#1. Mitosis, Microtubule Dynamics and the Evolution of Kinesins
由 JJ Vicente 著作 · 2015 · 被引用 88 次 — Microtubule depolymerization is the principle driving force for anaphase chromosome segregation (Gorbsky et al., 1987; Shelden and Wadsworth, 1992).
#2. Mitosis: Riding the Protofilament Curl
In most cells, microtubule depolymerization occurs from the plus ends as chromosomes move toward the pole (Figure 1). Two general mechanisms operating at the.
#3. Force production by depolymerizing microtubules - PNAS
Chromosome movement during mitosis is powered in part by energy released through the depolymerization of kinetochore microtubules (MTs).
#4. Simulating the Role of Microtubules in Depolymerization ...
由 YC Tao 著作 · 1998 · 被引用 21 次 — During mitosis, microtubules form the mitotic spindle, which organizes chromosomes spatially and divides them between the two daughter cells (Inoué, 1981, ...
With the right techniques, the next stage in the cell cycle, mitosis (M), ... continuous polymerization and depolymerization of the microtubules themselves.
#6. Mitosis—From Molecules to Machine1
The polymerization and depolymerization of microtubules play central roles in both the assembly of the spindle, and in the way it moves chromosomes. I describe ...
#7. Spatial variation of microtubule depolymerization in large asters
As a result, we know rather little about regulation of depolymerization rates in complex microtubule structures such as the mitotic spindle ...
#8. Microtubule polymerization, trade milling and function - YouTube
This mycrotubule dynamics lecture will explain the polymerization and depolymerization of tubulin proteins and their properties to produce ...
#9. Identification and characterization of SSE15206, a microtubule ...
Microtubules are most dynamic during mitosis and treatment with microtubule depolymerization inhibitors results in failure of cells to form ...
#10. Filament Depolymerization Can Explain Chromosome Pulling ...
In eukaryotes, depolymerizing microtubules [1] position chromosomes before cell division via macromolecular couplers and/or molecular motors ...
#11. (PDF) G1 and G2 cell-cycle arrest following microtubule ...
PDF | Microtubule-depolymerizing agents are widely used to synchronize cells, screen for mitotic checkpoint defects, and treat cancer. The present study.
#12. Tubulin depolymerization may be an ancient biological motor
poleward movements of chromosomes in yeasts, suggesting that depolymerizing spindle microtubules can generate mitotic forces in.
#13. Microtubule depolymerization by cold | Cherry Biotech
Microtubules (MT) are involved in multiple cellular processes, including mitosis, cell transport, morphogenesis and motility.
#14. A genistein derivative, ITB-301, induces microtubule ...
A genistein derivative, ITB-301, induces microtubule depolymerization and mitotic arrest in multidrug-resistant ovarian cancer.
#15. G1 and G2 cell-cycle arrest following microtubule ...
Microtubule -depolymerizing agents are widely used to synchronize cells, screen for mitotic checkpoint defects, and treat cancer. The present study evaluated ...
#16. Spindle apparatus - Wikipedia
Microtubule polymerization and depolymerization dynamic drive chromosome congression. Depolymerization of microtubules generates tension at kinetochores; ...
#17. Five factors can reconstitute all three phases of microtubule ...
Parameters of MT dynamics in interphase and mitosis have been obtained through ... Microtubule-depolymerizing kinesins in the regulation of assembly, ...
#18. 2-Methoxyestradiol suppresses microtubule dynamics and ...
(7) showed that low concentrations of 2ME2 that did not depolymerize microtubules blocked mitosis in Jurkat, A431, and Rat1 cells.
#19. Lucky 13 - microtubule depolymerisation by kinesin-13 motors
The proteins are involved in global control of microtubule dynamics. They also localise to mitotic and meiotic spindles, where ...
#20. The role of dynamic instability in microtubule organization
The rate of microtubule depolymerization is several fold faster than ... Before entering mitosis, microtubules form a bundle, called the ...
#21. Signaling-dependent Phosphorylation of Mitotic Centromere ...
Furthermore, we found that PAK1 phosphorylation of MCAK on serines 192 and 111 preferentially regulates its microtubule depolymerization ...
#22. Cold depolymerization of microtubules to double rings - ACS ...
The Human EMAP-like Protein-70 (ELP70) Is a Microtubule Destabilizer That Localizes to the Mitotic Apparatus.
#23. Inhibition of microtubule depolymerization by osmolytes - OSTI ...
The polymerization/depolymerization of microtubules is reg- ... role in metabolic processes such as chromosome segregation during cell division, but.
#24. Microtubule Depolymerization by Kinase Inhibitors - MDPI
CK1δ plays roles in mitosis and localizes to mitotic spindles [31], indicating that IC261 is an effective anti-cancer drug [32]. PF670 is another CK1δ/ε ...
#25. microtubule polymerization or depolymerization Gene ...
... microtubule cytoskeleton organization involved in mitosis; microtubule nucleation ... microtubule depolymerization; microtubule polymerization ...
The microtubule cytoskeleton and the mitotic spindle are ... Kinesin-13 proteins destabilize microtubules by depolymerizing them from their ends10,11.
#27. Modelling chromosome dynamics in mitosis - Journals
Although the microtubule-based mitotic ...
#28. The Making and Breaking of Microtubules -
Microtubules are active protein polymers critical to the structure and function of cells and the process of cell division.
#29. Microtubule catastrophe and rescue - College of Biological ...
dynamic microtubules during mitotic spindle assembly. [18] (Figure 1a). ... cycle for potent microtubule depolymerization [39,40].
#30. Two-step interphase microtubule disassembly aids spindle ...
Here, by studying microtubule remodelling in human flat mitotic ... by a slow partial depolymerisation of interphase microtubules at the ...
#31. A novel compound that disrupts mitotic spindle poles in ...
Vinblastine also prevents microtubule polymerization or causes microtubule depolymerization, and is being used as an anti-cancer drug (Martino ...
#32. 1.3 Polymerisation and depolymerisation of tubulin - The ...
Polymerisation of microtubules is similar in concept to microfilament ... in the cell where microtubule-capping proteins would be located during mitosis?
#33. Dynamics of Microtubule Depolymerization in Monocytes
dynamics of mitotic spindle fiber assembly (13, 14). Second, microtubules may be in a simple equilibrium with the tubulin pool, changing length slowly by ...
#34. Mechanics of the spindle apparatus - NSF PAR
During mitosis microtubules self-organize to form a bipolar mitotic ... generated by polymerization/depolymerization of KMTs against Chro-.
#35. Microtubule inhibitors | Abcam
Dual action, potent tubulin polymerization and STAT3 phosphorylation inhibitor. 5. Tubulin depolymerization. Shortening of microtubules by αβ-tubulin dimer ...
#36. The cell. 7. Cytosol. Cytoskeleton. Microtubules. Atlas of plant ...
The alternation between polymerization and depolymerization of ... In plant cells, the mitotic spindle is made up of microtubules nucleated ...
#37. Cell Biology 07: Microtubules and Cell Division -
Microtubules become much more dynamic during mitosis: more gamma-tubulin promotes easier nucleation, but XMAP215, a microtubule stabilizer, is ...
#38. Lucky 13 - microtubule depolymerisation by kinesin-13 motors
The proteins are involved in global control of microtubule dynamics. They also localise to mitotic and meiotic spindles, where ...
#39. Microtubules (video) | Cytoskeleton | Khan Academy
So, microtubules are made up of two proteins. ... So here we are, in the metaphase part of mitosis, and we're looking all what's called the mitotic spindle.
#40. The mitotic spindle protein CKAP2 potently increases ... - eLife
How exactly microtubule nucleation and growth in mitotic spindles is ... and preformed microtubules depolymerize quickly in the absence of ...
#41. What are the rates of cytoskeleton assembly and disassembly?
Figure 3: Measuring the rate of microtubule depolymerization in the mitotic spindle. (A) Schematic of the microtubules before and after the cut.
#42. Bistability and oscillations in cooperative microtubule and ...
In the mitotic spindle microtubules attach to kinetochores via catch bonds during metaphase, and microtubule depolymerization forces give rise to stochastic ...
#43. Anaphase A: Disassembling Microtubules Move ...
The onset of anaphase is one of the most abrupt events of mitosis, ... microtubule depolymerization to processive chromosome motions. Proc.
#44. A researcher applies a drug that interferes with polymerization ...
D. Cell division would occur more rapidly. Spindle Apparatus. The spindle apparatus is a system of microtubules arising from a centrosome in a cell. This ...
#45. Microtubule depolymerizing drug such as colchicine is ...
Watch complete video answer for “ Microtubule depolymerizing drug ... the rule of microtubule in mitosis in mitosis polymerization of the ...
#46. Chromosome movement: Dynein-out at the kinetochore
During mitosis and meiosis, the movement of chromosomes ... motors, depolymerization of the plus ends of microtubules could propel chromosomes poleward.
#47. From equator to pole: splitting chromosomes in mitosis and ...
Indeed, microtubule depolymerization is thought to provide the primary force that drives chromosome motion: A single depolymerizing microtubule can generate up ...
#48. Models, Regulations, and Functions of Microtubule Severing ...
Microtubule severing by a conserved AAA family protein Katanin has emerged as an ... of microtubules to Katanin plays significant roles in mitosis/meiosis, ...
#49. The Mitotic Spindle - jstor
microtubules, which become the spindle fibers during mitosis. In the first mitot ... Depolymerization of the micro tubules would then permit.
#50. What is microtubule dynamic instability? | MBInfo
Kinesins are also known to be involved in the organization of chromosomal and mitotic spindle movements. Kinesins bind to the microtubules via their motor ...
#51. Research - Al-Bassam Lab
Microtubule polymerization Regulators, and Mitotic Motor proteins: ... and depolymerization of soluble αβ-tubulins into microtubules occurs at their ends.
#52. Microtubule Aggregation - Creative Biolabs
Fig.1 The structure, polymerization and depolymerization of microtubules. ... drugs because of the ability to cause mitotic arrest and produce cell death.
#53. [PDF] Spindle microtubules in flux | Semantic Scholar
Recent studies have identified a microtubule-depolymerizing kinesin ... the dynamic mitotic spindle, which consists of dynamic microtubules ...
#54. Mitosis and Cell Division
An essential function of the kinetochore is to couple chromosome movement to microtubule depolymerization. Kinetochores are able to track depolymerizing ...
#55. Microtubules - Online Biology Dictionary -
During mitosis and meiosis there is a disassembly of the cell's cytoskeleton and the spindle apparatus forms, which is basically an outgrowth of large numbers ...
#56. Microtubules, Post-translational Modifications of Tubulins and ...
Complex microtubule structures form the core components of centrosomes and the centrioles important for mitosis, and the core structures of cilia and flagella, ...
#57. A Complex of Kif18b and MCAK Promotes Microtubule ...
constitutes the major MT plus-end depolymerizing activity in mitotic cells. Introduction. Microtubules (MTs) are dynamic filaments, which are tightly.
#58. Microtubule Depolymerization by the Kinesin-8 Motor Kip3p
phase and spindle MTs and defects in mitosis (6–12), sug- gesting that kinesin 8s promote MT depolymerization. In addition, kinesin-8 motors show processive ...
#59. Mitosis and Meiosis - 第 274 頁 - Google 圖書結果
M) rapidly depolymerize microtubules or, if added to unassembled tubulin, inhibit microtubule assembly. Vinblastine induces selfaggregation of tubulin.
#60. Mechanisms of Mitotic Chromosome Segregation
Microtubule depolymerization disrupts the soluble TPX2, but not the Ran, spatial gradients. These data, along with analyses of two other Ran-regulated ...
#61. Collected Works Of Shinya Inoue: Microscopes, Living Cells, ...
Salmon, E. D. (1984) Tubulin dynamics in microtubules of the mitotic spindle. ... on in vivo and in vitro tubulin polymerization and depolymerization.
#62. Rush University Medical Center Review of Surgery: Expert ...
E. The microtubules used to form the spindle apparatus are synthesized de novo ... Taxanes function as mitotic inhibitors by inhibiting depolymerization of ...
#63. 無題 - 第 1089 頁 - Google 圖書結果
The first is the force generated by microtubule depolymerization at the ... to those that separate the two centrosomes in early mitosis (see Figure 17–30).
#64. Holland-Frei Cancer Medicine - 第 692 頁 - Google 圖書結果
The microtubules of taxane-treated cells are extraordinarily stable, resisting depolymerization by cold, calcium, GTP, and depolymerizing agents like the ...
#65. Foye's Principles of Medicinal Chemistry - 第 1181 頁 - Google 圖書結果
Mitosis Inhibitors The mitotic process depends on the structural and ... tubulin binding renders the microtubules resistant to depolymerization and prone to ...
depolymerization of microtubules in mitosis 在 Microtubule polymerization, trade milling and function - YouTube 的必吃
This mycrotubule dynamics lecture will explain the polymerization and depolymerization of tubulin proteins and their properties to produce ... ... <看更多>