#1. 用"be exposed to"造句 - 查查在線詞典
造句 與例句 手機版 · We are exposed to the most calamitous accidents . · They are exposed to many hazards . · The drug has lost its potence by being exposed to ...
He was surprised at not finding himself exposed to these silent batteries . 使他吃驚的是他并沒有感到自己受到了無言的討伐。 Some auxiliary fuel tank must not be ...
He exposed the true aims of the war . 他揭露了這場戰爭的真正目的。 They exposed the true aims of the war . 他們揭露了這次戰爭的真實目的 ...
#4. 用"to be exposed to"造句 - 查查在線詞典
用to be exposed to造句和"to be exposed to"的例句: 1. They had to be exposed to the enemy ' s gunfire他們必須暴露于敵人的槍火下。 2. They had to be exposed ...
例句與用法 · We are exposed to the most calamitous accidents . · They are exposed to many hazards . · The drug has lost its potence by being exposed to moisture .
These have been exposed to great changes of climate and have migrated over great distances . 它們曾經遭遇到氣候的劇烈改變,并有過長距離的遷移。 更多例句 ...
當傳感器暴露在三氯化物中時,有很大變化。 更多例句: 1 2 3 4 5 · 用"exposed to"造句. 其他語言.
expose 的造句和例句: 1. Exposed burns of face are easily affected .面部烧伤的裸露易于感染。 2. The soft and bloody insides are exposed .
#9. to be exposed to 中文 - 查查在線詞典
接觸. "exposed" 中文翻譯: adj. 無掩蔽的;暴露的,顯露的。 an expose ... "be exposed to" 中文翻譯: 暴露在; 處于...的作用下;使曝光; 接觸,暴露于…
#10. 用exposed造句,exposed的例句,双语对照(21-30) - 查查在线词典
The exposed pistils can be pollinated immediately . · Airborne spores infect freshly exposed wood . · The troops had to withdraw to a less exposed position .
#11. expose sb to sth中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
expose sb to sth翻譯:使…遭受(有害或不快的遭遇);使…暴露於(險境)。了解更多。
#12. expose (【動詞】使暴露於, 使接觸到, 使...暴露於, 浸潤 ... - Engoo
"expose" 例句 ... She exposed her daughter to music as a baby. 她讓女兒自嬰兒時期開始接觸音樂。 Going to university is sure to expose you to new ideas and ways of ...
#13. exposed to 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
exposed : adj. 無掩蔽的;暴露的,顯露的。 an exposed position 位置顯露。 exposed wiring 明線。n. -ness; to: adv 到某種狀態;〈特指〉到停止狀態;關閉。
#14. exposed造句_exposed例句_趣词词典
exposed 造句 / 例句. 1. She exposed him to the police. 她向警察当局揭露了他。 2. If you subscribe to one of the project , your address will be ...
#15. 怎么区分expose to 和be exposed to - 百度知道
暴露,除了被动的时候用还有什么时候用?exposeto呢?... be exposed to意思是使...暴露,除了被动的时候用还有 ... 2017-11-30 “exposed to”造句有哪些?
#16. 用expose造句子三年级 - 字典
expose造句. 1. expose. 1. Their scheme was exposed. 他们的阴谋被暴露了。 2. He exposed the plan to the newspapers. 他向几家报纸透露了这个计划。
#17. 用be exposed to写俩例句 - 搜狗搜索
用be exposed to加定语、状语、主语造句. [最佳答案] 一个句子么?You are supposed to finish your physics homework tonight.主语:you 定语:physics 状语:tonight.
#18. 用expose造句 - 乐学英语
They exposed the true aims of the war . 他们揭露了这次战争的真实目的。 It's difficult to find expose in a sentence. 用expose造句挺难的; His wild ...
#19. be exposed to造句简单- yuzzl网
“exposed to”造句有哪些? exposed to. 译文:接触;暴露于. 造句: 1。 We are exposed to the most calamitous accidents 。 我们遭受着极大的灾难。
#20. “exposed to”造句有哪些?_exposed to的用法及例句
exposed to. 译文:接32313133353236313431303231363533e4b893e5b19e31333363396338触;暴露于. 造句:. We are exposed to the most calamitous ...
#21. 《成語意思》暴露無遺造句_暴露無遺中英文解釋和造句
His leg is crossed and the sole of his foot is exposed. 美國住房市場問題暴露無遺,信心危機蔓延。 The US housing market problems spread and ...
#22. 分岔造句和解释_分岔的例句有哪些-小孩子点读 - 腾讯
分岔(fēn chà)。 适用于能比作树木长出枝条的任何发展或伸出物,也适用于能比作树干的主岔的某种分裂的生长物。 分岔参考例句:. 1、到了分岔口,你就该 ...
#23. 基本句型
(2) Sb expose + sth + to + 使暴露於. Sb + be exposed to +; sb expose oneself to. Ex: * Don't expose your skin to the sun for a long.
#24. 用exposed造句_be exposed to_be exposed to 接触 - 小费知识网
用exposed造句最新消息,还有be exposed to,be exposed to 接触,be enthusiastic about等内容,谢邀;be exposed是动词短语(助动词be + 过去分词表示被动)to a large ...
#25. 碎末雙語造句 - 國語季
See the line across the doorway? 2. 如果鐵暴露於潮溼空氣之下就會慢慢生鏽腐蝕成碎末的。 If iron is left exposed to damp air, ...
#26. expose…to造句简单 - 查理资讯站
That is a little bit that expose to you what we have done.这就是我向你们展示的,我们做过的. expose造句1、Toexposeto harm or danger; imperil.
#27. exposed to the weather-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: For several hours the wounded remained lying on the ground exposed to the weather,在英语-中文情境中翻译"exposed to the weather"
#28. expose to例句,challenge造句 - 会计知识网
exposed to 译文:接触;暴露于造句:1. We are exposed to the most calamitous accidents .我们遭受着极大的灾难.2. They are exposed to many hazards .它们会遇到很多.
#29. expose+to造句
expose +to造句. 此文章处于编辑状态. 更新时间:; 2021-12-09 19:02. 合作邮箱:[email protected]. 来不及找到心仪的壁纸? 按Ctrl+D收藏我们.
#30. 外露_是什麼意思_拼音怎麼讀_造句_反義詞_近義詞- 古詩詞庫
【外露】 基本信息(拼音,讀音等). 簡體. 外露. 繁體. 外露. 拼音. wài lù. 怎麼讀. 反義詞. 含蓄深沉. 英語. appearing on the outside; exposed ...
#31. 拋磚引玉- English translation – Linguee - 抛砖引玉()
... the TD has started discussions with bus companies to speed up the fitting of safety belts for exposed front seats on the upper deck or the installation ...
#32. belonging to 定语造句,belongto造句带翻译 - 造句网
exposed to 译文:接触;暴露于造句:1. We are exposed to the most calamitous accidents .我们遭受着极大的灾难.2. They are exposed to many hazards ...
#33. 用expose…to造句 - 容易答知识网
最佳答案: expose to 英[ikˈspəuz tu:] 美[ɪkˈspoz tu][词典] 暴露于; ... exposed to造句1、Workersexposed toasbestos can develop cancer.
#34. 客語辭彙
分類 腔調 客家辭義 客家音標 華語辭義 英語辭義 61043779 動作 海陸 打子 daˊ ziiˊ 結果實、結子 to bear fruit 61043780 動作 海陸 打幫 daˊ bongˋ 沾光、助益 to get benefit 61043781 動作 海陸 打落 daˊ logˋ 奚落 to humiliate
#35. 凶相毕露的解释 - 乐乐课堂
[show one's ferocity;reveal the atrocious features;with the fierce feature fully exposed bare one's fangs] 凶恶的面目完全暴露. 引用解释.
#36. expose在線翻譯- 用法_例句 - 海词
Keep indoors and don't expose your skin to the sun. 待在室內,不要把皮膚暴露在陽光下。 You shouldn't expose the soldiers to unnecessary risks. 你不應該讓士兵們冒 ...
#37. Barefaced antonym -
Another word for avowed: exposed to view | Collins English Thesaurus ... used in a sentence and examples? barefaced造句, barefaced造句, 用barefaced造句, ...
#38. Mistrust synonym -
... used in a sentence and examples? mistrust造句, mistrust造句, 用mistrust造句, ... the racial mistrust that has been exposed, probably what would result, ...
#39. Make no bones about it synonym
174 men and women (89 active, 85 controls) were exposed to either 10 ... no bones about it造句, make no bones about it造句, 用make no bones about it造句, ...
#40. Explicit definition - Architem
... 用explicit authorization造句, explicit authorization meaning, definition, ... for medical students are sexually explicit-they depict exposed genitalia, ...
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#42. Cursory example - BetaBench
... used in a sentence and examples? cursory造句, cursory造句, 用cursory造句, ... is the possibility that exposed points may be selected for sudden attacks, ...
#43. Translate whats wrong with you in Hindi with examples
... (Maltese>English)kiki (English>Malay)nepasilikdama (Lithuanian>Maori)malahan 造句 (Malay>Chinese (Simplified))busts (English>Tagalog)the word of the ...
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... 4, 5 neighborhoods in the bronx的造句和例句: 1. diners, pizza shops, ... A study found that blacks are exposed to about 56% more pollution ...
#45. LiveABC互動英語- 《#本日實用片語|一天學一個 ... - Facebook
本日實用片語|一天學一個英文片語》 be exposed to 接觸……;暴露在……中⚠ 動詞expose 指「使接觸;使暴露於」,用法為expose sb/sth to sth。
#46. exposed to - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
ph. 使…接觸…,使…暴露於… PyDict. expose sth. to the light ...
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8 )造句时尽量使动词靠近主语。 ... in solutions of the pigment in dioxane , which were exposed to 10 h of UV irradiation , was no longer irreversible .
#48. 北京人的發現: 從故事中認識中國文化 - 第 56 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... Wear and tear ( as caused by being exposed to the elements ) 3.雖然...但. ... 用下列詞語造句: 1 )華麗 2 )技術 3 )穿著 4 )身分 5 )成員 6 56 北京人的發現.
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文章遣词造句得当,句型变化多样,表达连贯准确,很难挑出大的毛病, ... In contrast , when removed from the green house and exposed to the wind and storm ...
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( 3 )造句时尽量使动词靠近主语。 ... in solutions of the pigment in dioxane , which were exposed to 10 h of UV irradiation , was no longer irreversible .
#51. 大学英语实用写作 - 第 19 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Federer exposed the weaknesses of the Australian game . 2. ... After that , he walked down the 第一章造句( Let's Begin with Sentences ! ) 19.
#52. 域外资源与晚清语言运动:以《圣经》中译本为中心 - Google 圖書結果
... 力证译作是您的,并指出所有剽窃之处(expose all plagiarism)。 ... 但“二马译本”无论在语句行文、遣词造句上,还是在人名、地名、神学专名的翻译上,相似程度都远远 ...
#53. e- PSLE高级华文 应考手册: e-A Handbook Of PSLE Higher Chinese
expOSe 基 see thmugh 0 当谎言被拆穿时,我羞愧得想找一个地洞钻进去。 ... 0 长久 inapersistentway ch6d1 0 。。 thoroughly 第三部分必考造句资料小六部分 60i 一 ch1.
#54. exposed to是什么意思
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#55. 「社交距離」、「自我隔離」英文怎麼說?從防疫措施學多益
兩周讓當事者有足夠的時間來判斷他們是否會生病,或對他人有沒有感染風險。) ○ expose (v.) 暴露這裡的用法是被動態-be exposed to~「暴露在~(環境) ...
exposed to造句 在 LiveABC互動英語- 《#本日實用片語|一天學一個 ... - Facebook 的必吃
本日實用片語|一天學一個英文片語》 be exposed to 接觸……;暴露在……中⚠ 動詞expose 指「使接觸;使暴露於」,用法為expose sb/sth to sth。 ... <看更多>