#1. 癌症病人預後的評估工具簡介:存活期、反應率、無病存活期
無病存活率(disease-free survival, DFS)是指病人診斷癌症接受完整治癒性療法後開始觀察,經過一段時間後,其復發或死亡的病人比率(換個概念就是活著且無復發轉移的 ...
#2. 整體存活率vs 無病存活率overall survival vs disease-free survival
無病存活率( disease-free survival ) ... 那無病存活率又是甚麼呢? 在整體存活率中,我們將觀察的事件設定為死亡。而在無病存活率中,將特定事件設定為死亡 ...
#3. 整體存活率vs 無病存活率- wenwu - Medium
無病存活率( disease-free survival ) ... 那無病存活率又是甚麼呢? 在整體存活率中,我們將觀察的事件設定為死亡。而在無病存活率中,將特定事件設定為死亡或是復發的事件。
#4. 當代醫藥法規月刊第102期
此類指標包括下列各項: (1) 無疾病存活期(Disease-free survival,DFS):定義為從隨機分配至疾病復發或任何原因死亡之期間,常作為輔助性治療之療效指標。
#5. 癌症臨床試驗:療效評價指標Progression-Free Survival(PFS)
跟PFS很類似,無病存活率(Disease-free survival, DFS) 一般用在患者接受治癒(根治)性治療後的評估,評估其復發或死亡的比率,如果其未復發或轉移, ...
#6. 劑量密集化療:相關臨床試驗結果 - 藥學雜誌電子報99期
研究共收案2,005人,追蹤3年;結果q2w在無疾病存活(disease-free survival, DFS)和整體存活(overall survival, OS)(表二)均顯著改善,而序列或 ...
Cancer-Specific Survival (CSS). 特定癌症死亡. Progression-Free Survival (PFS). 腫瘤惡化或死亡. Time to Progression (TTP). 腫瘤惡化. Disease-Free Survival ...
#8. GICC 博惠免疫細胞醫療
無病存活率(disease-free survival, DFS)是指病人診斷癌症接受完整治癒性療法後開始觀察,經過一段時間後,其復發或死亡的病人比率(換個概念就是活著且無復發轉移的 ...
#9. 癌症病人預後的評估工具簡介:存活期、反應率 - 健康跟著走
relapse free survival 定義- 無病存活率(disease-freesurvival,DFS)是指病人診斷癌症接受完整治癒性療法後開始觀察,經過一段時間後,其復發或死亡的病...
#10. 生命表(Life table)與存活分析(Survival Analysis) - 永析統計
存活分析,在生醫領域常常被使用,特別是在於想要了解特定某疾病的人口死亡率跟存活率時,我們會使用存活分析。另外一方面,在藥物治療上,兩個藥對於疾病 ...
#11. disease-free survival 中文 - 英語翻譯
disease -free survival中文中文意思:無疾病存活期...,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋disease-free survival的中文翻譯,disease-free survival的發音,三態,音標, ...
#12. 大規模整合資料分析顯示「精準癌症治療」確實優於傳統癌症治療
治療效果的指標包括:藥物反應率(response rate, RR),無惡化存活率(progression-free survival, PFS),綜合存活率(overall survival, OS)。
#13. Overall survival; disease-free survival; event-free survival
Overall survival; disease-free survival; event-free survival ... 罹患相同疾病(mostly cancer)的病患當中, N年後仍存活的比例, 稱為"N年存活率"; 大部分 ...
#14. progression-free survival-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: Median progression-free survival (PFS) was 29.4 months,在英语-中文情境中翻译"progression-free survival"
#15. Progression Free Survival (PFS) After Cancer - Verywell Health
Progression -free survival (PFS) is a term that is used to describe treatment results for cancer and other conditions. Learn more.
#16. 肿瘤临床试验终点和评价指标 - 知乎专栏
中文 :无病生存期. 英文:Disease-Free Survival. 定义:从随机化开始至疾病复发或(因任何原因)死亡之间的时间。 检测指标:替代指标(逐渐被接受为临床受益)。
#17. Relatlimab plus nivolumab improves progression-free survival ...
In patients with untreated, advanced melanoma, the combination of immune checkpoint inhibitors relatlimab and nivolumab doubled the ...
#18. Recurrence-free survival outcomes in colon cancer | CMAR
Recurrence -Free Survival Outcomes Based on Novel Classification Combining Lymphovascular Invasion, Perineural Invasion, and T4 Status in Stage ...
#19. Definition of disease-specific survival rate - NCI Dictionary of ...
NCI's Dictionary of Cancer Terms provides easy-to-understand definitions for words and phrases related to cancer and medicine.
#20. Survival rate - Wikipedia
Survival rate is a part of survival analysis. It is the proportion of people in a study or ... These include the disease-free survival (DFS) (the period after curative ...
#21. Recurrence-free survival (RFS) and objective response rate ...
Recurrence -free survival (RFS) and objective response rate (ORR) phase 1/2 study of intralesional (IL) neoadjuvant (neo) anti-PD1 agents ...
#22. AI3 Disease-Free Survival (DFS) As a Surrogate Endpoint for ...
中文 翻译:. AI3 无病生存期(DFS) 作为可切除食管或胃食管结合部癌成人总生存期(OS) 的替代终点:相关性荟萃分析. 更新日期:2021-06-01. 点击分享 查看原文.
#23. ESMO: HER2-targeting antibody-drug improves progression ...
ESMO: HER2-targeting antibody-drug improves progression-free survival for women with deadly form of advanced breast cancer.
#24. Pancreatic Cancer Prognosis | Johns Hopkins Medicine
There are certainly patients who far outlive their prognosis or even become disease-free. And overall survival rates, while still much lower than other ...
#25. 中位生存期、無進展生存期、總生存期~~徹底被繞暈了。藍瘦香菇
3、無進展生存期(progression-free survival,PFS). 無進展生存期是指由隨機至第一次發生疾病進展或任何原因死亡的時間。 疾病進展是指腫瘤增長,或 ...
#26. Relationship between relapse-free survival (RFS) and distant ...
Relationship between relapse-free survival (RFS) and ... (DMFS) and their potential as surrogates for overall survival (OS) in high-risk resected melanoma.
#27. Disease-free survival (DFS) - Cancer.Net
Disease -free survival (DFS). The measure of time after treatment during which no sign of cancer is found. This term can be used for an individual or for a ...
#28. Disease-free survival as a surrogate endpoint for overall ...
Our meta-analysis suggests that HR DFS/PFS -where DFS/PFS is defined as time from resection to disease recurrence (local, locoregional, or distant) or ...
#29. Progression-free survival: it is time for a new name - The Lancet
Progression -free survival refers to the time from randomisation or initiation of treatment to the occurrence of disease progression or death.
#30. Definition of disease-free survival: this is my truth–show me ...
There are also ever-increasing treatment options available to patients after disease recurrence, so that overall survival may be confounded by the subsequent ...
#31. Disease-free survival in patients with non-metastatic breast ...
To analyze the disease-free survival (DFS) at 5 years and prognostic factors in women with non-metastatic invasive breast cancer treated at a referral ...
#32. Modeling Survival Data Using Frailty Models: Second Edition
g--Disease Group 1-ALL 2-AML Low Risk 3-AML High-Risk T1 -- Time to Death or on Study Time T2 --Disease Free Survival Time (Time to Relapse, Death or End of ...
#33. Advances in surgical treatment of hepatobiliary tumors
The disease- free survival (DFS) rates were 82.2%, 66.95%, 48.8%, and 48.8% for the triple therapy and 41.92%, 28.34%, 27.05%, and 22.99% for the ...
#34. Young Survival Coalition Metastatic Navigator: A Young ...
DISEASE -FREE SURVIVAL (DFS) RATE The length of time after treatment during which a patient survives with no sign of the disease. Disease-free survival may ...
#35. Perez & Brady's Principles and Practice of Radiation Oncology
The 10-year PSA relapse-free survival among patients with low-risk disease who received dose levels of 75.6 Gy and higher was 84%, compared to 70% for ...
#36. Breast Cancer in Women of African Descent
A randomised control trial of neoadjuvant chemotherapy against postoperative chemotherapy found an increase survival and disease free survival benefit in ...
#37. Neoplastic Hematopathology: Experimental and Clinical Approaches
Prolonged disease-free survival in Hodgkin's disease with MOPP reinduction after first relapse. Ann Intern Med 1979;90:761–3. Moskowitz CH, Nimer SD, ...
#38. Pancreatic Cancer: A Multidisciplinary Approach
However, patients with borderline resectable disease are at a high risk for a ... significantly better disease-free survival and locoregional failure-free ...
#39. Advances in Treatment and Management in Surgical Endocrinology
In a series of patients with NETs, Ki-67 index used to categorize tumor grade predicts both progression-free survival as well as overall survival.23 ...
#40. A Pictorial Treatise on Gall Bladder Cancer
The primary endpoint of PRODIGE 12 trial was relapse-free survival (RFS). The study showed no significant benefit according to relapse-free survival and ...
disease-free survival中文 在 GICC 博惠免疫細胞醫療 的必吃
無病存活率(disease-free survival, DFS)是指病人診斷癌症接受完整治癒性療法後開始觀察,經過一段時間後,其復發或死亡的病人比率(換個概念就是活著且無復發轉移的 ... ... <看更多>