» The facebook group #metoosg:
Give it a like and share it!!! :-)
» The original video:
» The blog post/guide:
Thanks for all your support and love ya'll. You have no idea how much you motivate me to do more, and do better. Let me know if you have any ideas/stories/thoughts for the next episodes of #woke.
» Earrings from @gomargaux on instagram
» $45 travel credit when you sign up for airbnb
Hey, how's it going? I'm Brenda. Born and raised Singaporean, very artsy, a lil fartsy, kinda weird but in general very chill and happy.
I make a crap ton of videos on anything and everything - fashion, beauty, skincare, vlogs, storytimes etc. If you like my videos and want to see more, hit the subscribe button to catch my videos hot off the press! You have no idea how much your support means to me. If you've got any requests or questions, please leave them down below and I'll get back to ya. Thanks again for watching my videos!
☞ Blog - http://wordweed.blogspot.sg
☞ Instagram - http://instagram.com/wordweed
☞ Twitter - http://twitter.com/wordweed
☞ Facebook - fb.me/thewordweed
☞ Snapchat - wtfisair
☞ Go Margaux - @gomargaux
✎ wordweed@gmail.com
▻ FAQs ◅
What do you do?
- I'm a student (Theatre in NUS, Film in NYU)
What camera do you use?
- Samsung NX500
What do you use to edit?
- Final Cut Pro X
☺ Music by birocratic