
renal pelvis中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳貼文

#1. 腎盂(renal pelvis) - 小小整理網站Smallcollation
腎盂(renal pelvis). 集尿管由腎乳頭(renal papilla)進入腎盂,腎盂負責收集來自各集尿管的尿液,接著尿液會流到與腎盂相通的輸尿管(ureter),由輸尿管將尿液帶離 ...
#2. Renal pelvis - 腎盂 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
以Renal pelvis 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 動物學名詞 ... 腎盂, pelvis renalis; renal pelvis. 學術名詞
#3. 腎臟Kidney - KMU Anatomy Video
Cortex Medulla Renal pyramid Pelvis Major calyx Minor calyx Renal papillae ... 髓質在內層,可明顯辨認出錐形、顏色較深的腎錐renal pyramid,以及介於其間顏色較 ...
在妊娠第二期產前超音波檢查時,會對胎兒的腎. 臟進行常規性檢查。超音波檢驗師會查看腎臟的. 大小和形狀,測量尿液的量。腎盂是腎臟中收集. 尿液的位置。
renal pelvis中文 ::腎盂…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋renal pelvis的中文翻譯,renal pelvis的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
E. blockage of drain holes against wall of renal pelvis。 F. kinking of nephrostomy tube。 G. kinking of drainage tube。 導尿管於無血尿時即可拔除 ...
#7. 肾盂_百度百科
中文 名: 肾盂; 外文名: Renal Pelvis ... 肾盂肿瘤(renal pelvic carcinoma)是指由肾盂或肾盏黏膜发展而来的肿瘤,绝大多数为移行细胞癌,约占肾肿瘤的8%。
#8. renal pelvis - 泌尿外科医学名词-词汇翻译
renal pelvis 腎盂,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,泌尿外科醫學名詞-詞匯翻譯,美國LetPub 論文編輯.
#9. 膀胱輸尿管逆流| 醫學影像學習園地 - 中國醫藥大學
Grade IV:ureter and renal pelvis更為擴大,clayceal fornices極度擴大而消失。 Grade V:嚴重迴流,泌尿系統極度擴大、扭曲變形。 Natural history of VUR ...
#10. 肾盂-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
本文报导一同时存在于肾盂及同侧中段输尿管之原发性鳞状上皮细胞癌的病例。 A case of primary squamous cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis and ipisilateral ureter is ...
#11. renal pelvis ureter - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"renal pelvis ureter" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#12. [Sonoanatomy] KuB — Kidney, ureter, Bladder - POCUS ...
尿液製造出來後分泌至腎盂renal pelvis 後由輸尿管ureter流至膀胱。Pelvis跟ureter 過渡區域叫UPJ (ureteropelvic junction) (*註1). image ...
#13. 什麼是泌尿道上皮細胞癌? - 康健知識庫
高醫醫訊:台灣的另一種國病-上泌尿道上皮癌(腎盂癌或輸尿管癌) · Healthline:Transitional Cell Cancer (Cancer of the Renal Pelvis and Ureter).
#14. renal pelvis翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
renal pelvis中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:[解剖] 腎盂。英漢詞典提供【renal pelvis】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#15. 組成: 腎→ 製造尿液(過濾血液) 輸尿管→ 輸送尿液膀胱→ 儲存尿 ...
腎動脈、腎靜脈、交感神經(刺激使血管收縮,尿量. 減少)及淋巴管經由此處進出腎臟。在腎門內側的空腔. 有一囊狀的收集部分稱為腎盂(renal pelvis),是輸尿管.
#16. 高雄市立民生醫院104 年惡性腫瘤前十大排名(依細部位)
Malignant neoplasm of kidney, except renal pelvis. 1. 腎臟惡性腫瘤、腎盂除外. 9. C65. Malignant neoplasm of renal pelvis. 1. 腎盂惡性腫瘤.
#17. 認識尿路結石(一)--結石介紹及評估-泌尿外科 - 三軍總醫院
腎臟(renal stone). 2. 腎盂輸尿管間(UPJ stone). 3. 輸尿管(ureteral stone) ─ 可分為上、中、下三段, 必須註明左右邊。 4. 輸尿管膀胱間(UVJ stone).
#18. 腎盂與輸尿管之過渡上皮細胞癌的電腦斷層癌症分期
繁體中文. 過渡上皮細胞癌 ; 電腦斷層攝影 ; 癌症分期 ; transitional cell carcinoma ... There were 48 lesions found-19 renal pelvis(39.6%) and 29 ureteral ...
#19. double renal pelvis 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
腎臟(部)的。 renal calculus 【醫學】腎結石。 renal capsule 腎上腺。 renal colic 腎絞痛。 renal corpulse 腎小體,腎球。 pelvis: n (pl pelvises pelves ...
#20. Renal pelvis 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Renal pelvis 释义: a small funnel-shaped cavity of the kidney into which urine is discharged before passing... | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#21. 高雄榮民總醫院上尿路泌尿上皮癌診療原則
➢Bilateral renal pelvis and/or urothelial carcinoma of the ureter. ➢Solitary or solitary functioning kidney.
#22. renal+pelvis 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
renal +pelvis 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典. ... 沒有發現關於[renal+pelvis] 的資料.
#23. 解剖學
腎臟(Kidney). 構造(Structure of kidney). 輸尿管上端為一漏斗狀的腎盂(renal pelvis),位於腎竇中. 腎盂再分成2-3個大腎盞(major calyces).
#24. 腎細胞癌的臨床表現與診斷 - 內科醫學會
最常見是腎細胞癌(renal cell carcinoma,. RCC),由腎臟的皮質(cortex) 長出,約佔80-. 85%。第二常見的是由腎盂(renal pelvis) 長出. 的移行細胞癌(transitional cell ...
#25. 水腎的分級Grading of Hydronephrosis - Teachingcenter的醫學 ...
腎盂輕微擴張,腎盞無擴張(腎外腎盂也是此表現)(dilatation of the renal pelvis (mild) without dilatation of the calyces (can also occur in the ...
#26. Hydronephrosis Hydrostatic Dilation Renal Pelvis Calyces ...
歡迎瀏覽Shutterstock 收錄的高畫質Hydronephrosis Hydrostatic Dilation Renal Pelvis Calyces庫存圖片和其他百萬張免版稅庫存照片、插圖和向量圖。
#27. renal pelvis - 从英语翻译成中文| PONS - 词典
词条„renal pelvis“在英语» 中文中的译文 (跳至中文» 英语) · pelvis <pelvises or pelves [ˈpelviːz] > [ˈpelvıs] 名词 解剖 · renal [ˈriːnəl] 形 医学 ...
#28. What is hydronephrosis? 何謂水腎?(英文) - 中國醫藥大學附設 ...
Hydronephrosis means abnormal dilatation of the collecting system of the kidney (renal pelvis). It can be classified according to its severity.
#29. renal pelvis — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
A rare solitary fibrous tumour of kidney... The tumour was a well- circumscribed, solid mass attached to the renal pelvis without necrosis and haemorrhage.
#30. 腎盂輸尿管接合處阻塞(UreteroPelvic Junction (UPJ) obstruction)
核醫腎造影(Renal Scan)是由靜脈注射帶有放射性而且會經腎. 臟排出的藥物(如. 99m. Tc-DMSA),由偵測放射性所得之腎臟影像,可判. 斷是否有腎盂腎炎、是否有瘢痕變化及 ...
#31. 【108 年泌尿科筆試考古題】-1 結石
(B) 對於type 1 RTA(renal tubule acidosis)的病人,鹼化尿液的藥物 ... (D) perforation of renal pelvis and ureter. (E) failed access. C/ (103)/1.結石.
#32. Renal ultrasound
腎臟中央的區域, the renal sinus, 看起來較亮(echogenic),. 主要是calyces, renal pelvis and the renal sinus fat. ▷ 正常的腎臟超音波不應該看到 ...
#33. 人體器官-網站地圖
中文 名, 英文名. 人體器官. Organs of Human Body ... Kidney. 腎盂. Renal pelvis. 腎盞. Calyx. 腎上腺. Adrenal gland. 腎小球. Glomerule.
#34. 腎盂腫瘤英文,Tumor of renal pelvis中文 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 腎盂腫瘤 Tumor of renal pelvis 【病理學名詞】 腎旁腫瘤 Pararenal tumor 【病理學名詞】 腎盂乳頭狀瘤 Papilloma of renal pelvis 【病理學名詞】
#35. 腎及尿道系統/女性生殖系統常見編碼原則及案例分享
Kidney. Renal calyx / Renal capsule. Renal cortex / Renal segment ... Pelvic adhesion lysis uterine and intestine,cul-de-sac, ovarine.
#36. Primary renal pelvis and ureter squamous cell carcinoma (SCC)
Primary renal pelvis and ureter squamous cell carcinoma (SCC): a rare case report and review of literature.
#37. renal pelvis 腎盂 - Mican
腎臟(部)的。. renal calculus “pelvis” 中文翻譯: n. (pl. pelvises, pelves ) 【 “renal cyst of the renal pelvis” 中文翻譯: 腎盂腎囊腫. “anastomosis of renal ...
#38. 腎臟異常旋轉合併腎結石之罕見病例報告陳經國, 劉建良, 沈坤宏 ...
A rare case of Renal malrotation with huge renal pelvis stone ... rotation of the kidney with an orientation of the renal pelvis to the medial and the renal.
#39. dilated renal pelvis 中文 - Mirrorize
腎盂(英語: renal pelvis )是腎臟內側的漏斗狀空腔,下端連接至輸尿管,上端連接二到三個腎大盞。 renal calculus “pelvis”中文翻譯n.
#40. 從資料整理開始打好精準醫學研究根基
Nephritis of renal pelvis origin. • 常發生在女性. • 突然高燒,體溫常超過40°C. • 高燒伴隨顫抖、雙邊或單側的腰椎異常疼痛 ... 變項中文名稱.
#41. renal pelvis的中文意思 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选renal pelvis是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、renal pelvis的用法、renal pelvis的中文意思、翻译renal pelvis是什么意思.
#42. Primary Mucinous Adenocarcinoma of Renal Pelvis with ...
We report a case of primary mucinous adenocarcinoma of the renal pelvis associated with ... tumor in the left kidney and excluded tumors in other sites.
#43. 你該懂得病理報告關鍵訊息 - 台灣癌症基金會
台灣的醫學用語以英文為標準,名詞並無統一之中譯,以下中文翻譯可協助讀者意會,但僅供參考。 ... 腎盂(renal pelvis)、尿道(ureter)、膀胱(urinary bladder) ...
#44. Baby—kidney pelvis dilatation - Patient Information Brochures
The kidney (or renal) pelvis includes. the funnel-like upper part of the ureter which is the tube that drains urine from the kidney to the ...
#45. renal pelvis 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释renal pelvis这个英文词呢? renal pelvis这个英文词,中文意思如下:肾盂。 Meaning of renal pelvis for the defined word.
#46. A Report of 3 Cases:自發性腎盂破裂併尿性囊腫形成 - 期刊篇目 ...
題名, Spontaneous Rupture of Renal Pelvis with Urinoma Formation--A Report of ... 中文摘要, 自發性腎盂破裂併尿性囊腫形成是一種少見的現象,本文報告三位病例, ...
#47. 胰脾腎主動脈超音波掃描簡介
Horseshoe. Kidney. Extra renal pelvis. Junctional parenchymal defect. 胚胎時期分葉融合不完全. 造成. 常見upper pole of right kidney ...
#48. 急件 - 台灣癌症登記中心
於2018 年SEER「Solid Tumor Rules」其Renal Pelvis, Ureter, ... (2) 前述第一點若發生於雙側器官,如Renal pelvis 或Ureter,亦須申報為多發.
#49. renal pelvis"的中文翻译 - 医学词典
与"renal pelvis"相近的词条 ... Renal pelvic cavity · Renal pelvic contraction · renal pelvic tumor · Renal pelviostomy · Renal pelviotomy; renal pelvis ...
#50. Hydronephrosis - Overview - Mayo Clinic
Less-common causes of hydronephrosis include kidney stones, a tumor in the abdomen or pelvis, and problems with nerves that lead to the bladder.
#51. 洗腎科
英文疾病名稱 ICD‑9‑CM 2001年版 A Code SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS Abdominal pain 789.00 A464 Allergic reaction 995.3 A56
#52. 膀胱癌診療指引 - 振興醫院
Principle of Chemotherapy. ○ Principle of Radiation Mamagement. ○ Urinary Bladder AJCC 8 th. TNM Stage. ○ Renal Pelvis and Ureter AJCC 7.
#53. pelvic中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
Studies have assessed the impact of maternal hydration on fetal renal pelvic dilatation. 來自Cambridge English Corpus. Thus, the planes of the pelvic inlet ...
#54. renal pelvis中文 :: 美體產業公開資訊
renal pelvis中文 全美鑫有限公司統一編號 磐石Rock Lip Intimate Care Dcard 李安華文創藝術有限公司 廣翰機械股份有限公司 精浚科技年終 王道銀行系統 冠軍團隊ptt.
#55. 實習單位資料
Renal stone腎臟結石. L't Staghorn stone左側鹿角石結石 ... renal cell carcinoma(RCC)腎細胞癌 ... ureteral pelvis junction Obstruction(UPJ obs.).
#56. 泌尿生殖系統
中文. 英文. 日文. 印尼文. 越南文. 泰文. 腎. Kidney. 腎臓. Ginjal. Thận. ไต. 腎盂. Pelvis. 骨盤. Pelvis ginjal. Khung xương.
#57. Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction | Johns Hopkins Medicine
The ureter actively propels urine from the kidney down into the bladder. ... blockage in the area that connects the renal pelvis (part of the kidney) to one ...
#58. 淺談腎囊腫
2 林口長庚醫院家庭醫學部部主任. 3 長庚醫院家庭醫學科副教授. 關鍵詞:simple renal cyst, bosniak classification system, renal cystic masses. 通訊作者:陳昭源.
#59. 台灣病理學會「癌症病理報告應含診斷項目核對表」(AJCC 8th)
中文 癌別. 英文癌別. 下載. 1. 乳癌. Breast cancer (Updated 2020.6.22) ... 腎盂及輸尿管上皮癌. Renal pelvis and ureter carcinoma.
#60. 台北醫學大學萬芳醫院
(location: □ renal pelvis □ ureter □ bladder neck □ urethra). B: ESWL. □ Renal stones ( □ <2.5 cm □ >0.5 cm □ Recurrent infection.
#61. 誘發泌尿上皮癌的致癌物質— 預防的策略
bladder cancer> renal pelvis cancer > ureter cancer. 西方: bladder cancer: UTUC = 93 : 7. male-to-female ratio of UTUC = 2-3:1.
#62. 國家教育研究院-生命科學學術名詞 - SheetHub.com
英文名稱 中文名稱 學門 57634782 rejection 排斥 高中生物 57634783 relative abundance 相對豐度 大一普生 57634784 relative fitness 相對適性 大一普生
#63. Extrarenal pelvis mimicking hydronephrosis: a case for caution
A renal ultrasound was obtained to evaluate this finding, which demonstrated a large hypoechoic mass just outside the renal sinus but with no ...
#64. Prominent Renal Pelvis In Fetus- 124 Questions Answered
Is Prominent renal pelvis in fetus your major concern? Solve your problem quick & easy with online consultation. Get your query answered 24*7 with Expert ...
#65. Types of kidney cancer
Apart from renal cell cancer, there are some other types of kidney cancers: Transitional cell cancer of the renal pelvis and ureter starts in ...
#66. Abnormal ureteric jet in obstructed uropathy: A case report
The Doppler waveforms of the left ureteric jets changed from a monopeaked type with the stone in the renal pelvis into a flattened type as ...
#67. 英语-汉语renal pelvis翻译
'renal pelvis'在免费英语-汉语词典的翻译,查看更多汉语的翻译。
#68. 內湖三軍總醫院11病房 - 敏惠醫護管理專科學校護理科
中文, 英文. 唇癌, Lip cacncer, 口腔癌. Baccul cancer/. Oral cancer ... 中文, 英文. 腎癌, Renal cell carcinoma(RCC). 腎盂腫瘤, Renal pelvis tumor.
#69. Renal Pelvis and Ureter Cancer - Kidney and Urinary Tract ...
Cancer can occur in the cells lining the central collecting area of the kidney (the renal pelvis—usually a type called transitional cell carcinoma of the ...
#70. 翻译'Renal pelvis' – 字典中文-印度尼西亚文 - Glosbe
检查“ Renal pelvis”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中Renal pelvis的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
#71. Transitional Cell Cancer of the Renal ... - Michigan Medicine
Total excision of the ureter with a bladder cuff, renal pelvis, and kidney is recommended in an attempt to provide the greatest likelihood of ...
#72. 重大傷病類別 - 醫聖診療系統
ICD-9-CM. ICD-9-CM英文名稱. ICD-9-CM中文名稱. ICD-10-CM. ICD-10-CM英文名稱. ICD-10-CM中文名稱 ... Malignant neoplasm of left renal pelvis. 左側腎盂惡性腫瘤.
#73. 肾盂及肾上盏结石(附30例报告) - NAVER Academic
簡體中文. 输尿管结石 ; 肾盂及肾上盏内结石 ; 输尿管镜术 ; 碎石清石术 ; upper ureteral calculi ; renal pelvis or upper renal calyx calculi ...
#74. Extrarenal pelvis | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia
Extrarenal pelvis refers to the presence of the renal pelvis outside the confines of the renal hilum; it is a normal anatomic variant.
#75. Renal pelvis的中文解释和发音 - 欧路词典
Tuberculous pyelitis showed deformed renal pelvis, filling defect and hydronephrosis. 肾 炎CT表现为肾 及部分肾大盏变形、充盈缺损及积水征。
RENAL PELVIS & URETER. • Using the renal artery as a hinge, turn the left kidney toward the right. http://www.ym.edu.tw/~cflu. 10. Ref. [5], p. 170.
#77. 腹部超音波之基本操作– An Introduction to Abdominal ...
判斷hydronephrosis最重要的不是用抽血判斷有沒有post-renal type ... and Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease這些疾病初期腎臟會變大!
#78. Kidney Cancer | CDC
To lower your risk of kidney and renal pelvis cancers, don't smoke, or quit if you do. Be very careful if you work with the chemical trichloroethylene.
#79. Hydronephrosis/Urinary Tract Dilation - Children's Hospital of ...
Pictured left to right: Normal appearance of the renal pelvis, followed by increasing severity of hydronephrosis. Prenatal hydronephrosis (which may also be ...
#80. Transitional Cell Cancer of the Renal Pelvis and Ureter ...
The renal pelvis is the top part of the ureter. The ureter is a long tube that connects the kidney to the bladder. There are two kidneys, ...
#81. Differential diagnosis between fetal extrarenal pelvis and ob..
Postnatally, all neonates underwent renal ultrasonogram 2 to 8 days after birth, and renal pelvic diameters were measured using the same method as the fetal US ...
#82. MICU 常見診斷及檢查縮寫常見診斷縮寫: - 汐止國泰
Acute renal failure. 急性腎衰竭 ... Chronic renal insufficiency. 慢性腎功能不全 ... ABDOMEN : Routine Abdomen+Pelvis Survey (NCCT).
#83. Renal pelvis - IMAIOS
The renal calyces and pelvis form the upper expanded end of the excretory duct of the kidney. This definition incorporates text from a public domain edition of ...
#84. renal pelvis 中文腎盂(renal - Ixtk
renal pelvis 中文 腎盂(renal. 下端連接至輸尿管,下端連接至輸尿管, and the peristalsis at the UPJ was fine on the screen.. 結果:48側A-H腎盂成形術病人術后 ...
#85. Glomerular filtration in the nephron (video) | Khan Academy
#86. Renal pelvic stones: choosing shock wave lithotripsy ... - SciELO
Renal pelvic stones: choosing shock wave lithotripsy or percutaneous nephrolithotomy. Robert Marcovich; Arthur D. Smith. Department of Urology, Long Island ...
#87. 腎結石:體外電震波碎石術治療之爭議
試著比較staghorn stone, renal stone with different sizes, ESWL, PCNL 或combine treatment 的不同。 請參考key words: extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, ...
#88. Clinical Trials Sponsored by Fakultní nemocnice Olomouc ...
... Cardiac Insufficiency · Coronary Bifurcation Lesions · Hypertonia, Muscle · Lipodystrophy · Locally Advanced Renal Pelvis Urothelial Carcinoma ...
#89. Transitional Cell Cancer of the Renal Pelvis and Ureter ...
Transitional cell cancer of the renal pelvis and ureter treatment is primarily surgery. In the case that the cancer has spread or come back, ...
#90. What to expect during an abdomen and pelvis low-dose CT ...
#91. 外科-Wilms瘤,臨床醫學教室 - 高點醫護網
15%患兒合併先天性異常,包括:隱睪症(Cryptorchidism)、尿道下裂(Hypospadias)、馬蹄腎(Horseshoe Kidney)、腎臟發育不全(Renal Dysplasia)、無虹彩症(1%)、半側肢體肥大 ...
#92. Survival Rates for Kidney Cancer
Based on people diagnosed with cancers of the kidney (or renal pelvis) between 2010 and 2016. SEER stage. 5-year relative survival rate.
#93. Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Kidney and Its Prognosis
The patient was treated with radical nephrectomy. 1. Introduction. Primary squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the renal pelvis is an extremely rare entity ...
#94. Upper Urinary Tract Cancer: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment
Renal pelvis (where urine collects in the kidneys before it travels to the ureters and bladder); Renal calyces (spaces deep in the kidneys); Ureters (thin tubes ...
#95. Smith's Textbook of Endourology - 第 823 頁 - Google 圖書結果
In fact , in smaller pediatric kidneys , it has been recommended to limit the ... renal pelvis perforation , disruption of the ureter at the ureteropelvic ...
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