Hello Xin chào
Goodbye tạm biệt, thì thào Whisper
Lie nằm, Sleep ngủ, Dream mơ
Thấy cô gái đẹp See girl beautiful
I want tôi muốn, kiss hôn
Lip môi, Eyes mắt ... sướng rồi ... oh yeah!
Long dài, short ngắn, tall cao
Here đây, there đó, which nào, where đâu
Sentence có nghĩa là câu
Lesson bài học, rainbow cầu vồng
Husband là đức ông chồng
Daddy cha bố, please don"t xin đừng
Darling tiếng gọi em cưng
Merry vui thích, cái sừng là horn
Rách rồi xài đỡ chữ torn
To sing là hát, a song một bài
Nói sai sự thật to lie
Go đi, come đến, một vài là some
Đứng stand, look ngó, lie nằm
Five năm, four bốn, hold cầm, play chơi
One life là một cuộc đời
Happy sung sướng, laugh cười, cry kêu
Lover tạm dịch ngừơi yêu
Charming duyên dáng, mỹ miều graceful
Mặt trăng là chữ the moon
World là thế giới, sớm soon, lake hồ
Dao knife, spoon muỗng, cuốc hoe
Đêm night, dark tối, khổng lồ giant
Fund vui, die chết, near gần
Sorry xin lỗi, dull đần, wise khôn
Burry có nghĩa là chôn
Our souls tạm dịch linh hồn chúng ta
Xe hơi du lịch là car
Sir ngài, Lord đức, thưa bà Madam
Thousand là đúng...mười trăm
Ngày day, tuần week, year năm, hour giờ
Wait there đứng đó đợi chờ
Nightmare ác mộng, dream mơ, pray cầu
Trừ ra except, deep sâu
Daughter con gái, bridge cầu, pond ao
Enter tạm dịch đi vào
Thêm for tham dự lẽ nào lại sai
Shoulder cứ dịch là vai
Writer văn sĩ, cái đài radio
A bowl là một cái tô
Chữ tear nước mắt, tomb mồ, miss cô
Máy khâu dùng tạm chữ sew
Kẻ thù dịch đại là foe chẳng lầm
Shelter tạm dịch là hầm
Chữ shout là hét, nói thầm whisper
What time là hỏi mấy giờ
Clear trong, clean sạch, mờ mờ là dim
Gặp ông ta dịch see him
Swim bơi, wade lội, drown chìm chết trôi
Mountain là núi, hill đồi
Valley thung lũng, cây sồi oak tree
Tiền xin đóng học school fee
Yêu tôi dùng chữ love me chẳng lầm
To steal tạm dịch cầm nhầm
Tẩy chay boycott, gia cầm poultry
Cattle gia súc, ong bee
Something to eat chút gì để ăn
Lip môi, tongue lưỡi, teeth răng
Exam thi cử, cái bằng licence...
Lovely có nghĩa dễ thương
Pretty xinh đẹp thường thường so so
Lotto là chơi lô tô
Nấu ăn là cook , wash clothes giặt đồ
Push thì có nghĩa đẩy, xô
Marriage đám cưới, single độc thân
Foot thì có nghĩa bàn chân
Far là xa cách còn gần là near
Spoon có nghĩa cái thìa
Toán trừ subtract, toán chia divide
Dream thì có nghĩa giấc mơ
Month thì là tháng , thời giờ là time
Job thì có nghĩa việc làm
Lady phái nữ, phái nam gentleman
Close friend có nghĩa bạn thân
Leaf là chiếc lá, còn sun mặt trời
Fall down có nghĩa là rơi
Welcome chào đón, mời là invite
Short là ngắn, long là dài
Mũ thì là hat, chiếc hài là shoe
Autumn có nghĩa mùa thu
Summer mùa hạ , cái tù là jail
Duck là vịt , pig là heo
Rich là giàu có , còn nghèo là poor
Crab thi` có nghĩa con cua
Church nhà thờ đó , còn chùa temple
Aunt có nghĩa dì , cô
Chair là cái ghế, cái hồ là pool
Late là muộn , sớm là soon
Hospital bệnh viẹn , school là trường
Dew thì có nghĩa là sương
Happy vui vẻ, chán chường weary
Exam có nghĩa kỳ thi
Nervous nhút nhát, mommy mẹ hiền.
Region có nghĩa là miền,
Interupted gián đoạn còn liền next to.
Coins dùng chỉ những đồng xu,
Còn đồng tiền giấy paper money.
Here chỉ dùng để chỉ tại đây,
A moment một lát còn ngay ringht now,
Brothers-in-law đồng hao.
Farm-work đòng áng, đồng bào Fellow- countryman
Narrow- minded chỉ sự nhỏ nhen,
Open-hended hào phóng còn hèn là mean.
Vẫn còn dùng chữ still,
Kỹ năng là chữ skill khó gì!
Gold là vàng, graphite than chì.
Munia tên gọi chim ri
Kestrel chim cắt có gì khó đâu.
Migrant kite là chú diều hâu
Warbler chim chích, hải âu petrel
Stupid có nghĩa là khờ,
Đảo lên đảo xuống, stir nhiều nhiều.
How many có nghĩa bao nhiêu.
Too much nhiều quá , a few một vài
Right là đúng , wrong là sai
Chess là cờ tướng , đánh bài playing card
Flower có nghĩa là hoa
Hair là mái tóc, da là skin
Buổi sáng thì là morning
King là vua chúa, còn Queen nữ hoàng
Wander có nghĩa lang thang
Màu đỏ là red, màu vàng yellow
Yes là đúng, không là no
Fast là nhanh chóng, slow chậm rì
Sleep là ngủ, go là đi
Weakly ốm yếu healthy mạnh lành
White là trắng, green là xanh
Hard là chăm chỉ , học hành study
Ngọt là sweet, kẹo candy
Butterfly là bướm, bee là con ong
River có nghĩa dòng sông
Wait for có nghĩa ngóng trông đợi chờ
Dirty có nghĩa là dơ
Bánh mì bread, còn bơ butter
Bác sĩ thì là doctor
Y tá là nurse, teacher giáo viên
Mad dùng chỉ những kẻ điên,
Everywhere có nghĩa mọi miền gần xa.
A song chỉ một bài ca.
Ngôi sao dùng chữ star, có liền!
Firstly có nghĩa trước tiên
Silver là bạc , còn tiền money
Biscuit thì là bánh quy
Can là có thể, please vui lòng
Winter có nghĩa mùa đông
Iron là sắt còn đồng copper
Kẻ giết người là killer
Cảnh sát police , lawyer luật sư
Emigrate là di cư
Bưu điện post office, thư từ là mail
Follow có nghĩa đi theo
Shopping mua sắm còn sale bán hàng
Space có nghĩa không gian
Hàng trăm hundred, hàng ngàn thousand
Stupid có nghĩa ngu đần
Thông minh smart, equation phương trình
Television là truyền hình
Băng ghi âm là tape, chương trình program
Hear là nghe watch là xem
Electric là điện còn lamp bóng đèn
Praise có nghĩa ngợi khen
Crowd đông đúc, lấn chen hustle
Capital là thủ đô
City thành phố , local địa phương
Country có nghĩa quê hương
Field là đồng ruộng còn vườn garden
Chốc lát là chữ moment
Fish là con cá , chicken gà tơ
Naive có nghĩa ngây thơ
Poet thi sĩ , great writer văn hào
Tall thì có nghĩa là cao
Short là thấp ngắn, còn chào hello
Uncle là bác, elders cô.
Shy mắc cỡ, coarse là thô.
Come on có nghĩa mời vô,
Go away đuổi cút, còn vồ pounce.
Poem có nghĩa là thơ,
Strong khoẻ mạnh, mệt phờ dog- tiered.
Bầu trời thường gọi sky,
Life là sự sống còn die lìa đời
Shed tears có nghĩa lệ rơi
Fully là đủ, nửa vời by halves
Ở lại dùng chữ stay,
Bỏ đi là leave còn nằm là lie.
Tomorrow có nghĩa ngày mai
Hoa sen lotus, hoa lài jasmine
Madman có nghĩa người điên
Private có nghĩa là riêng của mình
Cảm giác là chữ feeling
Camera máy ảnh hình là photo
Động vật là animal
Big là to lớn , little nhỏ nhoi
Elephant là con voi
Goby cá bống, cá mòi sardine
Mỏng mảnh thì là chữ thin
Cổ là chữ neck, còn chin cái cằm
Visit có nghĩa viếng thăm
Lie down có nghĩa là nằm nghỉ ngơi
Mouse con chuột , bat con dơi
Separate có nghĩa tách rời , chia ra
Gift thì có nghĩa món quà
Guest thì là khách chủ nhà house owner
Bệnh ung thư là cancer
Lối ra exit, enter đi vào
Up lên còn xuống là down
Beside bên cạnh, about khoảng chừng
Stop có nghĩa là ngừng
Ocean là biển, rừng là jungle
Silly là kẻ dại khờ,
Khôn ngoan smart, đù đờ luggish
Hôn là kiss, kiss thật lâu.
Cửa sổ là chữ window
Special đặc biệt normal thường thôi
Lazy... làm biếng quá rồi
Ngồi mà viết tiếp một hồi die soon
Hứng thì cứ việc go on,
Còn không stop ta còn nghỉ ngơi!
Cằm CHIN có BEARD là râu
RAZOR dao cạo, HEAD đầu, da SKIN
THOUSAND thì gọi là nghìn
BILLION là tỷ, LOOK nhìn , rồi THEN
LOVE MONEY quý đồng tiền
Đầu tư INVEST, có quyền RIGHTFUL
MID NIGHT bán dạ, anh hùng HERO
COME ON xin cứ nhào vô
NO FEAR hổng sợ, các cô LADIES
Con cò STORKE, FLY bay
Mây CLOUD, AT ở, BLUE SKY xanh trời
OH! MY GOD...! Ối! Trời ơi
MIND YOU. Lưu ý WORD lời nói say
HERE AND THERE, đó cùng đây
TRAVEL du lịch, FULL đầy, SMART khôn
Cô đõn ta dịch ALONE
Anh văn ENGLISH , nổi buồn SORROW
Muốn yêu là WANT TO LOVE
OLDMAN ông lão, bắt đầu BEGIN
EAT ăn, LEARN học, LOOK nhìn
BECAUSE là bỡi ... cho nên , DUMP đần
VIETNAMESE , người nước Nam
NEED TO KNOW... biết nó cần lắm thay
SINCE từ, BEFORE trước, NOW nay
Đèn LAMP, sách BOOK, đêm NIGHT, SIT ngồi
SORRY thương xót, ME tôi
PLEASE DON"T LAUGH đừng cười, làm ơn
FAR Xa, NEAR gọi là gần
WEDDING lễ cưới, DIAMOND kim cương
SO CUTE là quá dễ thương
SHOPPING mua sắm, có sương FOGGY
SKINNY ốm nhách, FAT: phì
FIGHTING: chiến đấu, quá lỳ STUBBORN
COTTON ta dịch bông gòn
A WELL là giếng, đường mòn là TRAIL
POEM có nghĩa làm thơ,
POET Thi Sĩ nên mơ mộng nhiều.
ONEWAY nghĩa nó một chiều,
THE FIELD đồng ruộng, con diều là KITE.
Của tôi có nghĩa là MINE,
TO BITE là cắn, TO FIND kiếm tìm
TO CARVE xắt mỏng, HEART tim,
DRIER máy sấy, đắm chìm TO SINK.
FEELING cảm giác, nghĩ THINK
PRINT có nghĩa là in, DARK mờ
LETTER có nghĩa lá thơ,
TO LIVE là sống, đơn sơ SIMPLE.
CLOCK là cái đồng hồ,
CROWN vương niệm, mã mồ GRAVE.
KING vua, nói nhảm TO RAVE,
BRAVE can đảm, TO PAVE lát đường.
SCHOOL nghĩa nó là trường,
LOLLY là kẹo, còn đường SUGAR.
Station trạm GARE nhà ga
FISH SAUCE nước mắm, TOMATO là cá chua
EVEN huề, WIN thắng, LOSE thua
TURTLE là một con rùa
SHARK là cá mập, CRAB cua, CLAW càng
COMPLETE là được hoàn toàn
FISHING câu cá, DRILL khoan, PUNCTURE dùi
LEPER là một người cùi
CLINIC phòng mạch, sần sùi LUMPY
IN DANGER bị lâm nguy
Giải phầu nhỏ là SUGERY đúng rồi
NO MORE ta dịch là thôi
AGAIN làm nữa, bồi hồi FRETTY
Phô mai ta dịch là CHEESE
CAKE là bánh ngọt, còn mì NOODLE
JACK-FRUIT trái mít, VEGETABLE là rau
PRUNE là trái táo tàu, SOUND âm
LOVELY có nghĩa dễ thương
PRETTY xinh đẹp, thường thường SO SO
LOTTO là chơi lô tô
Nấu ăn là COOK , WASH CLOTHES giặt đồ
PUSH thì có nghĩa đẩy, xô
MARRIAGE đám cưới, SINGLE độc thân
FOOT thì có nghĩa bàn chân
FAR là xa cách, còn gần là NEAR
SPOON có nghĩa cái thìa
Toán trừ SUBTRACT, toán chia DIVIDE
PLOUGH tức là đi cày
WEEK tuần MONTH tháng, WHAT TIME mấy giờ?
Đọc hết bài bạn đã nhớ được bao nhiêu từ nè 😋
Theo Giáo sư Ngô Bảo Châu
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過92萬的網紅ochikeron,也在其Youtube影片中提到,This video will show you how to make Hello Kitty bento (lunch box) - Apple Farm decoration ;) You know how difficult to draw Hello Kitty... http://we...
「little spoon farm」的推薦目錄:
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- 關於little spoon farm 在 Racheal Kwacz - Child & Family Development Specialist Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於little spoon farm 在 ochikeron Youtube 的精選貼文
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little spoon farm 在 Sherbakes Facebook 的最佳解答
🥞🍓FLUFFY PANCAKE Day🥞🍓 with my favourite fruit- strawberry, honey drizzle and lots of PEANUT BUTTER 🥜🥜🥜 The only way to be thoroughly satisfied is to eat Pb by the spoon 🥄🥄
Thank you @fixandfogg for these awesome golden batch roasted peanut butter spreads🥜
1️⃣Super Crunchy Pb Spread- love the generous chunks of crunchy peanuts in the pool of smooth peanut butter
2️⃣Fruit Toast Pb Spread- Peanut Butter with New Zealand grown Braeburn apples, cinnamon, raisins. You will be glad to know that this is vegan, gluten free, GMO free, no refined sugar added! This is my fav among the lot!
These spreads are available at Little Farm, NTUC Fairprice finest and Red Mart😍😍
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little spoon farm 在 Racheal Kwacz - Child & Family Development Specialist Facebook 的最佳貼文
Happy holidays! Sharing this again in case you’re looking for something to do with your little this week! ❤️
Whether it's the school holidays or not, if you're looking for a fun day out with your toddler, here's the ultimate list I compiled over Ella Grace's 3 week break! 😂😅
Everyday, I would look through the list then narrow it down to one or two choices for Ella Grace to pick from (freedom within boundaries, mamas!) and off we would go!
The list is categorized by area and includes at least one activity and one restaurant. Depending on how she was feeling that day, traffic, dinner plans, etc we would either nap-on-the-go in her stroller (and mama got a quiet coffee!) then continue or we would head home.
Change it up, make it your own, invite a friend, be flexible, but most importantly, enjoy your time together and I'd love to see what adventures you guys get up to! <3
1 Utama
Watch people "fly" at the AirRider, have a little splash at the fountain below, stop for a little play and pouch at SquEEEze Me Baby and slurp down some noodles at Go Noodle.
Join a class or open swim time at Aquabubs Swim School(heated salt pool w child-friendly facilities and play area) then stop by La Juiceria Superfoods Signature for fresh organic yumminess and Floristika on the way home for a bundle of happy and a horticulture lesson.
Bangsar Village
Walk over to I Love Snackfood and Nala Designs to explore, have a play and meal at Marmalade, check out Janie & Joe and the awesome dot-to-dot markers and train sets at Kiddos' Gear before finishing off w a sweet "guilt-free" treat at Kind Kones!
Stop for chicken rice or fish noodles at House + Co before having a little play at Jungle Gym, a little read at Times , a little exploring at Mothercare Malaysia, a little oohing and ahhing at MoMa Lifestyle and top it off with a babycino Jason's Foodhall and a balloon from Chilli's while you wait for your car!
The Hive- Bulk Foods
Spend a day talking to your little one about sustainability and conservation at this cute little zero-waste store in Bangsar. They have workshops for adults and little ones and also a little play corner if they get restless halfway through your browsing. Such a beautiful way to teach teeny tiny about reducing and reusing from helping to bring your own containers to filling them up with your sundries to picking out stainless steel straws for friends and bamboo toothbrushes for the family. The only bad part is when your child announces to the entire universe that "MAMA HAS A BIG ONE TOO!!" while pointing to the Freedom Cups.
The Starling
Spend a day at Kiddomo Universe or catch a kid-friendly movie (with a playground in the cinema!) at MBO Cinemas. Stop for a steaming yummy bowl of pho at Pho Vietz or walk outside for a super yummy nasi lemak and fried chicken at Village Park.
Atria Shopping Gallery
Spend a day at Jungle Gym (Tuesday mornings are the best day to go!), eat lunch at Antipodean Cafe (they have a mini play area), get a massage at Healing Touch while teeny tiny naps or you can even drop them off at Playroom Malaysia. If you feel like blowing a few dollars on arcade fun, there is a Molly Fantasy on the third floor too! Ella Grace loves going to the Naughty Nuri's for dinner as there's always some sort of dancing performance to wiggle to!
Plaza Arkadia
Depending on where you park, check out Noriter or Kinderia for a little play, awesome books at The Story Book, a balloon at Brrrloon, the most amazing toy store and lifestyle mash up at Carousel and Kaleidoscope, splash around in their splash fountain, swing on their tree house and stop for some chicken tandoori pizza at Nutz and Bolts or a nyonya meal at Aunty Lee's.
If you're at Waterfront instead, check out the fishes in the lake, the amazing walking trail at the park with lots of pets to say hi to along the way, playground to explore and then stop for a meal at the new Kenny Hills Bakers!
Either on the way somewhere or as an activity by itself, stop by Restoran Sambal Hijau for an incredible array of authentic Malay food - Ella Grace's visit isn't complete unless she says hi to the cats, chickens, and checks out the banana leaf trees and gardens!
Bonus joy for mama, you can get your car washed and vacuumed while you have lunch!
IPC Shopping Centre
Join a cooking class at Young Chefs Academy Malaysia, have a little play at Bucket B Cafe, enjoy some udon or sushi at Ben's Independent Grocers and end your day with a sweet treat at Inside Scoop or Magnum!
Alternatively, you could also walk over to IKEA and have a play at the playground in The Curve, ride a train, and have lunch at Macha & Co. There is also a KidZania Kuala Lumpur nearby for older kids!
Suria KLCC
Take the train to KLCC and visit Aquaria or Petrosains - The Discovery Centre, browse the books at Books Kinokuniya Malaysia and eat a lunch of local favorites at JP Teres in Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur
**If your little one can hold out, there is a beautiful musical fountain light show that comes on at 8pm/9pm/9:45pm
Pavillion / Lot 10
Take the train to Bukit Bintang and enjoy breakfast at Shook! in Starhill before checking out Toybox in Isetan a super fun interactive play area for little ones that is only available periodically. Take a little walk over to Pavilion (stop by to watch the Turkish ice cream show otw) and check out the play area inside Parkson for a little bit more running around before settling down for some La Boca (Ella Grace really likes their tender beef cheeks and we like their soft tacos!) or ramen at Ippudo
KL Bird Park
Spend the day at the bird park checking out free flying birds at the aviary, the bird show and depending on what time you get out, you can either grab lunch at the beautiful Peter Hoe at The Row or check out the new kid's high tea set at The Majestic Hotel.
The Gardens Mall
Have lunch at Benbino (The BIG Group) where there are ball pits, balloon rooms, tunnels, slides or spend a few hours at the new Jurassica on the third floor. They have an awesome play gym Ella Grace loves, along with some live reptile feedings. The dinosaur part is glow-in-the-dark and moves and roars...very cool if your little one is into dinosaurs but might be a little scary if not! They also have a rock climbing wall and flying fox in there. You can stop by Borders for a little coffee and warm milk, some books before nap time or for a little rest then head over to Fresco for delicious Mexican w churros for dessert!
***On Saturdays, our favorite SUPA DUPA Circus balloon team makes a special appearance in Benbino from 3-5pm!
1 Mont Kiara
Check out the newly renovated Noriter 1Mont Kiara KL (it's now completely built out of foam lego blocks!) before having lunch at Kodawari Menya where the udon is good but the service is even greater! We also love getting a guilt-free treat and stopping for a little coloring at Kind Kones before leaving!
We love going to Ra-Ft Cafe' / Bistro for breakfast and then stopping at the Playground The Cafe after for dessert and play!
We love going to the The Little Owl, Korean Cafe, a beautiful enclosed play area with simple homecooked Korean food, good coffee and attached toilet (so great when you're newly potty trained). We usually stop by the sereni & shentel store to have a little look before picking up groceries at the Ben's Independent Grocer downstairs. Ella Grace also religiously checks the Inside Scoop case to see if the Unicorn flavor is in stock!
Join a Toddler Sensory class at Baby Sensory Sri Hartamas, grab lunch at Mei by Fat Spoon explore a little at The Batik Boutique then stop by the firestation on the way home to check out the fire trucks and vehicles, training tower and equipment!
Sunway Lagoon, Malaysia
Spend a day at the waterpark, tour the mini zoo, or build sandcastles on the beach. Make it a mini-staycation and rent a room at the nearby hotels for a little rest and check out the DreamWorks Kungfu Panda Village for a little meal fun. I was pleasantly surprised how much we loved Sunway Lagoon (even though she couldn't sit on any of the rides!) and have been back 3 times now! Get the season pass upgrade!
Teach your little about refugees and take them for a giant croissant or delicious soft-baked chocolate chip cookie at Project B and get to know your waiter! Check out The Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (klpac) to see if they have any shows for children (we caught the ballet that day!!) or you can also check out the nice open space outdoors with the giant fishes in the lake!
Taman Rekreasi Lembah Kiara TTDI
Hidden inside the neighborhood is a beautiful park that you can bring your bicycle/scooters to, blow bubbles, have a little playground fun as well as watch people exercise in various forms from zumba to taichi to calisthenics! There is also some amount of wildlife like monkeys, iguanas, monitor lizards, water spiders etc as well as turtles and fishes in the lake. We usually stop by Aunty Manju's on the way home for the world's most delicious appom or even a rootbeer float at A&W!
***On Sunday evenings, there is a really cool night market that you can get groceries, meat, fish, fruit, etc as well as all kinds of yummy dinner offerings like J's favorite satay and my favorite sup ayam!
Mari House
A new discovery thanks to the #LOccitaneCares program, this lovely little edu-retreat out of the city is a super fun day out for little ones from catching fishes in the streams, checking out tadpoles, learning how to grow organic vegetables using compost and other green techniques, cooking "farm-to-table" to just getting to run around in nature! Come armed in some serious mosquito repellent and on the third Saturday of the month, they have a market and picnic with workshops for the whole family!
Look up the IBU Family Resource Group KL playgroup schedule for the week and see which one you might like to join. If at the IBU House, we like stopping at Aunty Nat's for some delicious Nyonya food after!
Go to the morning market in your neighborhood and stop for some roti after before getting the team at Playgroup_nestkl to come over for an afternoon of messy play that includes customized sensory stations, music, storytelling, and fun!
Set up playdates in your house and just let the kids entertain each other. I can't tell you how many times that even when we had grand plans to meet at all of the above, there were also some seriously lazy days where we just hung out at home and the kids made up their own games and stories and we ate delivery!
The key to it all is just doing what works for your family and your lifestyle. You know your child best and what they can handle, even the most "boring" days in your head are the most magical days to them if only because they got mama all day all to themselves.
Racheal Kwacz is a child & family development specialist by trade but her most favorite job in the entire world is being mama to the most curious, fiercely independent, joyful little THREE-year-old foodie who she hones most of her parenting workshops with. Follow their adventures on FB and Instagram (@rachealkwacz)!
little spoon farm 在 ochikeron Youtube 的精選貼文
This video will show you how to make Hello Kitty bento (lunch box) - Apple Farm decoration ;)
You know how difficult to draw Hello Kitty...
So, I recommend you to get a Hello Kitty mold (shaper) to make your life easier!
You can get the mold like this one!
Check out online shops or local Sanrio stores!!!
BTW, this is the book (comes with the Hello Kitty Onigiri Mold & the Nori Punch) I bought.
私は「はじめてでもかんたん&かわいい!サンリオキャラ弁当BOOK (学研ムック) 」を買いました☆
How to Make Hello Kitty Bento Lunch Box
Difficulty: Easy
Time: 30-60min (depending on your patience)
Number of servings: 2-3 bento boxes
((Stuffed Red Peppers))
2 red peppers *30g (1oz.) each
* 80g (2.8oz.) ground pork
* 40g (1.4oz.) minced onion
* salt and cracked black pepper
cooking oil
sliced American cheese
Nori sheet
((Vegetable Kinpira with Eggs))
I scrambled this Vegetarian Kinpira with eggs!
((Kamaboko Fish Cake House))
white Kamaboko fish cake
Kanikama (imitation crab meat/crab sticks)
sliced American cheese
spaghetti pasta
((Hello Kitty Onigiri Rice Ball))
cooked white Japanese rice
Nori sheet
red pepper bottom
drained canned whole corn kernels
((Stuffed Red Peppers))
1. Put A in a bowl and mix well by hand until all ingredients are combined and smooth.
2. Cut the bottoms off the red peppers to make a ribbon (ribbons) for the Hello Kitty Onigiri Rice Ball.
3. Cut each pepper into 3 rings, remove the seeds, and dust inside of peppers with flour.
4. Stuff the mixture into the peppers.
5. Heat cooking oil in a pan and place the stuffed peppers. When one side is golden brown, flip them over. Cover and steam for about 5 minutes until cooked through. In the same pan, lightly saute the Hello Kitty ribbons, and set aside.
6. Cut the sliced cheese with a toothpick to make apple cores. Cut Nori sheet with eyebrow scissors to make apple seeds.
*I bought leaf-shaped bento toothpicks at "CANDO" 100yen shop.
((Vegetable Kinpira with Eggs))
I scrambled this Vegetarian Kinpira with eggs!
((Kamaboko Fish Cake House))
1. Slice Kamaboko fish cake and cut into a house shape.
2. Peel off the red part of Kanikama to make the roof, and attach it with bits of spaghetti pasta. (pasta will absorb moisture from Kamaboko and gets soft after few hours, so you can eat it by lunchtime!)
3. Cut sliced cheese to make windows.
((Hello Kitty Onigiri Rice Ball))
1. Put steamed rice in a bowl and mix a pinch of salt to taste. Stuff the rice into the Hello Kitty Onigiri Mold (spread the rice into the crevices of the mold with a small spoon). Place the lid and push the rice down. Remove the lid, then push the rice out from the mold.
2. Use the Hello Kitty Nori Punch to make eyes and whiskers.
3. Place the side dishes and rice in the bento box. Then arrange the small parts with tweezers.
You can also use a plastic wrap to form the Hello Kitty rice ball but it requires a great patience...
Music by
Josh Woodward
Little Tomcat (Instrumental)
Follow me on social media. If you have recreated any of my food, you can share some pictures #ochikeron. I am always happy to see them.
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NO MORE hard copies... those who got one are lucky!
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♥and of course PLEASE SUBSCRIBE♥
#JapaneseCooking #HelloKitty

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