炒米粉Fried Rice Noodles
重點秘訣:米粉先燜過 口感更Q彈。
Key Tip: Stew the rice first for a more 'al dente' taste.
米粉 200公克
紅蔥頭碎 20公克
胡蘿蔔絲 40公克
高麗菜絲 200公克
肉絲 200公克
泡發香菇絲 100公克
蝦米 30公克
沙拉油 3大匙
200 grams of rice
20 grams of chopped red onion
40 grams of carrots
200 grams of Korean Caisi
200 grams of pork
100 grams of bubble mushrooms
30 grams of shrimp
3 tablespoons of vegetable oil
水 300cc
高湯 250 cc
醬油 3大匙
鹽 1/4茶匙
白胡椒粉 1/4茶匙
300cc of water
250 cc of broth
3 tablespoons of soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon of salt
1/4 teaspoon of white pepper
1. 電鍋加入300 cc的水煮開,加入米粉拌勻,燜10分鐘至軟後取出。
2. 熱鍋倒入沙拉油,放入紅蔥頭碎、香菇絲、蝦米、肉絲炒香後加入高湯及調味料B煮滾。
3. 加入高麗菜絲、胡蘿蔔絲,蓋上鍋蓋煮軟。
4. 再加入米粉拌炒均勻後關火蓋上鍋蓋。
5. 燜約8分鐘至湯汁被米粉吸收,拌勻即可。
1. Add 300 cc of water to the electric cooker and bring to a boil. Add the rice and mix well and simmer for 10 minutes until soft, then remove.
2. Pour vegetable oil into the wok, add chopped red onion, mushrooms, shrimp, pork. After sauteing, add broth "B" seasoning and bring to boil.
3. Add Korean Caisi and carrots. Cover and cook until soft.
4. Add flour and stir evenly. Take off the heat and cover the pot.
5. Simmer for about 8 minutes until the broth is absorbed by the rice, Mix well.
豆干炒肉絲Fried Pork with Tofu
Key Tip: For delicious tofu, first saute and then simmer.
豆干絲 300公克
肉絲 250公克
紅辣椒絲 10公克
蒜末 8公克
蒜苗絲 30公克
300 grams of shredded firm tofu
250 grams of shredded pork
10 grams of shredded red chili
8 grams of minced garlic
30 grams of finely shredded garlic
醬油 3大匙
細糖 1大匙
紹興酒 3大匙
水 50cc
香油 少許
3 tablespoons of soy sauce
1 tablespoon of fine sugar
3 tablespoons of rice wine
50cc of water
A little sesame oil
1. 熱鍋,倒入3大匙沙拉油,放入蒜末、紅辣椒絲炒勻。
2. 將肉絲放入鍋中炒至表面變白。
3. 放入豆干煸炒至微焦香。
4. 加入水、醬油、細糖、紹興酒,燜約8分鐘。
5. 加入蒜苗絲及香油炒勻,即可起鍋。
1. Heat the wok, pour 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Add garlic and red chili and stir well.
2. Place the pork into the pot and stir-fry until the surface turns white.
3. Add tofu. Stir-fry until slightly burnt.
4. Add water, soy sauce, fine sugar, and rice wine. Simmer for about 8 minutes.
5. Add minced garlic and sesame oil and stir evenly. Then serve.
瓜仔肉Steamed Minced Pork with Pickles
Key Tip: Add Huagua melon juice to make the flavor fresher, richer, and sweeter
豬絞肉 400公克
花瓜 150公克
薑末 20公克
蔥花 50公克
400 grams of ground pork
150 grams of Huagua melon
20 grams of Ginger
50 grams of chopped green onion
鹽 1/2茶匙
花瓜汁 3大匙
米酒 1大匙
白胡椒粉 1/2茶匙
太白粉 2大匙
香油 2大匙
1/2 teaspoon of salt
3 tablespoons of Huagua juice
1 tablespoon of rice wine
1/2 teaspoon of white pepper
2 tablespoons of cornstarch
2 tablespoons of sesame oil
1. 花瓜瀝乾水分後切碎備用。
2. 豬絞肉放入盆中,加入鹽攪拌至有黏性。
3. 加入薑末、花瓜汁、米酒、白胡椒粉拌勻。
4. 加入花瓜末、太白粉及香油拌勻。
5. 將拌好肉餡倒入碗中,中間撥開讓肉容易蒸透。
6. 將作法5放入電鍋中,外鍋加1杯水蒸約15分鐘,再撒上蔥花即可。
1. Drain the Huagua melon juice for later use and then chop and put aside.
2. Put the ground pork in the pot, add salt, and stir until sticky.
3. Add ginger, Huagua juice, rice wine, and white pepper, and mix well.
4. Add the Huagua melon ends, cornstarch, and sesame oil, and mix well.
5. Place the marinated meat into the bowl. Poke the middle to make it easier for the meat to steam.
6. Put the mixture from step 5 into the electric rice cooker, add 1 cup of water to the outside pot and steam for about 15 minutes. Then, sprinkle with chopped green onion.
三杯雞Three-Cup Chicken
Key tip: Use an electric cooker to heat the '3-Cup Chicken' evenly. The juices will be taken in quicker making the chicken even more delicious.
仿土雞腿 800公克
薑片 100公克
紅辣椒 2根
蒜仁 80公克
九層塔 15公克
800 grams of chicken thighs
100 grams of ginger
2 red peppers
80 grams of garlic
15 grams of basil
胡麻油 4大匙
醬油膏 3大匙
細糖 1大匙
米酒 100cc
4 tablespoons of sesame oil
3 tablespoons of soy sauce
1 tablespoon of fine sugar
100 cc of rice wine
1. 雞肉洗淨剁小塊;薑切片、紅辣椒切小片、九層塔挑去粗莖洗淨,備用。
2. 熱鍋倒入胡麻油,放入薑片、紅辣椒、蒜仁煸香。
3. 將雞肉下鍋煎炒至表面微焦香。
4. 放入所有調味料,炒勻後蓋上鍋蓋燜煮約20分鐘。
5. 打開鍋蓋煮至湯汁收乾,再加入九層塔炒勻即可。
1. Wash the chicken and cut it into small pieces. Slice the ginger. Cut the red pepper into small pieces. Remove the thick stems from the basil and wash.
2. Pour sesame oil into the wok, add ginger, red pepper, and garlic. Stir-fry until fragrant.
3. Place the chicken in the pot and fry until the surface is slightly burnt.
4. Add all the seasonings, stir well, cover, and simmer for about 20 minutes.
5. Open the lid and cook until the sauce is absorbed, then add the basil and stir well.
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