This is not the end of Vietnam videos! Good news! When I left Vietnam in early March (when this video was filmed) I never thought I would be returning so soon. That's right, I'm coming back during the summer for 1 month only to film more content. I am only visiting and have no plans to move back. I was given an opportunity a few weeks ago through a flight sponsorship to film a documentary about a boat refugee story that is quite compelling. There's someone out there who really enjoyed my boat refugee videos and want their story told. It's as simple as that. If I could get these stories on a mainstream site, like the Huff Post, I feel like I've done what little I could to preserve Vietnamese history through oral history. If we don't record history, it'll be lost forever. I was unsure but with the approval of my parents, I'm going to accept this blessing and opportunity. Hard work pays off in ways you could never imagine it. Plus, I felt incomplete towards the end of my stay in Vietnam because I couldn't film as many documentaries as possible, including one about my grandmother. In order for me to truly begin something new, I have to finish what I started. I feel very "unfinished" right now. I just ran out of time from having to edit so much. In the past two months I've met so many of you and to hear your support and love for Vietnam videos, made me feel like it was my duty to delay reality a little longer so I could present more content. In other words, a month of my time can equate to two or three months worth of videos that many people can enjoy. I don't miss Vietnam and I'm happier since leaving, but I'm excited to get back to see Vietnam from a slightly different perspective as a tourist and not as someone living there. During the summer, a lot of familiar faces and featured guests will also be there, so it would be very fitting to be there as well. I can't wait to see my friends and family again. There are other opportunities that also came up that allowed me to make this decision, but you will see them at a later time. This is kind of a redemption trip for me where I can tie up all the loose strings and feelings of incompleteness that I've felt since leaving. Again, I want to emphasize that I'm happy and fine since leaving. There's no yearning to move away from America right now, but I do have a passion to create a few more Vietnam videos. I don't really care much about the famous places as I have been to most of them, but this time it's more about telling stories. I will have some travel vlogs as usual, but I want to focus more on short documentaries. Again, thank you for everyone who wrote me messages the past few days. Nothing much has changed in life, I'm currently in SoCal just editing videos like crazy every day. You will love the Vietnamese diaspora content coming up and the limited run Vietnam content coming in the near future. So my question to you is, and probably for the last time is, what would you like to see in Vietnam?
My biggest regret when it comes to living in Vietnam for over 5 years is the fact that I worked too hard, especially on weekends, and didn't have a chance to spend more time with my family. I was too tired from work to make the drive and I didn't want to displace anyone from their rooms. I didn't want to bother them or I was annoyed of their antics and opinions. It was also very hot most of the time as few of my relatives actually have AC in common areas. Towards the end of my sojourn, I visited them more often and thus we got closer towards the end. I will return soon to spend more time with them and to film more content from Vietnam for you guys!
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About Me: I'm Kyle Le and I used to live, travel, and eat in Vietnam and many Asian countries. I'm passionate about making videos and sharing modern Asia to the world. I've traveled everywhere in Vietnam, from Hanoi to Saigon - Far North, Central Highlands, Islands, and Deep Mekong Delta - I've visited there. In addition to 15+ countries from Indonesia to Thailand to Singapore, you'll find all of my food, tourist attractions, and daily life experiences discovering my roots in the motherland on this amazing journey right on this channel. So be sure to subscribe- there's new videos all the time and connect with me on social media below so you don't miss any adventures.
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Original Music by Antti Luode.
Filmed with a Panasonic G7 14-140mm. 15mm
Audio from a Shure VP38F