型、作法與術語(上)
這是最常見的作法之一,例如whisky soda或vodka tonic。 ... Sour中文翻譯很多,例如酸味、沙瓦或騷兒(靠杯這是什麼翻譯),作法簡單,口感更是受 ...
#86. Pedialyte® Electrolyte Drink
When your body has an electrolyte imbalance, it doesn't absorb fluids like it should. Unlike leading sports drinks, our optimal balance of sugar and sodium is ...
#87. 暴飲暴食、狼吞虎嚥、酗酒、豪飲…「喝酒」相關英文用詞總 ...
Drink 喝的動詞(由少到多). (1) Taste 淺嚐 (2) Sip 啜飲一小口 ... (1) soft drinks 汽水 (2) beer / wine 啤酒/ 酒 ... 秒懂use 中文意思跟用法!
#88. Sugary Drinks Distributor Tax Advisory Committee Community Input ...
Sugary Drinks Distributor Tax Advisory Committee ... 根據語言服務條例(三藩市行政法典第91章),中文、西班牙語和/或菲律賓語(泰加洛語)傳譯人員在收到要求.
#89. The #1 Best Drink to Burn Belly Fat - MSN
And without nutrients like fiber, for example, these sugary drinks can quickly lead to unwanted weight gain. Thankfully there are drink choices ...
#90. DIY Low Sugar Recipes for Your Favorite Fall Seasonal Drinks -
Every year, this classic fall drink begins to appear in our favorite coffee ... My versions of these drinks are all plant-based and low in sugar but don't ...
#91. Monster Energy | Energy Drinks, Coffee, Tea and Juice
Fueling our athletes, musicians, and fans, Monster Energy produces a variety of energy drinks, brewed coffee, hydrating sports drinks, juices and teas.
#92. New regulations crack down on the fight against foods high in ...
sell (in-store or online) pre-packaged HFSS foods to consumers; offer free sugar sweetened drink refills to consumers in-store.
#93. Sugary Drinks Worksheets & Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay ...
Browse sugary drinks resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by ... 重点词汇:中文数数(一至二十),糖、饮料,食物名称。
#94. Taste the Rainbow With Skittles x C4 Sugar-Free Energy Drinks
Taste the Rainbow With Skittles x C4 Sugar-Free Energy Drinks: Following the fruity Starburst flavor release.
#95. Men's Health - 7月 2008 - 第 132 頁 - Google 圖書結果
It's the The problem, it seems, is that beverages 3 YO U soft stuff—regular soda, don't make us feel full. Popkin hypothesizes > juice, and yes, ...
#96. STEP BY STEP 英文寫作特訓班 [純書版]: 一天一篇,50天快速提升英文寫作能力 A Guide to ...
請將以下中文句子翻譯成與前後文連貫的通順英文。 Healthy Diet q 無疑地,食用適當的飲食是確保健康的最 ... Is your diet filled with junk food and sugary drinks?
sugary drinks中文 在 小苏打和食用碱面的区别Baking Soda vs Soda Ash - YouTube 的必吃
... <看更多>