#1. 甲狀腺疾病- 嘉義長庚一般外科
(2)、毒性結節性甲狀腺腫(Toxic Nodular Goiter):又稱繼發性甲亢、或Plummer病,約佔甲亢的10~30%,通常發生於原來已有多年多結節性甲狀腺腫的病人,一般在40歲 ...
#2. Thyroid Goiters | 醫學影像學習園地 - 中國醫藥大學
也可以考慮放射線碘治療,通常在6-12個月內可以讓病人腺腫縮小50%以上。 Treatment: Nontoxic Multinodular Goiter 非毒性多結節甲狀腺腫 放射性碘治療:甲狀腺 ...
#3. 結節性甲狀腺腫 - 维基百科
結節性甲狀腺腫(英語:nodular goiter)是甲狀腺腫(英語:goiter)的一種。甲狀腺腫依腺腫的生長方式,可分為結節性(英語:nodular)或瀰漫性(英語:diffuse)。
#4. 非毒性甲狀腺腫(Non-toxic goiter)_新陳代謝科_成人常見疾病
非毒性甲狀腺腫是因為甲狀腺素產生減少造成血液中的甲狀腺賀爾蒙降低(T3、T4),因而刺激腦下垂體產生TSH(甲狀腺刺激激素),甲狀腺受到甲狀腺刺激激素作用會造成 ...
#5. 甲狀線結節 - 甲狀腺癌
甲狀腺結節(thyroid nodule) 是甲狀腺內出現腫塊,如果甲狀腺中只出現一個結節叫做單一結節(single nodule),出現一個以上就是多發性結節(multiple nodules, nodular ...
6. Papini E, Petrucci L, Guglielmi R, et al. Long-term changes in nodular goiter: a 5-year prospective randomized trial of levothyroxine suppressive therapy for ...
multinodular goiter中文 :多結節性甲狀腺腫…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋multinodular goiter的中文翻譯,multinodular goiter的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#8. 甲狀腺有腫塊,應如何處理? | 頭部及頸部| 醫生文章
Carcinoma of the thyroid and nontoxic nodular goiter. Surgery. Apr 1952;31(4):552-61. [Medline]. 10. Correa P, Chen VW. Endocrine gland cancer. Cancer ...
Multinodular Goiter, Concomitant Microcarcinoma and Lymphocytic Thyroiditis Manifesting as Thyroid Autonomy. 多結節性甲狀腺腫並存乳突狀癌和淋巴球性甲狀腺 ...
#10. 甲狀腺腫瘤thyroid tumor - Teachingcenter的醫學筆記- 痞客邦
結節性甲狀腺腫nodular goiter. 最常見的甲狀腺腫; 成因尚未完全了解; 可能與血管的病變有關. 多結節性甲狀腺腫multinodular goiter.
#11. ICD 10 總表 - Dr.Tseng曾志仁醫師
代碼, 英/中文名稱 ... E042, Nontoxic multinodular goiter ... E0520, Thyrotoxicosis with toxic multinodular goiter without thyrotoxic crisis or storm.
#12. multinodular goiter - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"multinodular goiter" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#13. toxic multinodular goiter - 毒性多結節性甲狀腺腫 - 國家教育 ...
以toxic multinodular goiter 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 動物學名詞, toxic multinodular goiter, 毒性多結節性甲狀腺腫.
#14. 甲狀腺檢查技術介紹Introduce of Thyroid Gland Ultrasound ...
甲狀腺機能亢進症、葛瑞夫茲氏眼病變. (Graves' ophthalmopathy)和脛前黏液水腫. 是葛瑞夫茲氏病的三大表徵。 48. Page 13. 局部性或結節性病變(Localized or nodular ...
#15. 內科-甲狀腺功能亢進症 - 高點醫護網
例如:彌漫性毒性甲狀腺腫(Graves 病)、多結節性毒性甲狀腺腫(multinodular toxic goiter)、碘甲亢、甲狀腺癌等。 繼發性甲亢和高功能腺瘤:可能與結節本身自身性分泌 ...
#16. nodular goiter 結節性甲狀腺腫 - 學術英文編修、學術論文修改
nodular goiter 結節性甲狀腺腫,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,外科學詞匯-詞匯翻譯,美國LetPub 論文編輯.
#17. 「nontoxic multinodular goiter中文」懶人包資訊整理(1)
(2)、毒性結節性甲狀腺腫(Toxic Nodular Goiter):又稱繼發性甲亢、或Plummer病, ... , (3) 多結節甲狀腺腫(non-toxic multinodular goiter, MNG):是相當常見的甲狀腺 ...
#18. multinodular goitre 中文甲狀腺腫 - Hitcvr
Huge Multinodular Goitre 庫存照片(立即編… · What Is a Thyroid Goiter? · i Nontoxic nodular goiter is an enlarged thyroid …
#19. Goiter grade在PTT/mobile01評價與討論 - 台鐵車站資訊懶人包
在multinodular goiter中文這個討論中,有超過5篇Ptt貼文,作者hikki430也提到[時間]:站內信約[地點]:中、永和或景美地區[目的]:運動、流汗[自身程度]:新手(可用 ...
#20. multinodular goitre 中文 - Buuchau
multinodular goiter 的中文意思:多結節性甲狀腺腫,查閱multinodular goiter的詳細中文翻譯、發音、用法和例句等。 毒性結節性甲狀腺腫(英語:Toxic multinodular goitre ...
#21. MULTINODULAR GOITER 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
MULTINODULAR GOITER ”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“MULTINODULAR GOITER” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
#22. nodular goiter 中文 - Lekovi
nodular goiter中文 ::結節性甲狀腺腫;甲狀腺結節性腫;結節性甲關腺腫,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋nodular goiter的中文翻譯,nodular goiter的發音,音標,用法和例句等 ...
#23. GOITRE在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
In patients with multinodular goitre, t he usual form of hyperthyroidism in later life, the estimated rate of progression from sub-clinical ...
#24. 內分泌系統造影作業及體內分析簡介
I-131 Thyroid Uptake and Scan, 碘-131甲狀腺攝取量測定與造影. □ Tc-99m Thyroid Scan, 鎝-99m甲狀腺造影 ... Impression: Multinodular goiter is considered.
#25. 重組人類促甲狀腺素(rhTSH) 輔助放射碘治療用於無毒多結節性 ...
To assess the effects of recombinant human thyrotropin‐aided radioiodine treatment for non‐toxic multinodular goitre. Search methods. We searched the CENTRAL, ...
#26. Thyroid nodules - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
Multinodular goiter. The term goiter is used to describe any enlargement of the thyroid gland, which can be caused by iodine deficiency or a ...
#27. Toxic Nodular Goiter | UCLA Health
Toxic nodular goiter arises from a long-standing simple goiter and occurs most often in the elderly. Symptoms are those of hyperthyroidism, but the protruding ...
#28. 期刊篇目查詢-詳情
題名, Multinodular Goiter, Concomitant Microcarcinoma and Lymphocytic ... 中文摘要, 多結節性甲狀腺腫、乳突狀癌、淋巴球性甲狀腺炎與自主功能性結節,在核醫掃描 ...
#29. Non-toxic multinodular goiter是什麼意思 - 海词词典
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供Non-toxic multinodular goiter的在線翻譯,Non-toxic multinodular goiter是什麼意思,Non-toxic multinodular goiter的真人發音, ...
#30. 甲狀腺腫吃藥會好嗎?
(3) 多結節甲狀腺腫(non-toxic multinodular goiter, MNG):是相當常見的甲狀腺疾病,特別是在年齡較長的患者。因為細針切片可以相當準確的診斷甲狀腺 ...
#31. Multinodular goiter with retrosternal extension causing airway ...
Sir,. Airway compromise and difficult intubation may be anticipated in huge thyroid with gross tracheal deviation. Retrosternal extension can present with ...
#32. toxic multinodular goiter 中文意思是什麼 - 線上英文字典
toxic multinodular goiter 中文意思是什麼. toxic multinodular goiter 解釋. 多結節性甲狀腺腫伴甲亢. toxic : adj. 有毒的;中毒的。 toxic symptoms 中毒癥狀。
#33. nodular goitre 中文non-toxic - Acbdc
中文百科; 近義詞詞典The others(5 cases) with thyroid mass,您將看到非毒性甲狀腺腫 ... multinodular goiter中文翻譯, and 3 cases were misdiagnosed as nodular ...
#34. thyroid goiter 中文 - Appolice
甲狀腺激素(Thyroid hormone); Thyroid Goiter: Definition, Diagnosis, Dangers, and; multinodular goiter的中文意思; Surgical management of a substernal goiter ...
#35. Nontoxic Multinodular Goiter - DynaMed
nodular goiters are characterized by an enlargement of ≥ 1 nodule within the thyroid gland, whereas the term multinodular goiter refers specifically to goiters ...
#36. 甲狀腺腫, 結節腫, 甲狀腺癌 - 玄隆部落格
有自體免疫甲狀腺疾病or goiter之家族史 ... adenomatous hyperplasia in colloid goiter 惡性 papillary Ca ... -non-toxic multinodular goiter
#37. Simple Nontoxic Goiter - Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders
Simple nontoxic goiter, which may be diffuse or nodular, is noncancerous hypertrophy of the thyroid without hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, or inflammation ...
#38. 甲狀腺疾病與妊娠Thyroid disease in pregnancy 黃君睿林亮羽 ...
促甲狀腺素(thyroid stimulating hormone, TSH)作用的人類絨毛膜促性腺激素 ... 括:毒性多結節性甲狀腺腫(toxic multinodular goiter)、毒性腺瘤(toxic adenoma)、.
#39. 亞臨床型甲狀腺機能亢進
關鍵字:subclinical hyperthyroidism thyroid stimulating hormone. 通訊作者:黃善凱. 顏秉辰1. 張銘峰2 ... 毒性多結節性甲狀腺腫(Toxic multinodular goiter).
#40. multinodular goiter — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“multinodular goiter” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#41. 甲狀腺腫大的鑑別診斷和注意事項
multinodular da glândula tiróide. De acordo com a estrutura química, a hormona tiróidea pode ser classificada como normal ou anormal. Uma função.
#42. Goiter | Johns Hopkins Medicine
There are several types of goiters. Multinodular Goiter. When a goiter contains multiple nodules (small rounded lumps or masses), it's called a multinodular ...
#43. 疾病名稱(特定診療項目代號) 需長期用藥控制病情,建議開立 ...
中文 名稱. 若需長期用藥控制病情者,請打勾. 2400 Goiter, specified as simple ... 2411 Nontoxic multinodular goiter ... Toxic multinodular goiter without.
#44. multinodular goiter是什么意思 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选multinodular goiter是什么意思、英语单词推荐、multinodular goiter的用法、multinodular goiter的中文意思、翻译multinodular goiter是什么意思.
#45. Cortisone Acetate
中文 名: 昂特欣錠«GSK» ... about 4 wks until the thyroid deficiency is corrected and a maintenance ... -Benign Nodules or Nontoxic Multinodular Goiter:.
#46. goiter_百度百科
Objective To explore the diagnostic value of ultrasonography in differentiation between thyroid adenoma and solitary nodular goiter.
#47. 良性甲狀腺結節造成聲帶麻痺致聲音沙啞之個案報告- 月旦知識庫
李佩璇,楊逸菊,蔡明霖,dysphonia,thyroid nodule,vocal cord paralysis,一位47歲男性, ... 中文摘要. 一位47歲男性,甲狀腺在兩週內快速長大至6 cm並出現聲音沙啞。
#48. multinodular goiter中文| 最佳國民健康局-2022年5月
您即將離開本站,並前往multinodular goiter - 英中– Linguee词典 · 確認離開返回上頁. 常見保健問答. goiter醫學thyroid gland中文multinodular中文nontoxic ...
#49. goiter nodular中文 - Locsty
甲狀腺腫大:原因、癥狀、診斷、治療 · 【nodular_goiter】什么意思_英語nodular_goiter的翻 · toxic multinodular goiter · 結節狀甲狀腺腫英文,nodular goiter中文,動物學 ...
#50. Meta-analysis of total thyroidectomy for multinodular goiter
[Meta-analysis of total thyroidectomy for multinodular goiter] ... 库(CNKI)、中文科技期刊全文数据库等,检索时间截止2013年11月。纳入甲状腺全切除术(包含近全 ...
#51. Hyperthyroidism and Graves' Disease | Michigan Medicine
Toxic multinodular goiter - If the thyroid gland has several nodules, those nodules can sometimes produce too much thyroid hormone causing hyperthyroidism.
#52. Thyroid Nodules | Cedars-Sinai
Benign nodules include: Multinodular goiter, also called a nontoxic goiter. The word goiter means the thyroid gland has grown too large. This usually happens ...
#53. 甲狀腺癌診療指引-2016.pdf - 振興醫院
分化不良甲狀腺癌(Poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma) ... Management of simple nodular goiter: current status and future perspectives. Endocr Rev.
#54. 甲狀線
甲狀腺腫瘤一般分為良性及惡性兩大類,病人求診時醫生會根. 據以下一些臨床徵狀去判斷患者出現惡性腫瘤的機會。 1. 甲狀腺腫屬多結節(Multinodular goitre) ...
#55. Malignancy in multinodular goiter: analysis of trends
To know the incidence of malignancy in multinodular goiter and analyze trends of its occurrence with respect to age and gender Study Design: Descriptive ...
#56. 國家教育研究院-內分泌學學術名詞 -
英文名稱 中文名稱 58065707 thyroid hormone 甲狀腺激素 58065708 thyroid hormone 甲狀腺激素 58065709 thyroid isthmus 甲狀腺峽
#57. 甲狀腺亢進及其治療
毒性多結節甲狀腺腫(toxic multinodular goiter). TSH-mediated hyperthyroidism ... 轉移性濾泡型甲狀腺癌(metastatic follicular thyroid cancer).
#58. Benign tumors - ITO HOSPITAL
Nodular goiters include benign and malignant tumors. Benign tumors include follicular adenoma, adenomatous goiter, thyroid cyst, and functioning nodules.
#59. Recombinant human thyrotropin-aided radioiodine treatment ...
Treatments for non-toxic multinodular goitre include surgery, thyroid hormone suppressive therapy, and radioiodine therapy. Usually, higher ...
#60. goiter翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
To explore the clinical relationship between nodular goiter and coexistent thyroid cancer and their diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.
#61. nodular goitre 中文結節性甲狀腺腫大 - QAVHP
nodular goitre 中文 結節性甲狀腺腫大. 結節性甲狀腺腫大Nodular goiter 「結節性甲狀腺腫大」的中英文翻譯,縮寫及醫學名詞解釋:又稱結節性甲狀腺腫伴甲亢,結節性 ...
#62. Ovarian Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor, multinodular goiter | PGPM
Ovarian Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor, Multinodular Goiter, Cystic Nephromas and DICER1 Mutations: Case Report and Literature Review.
#63. 非毒性多結節性甲狀腺腫 - Merisa
毒性結節性甲狀腺腫(Toxic Nodular Goiter): 又稱繼發性甲狀腺機能亢進、或(Plummer ... 非毒性甲狀腺腫英文,nontoxic goiter中文,動物學名詞; 移除甲狀腺結節大患!
#64. nodular goiter 中文 - Kolot
A multinodular goiter is an enlarged thyroid gland with several nodules It may not ... goiter. goiter 中文- nodular goiter 中文. 英语, 中文, goiter US, ...
#65. What does a hypoechoic thyroid nodule mean? - Medical ...
Medically reviewed by Judith Marcin, M.D. · A multinodular goiter is an enlarged thyroid gland with several nodules. It may not cause any ...
#66. Thyroid nodules | Beacon Health System
Multinodular goiter. The term goiter is used to describe any enlargement of the thyroid gland, which can be caused by iodine deficiency or a ...
#67. Thyroid Nodule Program - Massachusetts General Hospital
There is no clear distinction between a multinodular thyroid and a multinodular goiter, but the term goiter implies that the thyroid gland is enlarged.
#68. goiter - Translation into Russian - examples English - Reverso ...
At the present time, ENDONORM is the only effective therapeutic agent for treatment of nodular and multinodular euthyroid goiter.
#69. 甲状腺机能亢进
其他原因包括毒性多结节性甲状腺肿(Toxic Multinodular Goiter)、桥本氏甲状腺炎(Hashimoto's Thyroiditis)、毒性腺瘤(Toxic Adenoma)等。 甲状腺机能亢进无法 ...
#70. The multinodular goiter of the virtuous Roman matron Lucretia ...
中文 翻译:. Artemisia Gentileschi的良性罗马母女Lucretia的多结节甲状腺肿。 更新日期:2019-11-01.
#71. 临床医学名词词典
英 文 名: familial multinodular goiter. 中文又称: 中文曾称: 名词来源: 所属专业: 内分泌科. 所属类别: 疾病诊断名词. 加入我的词汇本. Pubmed相关的文献.
#72. Goitre | healthdirect
A goitre is an enlarged or swollen thyroid gland, the butterfly-shaped gland at the base of your neck.
#73. multinodular goiter (multinodular goitre MNG) 多结节性甲状腺肿
multinodular goiter 听 (multinodular goitre MNG) ... language medical literature 万方数据网上中文医学文献
#74. Hypoechoic Nodule on Thyroid: Cancer Risk, Next Steps ...
Nodules are different from an enlarged thyroid, also called a goiter, but the two conditions do sometimes coexist in the case of a nodular goiter.
#75. 毒性結節性甲狀腺腫 - A+醫學百科
Plummer病的結節性病變狹義的是指功能亢進性濾泡腺瘤(hyperfunctioning adenoma,毒性腺瘤toxic adenoma),廣義的也包括毒性結節性甲狀腺腫(toxic nodular goiter)。
#76. Is Needing Thyroid Surgery Common? - Maryland ENT
These may include Grave's disease, thyroid cancer, a substernal goiter, or a multinodular goiter. After the procedure, you'll need to take a thyroid hormone ...
#77. Multinodular Goiter: Causes, Treatment | 健康跟著走
參考資訊; goiter醫學中文 · nodular goiter. 文章 參考資訊. Amulti... A multinodular goiter is when an enlarged thyroid has bumps (nodules) on it.
#78. Multinodular goiter: a study of malignancy risk in nondominant ...
The long-standing belief that multinodular goiters are associated with a lower risk of developing into carcinoma has been challenged by the results of some ...
#79. Thyroid Nodules | Cigna
An iodine deficiency may result in an enlarged thyroid gland (goiter), with or without nodules. You have Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Hashimoto's thyroiditis can ...
#80. Thyroid Surgery Elgin | Parathyroid Hoffman Estates
A thyroid nodule is a growth in the thyroid gland. Thyroid nodules are extremely common, and may be solitary or multiple (multinodular goiter). It is estimated ...
#81. Retrosternal thyroid surgery: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
The thyroid gland is normally located at the front of the neck. A retrosternal thyroid refers to the abnormal location of all or part of the ...
#82. 全民健保慢性疾病範圍
1, ICD, 英文名稱, 中文名稱, 若需長期用藥控制病情者,請打勾. 2, 2400, Goiter, specified ... 5, 2411, Nontoxic multinodular goiter, 非毒性多結節性甲狀腺腫, v.
#83. Thyroid Surgery | SCL Health | Denver, CO
The thyroid gland is located in the front of your neck just above the ... of too much thyroid hormone – either a toxic nodule, a toxic multinodular goiter.
#84. 23-106 年度ICD-10-CM PCS 疾病分類基礎課程 - 竹山秀傳醫院
在內分泌、營養和代謝疾病及先天異常疾病單元的代碼為E00-E99,甲狀腺腫(Goiter)分為Simple goiter和Multinodular goiter,編碼時須先查閱開刀紀錄,確認病況為單一性 ...
#85. Multinodular goiter | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia
Multinodular goiter (MNG) is defined as an enlarged thyroid gland (i.e. goiter) due to multiple nodules which may have normal, decreased or ...
#86. 甲狀腺疾病– Thyroid Diseases
Hashimoto's thyroiditis 會有TPO 及thyroglobulin (Tg) antibodies,但兩者之中以TPO antibodies 較sensitive。 Anti TSH receptor antibodies (= TBII): ...
#87. 甲狀腺亢進
Toxic multinodular goiter. 4. Subacute thyroiditis. 5. Hyperthyroid phase of Hashimoto 's thyroiditis. 6. Thyrotoxicosis factitia.
#88. 內分泌系統裡最常見的癌症– 甲狀腺癌(懶人包) - 照護線上
乳突癌(papillary thyroid carcinoma):乳突型甲狀腺癌是最最常見的甲狀腺癌類型,占了所有甲狀腺癌案例的八成左右。乳突癌患者常年齡介在20到45歲 ...
#89. 【問題】thyroid goiter中文?推薦回答
提供thyroid goiter中文相關文章,想要了解更多graves disease中文、thyrotoxicosis醫學、thyroid hormone ... 大的多發性甲狀腺結節腫(large multinodular goiter).
#90. Goitre - Causes, investigation and management - RACGP
Goitre refers to an enlarged thyroid gland. Causes of goitre include autoimmune disease, the formation of one or more thyroid nodules and iodine deficiency ...
#91. Best Grave Podcasts (2022) - Player FM
If you have hyperthyroidism (Graves' disease, toxic multinodular goiter, etc.) and are looking to do everything to avoid radioactive iodine and thyroid ...
#92. Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology - 第 1008 頁 - Google 圖書結果
TABLE 39.2 Causes of Multiple Thyroid Nodules on US Common Multinodular goiter Multiple benign adenomas Hashimoto thyroiditis ( micronodules ) Subacute ...
#93. Nontoxic Nodular Goiter | Winchester Hospital
Nontoxic Nodular Goiter · Causes. The exact causes of nontoxic goiter are not known. · Risk Factors. Nontoxic goiter is more common in women and in people over ...
multinodular goiter中文 在 Goiter grade在PTT/mobile01評價與討論 - 台鐵車站資訊懶人包 的必吃
在multinodular goiter中文這個討論中,有超過5篇Ptt貼文,作者hikki430也提到[時間]:站內信約[地點]:中、永和或景美地區[目的]:運動、流汗[自身程度]:新手(可用 ... ... <看更多>