crunch numbers中文 意思:[網絡] 精密計算;壓碎數字…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋crunch numbers的中文翻譯,crunch numbers的發音,三態,音標,用法和造句等。
#3. "crunch numbers"是什麼意思? - 關於英語(美國)(英文)的問題
@prominencial to do alot of calculated or maths involving numbers. 查看翻譯.
#4. number crunching - 數值計算 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
數值計算 · number crunching · 名詞解釋: 指大量數值的計算,亦用以指數學、科學或電腦輔助設計(CAD)等需大量計算的應用。數字共處理機大幅提昇電腦處理此種任務的能力。
#5. crunch numbers - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"crunch numbers" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#6. 你知道Bugbear,crunching number的真正含義嗎? - 每日頭條
Number 是「數字」,crunching 是動詞crunch 的現在分詞,指「嘎吱嘎吱地咀嚼」,這兩個詞合在一起組成不可數名詞「number-crunching」,意思是「對 ...
#7. Crunch some numbers.是什麼意思- 英語 - 海词词典
海詞詞典,最權威的學習詞典,為您提供Crunch some numbers.的在線翻譯,Crunch some numbers.是什麼意思,Crunch some numbers.的真人發音,權威用法和精選例句等。
#8. 地道英語之crunch (the) numbers - 人人焦點
Crunching the numbers 彙編、計算和/或分析大量的數字數據,尤指與金融有關的數據。 意味著要做很多計算。 「After crunching the numbers, ...
#9. crunching numbers 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
While computers are good at crunching numbers, peopl are naturally good at matching oetterns. Humans can recognize an acquaintance at a glance, ...
#10. NUMBER CRUNCHING 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译 - Tr-ex
使用的例子Number crunching 在句子和他们的翻译中 · She is also investigating how to display the numbers crunched by computers in more easily understood ways.
#11. Crunch numbers: 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音
Crunch numbers : 中文翻译, 含义、同义词、反义词、发音、例句、转录、定义、短语 · 发音和转录 · 文字翻译 · 句子与«crunch numbers» ...
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超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
#13. crunches的中文翻譯和情景例句- 留聲詞典
crunches 的中文意思翻譯:n. (突發的)不足( crunch的名詞複數); 需要做出重要決策的困難時刻; 緊要關頭; 嘎吱的響聲; v. 嘎吱嘎吱地咬嚼( crunch的第三人稱單數); ...
#14. crunching - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
crunching. crunch的動詞現在分詞、動名詞 ... 牛津中文字典. number crunching. 美式. ph. (指電腦)迅速進行大量複雜運算 ...
#15. number-crunching是什么意思 - 沪江网校
#16. Crunch 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
To crunch numbers means to do a lot of calculations using a calculator or ... 美式英语: crunch /ˈkrʌntʃ/; 巴西葡萄牙语: mastigar; 简体中文: 嘎吱嘎吱地咬嚼 ...
#17. crunch numbers - OSCHINA - 中文开源技术交流社区
Crunch 是一个用Go 语言开发的基于Hadoop 的ETL 和特性抽取工具,特点是速度快。
#18. number crunching - 抓鸟
number crunching 的解释是:〈计〉捣弄数字,数字捣弄… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:number crunching的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#19. Number-crunching 大量的数字运算 - 英语点津
今日短语. Number 是“数字”,crunching 是动词crunch 的现在分词,指“嘎吱嘎吱地咀嚼”,这两个词合在一起组成不可数名词“number-crunching”,意思是“对大量的数字进行 ...
#20. crunch the numbers什么意思 - 百度知道
crunchthenumber是三个单词组合到一起了。 ... crunch the numbers意思: 紧缩的数字; 计算数字; 例句: 1,He asked his bean-counter to crunch the ...
#21. crunch numbers - 中国的翻译- Cncontext
Crunch numbers 的中国的翻译– 英语-中文字典和搜索引擎, 中国的翻译.
#22. crunch - 英汉词典
crunch - 英汉词典. ... 英语, 中文. crunch ... crunch the numbers v expr, (perform numerical calculations), SCSimplified Chinese 进行计算.
#23. Crunch time 關鍵時刻 - 與BBC一起學英語
動詞crunch 有“嘎吱嘎吱咬嚼” 的意思,但把它和“time” 搭配使用,意思還和“吃東西” 有個關嗎?本集節目中介紹一個道地的表達,描述在面對困難時需要做 ...
#24. 讓老外秒懂的超實用商務英文——下次就這樣說!
8、number crunching 分析數據. I am going to go back to my office and crunch some numbers. 我要會辦公室開始分析數據了(公司財政狀況 ...
#25. Amazing Number Crunch - 博客來
書名:Amazing Number Crunch,語言:英文,ISBN:9780600620549,作者:Not Available (NA),出版日期:2009/10/01,類別:生活風格.
#26. crunch 的中文翻譯 - 英漢字典
"Fortran programs do mostly {number crunching}." 2. <compression> To reduce the size of a file without losing information by a scheme such as Huffman coding ...
#27. Numbers的意思- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
民數記(舊約圣經的第四卷)。英漢詞典提供【Numbers】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等. ... I say in my book that I do not crunch Numbers (like a computer).
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crunchy crunch 中文crunch是什么意思_crunch的翻譯_音標_讀音_用法_例句_ ... 查閱crunching numbers的詳細中文翻譯,發音,用法和例句等。咀嚼數字“crunch”中文 ...
#29. 5大職場英文常見講法A ballpark唔係指棒球場開夜車英文點講 ...
在職場工作會用到的英文成語或術語有很多,以中文為例,「吞pop」這術語單憑它的 ... 拆解難明的職場術語A ballpark唔係指棒球場Crunch the numbers又.
#30. 163 bang for the buck; number crunchers - VOA英语教学
那是什么意思? LL: A number cruncher is someone who is good with numbers, like an accountant. LH: 等,等。Number就是数字;cruncher这个词来自crunch,就是在嘴巴里 ...
#31. Crunch-翻译为中文-例句英语 - Reverso Context
使用Reverso Context: credit crunch, crunch time,在英语-中文情境中翻译"Crunch"
#32. 5大職場英文常見講法A ballpark唔係指棒球場開夜車 ... - 經濟一週
在職場工作會用到的英文成語或術語有很多,以中文為例,「吞pop」這術語單憑它的 ... 拆解難明的職場術語A ballpark唔係指棒球場Crunch the numbers又 ...
#33. crunch中文意思 - 看影片不用背單字
crunch 的中文意思是什麼呢?2022年最常見的用法,有245影片中用到這個單字, ... crunch. numbers. now. sift. over. a. few. cacao. nibs. for. extra. crunch.
#34. crunchy crunch 中文 - Dcscho
crunchyとは意味:crunchy さくさくじゃりじゃり相關詞匯crunch seal 中文, crunch time 中文, crunchiness 中文, crunching numbers 中文, crunching tackles 中文, ...
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crunch numbers中文 ... 您即將離開本站,並前往crunch漢語(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典- Cambridge Dictionary ... crunch的中文翻釋和情境影片範例- VoiceTube 翻譯字典.
#36. Pandora's Box - crunch (the) numbers to do mathematical...
crunch (the) numbers to do mathematical work involving large amounts of information or numbers: Start by crunching the numbers to find out ...
#37. CRUNCH - 汉语翻译- bab.la英语-汉语词典
Growing numbers of older borrowers are struggling to remortgage as lenders have become increasingly risk averse since the credit crunch. more_vert.
#38. 第十一部第十三課: bang for the buck , number crunchers
A number cruncher is someone who is good with numbers, like an accountant. 哎~,等等等等. Number 就是數字; cruncher 這個詞呢來自crunch,就是在嘴巴裡咀嚼,那 ...
#39. crunch 中文 - Kyuos
crunch中文 :咬碎,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋crunch的中文翻譯,crunch 的發音,音標, ... cook, design, create ios apps, write codes, crunch numbers, talk, ...
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... crunch中文什么意思,crunch翻译,crunch读音,crunch发音,crunch单词用法,crunch ... To crunch numbers means to do a lot of calculations using a calculator or ...
#41. Crunch - 翻译为中文 - > 在线翻译
Crunch 从英文到中文的翻译. ... You think you can stay conscious long enough to crunch out the new numbers? 你认为你可以撑到把新数据都算好吗?
#42. Countdown Crunch | Flipline Studios 中文Wiki | Fandom
Countdown Crunch中譯為倒數酥脆餅乾,在老爹餐廳管理系列中是為一種配料食材在老爹煎餅店HD中,倒數酥脆餅乾是為新年限定的配料,當玩家達到等級43時, ...
#43. Crunch numbers - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
crunch (the) numbers. To compile, calculate, and/or analyze a large amount of numerical data, especially as relates to finance. We've been crunching ...
#44. Number Crunching in Finance Defined - NetSuite
This breakdown of number crunching explains how raw numerical data is processed into into valuable business information, as well as how ...
#45. Crunch the numbers after a large operation - MATLAB Answers
How do you get Matlab to crunch the numbers after a large operation? It leaves Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and powers left undone.
#46. crunch是什么意思 - 英语单词大全
咬碎, 咬碎声,点击查看详细解释:crunch是什么意思,crunch怎么读,crunch中文意思。 ... 17、number cruncher [电] 数值计算研究机; 18、number crunching [计] 数字捣 ...
#47. 一對一英文家教老師活到老學到老英文crunch中文意思是什麼 ...
By greatly enhancing digital machines ' ability to crunch numbers, execute logical operations and store data, this unprecedented manufacturing success has ...
#48. Fosun International Sells Assets as Short-Term Cash Crunch ...
#49. crunches翻译为:(突发的)不足( c
crunches 的中文意思:(突发的)不足( c,点击查看详细解释:crunches的中文 ... The washington , dc-based think tank crunches some interesting numbers : 这家 ...
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We're talking about data entry work-from-home jobs that let you collect data, crunch numbers, and analyze results.
#51. 單字crunch的中文意思與發音 - 線上字典
crunch中文 意思: crunch [krʌntʃ] v.嘎紮嘎紮的咬嚼,壓碎, ... 單字crunch的中文意思與發音 ... Cray number crunchers discovered the largest prime number.
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Find Crunching numbers stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#54. crunch - 翻译为中文-
crunch 从英文到中文的翻译. ... 在上下文中翻译"crunch"的例子: ... You think you can stay conscious long enough to crunch out the new numbers?
#55. 勿触逆鳞,英语的说法是? - 知乎
英文解释:If you crunch numbers or crunch the numbers, you do calculations with ... Be shrouded in mystery是个比较有文学色彩的短语,比较类似中文的神秘莫测。
#56. What does number crunching mean? -
Definitions for number crunching num·ber crunch·ing. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word number crunching.
#57. Assessing the performance of legal institutions | IIAS 中央研究 ...
中文 / ENGLISH ... 中文 / ENGLISH ... That is, legal scholars have started to crunch numbers, not letters, to tease out the effects of law on the regulated ...
#58. Scott Dodgshun - Number Cruncher - We Crunch Number
View Scott Dodgshun's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Scott has 5 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on ...
#59. Day 24 Password Attacks - 密碼生成器(Wordlists, CeWL ...
Crunch will now generate the following number of lines: 6 123XYZabc 123abcXYZ XYZ123abc XYZabc123 abc123XYZ abcXYZ123.
#60. crunch: 翻译中文, 发音, 同义词, 反义词, 图片, 例子
我们就劳动力市场和经济政策撰写、处理# 和推文。 We pull that subset out and crunch the numbers and typically, as with other ...
#61. Number Crunching or Creativity - What do Accountants Prefer?
Good accountants should be able to crunch numbers, at least a little bit; they should be detailed, accurate, and ethical. But great accountants ...
#62. number-crunching - Englisch-Deutsch Übersetzung - PONS
Übersetzungen für „number-crunching“ im Englisch » Deutsch-Wörterbuch (Springe zu Deutsch » Englisch) · ˈnum·ber-crunch·ing SUBST no pl · Beispiele aus dem PONS ...
#63. Number Crunch - The Australian
Number Crunch. Align the numbers to solve the puzzle or scroll down to access the archive. Today's Puzzle. No.
#64. crunching - Sesli Sözlük
I pored over the books with great enthusiasm, often crunching the numbers until 1: 00 a.m; crunch: If you crunch across a surface made of very small stones, ...
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下载Number Crunch 1 的安卓版本。 ... Number Crunch, is a set of games just to see how good you number skills ... 数学游戏对于孩子们(中文版).
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캐나다 한국일보 검색 결과 : crunch numbers 中文| Defi Crypto.
作者介紹Marc Brown is the creator of the bestselling Arthur Adventure book series and creative producer of the number-one children's PBS television series, ...
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We believe that low carb food can be delicious too. Shop our delicious snacks and feel good about what you put in your body.
#69. Intel | Data Center Solutions, IoT, and PC Innovation
Do more with the fastest chip we've ever built. Ascend leaderboards, create worlds, and crunch numbers—all at once. Get next-generation performance for ...
#70. Quinoa Crunch - Feastables
I agree to receive recurring automated marketing text messages (e.g. cart reminders) at the phone number provided. Consent is not a condition to purchase. Msg & ...
#71. TechCrunch • Startup and Technology News
TechCrunch • Reporting on the business of technology, startups, venture capital funding, and Silicon Valley.
#72. EU leaders squabble over energy crunch response By Reuters
PRAGUE (Reuters) -Divisions between European Union leaders over capping gas prices and national rescue packages resurfaced on Friday as they met ...
This site crunches the numbers and performs the calculations so all you have to worry about is finding your next Exalted Orb.
#74. Crunchy 中文
crunchy 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯crunchy adjective uk / ˈkrʌn.tʃi / us ... tackles"中文翻译凶狠的铲断"crunching numbers"中文翻译咀嚼数字crunchy 中文 ...
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#76. Europe risks deindustrialization as soaring energy prices ...
Many industry observers warned that a prolonged energy crunch could erode ... The number of German companies planning to expand business in ...
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by Crunch Mediaworks ... We have submitted your request to our development team to allow stores to load a larger number of files at a time.
#78. WARC | Make Your Marketing Effective
The WARC Guide to The Consumer Crunch · We give you the insights and inspiration to create marketing that works · Introducing the Marketing Effectiveness Platform.
#79. Red Bull "absolutely confident" ahead of crunch FIA F1 decision
The Singapore Grand Prix weekend was awash with speculation that two F1 teams have broken last year's circa $145 million budget cap limit ...
#80. Number Games | Learn Online with These Free Fraction and ...
Calculate This! Crunch numbers to collect coins. Math Clash Game. Math Clash. Ready, set.
#81. Vietnamese locals contributed just 5% of revenue during three ...
2021: Japan IR – Crunch time part 2 ... visitor arrivals reach just 7% of 2019 levels between January and June but numbers on the rise.
#82. 'They've seen how good we've done' - Wiegman insists ...
... England aren't afraid of USWNT ahead of crunch Wembley clash ... The U.S., meanwhile, rare currently ranked number one on the FIFA ...
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If the cake has material defects, please leave your order number and contact information to [email protected]. All prices are rounded up to the nearest ...
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By reducing the number of colors, 24-bit PNG files can be converted to much smaller 8-bit indexed color images. All unnecessary metadata is stripped too. The ...
#86. VIA 313 – Genuine Detroit Style Pizza
Baked in a heavy pan similar to the auto parts trays found in Detroit in the 1940's, the light, focaccia-like dough develops a golden crunch on the bottom. On ...
#87. Our Restaurant Menu | Ribs & Burgers Australia
Cabbage Salad. 8.5. Our cabbage salad is all about fresh produce that promises a healthy crunch with every bite. Read more · Add to a pick-up order!
#88. Foreign Policy – the Global Magazine of News and Ideas
What is the mood on the ground in Ukraine, and how are its allies in the United States and Europe handling an energy crunch caused by Russia's invasion?
#89. The People Behind a 10-Year Murder-for-Cash Spree in Rural ...
CX Daily: The People Behind a 10-Year Murder-for-Cash Spree in Rural China - A record number of Chinese cities report Covid cases during the ...
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Voodoo Doughnut - Doughnuts or donuts - we make 'em fresh daily! - Locations - FAQ - Shop - Weddings - Voodoo Van.
#91. Government relaxes water use rules to boost hydropower ...
A certain number of hydroelectric power plants will benefit from ... not to waste energy amid the expected energy crunch linked to reduced ...
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... anonymous information such as the number of visitors to the site, and the most popular pages. ... 繁體中文. Pусский. عربى. عربى. Nederlands. 繁體中文.
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Because he knew how important it was to complement the crunch of the nori with ... first time I tried it, I have been cooking it for a number of years now.
#94. Crunch (the) numbers Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of CRUNCH (THE) NUMBERS is to process numbers : to examine and analyze numbers, especially to determine exactly how much money is available, ...
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Crankbrothers is the leading brand of pedals, wheels, dropper posts, pumps, tools, and accessories. Shop now at
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地道商務美語開口說供中文母語使用者 Amy Gillett ... (to) crunch the numbers – to perform financial calculations 進行財務核算▻ Reed Corporation is thinking ...
crunch numbers中文 在 Pandora's Box - crunch (the) numbers to do mathematical... 的必吃
crunch (the) numbers to do mathematical work involving large amounts of information or numbers: Start by crunching the numbers to find out ... ... <看更多>