descending colon中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文

descending colon中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:[解剖] 降結腸,下行結腸。英漢詞典提供【descending colon】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等. ... <看更多>
descending colon中文 意思::降結腸;降強腸…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋descending colon的中文翻譯,descending colon的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。 ... <看更多>
#1. Descending colon - 降結腸 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
出處/學術領域, 中文詞彙, 英文詞彙. 學術名詞 比較解剖學, 降結腸, Descending colon. 學術名詞 人體解剖學, 降結腸, Colon descendens ...
#2. descending colon翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
descending colon中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:[解剖] 降結腸,下行結腸。英漢詞典提供【descending colon】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#3. descending colon 中文 - 查查詞典
descending colon中文 意思::降結腸;降強腸…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋descending colon的中文翻譯,descending colon的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
descending colon 中文 意思是什麼 · descending: adj 下降的,下行的;遞降的。 a descending letter 下垂字母〈g p y 等〉。 · colon: n. 冒號(:)。n. (pl. colons, ...
#5. 【大腸癌】成因、病理、症狀、診斷及治療 - BestView
「大腸」可以分為「結腸」(colon) 和「直腸」(rectum)兩部分。 ... 腸病(inflammatory bowel disease); 大腸癌遺傳綜合症(hereditary colorectal cancer syndrome) ...
#6. 大腸直腸癌(Colorectal cancer) - 家家健康網站
向上為上結腸(ascending colon)﹐橫向為橫結腸(Transverse colon)﹐向下是下結腸(Descending colon)﹐然後是乙型結腸(Sigmoid colon)﹐通直腸(Rectum) ...
#7. descending colon的中文翻譯 - 英文翻譯
descending colon. descending colon. 16/5000. 偵測語言, 世界語, 中文, 丹麥文, 亞塞拜然文, 亞美尼亞文, 伊博文, 俄文, 保加利亞文, 信德文, 優魯巴文, 克林貢語 ...
#8. 大腸直腸肛門外科Division of Colon & Rectal Surgery - 長庚醫院
大腸直腸急症Colorectal Emergency. 作者- 洪欣園醫師 壹、 Colorectal Cancer 急症 1. 完全腸阻塞Complete intestinal obstruction: 臨床上病人表現嚴重腹脹,完全或 ...
#9. 健」癒心靈、「裕」見安寧:陪伴癌夫圓滿人生的歷程>內容連載
包括盲腸(appendix)、結腸(colon)〔含升結腸(ascending colon)、橫結腸(transverse colon)、降結腸(descending colon)、乙狀結腸(sigmoid ...
#10. DESCENDING COLON - 汉语翻译- bab.la英语-汉语词典
The right and left paracolic gutters are peritoneal recesses on the posterior abdominal wall lying alongside the ascending and descending colon. more_vert.
#11. 下消化道解剖學 - OoCities
結腸Colon. 升結腸ascending colon – 20cm; 橫結腸transverse colon – 50cm; 降結腸descending colon – 25cm; 乙狀結腸sigmoid colon – 45cm. 直腸Rectum.
#12. bent colon, linking the descending colon the rectum - 英中
大量翻译例句关于"bent colon, linking the descending colon the rectum" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#13. descending中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
used to refer to a body part that is in a downward direction. (身體部位)下降的,下行的. the descending aorta/colon 降主動脈/降結腸.
#14. colon - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
colon. KK[koˋlən]; DJ[kəuˋlən]. 美式. n. 可隆(哥斯大黎加和薩爾瓦多的貨幣單位) ... 牛津中文字典 ... descending colon. KK[dɪˋsɛndɪŋ ˋkolən]; DJ[diˋsendiŋ ...
#15. descending colon的中文解释和发音 - 欧路词典
descending colon. 有0个发音. 生词本: 添加笔记:. 有奖纠错. | 划词. 英汉-汉英词典; 词组搭配 · 英语百科 · 中文百科 · 近义词词典 · 英英词典 · 英语维基词典 ...
#16. 結直腸癌照護網+
例子: Colon, sigmoid, endoscopic biopsy: tubular adenoma (adenomatous polyp) 譯:乙狀結腸內視鏡切片結果: 管性的腺瘤(腺瘤性息肉) ...
#17. 大腸癌之診斷與治療指引
結腸(Colon):又分為升結腸、橫結. 腸、降結腸及乙狀結腸。 ... progression from normal colonic epithelium to ... E. Descending colon cancer.
#18. descending colon polyp中文 - 外送快遞貨運資訊懶人包
在descending colon polyp中文這個討論中,有超過5篇Ptt貼文,作者mco334也提到關於大腸癌,食物何其無辜,飲食習慣才是關鍵!
#19. Descending colon 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Descending colon 释义: the last portion of the colon , beginning at the upper left abdomen in the region of the... | 意思、发音、翻译及示例.
#20. descending colon 中文- 英文词典 - wordow.com
在中文里面,我们如何解释descending colon这个英文词呢? descending colon这个英文词,中文意思如下:降结肠降结肠降结肠是结肠的一部分,位于腹腔左部, ...
#21. 腸阻塞| 醫學影像學習園地 - 中國醫藥大學
λ Dilated small bowel and large bowel loops with no transition point, ... colonic spasm(spread of pancreatic inflammation to proximal descending colon)
#22. Descending colon: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音
查看«Descending colon»的翻译、定义、含义、转录和例句,学习«Descending colon»的同义词、反义词和发音。
#23. 大腸直腸癌致癌機轉之探討
中文 摘要. 在過去的實驗中,已發現許多導致大腸直腸癌的致癌機轉。然而 ... 偶發性大腸直腸癌(sporadic colorectal cancer)不具遺傳的傾向,其.
#24. descending colon的中文释义 - 沪江网校
沪江词库精选descending colon是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、descending colon的用法、descending colon的中文释义、翻译descending colon是什么意思.
#25. 結腸造口護理手冊
Transverse Colon. 直腸. Rectum. 降結腸. Descending Colon. 乙狀結腸. Sigmoid. 認識你的消化系統. 認識你的消化系統,有助你認識你的手術。首.
#26. 降结肠英文怎么说| 医学| 人体解剖学 - LetPub编辑-SCI论文润色
推荐同事 机构合作 中文 繁體中文 English 한국어 日本語 Português Español. 美国ACCDON公司旗下品牌 ... 中英对照. 降结肠. descending colon. 学科分类.
#27. Colon 中文 - Alano sklep
"no colon"中文翻译没有冒号"adenocarcinoma of colon"中文翻译结肠腺 ... The descending colon is on the left side of Colons within sentences.
#28. 台灣家庭醫學醫學會
憩室症(diverticulosis)是指腸內有多個凹陷如囊狀無發炎的結構,較常見於乙狀結腸(sigmoid colon)和下行結腸(descending colon),盛行率男女無差異,隨著年齡 ...
#29. 結腸帶- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
結腸帶(taeniae coli,也作teniae coli或tenia coli)是結腸外壁的三條縱向平滑肌帶,對應消化道 ... 圖中標示colon即為結腸。 标识字符.
#30. 高雄市立民生醫院103 年惡性腫瘤前十大排名(依細部位)
Malignant neoplasm of sigmoid colon. 2. 乙狀結腸惡性腫瘤. 5. C19.9. Malignant neoplasm of rectosigmoid junction. 2. 直腸乙狀結腸連接處惡性腫瘤.
#31. descending colon 中文mesentery - Zsopiy
在中文里面, Ascending colon ,腎( kidney ),下行結腸。英漢詞典提供【descending colon】的詳盡中文翻譯,告訴您準確全面的descending colon的中文意思,鋸齒 ...
#32. 腸繫膜動脈Mesenteric Arteries - KMU Anatomy Video
下腸繫膜動脈(inferior mesenteric artery, IMA) 供應區域包括橫結腸transverse colon的後二分之一至三分之一、降結腸descending colon、乙狀結腸sigmoid colon及 ...
#33. descending colon - Chinese Translation - 吕氏英汉字典
descending colon, Chinese Translation of descending colon, Chinese Definition of descending colon, descending colon in Chinese, descending colon中文翻译.
#34. descending colon - 欧路词典|英汉 - 法语助手
『欧路词典』为您提供descending colon的用法讲解,告诉您准确全面的descending colon的中文意思,descending colon的读音,descending colon的同义词,descending ...
#35. 11C 常見診斷及檢查縮寫
Colon Cancer. Ascending/Transverse/Descending / sigmoid. 大腸癌. 升結腸/橫結腸/降結腸. / 乙狀結腸. Colostomy. 結腸造口術. Craniotomy. 顱骨切開術.
#36. colon"的中文翻译 - 医学词典
colon ascendens ,ascending colon. 升结肠:从盲肠至结肠肝曲(右曲)之间的结肠. colon descendens ,descending colon. 降结肠:结肠脾曲(左曲)和在骨盆上口的乙状结肠 ...
#37. descending colon — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“descending colon” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#38. 淺談大腸手術跟造口
OPEN curative resection + intra-OP colon irrigation ... 1st operation. Diagnosis. Descending colon adenocarcinoma with total obstruction ...
#39. 重大傷病類別 - 衛生福利部中央健康保險署
ICD-10-CM中文名稱 ... Malignant neoplasm of transverse colon. 橫結腸惡性腫瘤 ... Malignant neoplasm of descended left t. 左側下降睪丸之惡性腫瘤.
#40. descending colon - 中国的翻译 - Cncontext.com
Descending colon 的中国的翻译– 英语-中文字典和搜索引擎, 中国的翻译. ... Descending colon. 降结肠. Remove the ascending colon from the transverse colon.
#41. 大腸癌篩檢指引 - 衛生福利部國民健康署
(hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer, HNPCC; 又稱Lynch ... □○04 Transverse colon □○05 Splenic flexure □○06 Descending colon.
#42. 降結腸- 比較解剖學- 英文翻譯 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 降結腸系膜(變) var. Mesocolon descendens 【人體解剖學】 降結腸 Colon descendens 【人體解剖學】 降結腸繫膜 mesocolon descendens 【醫學名詞】
#43. sigmoid colon cancer 中文 - Hanxngde
“sigmoid valves of colon” 中文翻譯: 結腸半月瓣“sigmoid-descending colon junction” 中文翻譯: 乙狀結腸降結腸交接處“tuberculosis of sigmoid colon” 中文翻譯: ...
#44. Colon 中文 - Wirtschaftsberater schober
中文 : colon n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. 2022-09-24 ... The ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon ...
#45. 大腸息肉與癌症的關係?(polyps of colon & - 隨意窩
大腸息肉與癌症的關係? (polyps of colon & cancer) 所謂大腸『息肉』,就是大腸壁上的一個突起,是由表皮不正常增生所形成的。大腸息肉主要包括增生性息肉和腺瘤性 ...
#46. 實習醫學生臨床技能核心課程- 3.基礎腹部X-光影像的判讀
腹部x-光檢查:supine abdomen(KUB). 範圍: 上緣—超過renal shadow. 下緣--symphysis pubis. 片子大小--. Descending colon gas with fecal materials. Gastric rugae.
#47. 降結腸- 教育字典快速核校注音曉聲通 - ToneOZ
辭典解釋為:降結腸,英English: descending colon (anatomy), third section of large ... 輸入中文,預設會查詢簡編本辭典,全文配上經過多音校正的注音字型。
#48. descending g colon 的中文含义- dute.org - 在线词典
本工具支持查询英文和中文单词及词组的含义,查询效率高、结果丰富,包括单词变体、常用 ... descending g aorta 下行织脉descending g colon 下行结肠descending g ...
#49. descending colon是什么意思 - 海词词典
A postoperative histology confirmed the presence of a benign submucosal lipoma of the descending colon. 组织学检查显示该大肠肿瘤为降结肠黏膜下脂肪瘤。
#50. Colonoscopy | Johns Hopkins Medicine
Sigmoid colon: extends from the descending colon to your rectum. The rectum joins the anus, which is the opening where stool passes out of your body. Why might ...
#51. Definition of proximal colon - NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms
The first and middle parts of the colon. The proximal colon includes the cecum (a pouch that connects the small intestine to the colon), the ascending colon ...
#52. Ascending colon 中文
"mesentery of ascending colon" 中文翻譯: 升結腸系膜 ... adjacent peritoneum forms the paracolic gutters just lateral to the ascending and descending colon.
#53. descending colon_无追搜索
沪江词库精选descending colon是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、descending colon的用法、descending colon的中文释义、翻译descending colon是什么意思注册/登.
#54. Descending colon - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
The Descending Colon (colon descendens) passes downward through the left hypochondriac and lumbar regions along the lateral border of the left kidney.
#55. What Is Colorectal Cancer? - CDC
This diagram shows the location of the stomach, small intestine, cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, and rectum.
#56. Colon and rectum - Mayo Clinic
The colon, also called the large intestine, is a long, tube-like organ in your abdomen. The colon carries waste to be expelled from the body.
#57. Redundant Colon: Symptoms, Treatments, and Home Care
However, an individual with a redundant colon has an abnormally long colon, especially in the final section (called the descending colon). A redundant colon ...
#58. sigmoid colon中文 - Inkrsote
“sigmoid conduit” 中文翻譯: 乙狀結腸膀胱 ... 大量翻譯例句關于”sigmoid colon” – 英中詞典以及8百萬條中文譯文例句搜索。 ... 動物學名詞. descending colon.
#59. Transverse colon 中文 - Rebecaherederofotografia
Transverse colon 中文 珍珠龍魚. ... colon at the hepatic or right colic flexure with a downward convexity to the descending colon where it curves ...
#60. 未規則治療之先天甲狀腺低下併發巨結腸症一例報告英文題目
中文 題目: 未規則治療之先天甲狀腺低下併發巨結腸症一例報告 ... of bowel loops with descending colon dilated to more than 15cm. Very tight.
#61. 消化系統
中文. 英文. 日文. 印尼文. 越南文. 升/橫/降結腸. Ascending/Transverse/. Descending/Colon. 上行/横. 行/. 下行/結. 腸. Usus besar bagian naik/mendatar/menurun.
#62. 结肠脾曲及乙状结肠解剖学变异对左半结肠癌切除术后消化道 ...
Methods the effects of splenic flexure and sigmoid colon variation on The clinical data of 76 descending colon patients were collected retrospectively from ...
#63. 高中生物人才培育計畫任課教師黃宏圖
transverse colon has been pulled superiorly. Celiac trunk. Transverse colon. Inferior mesenteric artery. Aorta. Descending colon. Sigmoid colon.
#64. 什么是结肠息肉,它们会增加结肠癌的风险吗?
结肠息肉在结肠或直肠的内膜上形成。结直肠癌是一种常见的但可预防的疾病,而息肉病史是结直肠癌(colorectal cancer)的主要风险因素之 ...
#65. Painless Gastrointestinal Endoscopy - 輝雄診所
The endoscope is passed through the anus, into the rectum, sigmoid, descending colon, transverse colon, ascending colon, and up towards the appendix.
#66. 解剖學-小腸,基礎醫學教室 - 高點醫護網
<102-1-16> Ligament of Treitz是檢查消化道是否發生異常標記,其拉提著下列何處? 十二指腸與胃幽門的交界處; 十二指腸的上段(superior part)與下行段(descending part ...
#67. 腸癌
我們提供更多關於不同類型癌症、治療和癌症病患生活的繁體中文版資訊。 ... 我們有更多關於被診斷患有癌症後的中文資訊。 ... Descending colon. Sigmoid colon.
#68. 認識潰瘍性結腸炎(Ulcerative colitis) - 臺大醫院-健康電子報
潰瘍性結腸炎是屬於發炎性腸道疾病(Inflammatory bowel disease)的一種,且為遺傳與環境因素之間相互作用所引起的終生疾病。在臺灣潰瘍性結腸炎的病人近幾年日趨增加 ...
#69. 臺中榮民總醫院
中文 全名. A-colon. Ascending colon. 升結腸癌. T-colon. Transection colon. 橫結腸癌. D-colon. Descending colon. 降結腸癌. S-colon. Sigmoid colon. 乙狀結腸癌.
#70. Metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumour of the descending ...
Metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumour of the descending colon: the importance of complete histological assessment prior ... 中文翻译: ...
#71. a colon 中文– a colon醫學 - Chezmoer
中文 詞彙學術名詞獸醫學ascending colon 上行結腸學術名詞比較解剖學Ascending colon 升結腸 ... Descending colon, 降結腸, 學術名詞, 動物學名詞, descending colon, ...
#72. Colon (anatomy) - wikidoc
Contents · 2.1 Ascending colon · 2.2 Transverse colon · 2.3 Descending colon · 2.4 Sigmoid colon · 2.5 Redundant colon.
#73. 機器人手術在大腸直腸癌的回顧與展望
splenic flexure and descending colon cancer, compared with a laparoscopic procedure. Int J. Med Robot 2018;14:e1918. 8. Liao G, Zhao Z, Lin S, et al.
#74. Google Endoscopic resection of colorectal granular cell tumors
小提示: 只搜索中文(简体)结果,可在学术搜索设置指定搜索语言. 文章. 我的图书馆 ... Granular Cell Tumor of the Descending Colon Treated by.
#75. Colorectal cancer - 香港中文大學賽馬會齊心防癌計劃| CUHK ...
Colorectal cancer. Relation between cancer and obesity · Colorectal cancer · Breast Cancer · Prostate Cancer · Free Screening. Incidence and mortality rate.
#76. Introduction to Left Colectomy (左结肠切除术) | 学术写作例句词典
The oncologic safety of left colectomy with modified complete mesocolic excision for distal transverse colon cancer: Comparison with descending colon cancer ...
#77. About Colorectal Cancer - UCLA Health
The descending colon extends down the left side of the abdomen. Finally, the sigmoid colon curves towards the center of the body and downward.
#78. 人體器官Organs of Human Body - 臺北榮民總醫院新竹分院
中文 名, 英文名. 人體器官. Organs of Human Body ... Ascending colon. 橫結腸. Transverse colon. 降結腸. Descending colon.
#79. 向量插圖和庫存圖片. Image 15123320. - 123RF
圖片庫的Blood vessels from the abdominal aorta that supply blood to the transverse, descending and sigmoid colon and to the rectum 圖片Image 15123320.
#80. TOP - 中国实用医学杂志社
Abstract: Radiological features and colorectal surgery strategy of persistent descending mesocolon: report of 16 cases and literature review ...
#81. 大腸癌– Colon Cancer
In a study of 1,959 patients between 1964 and 1990 Sariego et al1 showed: that tumours of the colon are more common on the left-side (descending ...
#82. Treatment for Metastatic Colon Cancer
When colon cancer is more advanced, it may spread to other parts of the body. This is called metastasis. Learn how our experts treat people with metastatic ...
#83. 「rs colon醫學中文」懶人包資訊整理(1) - 健康跟著走
r-s colon中文- 市立仁愛醫院八西一病房ColonandRectalSurgery. ... 橫結腸(Transverse colon)﹐向下是下結腸(Descending colon)﹐然後是乙型結腸(Sigmoid colon)﹐通 ...
#84. Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy for ascending colon cancer ...
Persistent ascending or descending mesocolon is an embryological anomaly that occurs during the final process of intestinal development in ...
#85. Colonic transit time and pressure based on Bernoulli's principle
It is also known that amplitude of antegrade propagating pressure decreases in the ascending colon and increases from the descending colon ...
#86. Endoscope Unit - Dept. of Internal Medicine, NCKU
Colonscopy: Examines and analyzes the rectum, sigmoid, descending colon, transverse colon, ascending colon and end of ileum. Endoscopic ultrasound: This is ...
#87. Colon and Rectal Polyps | Michigan Medicine
A family history of polyps or colon cancer; A rare inherited gene that makes people more likely to develop polyps; An inflammatory bowel disease, such as ...
#88. Colonic Diverticulosis - Gastrointestinal Disorders
Diagnosis is by colonoscopy, capsule endoscopy, barium enema, CT, or MRI. Asymptomatic diverticulosis requires no treatment. When symptoms develop, treatment ...
#89. 以局部性左後腎旁膿痬表現之降結腸憩室炎穿孔
Perforated Diverticulitis of Descending Colon Presenting as Left Posterior Pararenal Abscess ... 繁體中文DOI: 10.30018/JECCM.200603.0006 DOI.
#90. 結腸癌和直腸癌
Colon cancer, sometimes called colorectal cancer, is ... Cancer of the colon and rectum often has no ... Tumors found in the colon or rectum can be.
#91. How Diverticulitis Affects the Sigmoid Colon - Everyday Health
The sigmoid colon is the lower section of your large intestine and connects the descending colon to your rectum. (1).
#92. Colon, rectum, and anus (video) - Khan Academy
The large intestine, or the colon, the rectum and the anus. Let's zoom in and focus on what happens ... The descending colon does what it says. It descends.
#93. 瑜伽抱膝屈腿式(Pavanamuktasana)從右腳開始 - 山姆伯伯工作坊
內容講到升結腸(ascending colon)及降結腸(descending colon)。簡單來說,Wind Relieving Pose動作從右膝開始時,會將體內滯留的氣體,從升結腸排到 ...
#94. Immunolabelling of Thin Slices of Mouse Descending Colon ...
中文 · Home. Protocols. Research fields ... Immunolabelling of Thin Slices of Mouse Descending Colon and Jejunum.
#95. Colon 中文 - Malleydemain
ascending colon. 升結腸升结肠. ascending colon (anatomy) 升結腸升结肠. bent colon, linking the descending colon to the rectum. it is rare that ...
#96. Transverse colon 中文
中文 ; Login Register Medical Word - Transverse colon Ans : The part of the large bowel between the ascending and descending colon, ...
#97. Colon 中文 - Galenachef
中文 : colon n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. 2022-09-27 ... The ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon ...
descending colon中文 在 Descending colon - 降結腸 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙 的相關結果
出處/學術領域, 中文詞彙, 英文詞彙. 學術名詞 比較解剖學, 降結腸, Descending colon. 學術名詞 人體解剖學, 降結腸, Colon descendens ... ... <看更多>