#1. squirrel sth away中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
squirrel sth away翻譯:儲藏,儲存(尤指錢,供日後使用)。了解更多。
#2. To squirrel something away 把東西儲藏起來- BBC UK China
短語to squirrel something away 的意思是把東西儲存或藏起來以備日後使用。 例句. Joan's salary is very low but a few years ago she started to ...
squirrel away とは意味:隠しておく、蓄える、ためるI've been squirreling away money for the future [for a rainy day].I squirrel away solid food every chance I get ...
#4. squirrel away中文- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
squirrel away中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:貯存。英漢詞典提供【squirrel away】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
They have squirreled away surplus grain. 他们已把余粮贮存起来。 英英释义. save up as for future use.
#6. Squirrel away 释义| 柯林斯英语词典 - Collins Dictionary
Squirrel away 释义: If you squirrel things away , you hide or store them so that you can use them in the... | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#7. squirrel away的中文解释和发音 - 欧路词典
1.The squirrel stashes away nuts for winter. 松鼠贮 以备过冬。 2.She is squirreling the ...
#8. 傾家蕩產、發大財的英文怎麼說?8 個片語讓你發揮英文「錢 ...
squirrel away 儲存(尤指錢,供日後使用). 松鼠有大量儲存食物的習慣,他們會在秋天開始儲存果實等食物以為冬天做準備。這句話 ...
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牛津中文字典. squirrel. 松鼠,松鼠的毛皮貯藏以備用. PyDict. squirrels. squirrel的名詞複數 ... squirrel away · 查看更多. ph. 貯存. Dr.eye 譯典通片語 ...
#14. 英文词典| squirrel away 意思、解释
在中文里面,我们如何解释squirrel away这个英文词呢? squirrel away这个英文词,中文意思如下:松鼠远。 Meaning of squirrel away for the defined word.
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squirrel away 的中文意思,squirrel away汉语解释| 返回squirrel away ... 英汉例句. squirrel away的一般用法和常见例句| 返回squirrel away ...
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藏起來,儲存[(+away)]. 名詞複數:squirrels, squirrel ... 英文單子翻譯成為中文. ,squirrels中文松鼠科…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋squirrels的中文翻譯 ...
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squirrel - 英汉词典. ... 英语, 中文 ... Agnes squirrels away part of her salary every month, so she'll have some money if she ever needs ...
#19. 『squirrel sth away』是什麼意思?... - 每日一句學英文
『squirrel sth away』是什麼意思? squirrel sth away 將東西存起來;藏東西;儲蓄 e.g., He denied having any money squirreled away in foreign ...
#20. 英语每日词组:squirrel away - 北京
squirrel away 中文 解释:squirrel 是松鼠的意思,也可以作为动词:以好奇和不安的方式移动。squirrel away 是动词词组,意思是就像松鼠为冬天储存坚果 ...
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squirrel 的中文意思是什麼呢?2021年最常見的用法,有143影片中用到這個單字, ... away. in. the. same. way. that. a. squirrel. would. take. nuts. bury.
#22. 翻译'squirrel away' – 字典中文-英文
squirrel away. verb. (idiomatic) To stash or hide; to hoard, collect, save, or accumulate; to create a reserve, stash, or hoard of some supply, ...
#23. 「squirrel away」別理解成「松鼠走了」 - 人人焦點
大家好,今天我們分享一個非常有用且地道的表達——squirrel away, 這個短語的含義不是指「松鼠走了」,其正確的含義是 ... 中文名:歐亞紅松鼠;英文名:Red squirrel; ...
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同时,该页为英语学习者提供:stash的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。 ... hoard, stash, cache, hoard, lay away, stash, hive up, squirrel away ...
#25. 1.squirrel翻译成中文是什么意思 - JustNews
Squirrels feed on nuts. 松鼠以坚果为食。 2. 松鼠毛皮[U]. vt. 1. 把。藏起来,储存[(+away)]. She ...
#26. SQUIRRELS CAN 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - TR-Ex
以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“SQUIRRELS CAN” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。 ... suggested that the average person could squirrel enough away to ...
#27. squirrel是什么意思中文 - 搜狗搜索 - Sogou
回答:6提问时间:2015-08-30 [最佳答案] squirrel的中文意思:名词:松鼠,松鼠科动物; ... 单词发音:英[ˈskwɪrəl]美[ˈskwɜ:rəl; skwɝəl] 固定搭配:to squirrel away sth ...
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When prices fall, it encourages households and businesses to squirrel away cash, holding back growth. Deflation also makes it difficult for central banks to ...
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双语 中文 英语 ... Squirrel作名词时是松鼠的意思。 ... 这里的squirrel是动词,squirrel away形象生动地描绘人们把钱或者别的值钱东西储存在安全的 ...
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You Won't Have to Throw Away Your Feeder. Lifetime Care is how we stand behind our products. Call us if you have a problem or a question. A Customer ...
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After I chased the squirrels away I sat back down and thought about what can I build to keep the squirrels and the birdseed separated for good.
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線上英漢字典/中文拼音/計算機 ... save up, savings, secrete, sinking fund, snowball, something in reserve, squirrel, squirrel away, stack, stock, stock up, ...
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Squirrel Divorce - Top Down game where you control a squirrel and dodge the moles that crawl out of their holes, and also run away from ...
#34. Squirrel away - The Free Dictionary
squirrel away. Also found in: Thesaurus, Idioms. ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:.
#35. To squirrel something away 把东西储藏起来
The UK's Royal Society for Protection of Birds said chilli powder is a safe and effective way to keep squirrels away from nuts and seeds, ...
#36. squirrel什么意思中文翻译_百度知道
动词:储藏;贮存。 单词发音:英[ˈskwɪrəl]美[ˈskwɜ:rəl; skwɝəl]. 固定搭配:to squirrel away sth , to squirrel sth away 把…藏起来; ...
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3) starmoon什麽意思中文. 很有意思的說法(Friends) tree squirrel 樹松鼠squirrel away 貯存They have squirreled 貓貂squirrel cage rotor 鼠籠式轉子squirrel-cage ...
#38. squirrel的中文翻译
squirrel 的中文意思:名词:松鼠,松鼠科动物;松鼠毛皮.动词:储藏;贮存.单词发音:英[ˈskwɪrəl]美[ˈskwɜ:rəl; skwɝəl] 固定搭配:to squirrel away sth ...
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... to control the UK's grey squirrel population has been given… 」 ... For our series paying tribute to cultural figures who passed away in ...
#40. squirrel什么意思中文 - 脱壳百科网
相关词组:squirrel away squirrel 英英释义noun 1.a kind of arboreal rodent having a long bushy tail 2.the fur of a squirrel squirrel是什么意思 ...
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'lay away'在免费英语-汉语词典的翻译,查看更多汉语的翻译。
#43. 克里夫Leven House B&B and Squirrel Away Self Catered Apartment ...
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#44. Squirrel Away -
of wild bird seed. Does not harm squirrels or birds and keeps squirrels away from expensive bird seed! Read all packaging for recommended use. Keep out of the ...
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其他语言:保加利亚语、中文、捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、爱沙尼亚语、芬兰语、德语、希腊语、匈牙利语、意大利语、拉脱维亚语、立陶宛语、波兰 ... squirrel away 劚.
#46. DNR: Fish & Wildlife: Fox Squirrel -
Fox squirrels are notorious for raiding birdfeeders and gorging themselves. “Squirrel-proof” feeders are available, and some are affective. Resident landowners ...
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The foods are sold at entrance 100 yen. They got used to people, so when people touch them, they don't run away. But they might not show up from nest boxes, ...
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“You don't have to squirrel away in a staircase”: Patient motivations for attending a novel supervised drug consumption service in acute care
#50. squirrel松鼠怎么读 - 战马教育
英语单词squirrel有两种词性,作名词时意为松鼠,作动词时意为把作为 ... Nervous householders continue to squirrel more money away in the banks.
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... Knick Knack; Knock Knock; Lucy; 麥奎迪鎮長; Penny; 公主; Sammy; Squirrel ... don't mind if you kill their friend Sticky during his going-away party.
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Lovely squirrel pushed. Open my window to give. Me a dream l lost. 松鼠推开窗. 展开全文. 将我所遗失的梦. 交到我手上. 5. The sun is setting.
#55. squirrel - Sesli Sözlük
Squirrels live mainly in trees. squirrelled squirrelling squirreled squirreling squirrel away to keep something in a safe place to use later = stash away.
#56. The Crafty Squirrel, Attraction, Goldfields, Victoria, Australia
At The Crafty Squirrel you will find plenty of things you will want to squirrel away from this little celebration of craft and design.
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Dancing Squirrel - The Creative Collective | 148 followers on LinkedIn. ... stepping away from single use wooden sets, seemed a great first step, ...
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... hares, and rodents, such as muskrats and squirrels. ... Apply insect repellent in moderation, and wash it off at the end of the day.
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Squirrel Away at Leven House is a 2 Bedroom self catered apartment located 1 minute walk from the centre of Crieff. This apartment has lovely views of the ...
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中文. 收藏. 更新于2012年5月29日15:24 By Mure Dickie, China in Tianjin ... Even the enthusiastic shopper Ms Tang and her husband squirrel away more than half ...
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Chipmunks Playland & Café group has agreed terms on the lease of a new facility at Dandenong in Melbourne's south-eastern suburbs in a deal brokered by ...
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今天我们要掌握的英语单词就是squirrel。 ... Nervous householders continue to squirrel more money away in the banks. 不安的居民持续不断地把更 ...
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Stock footage Squirrel eats the Nuts in the Park and run away. 145412429 ✓ HD/4K ⬇ Download videos from Depositphotos ▷ Millions of royalty-free videos ...
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阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版. July 5, 2019 ... Review: 'The Nut Job 2' Squirrels Away the Laughs for Itself. A profiteering mayor threatens to displace a ...
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Inflation has the potential to eat away the purchasing power of your money. ... every dollar you squirrel away will shrink in value to just $.98 next year.
Japan has a savings ratio of 150 per cent of GDP, the highest in the world, while the Chinese are thought to squirrel away about a quarter of their income.
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Bobik (Бобик, common Russian name for a small dog) ran away just days before his flight was scheduled to take place on 15 September 1951. A replacement named ...
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As Le Le is still getting used to being away from mummy, nursery times may vary between 20 and 30 minutes. In case he needs his mummy, he may not be there.
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An imaginative young squirrel leads a musical revolution to save his parents from ... However, there is a problem with this if, for example, the away team's ...
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Collect Super Cropsies, while you team up with Fidget the Squirrel to collect ... Bounce and boing your away around the fruity pegs and crazy chilies as you ...
#78. We used peanuts and a climbing wall to learn how squirrels ...
Video by Nathanial Hunt, UC Berkeley. Millions of people have watched squirrels solve and raid “squirrel-proof” bird feeders, either live in ...
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Rabbit or squirrel: 1900 to 0500 (7:00 PM to 5:00 AM); Bird, mouse, ... The player needs to be away at least 75 tiles for a trap to work.
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Watching a Siberian tiger kill a gray squirrel for a half-hour proved to be one of my most enlightening experiences at a zoo. It was a weekday; ...
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If you see a raccoon with these symptoms, you want to stay away from it. ... When you're raising a wild squirrel as a pet, they own you.
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Exquisite Mountain Retreat in North Georgia. cc等后缀域名,不含国际中文域名。 ... 349 Squirrel Hunting Rd, Ellijay, GA 30536. 06 acres lot.
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View over the Reunion Resort and its PGA Signature golf course, 10 minutes away from Disney World ... Live birds, rabbits and squirrels from Ohio.
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“Squirrels are some of the most visible wildlife in our modern ... now is why squirrels sometimes decide to eat a seed right away and other ...
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Q8: Roses are red, violets are not, meet Chesapeake - our new squirrel mascot! His job to is help your child to prepare for emergencies and ...
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As soon as I get paid , I squirrel some money away so I won't be tempted to spend it .大热天外出时应该涂上防晒霜,以免皮肤被晒伤。
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『squirrel sth away』是什麼意思? squirrel sth away 將東西存起來;藏東西;儲蓄 e.g., He denied having any money squirreled away in foreign ... ... <看更多>