#1. Vapor Pressure - 水汽壓 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
在一定溫度時,大氣中的水汽含量達到最大限值時,稱為飽和(saturation),這時的水汽壓稱為飽和水汽壓。一定體積的空氣,其飽和水汽壓與溫度有關,溫度愈高,水汽含量愈 ...
#2. saturation vapor pressure的意思 - 漢語網
saturation vapor pressure中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:飽和蒸氣壓;飽和蒸汽壓;飽和水蒸汽壓。英漢詞典提供【saturation vapor pressure】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句 ...
#3. 飽和蒸氣壓英文- 機械工程- 雙語詞彙 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 飽和蒸氣壓 Saturated Vapor Pressure 【環境科學大辭典】 飽和蒸氣壓 saturation‑vapor pressure 【機械工程】 飽和蒸氣壓 saturation vapor pressure 【機械工程】
#4. saturation-vapor pressure 中文 - 查查在線詞典
saturation -vapor pressure中文:飽和蒸氣壓…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋saturation-vapor pressure的中文翻譯,saturation-vapor pressure的發音,音標, ...
#5. saturation vapor pressure - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"saturation vapor pressure" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#7. saturation vapor pressure 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
saturation vapor pressure 中文 意思是什麼 · saturation: n. 1. 浸透,浸潤。2. 充滿;飽和。3. 【化學】飽和(狀態)。 · vapor: n. 〈美國〉= vapour. · pressure: n 1 壓 ...
#8. [溼空氣]水面飽和水氣壓 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
[溼空氣]水面飽和水氣壓. saturation vapor pressure (of moist air) with respect to water ... 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 氣象學名詞
#9. saturation vapor pressure用法,例句- 英語字典 - 极简词典
saturation vapor pressure 的中文意思,saturation vapor pressure汉语解释| 返回saturation vapor pressure. 飽和蒸氣壓;飽和蒸汽壓;飽和水蒸汽壓 ...
#10. saturation vapor pressure - Translation into Chinese - Reverso ...
Translations in context of "saturation vapor pressure" in English-Chinese from Reverso Context: Since the saturation vapor pressure is proportional to ...
#11. Vapour pressure of water - Wikipedia
The vapour pressure of water is the pressure exerted by molecules of water vapor in gaseous form The saturation vapour pressure is the pressure at which ...
#12. saturation vapor pressure — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“saturation vapor pressure” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#13. saturation vapor pressure在線翻譯- 英語 - 海词词典
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供saturation vapor pressure的在線翻譯,saturation vapor pressure是什麼意思,saturation vapor pressure的真人發音,權威用法和精選 ...
#14. saturated vapor pressure - Websaru線上字典
saturated vapor pressure中文 意思: saturated vapor pressure [] 飽和蒸汽壓..., 學習saturated vapor pressure發音, saturated vapor pressure例句盡在WebSaru字典。
#15. saturated vapour pressure 中文意思是什麼 - 英漢/漢英 ...
saturated vapour pressure 中文 意思是什麼. saturated vapour pressure 解釋. 飽和蒸氣壓,飽和汽壓. saturated : adj. 1. 飽和的。2. 充滿…了的。3.
#16. saturated vapor pressure中文是什么意思 - 我比你强问答社区
saturated vapor pressure中文 意思是饱和蒸气压,饱和蒸汽压.
#17. Vapor Pressure | 科學Online - 國立臺灣大學
部分被器壁彈回的氣體粒子碰撞到了凝態物質表面,因為本身具有的能量不足以脫離物質表面,重新被凝態粒子吸引停留在物質中,這個過程稱為「凝結(Condensation)」。如果凝態 ...
#18. saturation vapor pressure method是什么意思 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选saturation vapor pressure method是什么意思、英语单词推荐、翻译saturation vapor pressure method是什么意思。
#19. saturation vapor pressure - 饱和蒸汽压翻译 - 生物医药大词典
英文: Over the range of air temperature, the saturation vapor pressure fluctuates from less than 1/10 to over 100 millibars, or by a factor of 1000. 中文: ...
#20. 美国ACCDON公司旗下品牌 - SCI论文修改
推荐同事 机构合作 中文 繁體中文 English 한국어 日本語 Português Español ... 中英对照. 饱和蒸气压. saturation vapor pressure ...
#21. On the Computation of Saturation Vapor Pressure. - RAND ...
A discussion of some of the problems involved in computing saturation vapor pressure of water for meteorological applications.
#22. Saturation Vapor Pressure - File Exchange - MATLAB Central
A script to calculate the saturation vapor pressure (in Pascals) according to equation by Goff & Gratch (1946), as a function of temperature on Kelvin scale ...
#23. Saturation Vapor Pressure - Encyclopedia
in meteorology, the maximum possible vapor pressure at a given temperature. The higher the air temperature, the greater the saturation vapor pressure.
#24. Apparatus for Vapor Pressure Determination - - Parr ...
Vapor pressure (also known as equilibrium vapor pressure or saturation vapor pressure), is the pressure of a vapor in equilibrium with its non-vapor phases ...
#25. vapor pressure - Sesli Sözlük
vapor pressure çevirisi anlamı nedir nasıl telaffuz ediliz. ... pressure: the pressure exerted by a vapor; often understood to mean saturated vapor pressure ...
#26. Saturation vapor pressure - PLANETCALC Online calculators
This online calculator computes saturation vapor pressure for a given temperature and atmospheric (barometric) pressure.
#27. Vapor pressure (video) | States of matter | Khan Academy
#28. Saturation vapor pressure - Glossary of Meteorology
The saturation vapor pressure of any pure substance, with respect to a specified parent phase, is an intrinsic property of that substance ...
#29. Vapor Pressure - Hyperphysics
Saturated Vapor Pressure. The process of evaporation in a closed container will proceed until there are as many molecules returning to the liquid as there ...
#30. Saturation Vapor Pressure - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Saturation Vapor Pressure. Ps is saturation vapour pressure (mmHg) at same temperature and φ is the relative humidity (%). From: Science in Clothing Comfort, ...
#31. 飽和溫度(saturation temperature)是指液 - 中文百科知識
飽和溫度(saturation temperature)是指液體和蒸氣處於動態平衡狀態即飽和狀態時所具有的溫度ts。飽和狀態時,液體和蒸氣的溫度相等。飽和溫度一定時,飽和壓力也一定 ...
#32. 饱和蒸汽压亏缺_百度百科
是指在一定温度下,饱和水汽压与空气中的实际水汽压之间的差值,它表示的是实际空气距离饱和状态的程度。 中文名: 饱和蒸汽压亏缺; 外文名: Vapor pressure deficit.
#33. Agriculture Handbook - 第 360-364 卷 - Google 圖書結果
Referring to table 1 , we find that if the air is cooled to 50 ° , the actual vapor pressure will equal the saturation vapor pressure .
#34. Technical Manual - 第 27 頁 - Google 圖書結果
The ratio , expressed as a percentage , of the actual vapor pressure in a given volume to the water vapor pressure which would be present if the space were ...
#35. The Climate Near the Ground - 第 249 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Near the ground the relative humidity is close to saturation , vapor pressure ( e ) is at a maximum , and the air is calm . The curve for the saturation ...
#36. Construction and Operation of a Depleted Uranium ...
The evaporation rate from spilled chemical pools depends on pool temperature and saturation vapor pressure . The pool temperature was conservatively assumed ...
#37. Physics and Dynamics of Clouds and Precipitation
Eq. (5.51) is the famous Kelvin equation for the saturation vapor pressure over a curved liquid surface with radius of curvature a.
#38. Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics - 第 44 頁 - Google 圖書結果
(T), called the saturation vapor pressure (ew is the value over a plane water surface; the subscript w is used to distinguish this from the value over a ...
#39. An Introduction to Environmental Biophysics
(T)/dT, gives the slope of the saturation mole fraction function for water, which is simply related to the slope of the saturation vapor pressure versus ...
#40. saturation vapour pressure | atmospheric science | Britannica
Other articles where saturation vapour pressure is discussed: hydrosphere: Water vapour and precipitation: The equilibrium, or saturation, water vapour ...
saturation vapor pressure中文 在 高中地球科學-飽和水氣壓曲線(saturated vapor pressure) 的必吃
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