People-pleasing is not recommended when styling yourself...but as a stylist, this is absolutely understood. Showing our true face is a freaky thing. How could we transparently smile or not smile, feelings are so underrated. How could we truly say that, is it going to hurt someone? How could we dress cute or admit we are sexy, it’s much safer to remain plain and hidden. And how could we show that we could be full of self-care without being judged as being square? How could we really wear that without being critiqued we are too old, too young, too fat, too thin? So we have come up with a zillion reasons to not go there, which is our choice but one which causes so much tension if we are honest!
Because when we start the first step to please another in our expression, we have already lost touch with ourselves and that is how most of us are living and then, no matter what we wear or not wear, we have the excuse to ignore that which we miss the most in life—ourselves.
What I have learned in my dressing up is always to be honest. I won’t pretend to look strong when I feel fragile, nor will I please anyone with a smile when I don’t feel to smile. You can like or not like my style, but I always choose to stand by my feelings in clothing.
What are some of your concerns in dressing up?