#Vogue300 #30嚴選 #品牌經典best10 #必存
#生活情報 #設計說故事
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#家具 #藝術品
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#Vogue300 #30嚴選 #品牌經典best10 #必存
#生活情報 #設計說故事
#Vogue300 #30嚴選 #品牌經典best10 #必存
#生活情報 #設計說故事
#家具 #藝術品
#Vogue300 #30嚴選 #品牌經典best10 #必存
#生活情報 #設計說故事
(1912/1/30-1989/5/17)被稱為「丹麥設計之父」和「家具雕刻家」的Finn Juhl (1912~1989),出生於丹麥Frederiksberg ,並曾於皇家哥本哈根藝術學院主修建築。
Initially, Finn Juhl wanted to become an art historian. Since his early years, he had been interested in fine arts. However, his father wouldn't allow a career ...
#3. 是家具也是藝術!丹麥設計巨匠「FINN JUHL」十件經典之作
生於1912年Finn Juhl,畢業於哥本哈根皇家藝術學院建築系,他從小就熱愛藝術,深受達達主義和超現實藝術薰陶,藝術家、雕刻家如Henry Moore、Barbara ...
#4. Finn Juhl丹麥家具設計之父!7件極簡表現的經典之作 - La Vie
頂著丹麥皇家藝術學院建築學系的光環,Finn Juhl 改變了北歐日耳曼嚴峻的實用主義,而著墨於柚木風格發展,呈現出流暢且較為柔軟的有機設計;致力於傳統 ...
#5. 為丹麥設計之父Finn Juhl說故事的傳頌者 專訪Onecollection ...
身為丹麥設計之父的Finn Juhl,早期在世界各地很難找到他的家具,直到2007年,丹麥家具品牌Onecollection才將Finn Juhl的設計從小眾的收藏等級, ...
#6. 全球首間丹麥設計大師Finn Juhl 旅館落腳日本長野 - GQ Taiwan
Finn Juhl GQ. 一把60萬的椅子,坐起來是什麼感覺? Finn Juhl GQ. ↑ 坐過「酋長椅」的人,都能感受到身體被環抱的舒適感,經過設計的扶手曲線與 ...
#7. Finn Juhl 53 Sofa 扶手沙發(胡桃木/沙色皮革) - 博客來
Finn Juhl 的家具設計,與丹麥巨擘級工匠Niels Vodder 擁有無法分割之聯繫,他們極具象徵意義的合作關係維持了數十年,產出的美好成果不計其數。53 Sofa 即是其中之一,此 ...
#8. Finn Juhl
例如1940年的Pelican Chair(鵜鶘椅)、1945年的no.45以及1948年的Chieftain Chair(酋長椅)。 Finn Juhl喜愛藝術,深受西班牙畫家Picasso 與英國雕塑家Henry Moore 的影響, ...
Finn Juhl (30 January 1912 – 17 May 1989) was a Danish architect, interior and industrial designer, most known for his furniture design. He was one of the ...
芬尤Finn Juhl. 丹麥1912-1989. 1912年出生於丹麥腓特烈斯貝,在丹麥皇家藝術學院建築系就讀,畢業後在Vilhelm Lauritzen的建築事務所工作。1945年他在哥本哈根成立 ...
#11. Finn Juhl - Design Within Reach - DWR
Juhl considered himself an architect of the interior as well as the exterior. He began designing furniture like the Poet Sofa (1941) for use in his own home, ...
#12. Finn Juhl 芬·祖爾| Chieftain Chair 酋長椅 - Sotheby's
Finn Juhl. 1912 - 1989. Chieftain Chair. teak and leather. branded Sh EFTF ROTH ANDERSEN CABINETMAKER. Designed in 1949, produced by Niels Roth Andersen, ...
#13. Finn Juhl and His House | 誠品線上
Finn Juhl and His House:知名建築師FinnJuhl是丹麥的四大巨匠之一,他的建築風格對於丹麥當代設計有深遠的影響,並促成了「DanishModern」的誕生。
#14. 丹麥設計之父Finn Juhl之家重新開放,造訪一生必訪的經典非凡 ...
作為世界最著名的家具設計師之一,Finn Juhl所創造出的經典家具已被全球設計迷列為夢幻清單,甚至是一生必收藏的單品,而位於丹麥的Finn Juhl之家,也 ...
#15. 旅居在傢俱美術館 House of Finn Juhl 首間概念飯店
距離最多遊人的滑雪場及車站範圍,House of Finn Juhl Hakuba 所在之處則顯得相對地清幽寧靜,附近都是其他居民的別墅花園,酒店外型就如同一般歐洲式的木 ...
#16. Finn Juhl France Chair 法蘭西休閒椅(活動優惠到6/29止)
目前「橡木選配Prestige皮革(40680 Cognac)」特別優惠到6月29日為止,喜愛Finn Juhl 家具的朋友們千萬不要錯過!設計年分:1956 / 2016年重新生產推出設計師:Finn ...
#17. finn juhl - 人氣推薦- 2021年11月| 露天拍賣
共有38個搜尋結果- 露天拍賣從價格、銷量、評價綜合考量,為您精選和finn juhl相關的商品.
#18. House of Finn Juhl - OUT OF STOCK
Finn Juhl 從小熱愛藝術,雖後來修讀建築系,但一直熱衷於設計家具,他的創作深受抽象藝術及超現實主義啟發,創作了多件有機形態和線條的扶手椅、餐椅、梳化、飯枱和茶几等 ...
#19. House of Finn Juhl Furniture - Danish Design Store
House of Finn Juhl Furniture featuring Armchairs, Benches, Coffee Tables and more on Danish Design Store.
#20. FINN JUHL作品貨櫃進口收200件科技人狂戀丹麥椅 - 蘋果日報
今年是「丹麥設計之父」Finn Juhl 100歲冥誕,Willy自掏腰包舉辦展覽,這只是他夢想的前哨站,因為他預計花5年時間,成立如同日本民間美術館的規模,舉辦 ...
#21. Finn Juhl Collection - GFG design & art
Finn Juhl -
#22. Finn Juhl - Important Nordic Design 倫敦2011年11月 - Phillips
View Armchair, model no. NV-44 by Finn Juhl sold at Important Nordic Design on 17 November 2011 London. Learn more about the piece and ...
#23. Finn Juhl | Wright: Auctions of Art and Design
Finn Juhl 1912–1989 · Wright proudly celebrates the work of iconic Danish designer Finn Juhl. His expressive and highly influential designs have captivated ...
#24. House of Finn Juhl - VG LIVING
House of Finn Juhl Finn Juhl是一位致力於建築、空間、家具與產品等多領域的設計大師,也是北歐四大巨匠之一。 1937年Finn Juhl結識了傳奇木工匠Niels Vodder, ...
#25. House of Finn Juhl
House of Finn Juhl Hakuba is a design ski hotel in the Nagano area, Japan. Finn Juhl was a famous Danish designer and the hotel is filled with his furniture ...
#26. 最美扶手椅出自他手!《Finn Juhl經典家具展》貼近丹麥設計之 ...
經典永遠不怕過時,被譽為世上最美的扶手椅,「45號椅」(45 Chair)精準詮釋了這個概念。這張73年前所設計的單椅,出自丹麥設計之父Finn Juhl之手 ...
#27. 重返黃金年代造訪丹麥設計大師Finn Juhl之家
後來,在建築工作時他因緣際會認識了木匠Niels Vodder,Finn Juhl雖從未受過木匠訓練,卻對家具設計很感興趣,1939年時,他設計出第一件家具作品〈鵜鶘椅〉 ...
#28. Finn Juhl Furniture: Chairs, Sofas & More - 568 For Sale at ...
As a young man, Juhl hoped to become an art historian, but his father steered him into a more practical course of study in architecture. He began designing ...
#29. Buy Finn Juhl furniture online at Pamono
Born in Denmark in 1912, Finn Juhl studied architecture at the Royal Danish Academy in Copenhagen. After graduating, he worked for ten years in the office ...
#30. House of Finn Juhl Chairs & Furniture - Skandium
Finn Juhl was a incredibly skilled Danish designer from the 20th century; a master of sculptural furniture design. Although he has since passed away, ...
#31. Finn Juhl - 163 Artworks, Bio & Shows on Artsy
Find the latest shows, biography, and artworks for sale by Finn Juhl. One of the pivotal figures of Danish design in the 1940s, Finn Juhl introduced Danish ...
#32. The Finn Juhl House - Ordrupgaard
Completed in 1942, Finn Juhl's house is now considered one of the most successful functionalist single-family houses in Denmark. Very few houses by Finn ...
#33. Finn Juhl Mid-Century Modern Danish Furniture at Nest.co.uk
Finn Juhl was born on the 30th January 1912 in Frederiksberg, Denmark. Although trained in architecture, it was his modern furniture designs that made him an ...
#34. House of Finn Juhl | 明日家居MOT CASA | BRANDS
House of Finn Juhl是丹麥家具品牌One Collection的經典支線,如同北歐優秀專注的設計傳統一般,極度相當講究作品的品質,並希望透過北歐家具設計師共同的風格及堅持, ...
#35. FINN JUHL-價格比價與低價商品-2021年11月
FINN JUHL 價格比價與低價商品,提供FINN JUHL CHAIR優惠價格,找FINN JUHL相關商品就來飛比.
#36. 丹麦设计之父Finn Juhl
是谁光凭一把单椅的扶手设计,就登上日杂封面?又是谁定义出所谓的「Danish Modern」?丹麦建筑师Finn Juhl 不仅和Arne Jacobsen、Hans Wegner 以及Borge Mogensen ...
#37. House of Finn Juhl – Circle rug - SCANDINAVIA DESIGN
BUY – House of Finn Juhl – Circle rug – design Finn Juhl, 1963 – During the 1960s, Finn Juhl designed a series of rug patterns for the Danish carpet ...
#38. Finn Juhl: Life, Work, World -9780714878065 | 蝦皮購物
... elevation to cult status in Japan places him firmly at the forefront of mid-century Danish design. 購買Finn Juhl: Life, Work, World -9780714878065.
#39. Finn Juhl: Master Painter, Master Designer - Metropolis
Watercolors by Finn Juhl. Text(s) by Anne-Louise Sommer Hatje Cantz, 2017, 190 pp. Images courtesy © DesignMuseum Danmark/Pernille Klemp ...
#40. 【SKAGEN】Finn Juhl 戀慕暖陽北歐極簡風格限量腕錶40mm ...
推薦【SKAGEN】Finn Juhl 戀慕暖陽北歐極簡風格限量腕錶40mm 男SKW6582, 原廠公司貨,優雅錶盤展現時間律動,10MM不銹鋼錶殼momo購物網總是優惠便宜好價格,值得推薦!
#41. Finn Juhl - architectmade.com
Finn Juhl. As one of the many Danish architects in the 1950's, Finn Juhl stands out as one of the most successful international breakthroughs ...
#42. Finn Juhl: Life, Work, World -9780714878065-建築人設計人的店
Danish architect, interior-, and industrial designer Finn Juhl is best known for his furniture. Credited in the creation of the international 'Danish ...
#43. Finn Juhl Influential Architects & Designers | Feature Article
Danish furniture designer Finn Juhl created his most iconic work between the 1940s and 1960s, yet to this day his designs still feel alive.
#44. Finn Juhl | twentytwentyone
Finn Juhl (1912-1989) was a pioneer of Danish architectural and interior design and is widely acknowledged to be the first designer to bring Danish Modern ...
#45. Finn Juhl - 29 vintage design items - VNTG
Finn Juhl - 29 vintage design items. Category. Finn Juhl×. Producer. Country. Dealer. Quantity. Price. Hide Archive. Category.
#46. Finn Juhl - Nationalmuseum
In the spring and summer of 2019, Nationalmuseum mounted an exhibition about the Danish architect and furniture designer Finn Juhl.
#47. House of Finn Juhl Hakuba (飯店)(日本白馬)優惠
House of Finn Juhl Hakuba 位於白馬,距離白馬八方尾根滑雪場(Happo One Ski Resort) 1.
#48. FINN JUHL product design on Architonic
The Danish designer, architect, and interior architect Finn Juhl is today primarily known for his furniture designs, despite his contributions to all three ...
#49. Finn Juhl and His House | Architecture - Hatje Cantz Verlag
Finn Juhl and His House. Available again as of October 2019 Atmospherically illustrated tribute to the brilliant Danish designer and his own home,
#50. Finn Juhl spade chair - 所有商品- VINTAGE AREA 奧維特傢俬
Finn Juhl lounge spade chair model 133. 詳細介紹. Model 133, Finn Juhl Teak Spade Chair for France & Daverkosen, 1954. 最後圖片分上下圖,分別是:.
#51. House of Finn Juhl (@houseoffinnjuhl) • Instagram photos and ...
82k Followers, 1142 Following, 1242 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from House of Finn Juhl (@houseoffinnjuhl)
#52. Finn Juhl 100 year 展覽(舊是經典) - 小人物的部落格
將在新竹市公道五的昌益大樓舉辦百年紀念Finn Juhl展. 這可不得了. 各位要知道在新竹這個小地方,光是要看個進口家具都異常困難,這些大師級的設計家具 ...
#53. Finn juhl:跨越世紀,設計永恆不滅的丹麥設計之父 - 北歐丹麥 ...
Finn juhl 出生於1912 年丹麥首都Frederiksberg ,雖然從小以藝術家為目標,但他父親還是說服他進入丹麥皇家建築藝術學院就讀。在畢業之後進入Vilhelm ...
#54. Finn Juhl exhibition - googoods
_. Finn Juhl exhibition 丹麥設計大師芬尤百年經典展. SUMMER , 2013. Place / Taichung Design item / Interior . Graphic 1F呈現歷年經典作品,以聚光燈及環狀金屬 ...
#55. Finn Juhl的價格推薦- 2021年11月| 比價比個夠BigGo
Finn Juhl 價格推薦共64筆商品。包含29筆拍賣、6筆商城.快搜尋「Finn Juhl」找出哪裡買、現貨推薦與歷史價格一站比價,最低價格都在BigGo!
#56. finn juhl - 優惠推薦- 2021年11月| Yahoo奇摩拍賣
在Yahoo奇摩拍賣找到15筆finn juhl商品,其中包含了居家、家具與園藝,圖書/影音/文具等類型的finn juhl商品.
#57. Finn Juhl - Finnish Design Shop
Finn Juhl (1912-1989) was a Danish architect and industrial designer, and one of the most iconic designers of 20th century Danish design.
#58. Finn Juhl | Dezeen
Stories about Danish furniture designer Finn Juhl, who was one of the most influential Danish furniture and interior designers of the 1940s and 1950s.
#59. House of Finn Juhl - Danish Red
In 1999 we were contacted by the widow of Finn Juhl, Hanne Wilhelm Hansen, with the purpose of creating one of his designs. A sofa for a commemorative ...
#60. Finn Juhl and His House Hardcover - Amazon.com
The Danish design scholar Birgit Lyngbye Pedersen discovered the work of Finn Juhl (1912-1989) when she was looking for a suitable sofa for her 1950s home.
#61. Finn Juhl - Elte
Danish architect, interior, and industrial designer Finn Juhl is best known for his furniture. Credited in the creation of the international 'Danish design' ...
#62. Finn Juhl Archives | COBO Social
#Finn Juhl · Know your Danish Chair designers: take the furniture tour at K11 MUSEA · 丹麥設計四大巨頭進駐K11 MUSEA · Zao Wou-ki Headlines Phillips Hong Kong Sale.
#63. House of Finn Juhl - Home | Facebook
We have had the exclusive rights to manufacture Finn Juhl's iconic furniture since 2001 and we... Gothersgade 9, 1123 Copenhagen, Denmark.
#64. 是旅店也是「傢俱美術館」:到深山裡的隱密木屋,享受緩慢時光
距離最多遊人的滑雪場及車站範圍,House of Finn Juhl Hakuba所在之處則顯得相對地清幽寧靜,附近都是其他居民的別墅花園,旅店外型就如同一般歐洲式的木 ...
#65. フィン・ユールとデンマークの椅子|東京都美術館
Finn Juhl and Danish Chairs ... 丹麥是眾所周知的設計大國,1940年代到60年代之間,誕生了許多名垂青史的優秀傢俱。在丹麥的設計師之中,フィン・ユール(Finn Juhl, 1912- ...
#66. Finn Juhl | Design | Phaidon Store
Finn Juhl. Life, Work, World. The first-ever comprehensive monograph on one of Denmark's most influential Modernist design pioneers. Christian Bundegaard ...
#67. 重返那个黄金年代造访丹麦设计之父Finn Juhl的家
熟悉现代主义家具风格的人一定会知道这样四个人:Finn Juhl,Arne Jacobsen,Hans Wegner以及Borge Mogensen,这四个人可谓是丹麦当代家具设计领域的四大金刚。
#68. 不受傳統拘束的丹麥家具設計大師—Finn Juhl (1912-1989)
一、革命開創性的設計家具巨匠先前我們聊到Kaare Klint造就了丹麥皇家藝術學院,也成功地孕育出了許多成功的家具設計巨匠。其中的Finn Juhl是我們非常 ...
2001年,受Finn Juhl的遗孀Hanne Wilhelm Hansen的信任和委托,我们开始独家生产并重新推出Finn Juhl所拥有的雕刻和代表性家具。如今,Finn Juhl独家系列包括40多件 ...
#70. Finn Juhl - 109 Chair | Nordic Urban - Berlin Germany
The Finn Juhl - 109 Chair is the perfect dining room-, conference room- or even desk chair. Its elegant and comfortable qualities make the chair perfect for ...
#71. Finn Juhl – The Golden Age of Danish Design - Daily ...
The Danish architect and designer Finn Juhl (1912-89) wanted initially to become an art historian. However, his father wouldn't allow a ...
#72. Finn Juhl and Onecollection
It started with a sofa! - Onecollection was given the exclusive rights to manufacture and relaunch Finn Juhl's furniture by his widow Hanne Wilhelm Hansen.
#73. Finn Juhl - Shop by Brand
Finn Juhl designed furniture with the human body in mind and stood out from his midcentury architect peers in Denmark as well as the rest ...
#74. House of Finn Juhl Furniture - Available at Danish Design Co
Explore timeless, luxury furniture designs from our House of Finn Juhl brand - Made in Denmark. Shop now at Danish Design Co Singapore.
#75. Gently Used Finn Juhl Furniture | Up to 60% off at Chairish
Finn Juhl was a Danish architect and interior designer who played a prominent role in introducing the 'Danish Modern' style to America. The popularity of Finn ...
#76. finn juhl products for sale | eBay
Get the best deals on finn juhl when you shop the largest online selection at eBay.com. Free shipping on many items | Browse your favorite brands ...
#77. 北欧不朽传奇!「丹麦设计之父」Finn Juhl 的经典回顾
1912 年1 月30 日出生于Frederiksberg 的Finn Juhl,是20 世纪最重要的家具设计师之一,Finn Juhl 从小的职志并非建筑师或家具设计师,而是当个艺术 ...
#78. Finn Juhl - Top Artists | Christie's
Learn about FINN JUHL (1912-1989) their past and upcoming works offered at auction at Christie's.
#79. Finn Juhl | MoMA
Finn Juhl. Danish, 1912–1989. Works.
#80. 白馬House of Finn Juhl Hakuba線上訂房|Agoda.com
House of Finn Juhl Hakuba的可預訂房型 · 客房面積:19平方公尺/205平方英尺 · 淋浴設備 · 2張單人床.
#81. Teak and Tan Leather Chieftain's Chair by Finn Juhl, 1950s
Finn Juhl reached its absolute peak as a pioneering furniture designer and the chair became the symbol of Danish design. This object is an absolute masterpiece ...
#82. House of Finn Juhl - Fair Design
In 2001 we were trusted with the exclusive rights to manufacture and relaunch Finn Juhl's sculptural and iconic furniture by Finn Juhl's widow Hanne Wilhelm ...
#83. Phaidon celebrates the Danish designer Finn Juhl | Abitare
His life, his work, his internationalisation: the monograph that Christian Bundegaard dedicates to Finn Juhl for the folks at Phaidon – the ...
#84. Finn Juhl Prisen - Wilhelm Hansen Fonden
Det har været Hanne Wilhelm Hansens ønske på denne måde at hædre sin mand Finn Juhls indsats som arkitekt med verdensry. Finn Juhl (1912-1989) var først og ...
#85. 【北歐當代設計之父Finn Juhl】 – 塑造丹麥工藝傳奇 - TASTE ...
Finn Juhl ,有著 「北歐當代設計之父」的美名,1912年出生於丹麥,擅長將有機的線條注入工藝設計中,作品都具有相當的製作難度與技巧。今年,為了紀念.
#86. 設計大師– 丹麥酋長椅之父Finn Juhl | 大人物- 86437
Finn Juhl (1912-1989),出生丹麥,從小大量閱讀歷史書籍,經常在博物館裡流連忘返,立志成為藝術史學家。無奈父親的反對,讓他重新調整志向,從而轉 ...
#87. Relaunch of an 1950's Danish Design Chair by Finn Juhl
Finn Juhl designed FJ 136, as the chair was originally called, for France & Son for the American market in 1956. It became – along with a number ...
#88. Biography - Finn Juhl (Danish, 1912 - Artnet
Finn Juhl (Danish, 1912–1989) was a pioneer of Modern design in Denmark, and the first 20th-century Danish furniture designer to achieve international ...
#89. Absolut Klassik x Finn Juhl 100 Year Taiwan 2012/11/08
丹麥當代設計之父--- Finn Juhl,以其獨特的藝術思維,顛覆北歐簡約與大眾化的傳統,作品有著雕塑藝術…
#90. 【時尚大道】《家具想像力》Finn Juhl 有機設計- 自由娛樂
One Collection Finn Juhl酋長椅,寬闊的扶手如戰士馬鞍、高而細長的椅背框架彷彿弓箭、盾形椅背象徵酋長頭飾,霸氣十足。(圖片提供:北歐櫥窗)記者凃 ...
#91. Finn Juhl: Free art and free mind - Vintage Living 臣爵傢俱
Finn Juhl 從小就希望自己能成為一個藝術史學家,然而,身為織布商人的父親則否絕了這樣的想法,Finn Juhl後來被他的父親說服而就讀皇家藝術學院建築系(The ...
#92. Finn Juhl - The Chieftain Chair
FINN JUHL (1912-1989). Finn Juhl is considered to be the most influential Danish Modern furniture designer. His crowning achievement is the Chieftain Chair, ...
#93. Finn Juhl | Etsy
Check out our finn juhl selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our living room furniture shops.
#94. the world's first Finn Juhl hotel opens in Japan | Wallpaper
In furniture circles, it's a well-known fact, that the Japanese have a soft spot for Finn Juhl; there is an exact replica of the Danish ...
#95. The Highly Personal House of Danish Design Great Finn Juhl
Built in 1942, Finn Juhl's home remains one of the greatest masterpieces of Danish design.
finn juhl 在 House of Finn Juhl - Home | Facebook 的必吃
We have had the exclusive rights to manufacture Finn Juhl's iconic furniture since 2001 and we... Gothersgade 9, 1123 Copenhagen, Denmark. ... <看更多>