這裡是伊朗最神聖、也是最寒冷的地方🕌 整座城市圍繞著伊瑪目里達聖陵,是世界上面積最大的清真寺。內部含有博物館、四座神學院、一座大學等建築,讓我們在裡面繞了許久還沒逛完全部😲
這裡的建築真的很漂亮,應該是我們這趟在伊朗最讓人嘆為觀止的地方❤️ 夕陽的顏色以及夜晚的燈光,都讓這個地方增加了神聖的力量😌
也許對許多中國人來說這裡是番紅花的產地,一克一美金。 但是在這裏我們看到了伊斯蘭教最美的一面,也感謝這趟伊朗旅行所有的人,讓我們反思現代生活應該多點美好❤️
#伊朗 #馬什哈德 #伊斯蘭教
Mashhad is our last city in Iran before we head into Turkmenistan where we will have no internet for next four days😬💔
The city is the holiest city in Iran, with millions of pilgrims visit the Imam Reza shrine🕌 It is the largest mosque in the world by area & we were completely lost inside😲
The buildings are truly magnificent especially during sunset & night 🌇 However, it's the people who really touched us😌
The moment this girl walked into the shine, she was tearing uncontrollably😿 Men bow as soon as they stepped into the complex, ppl kissed the walls of the shrine...
Many elderlies were wheeled in to see the mausoleum of Imam Reza- the eighth Imam of Twelver Shiites with tears across their faces👵
This level of dedication to religion is unseen for York (though I experienced in India). It really touched us and made the whole place magical💕
As I don't have a chador and kept getting blocked by the attendants outside. This young man took me in so I can rent a chador from the shop next to the shrine😌
We were offered tea with other followers where it was a bless in the coldest city in Iran☕
Despite there's no fireworks or huge celebrations. There's no better ways to end 2019 in such a peaceful manner ❤️
Ps. This place is the cheapest place for saffrons as its grown here. Around USD$1 per gram but as we travelling for another two months so used that money to buy a kilo of banana instead😛
#iran #mashhard #islam