
still others造句 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文

2022年7月16日 — one another still another例句2022-精選在Youtube/網路影片/Dcard上的焦點新聞和熱門話題資訊 ... some....others......still others造句- 百度知道. ... <看更多>
4⃣suppose:假設的意思,一般會用來表達與現在事實相反。 Suppose the bus came right now, you would still not make it in time. 即便公車現在來了,你 ... ... <看更多>
#1. 360问答,总有你的答案some....others......still others造句 - 360搜索
some....others......still others造句. On the evening party, some people are dancing, some are singing, still others are just sitting there and eating.
#2. some....others......still others造句 - 百度知道
On the evening party, some people are dancing, some are singing, still others are just sitting there and eating. 本回答由提问者推荐.
另一些…」,其中others等同於「other+複數名詞」。 ② 若想指三類以上時,則可以用some…others… still others…句型表示. 複數不定代名詞的限定範圍用法.
#4. and still others to 中文- 英語翻譯 - 查查詞典
and still others to中文意思:還有人認為是…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋and still others to的中文翻譯,and still others to的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#5. some.others.still others造句 - 学帮网
some.others.still others造句. On the evening party, some people are dancing, some are singing, still others are just sitting there and eating.
#6. 第五冊第一課句型解說
Still another is that the queen poisoned him. The cause of his death remains unclear. 2 some . . . some/others . . . (still others . . .):表示「(三者以上的) ...
#7. 010 One Another The Other Some Others @ 台北新竹英文家教
不只「三組」的列舉: Some, others, still others. [例句]. There are two people in my house. One is your friend, John. The other is Amy.
#8. 請問怎麼分the other still other other這一類的用法?? | Still others
Still others ,你想知道的解答。~複數:some~theothers~未限定:some~others~stillothers.英文高中約2年以前訪...| 生病了怎麼辦.
#9. [問題] 請問some , others, still another 或still others的用法
應該大家都有看過這個句型some.... others.... others... 我想請問正確答案到底是啥? 是some... others... still others...(第三樣) 還是some....
#10. one another still another例句2022-精選在Youtube/網路影片 ...
2022年7月16日 — one another still another例句2022-精選在Youtube/網路影片/Dcard上的焦點新聞和熱門話題資訊 ... some....others......still others造句- 百度知道.
#11. 測評網[高二下][英文][第三次段考]複習錦囊 - 名師學院
例句:, Johnny has four girlfriends. One is short, another is tall, still another is fat, and the other is slim. (喬有四 ...
#12. 不定代名詞:one、another、the other、the others - 大學堂英文
接下來僅用例句解釋如何使用以下代名詞:one (隨便一個)、another (再來一個)、the other (最後一個)、the others (最後一些)。
#13. 不定代名詞知多少? One, another, others, the other(s) 一次搞 ...
英文文法必學!想搞懂不定代名詞看這篇就夠!考英文時一定在英文考卷上看過這一組人馬:one, another, others, the other, the others你真的搞懂他們 ...
#14. some the others造句 - 搜狗搜索
some.others.still others造句- www.yulucn.com · [答案] On the evening party, some people are dancing, some are singing, still others are just sitting there ...
#15. still be造句-六车网 - 词语造句
Why did the bank not conduct its own audit before lending still more? 银行为什么不在贷出更多钱之前先审计自己的账目呢? ▻some....others.
#16. 高中英語句型王: 關鍵提升118條句型力| 誠品線上
one . . ., another . . ., and the others . . . 一個…,另一個…,其餘的…3-4. one . . ., another . . ., and still another . . .
#17. still others-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: others still, others are still, others were still,在英语-中文情境中翻译"still others"
#18. 1. Some.... Others.... Still others have/make + O + OC (Vpp)
根據上面的句型和次頁提示的字詞, 完成造句。第一題為範例。 1.There are many people in the park. (taking a walk; jogging; dancing) Some are taking a walk ...
#19. another, the other(s),和others的差別與用法- Kaftin
因為中文翻譯的關係,學生搞不清楚another, the other 和others的差別,不太會分辨什麼時候用哪一個字. ... Still others care more about power.
#20. 「yet」正確用法是? 一次搞懂yet 的5 種用法!(含例句)
My cousin is coming to visit, better yet, she might be bringing me gifts. 我表姐要來拜訪,更好的是,她可能會帶禮物給我。 4. yet another. yet another ...
#21. 英文翻譯句型100 by 翰林出版- Issuu
用此句型造句應注意對稱,如on good luck 與on perseverance 兩者皆 ... Some are roses, others are tulips, and still others are lilies. 說明.
#22. 基本句型
(he is still sleeping now). 2. It has been raining for two hours. (It is still raining now.) 3. The baby has been crying since his ... another step forward.
#23. 高中英語句型王:關鍵提升118條句型力(20K) - momo購物網
情境多變:書中例句及練習題為避免重覆,皆以豐富多元的情境呈現,讓同學在研讀及練習時能藉此充實造句能力。 ... (2) some . . ., and some/others .
#24. debate中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
This proposal will almost certainly spark another countrywide debate about how to organize the school ... I'm still debating what colour to paint the walls.
#25. privacy (【名詞】隱私, 私下)意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
Still others have questioned the privacy of the personal data that will be collected by the kiosks. 其他人也質疑有心人可能會透過wifi亭蒐集個人資訊。
#26. 英文有益思- 【#多益文法來造句】 英文常見的子句有名詞子句
4⃣suppose:假設的意思,一般會用來表達與現在事實相反。 Suppose the bus came right now, you would still not make it in time. 即便公車現在來了,你 ...
#27. Some.... others.... still others....造句
標題[問題] 請問some , others, still another 或still others的用法 ... 提供one another still another造句相關PTT/Dcard文章,想要了解更 ...
#28. Hanlin Junior High School English Book4 L7~9 - Google Docs
一、 請依字序做適當變化後,用If或if造句 ... 2.he / feel sick / still go to school today ... Grandma / old / still walk fast. 3.Hidy often _takes_____ (take) ...
#29. 使用介系詞連接句子的方法
→The baby showed others that she was happy by kicking. 這嬰兒藉由踢腳來告訴他人她很快樂。 ... She is still learning English now. (用since).
#30. one/another/the other/the others 用法 - 莓喵英文Fun
不定代名詞, 用途, 例句. One, 前面已提過,但是沒有限定的「單數名詞」, I love cats, so I want to keep one at home. another, 代替之前已出現的 ...
#31. 超級英文俚語全集!100組超實用英文俚語 - FluentU
“Jen, have you set a date for the wedding yet?” ... “Moving to another state is food for thought for many of those affected by the recent ...
#32. 文法選擇(每答2 分,共30 分) 1.( ) Although Ton - 學田補習班
Joseph and his friends still went jogging. ... other (B)other (C)the others. (D)others ... 序造句). 2. has / inside / tomato / the hamburgers / of /.
#33. still another 用法 - Lefoud
是some others still others(第三樣) : 還是some. others. still another或是直接接 ... 的中文解釋,still的讀音發音,still的含義和用法以及still的造句參考例句。
#34. unison 造句/ 例句 - 趣词词典
在很多情况下,可以联合使用两种解决方案。 youdao. 8. Still others jump around in unison as someone yells at them. 还有些人步调一致地 ...
#35. 文法句型篇
should not lie to others. 4 我的興趣是看書和烹飪,你的呢? ... fans still lingered (逗留) on, ... We still have a little money.
#36. Curious - 英語島
英語島English Island是線上學英語平台,英語島首創51張方法卡,只要一年時間,每週一張方法卡,用對方法、調對感覺,就可以自信地用英文思考溝通。
#37. Time heals all wounds. - 每週一句
“Be not afraid of going slowly; be afraid of only standing still. ... =>He was ahead of others because he believed the early bird catches the worm.
#38. 步調一致中英文解釋和造句 - 成語故事
步調一致造句_步調一致中英文解釋和造句 ... Still others jump around in unison as someone yells at them. 愛的最高形式理所當然是完全自由的選擇 ...
#39. 「然後」只會用then?多學這幾種連接副詞,不再說出死板英文!
... 技巧(Writing – Transitions – in addition, moreover, furthermore, another) ... Although she lost her legs in a skiing accident, she still ...
#40. per month.
Another way to see the world ... A: Still some B: still others ... You should help others more. You will feel happier. (用The 比較級... the 比較級...造句).
#41. 生活英語1000句
Not yet. 還沒。 12. See you. 再見。 13. Shut up! 閉嘴! 14. So long. 再見。 ... Is the cut still sore? 傷口還在痛嗎? ... Did you fight with others?
#42. apart的用法_例句_2022最新英文解释词典 - 英语单词
也quite apart from; used for saying that even if you ignore one thing, there is still another important fact or question to consider ... apart相关造句.
#43. 弄不清楚used to、be used to、get used to?看這篇一次就懂
來看看要怎麼正確的造句吧: ... Typically we're harder on others than ourselves when it comes to bad habits. 說到壞習慣,我們通常是嚴以待人, ...
#44. 【英文單字不一樣】英文常搞混用法:other / the ... - 洋碩美語
other與others就只差了一個"s",但他們的意思與用法卻很不一樣喔! ◎ Other ... I'm still hungry. I want to order another meal.
#45. 國中英語文法通3 ContentsSyllabus
例(1) Though Lisa is old, she still sings a lot of great songs. ... 例(1) Some enjoy listening to stories, and others like to play games.
#46. 用statistics造句 - CSDN
Others may find this to be true, but I believer that… 13. Perhaps I was question why… 14. there is a certain amount of truth in this, but we still have a ...
#47. comfortable最高级造句close最高级造句 - 英语学习
Some are for safety, others provide data, and still others make the ride morecomfortable and entertaining.It has the most comfortable seats ...
#48. 专注的英文怎么说_沪江英语学习网
Others look high spirited while still others seem to be gazing fixedly at something. 有的意气高昂,有的凝神专注。 absorbed是什么意思:
#49. Yet 中文
"for there is yet another season"中文翻译因为还有另一个季节. ... yet … yet 中文是什么意思音标: [ jet ] 发音: 用"yet"造句"yet"怎么读"yet" in ...
#50. whereas是什么意思- 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典
Some people like coffee, whereas others like tea. 有人喜欢咖啡,然而也有人喜欢茶。 His children are well bred, whereas those of his sister's are naughty.
#51. 高中英語句型王:關鍵提升118條句型力(16K) - 寂天閱讀網
情境多變:書中例句及練習題為避免重覆,皆以豐富多元的情境呈現,讓同學在研讀及練習時能藉此充實造句能力。 英文道地:本書中的每個句型、例句及練習題都經過多位 ...
#52. 強調用法
foreigners, and still others like to read English novels. 無限定範圍. The class is made up of 15 overseas students. Some.
#53. 原來"on the ground"不只是指「在現場」?教你一眼看出7 種 ...
put oneself in others' shoes 設身處地為人著想 ... 例如:You don't have to tell me your decision yet—you can sleep on it for a while.
#54. 102 年指考英文題解分析
Some species talk a lot, while others don't. ... What does the author mean by success is still a long shot in the fourth ... 容易混淆的單字、片語、造句…
#55. still造句加翻译,用programme造句并翻译 - 翻译知识网
still造句 加翻译 ... 标准用法是some others 例如some are happy, others are sad 有的时候可以倒装others are sad while some are happy 没有st.
#56. 迥然不同造句子写一句话简单的_用others造句子简单- 湖南信息网
others造句. 1、Others are grey and still others pinkish. 2、Often despising others, often criticize others' behavior. 3、Beautiful minds inspire others.
#57. speak up for造句- 國文吧 - 正能量语录
It' s time to speak up for those who are suffering injustice. Still others associate politics with flattery, fearful that, if they speak up for ...
#58. The Economist | World News, Economics, Politics, Business ...
Tesla reported record quarterly revenues, of $21.5bn, that still fell short of analysts' ... China wants to change, or break, a world order set by others.
#59. other造句 - 名言赏析
I have eaten an apple, but I still want another(apple). other后既可接可数名词复数形式又可接不可数名词,如:可数,other pencils 其它的铅笔,other ...
#60. other造句 - 好有爱分享网
窄宇15815805414问: 英语造句分别用other,the other,another,和others造句- 南召县禅真说: ——[答案] Do you konw other students here?
#61. Whether or not 用法分析|常見錯誤
My sister cannot decide to buy whether strawberry or peach not. I am not sure whether I can go back home. Whether you like, I will still go to ...
#62. 英文阅读课堂常见问题以及如何克服 - 国际竞赛
Another common problem of the reading classes which most learners usually ... 除此之外,老师可以在课堂上花几分钟时间练习用这些生词造句。
#63. 請問怎麼分the other still other other這一類的用法?? - Clearnote
先分有限定跟未限定(範圍) 有限定為前面有the 有限定又分為單數和複數的差別有限定: 單數:one~the other~ 複數:some~the others~ 未限定: ...
#64. Pouring meaning and sentence - asdsciaccarunning.it
This leaves the concrete still slightly malleable for smoothing the sides of the structure. Behind him another servant is pouring out ...
#65. "still others "是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)(英文)的問題
still others 的意思Still" here is an adverb that means something like "in addition" or "beyond this" It means "others beyond those 'others' ...
#66. Reflection, Change, and Reconstruction in the Context of ...
Even though I'd like very much to know my students , I still feel that my ability ... 他们可以用我给的提示,而对于想象力比较强的同学,他们可以用自己的话造句。
#67. Tuttle Learner's Chinese-English Dictionary: Revised Second ...
It's still early! □李先生每天很早上班, ... When something goes wrong, he would blame others. zérèn 责任 n1 responsibility, duty □教育孩子是父母的责任。
#68. some others still others用法 - 軟體兄弟
some others still others用法, 不只「三組」的列舉: Some, others, still others. [例句]. There are two people in my house. One is your friend, John.
still others造句 在 [問題] 請問some , others, still another 或still others的用法 的必吃
some.... others.... others...
是some... others... still others...(第三樣)
還是some.... others.... still another或是直接接上others
is no better than 是什麼意思?
rather than 之外
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <
EEE作者: super15 (葉子媚) 看板: TeachEnglish
標題: Re: [問題] 請問some , others, still another 或s …
時間: Sat Mar 31 00:57:26 2007
※ 引述《ohya566 (加啡)》之銘言:
: 應該大家都有看過這個句型
: some.... others.... others...
: 我想請問正確答案到底是啥?
: 是some... others... still others...(第三樣)
: 還是some.... others.... still another或是直接接上others
單數是 the other跟another..
(1)the other﹔用在我們取完了整體的其中一個之後.若是只剩下一個,就是用the other
所以才會出現one..another.. the other的句型
EX: There are three pens on the desk. One is red, another is green. The other
is blue.
的那支之後.就只剩下一支了.所以當然就用the other.
又EX: I want to go to another country.
但是類似的句子如果改成﹔I like two countries. One is Japan, the other is Korea.
因為已經說了喜歡兩個國家.取了其中一個是日本.只剩下一個.所以要用the other.
再來就是複數,複數我分成others 跟the others
(2)the others(代名詞)= the other+N:用在所指稱的範圍有限定的狀況下
(1) some...others....
(2) some of the..the others....
EX:Some of the students are happy, and the others are not
因為some of the已經把學生限定為"這些學生"..有劃定一個範圍
所以後面要用the others.
EX: There are forty students in the classroom. Some are happy, the others are
這句句子裡已經講了是教室裡的學生.所以已經劃定了範圍.所以就要用the others
EX:Some are good, but others are not.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
※ 編輯: super15 來自: (03/31 00:58)
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