Hello beautiful people! Welcome to today's TBH老實說 review where I test out a CC cream from Vecs Gardenia. Watch to find out what I think and how it wears.
let's chat more on my insta
My skin type
dry sensitive skin
逆齡光透CC修護凝霜02(新自然) SPF50 30ML NT720
Vecs Gardenia Age Protection CC Cream 30ML 02
dewy finish
non sticky
infused with skincare ingredients, organic butterfly bush extract and hyaluronic acid
very light coverage
two shades to choose from
My other socials:
我的穿搭靈感 my fashion inspo:
逛逛我的女裝網店 my womenswear shop:
Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum 果然美肌光輕粉底液 52 Vanilla
Bourjois Healthy Mix 果然新肌光粉底液旗艦版 52 Vanilla
Bourjois Always Fabulous Foundcealer Stick 200 rose vanilla
Laneige 蘭芝 BB cushion NO 21 natural beige
Maybelline Fit Me Matte n Poreless 反孔特霧 120 classic ivory
Loreal true match rose vanilla 2R/2C
Loreal Infallable Pro Glow 202 creamy natural(冬天)
Loreal Infallable Pro Glow 205 natural beige (夏天)
Loreal Infallable Pro Matte 105 Natural Beige
NYX Total Control Drop Foundation 07 Natural
No7 Lift n Luminate Foundation Cool Beige
City Color Flawlessly Matte NUDE
Estee Lauder Double Wear Sand 1W2
MISSHA Daily Wear 柔膚色
MISSHA Radiance Foundation 自然色
Catrice瓷肌柔焦粉底液 (無色)
Bobbie Brown Foundation Stick 02 Sand x 04 Natural
Wet n Wild Photofocus Foundation soft beige
Rimmel倫敦芮魅超完美吻肌保濕粉底液 100 ivory
媚比琳夢幻奇蹟無瑕粉底液Maybelline Dream Satin Skin 01裸膚色
巴黎萊雅24無瑕誘潤Loreal Stay Fresh Foundation 125自然色
Giorgio Armani輕透亮絲光粉底 #2
巴黎萊雅24H無瑕完美粉底液 Fresh Wear Foundation 120自然色
La Mer潤澤無瑕持妝粉底液 Natural 12
YSL 超模輕裸光粉底液 BR02
媚比琳無敵特霧超持久粉底液 Maybelline Superstay No. 128
I'm meme Im Genius Foundation 我愛零妝感無瑕粉底液 03明亮色
Dior Forever Foundation迪奧超完美持久粉底液 色號20
KATE the Base Zero Foundation凱婷零瑕肌密粉底液 色號02 自然色
嘉丹尼爾裸妝輕粉底 自然色
INTERGRATE櫻特芮迷人光采粉底精華 OC 03
Colourpop No Filter Stix Foundation 80W (not my shade)
VG Age Protection CC Cream 02 嘉丹妮爾逆齡光透CC修護凝霜 02 新自然
FTC: not sponsored! the product reviewed is sent to me. thoughts and opinions are 100% mine!
#TBH老實說 #嘉丹尼爾 #逆齡光透CC修護霜