cremation 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. the act of burning a dead body, or a part of a funeral ceremony in which this is done: 2. the…。了解更多。
cremation /krim'eʃən/ 共發現6 筆關於[cremation] 的資料(解釋內文之英文單字均可再點入查詢) 來源(1): pydict data [pydict] cremation 燒,火葬來源(2): 天主教英漢 ...
#3. cremation中文, cremation是什麼意思:燒… - 查查綫上翻譯推出 ...
n. 燒化,火葬;(垃圾)焚化(法)。 n. -ist 火葬論者。 "of cremation" 中文翻譯: 焚化; "cremation certificate" 中文翻譯: 銷毀證明書; "cremation of carcase" ...
大量翻译例句关于"cremation" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
水葬法(英語:aquamation,或biocremation、resomation、flameless cremation、water cremation) ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。
使用Reverso Context: The IocaI counciI arranged her cremation.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"cremation"
沪江词库精选cremation是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语短语、词汇辨析、英音发音音标、美音发音音标、cremation的用法、cremation的中文 ...
#8. cremation 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
超過400 萬人愛用的線上英語學習平台!上萬部YouTube 影片教材,搭配中英文翻譯字幕與英漢字典,輕鬆掌握日常對話、瞭解單字的發音與用法。是最適合華人提升英文聽力和 ...
#9. 熔炎送葬- 流亡編年史, Path of Exile Wiki
... 時間同時最多3 個熔炎泉發射3 個額外投射物爆炸造成的火焰傷害等同於4% 屍體的最大生命 +(0–3) 範圍半徑 來自品質的額外效果: 增加(0–20)% 火焰傷害. Cremation ...
#10. cremation翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
cremation中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 火葬;火化。英漢詞典提供【cremation】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#11. cremation - 英汉词典
主要翻译. 英语, 中文. cremation nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. (funeral with incineration), SCSimplified Chinese 火葬huǒ zàng.
#12. Cremation Permit - 火葬許可證 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
場所標示類別: 殯葬場所. 以Cremation Permit 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文 ...
#13. crematorium - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
KK[͵kriməˋtorɪəm]; DJ[͵kreməˋtɔ:riəm]. 美式. n. 火葬場;垃圾焚化場. Dr.eye 譯典通. crematorium. IPA[ˌkreməˈtɔːrɪəm]. 美式. 英式. n. 火葬場. 牛津中文字典 ...
#14. 公務員事務局- 搜尋政府部門常用辭彙
中文, 火化;火葬. 類別, 公眾衞生. 英文, cremation capacity. 中文, 火化量. 類別, 公眾衞生 ... 英文, cremator. 中文, 火化爐;焚化爐. 類別, 機電工程 ...
#15. crematorium是什么意思? crematorium翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
crematorium 的解释是:火葬场… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:crematorium的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#16. 《火葬及紀念花園規例》 ( 第132 章
SCHEDULE. Form 1: Application to Cremate. S1-2. Form 2: Medical Certificate. (Cremation). S1-4. Form 3: Cremation Permit.
#17. cremation单词的级别、释义、真人发音、例句 - 轻松背单词
cremation. 级别, 附加级. 音标, [ krəˈmeɪʃn ]. 解释, n.火葬,火化. 英英释义. 发音, play.gif. 例句, 1. Cremation is more common than burial in some countries.
#18. cremation — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“cremation” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#19. 單字cremation的中文意思與發音
cremation中文 意思: cremation [kri'meiʃәn] n.燒,火葬..., 學習cremation發音, cremation例句盡在WebSaru字典。
#20. cremation中文,大家都在找解答 旅遊日本住宿評價
cremation中文 ,大家都在找解答第1頁。cremated的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. past simple and past participle of cremate 2. to burn a dead person's body, ...
#21. 火葬服務
Cremation services are a popular way to care for a loved ones remains. Learn more about the cremation process, alternative options, and FAQ's.
#22. Cremation - Forest Lawn
Cremations are different at Forest Lawn. Cremation can be arranged with or without memorial property. Cremation Funeral or Memorial services available.
#23. cremation 中文 - WFG
cremation 的中文翻譯,cremation是什麼意思,怎麽用漢語 ... “cremation of carcase” 中文翻譯: 尸體焚化例句與用法The german gas chambers and crematoriums were ...
#24. cremation 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释cremation这个英文词呢? cremation这个英文词,中文意思如下:火葬火葬火葬。俗称「火化」、“熟葬”或“焚尸”,是一種處理屍體的方式, ...
#25. Cremation corpo super attics的繁體中文翻譯 - 義大利文翻譯
Cremation corpo super attics. Cremation corpo super attics. 32/5000. 偵測語言, 世界語, 中文, 丹麥文, 亞塞拜然文, 亞美尼亞文, 伊博文, 俄文, 保加利亞文 ...
#26. cremation翻译为:火葬,火化
cremation 的中文意思:火葬,火化,点击查看详细解释:cremation的中文翻译、cremation的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握cremation这个单词。
#27. cremated 完整報導- Engadget 中文版
cremated articles, stories, news and information.
#28. cremation的中文解释和发音 - 德语助手
#29. Bio cremation @ 最強New Words大特搜 - 痞客邦
Bio cremation 詞性/分類:N/育中文解釋:生物火化,使用水和鉀氧化物來分解死者大體的方法來源:A greener way to go is 'bio cremation', i.
申請火葬證明書Application for Certificate of Cremation ... 申請人姓名:(中文) ... considered if the deceased was not cremated in crematorium under FEHD.
#31. PEA Cremation - Google Play 應用程式
Application ฌาปณกิจสงเคราะห์ รวบรวมข้อมูลที่เกี่ยวข้องกับงานฌาปณกิจสงเคราะห์ ของการไฟฟ้าส่วนภูมิภาค ฟังก์ชันหลักของ Application ฌาปณกิจ ...
#32. cremation 中文 - Yourtub
cremation中文 ::燒,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋cremation的中文翻譯,cremation的發音,音標,用法和例句等。 cremation中文, cremation是什麼意思:燒簡體版English ...
#33. "cremation urn (火葬甕?)"用中文(繁體,臺灣) 要怎麼說?
英語(美國); 波蘭語. 日語. 韓語. 中文(繁體,臺灣). 有關中文(繁體,臺灣) 的問題. cremation urn (火葬甕?) 用中文(繁體,臺灣) 要怎麼說?
#34. Cremate 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Cremate 释义: When someone is cremated , their dead body is burned, usually as part ... 美式英语: cremate /ˈkrimeɪt/; 巴西葡萄牙语: cremar; 简体中文: 火化 ...
#35. Profile of Services Available in Northern Taiwan
Cremated remains may be exported if accompanied by a certified copy of the local death and cremation certificates. Ashes can be shipped only to ...
#36. XBWLKJ012LP Cremation Urns for Human Ashes Adult Mini ... XBWLKJ012LP Cremation Urns for Human Ashes Adult Mini Cremation Urns Pet Adult Funeral Urn Handcrafted Cremation Urn for Human Ashes ...
#37. cremation中文怎么翻译_英汉词库
cremation什么意思,cremation中文翻译,n.烧化,火葬;(垃圾)焚化(法)。n.-ist 火葬论者。
#38. Pet cremation services grow in popularity in Yilan - 民視英語新聞
Pet cremation services grow in popularity in Yilan (2021/04/04) The growth of pet-related industries means big business for animal experts.
#39. Pet Cemetery & Pet Crematorium | Department of State
There are fees associated with a Pet Cemetery and Pet Crematorium license. ... Duplicate License/Registration Request (Chinese/中文). 中文翻譯.
#40. 翻译'cremation' – 字典中文-英文 - Glosbe
Does it indicate that God's ancient servants objected to cremation? 圣经有没有说上帝的古代忠仆排斥火葬呢? jw2019.
#41. cremation (英语→ 德语)
cremation - 将英语译为德语即时翻译文本&完整的文档文件。 ... 其他语言:保加利亚语、中文、捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、爱沙尼亚语、芬兰语、德语、希腊语、匈牙利语、 ...
#42. 紀念碑、墓牌和碑牌 - Rose Hills
花禮移除安排 墓園、墓碑和花瓶修復服務 紀念碑和墓碑 財產轉讓 · 鮮花 · 支付款項 · 聯絡我們; 中文. English · Español. A cremation garden with beveled memorial ...
#43. crematorium是什么意思 - 英语词典
#44. An Alternative to Burial and Cremation Gains Popularity
阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版 ... Others find the process more comforting than cremation, which recently edged past burial in the United ...
#45. Sri Lanka: Compulsory cremation of COVID-19 bodies cannot ...
GENEVA (25 January 2021) – UN human rights experts today urged the Sri Lankan Government to end its policy of forced cremation of the COVID-19 deceased, ...
#46. cremation urn的中文,翻译,解释,例句 - 英语人
cremation urn的中文,翻译,解释,例句. cremation urn. cremation urn的基本解释: -. 骨灰盒. 相关中文词汇: 骨灰盒. 热门词汇: perish · axle · dynasty · formerly ...
#47. Smart Cremation | LinkedIn
Smart Cremation | 229 followers on LinkedIn. Smart Cremation is the partner to entrust with your final wishes; our dedicated professionals will ensure your ...
#48. Furmate - Cremation Services (中文-->) We want to be with...
Cremation Services (中文-->) We want to be with you through the good times, and the bad. Don't go through these difficult moments alone. We are here for...
#49. 名詞cremation - 英漢字典
英漢字典>> C開頭詞條>>cremation的意思cremation音標[kri'mei??n] 讀音漢語翻譯n. 燒, 火葬【醫】 火葬英文解釋:名詞cremation:the incineration of a dead body ...
#50. Wilbert Cremation Choice
Cremation offers many different options in service, selection, personalization,. memorialization and final placement of the cremated remains.
#51. Cremation Services Images, Stock Photos & Vectors
Find cremation services stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection.
#52. 關於我們- 南都墓園信託基金會Southern Metropolitan ...
Graves, Crypts and Cremation · Packages · Burial options · Cremation memorial options · Mausoleum options ... Choose language, 中文- Chinese ...
#53. 美国ACCDON公司旗下品牌 - SCI论文修改
推荐同事 机构合作 中文 繁體中文 English 한국어 日本語 Português Español. 美国ACCDON公司旗下品牌 ... 中英对照. 火化间. cremation chamber. 学科分类.
#54. 銷燬證明書英文- 會計學- 雙語詞彙 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 銷燬證明書 cremation certificate 【會計學】 銷售證明書 free sale certificate 【藥學】 外銷證明書 export certificate 【藥學】
#55. 熔炎送葬- Cremation - 技能- POE流亡黯道透視鏡 - T客邦
#56. 常见问题:火葬服务
As a funeral home, we often hear common questions relating to cremation services. Please browse our FAQ to learn more about arranging a cremation.
#57. Cost of Cremation in California: The Official Family Guide
The average cremation cost in California falls anywhere from $1,300 to $2,300 ... Cremation and Burial costs to Consider in California.
#58. Burial Assistance - HRA -
A copy of the cemetery or crematory bill, itemizing all charges. Original itemized funeral bill signed by the Funeral Director and notarized in the presence of ...
#59. Cremation and Body Burning in Five Dynasties China* - The ...
Cremation —the disposal of the dead body by incineration—has a long history in China ... 55 - July 2012. © 香港中文大學 The Chinese University of Hong Kong ...
#60. Cremation Service for Pets--Retrieve the Cremain with ...
Font size change A A A 繁體中文| 简体中文| Português| English ... Cremation Service for Pets--Retrieve the Cremain with Container ...
#61. 谁有确切的the cremation of sam mcgee的中文翻译啊 - 百度知道
谁有确切的thecremationofsammcgee的中文翻译啊,不要网上自动翻的,万分感谢!... 谁有确切的the cremation of sam mcgee的中文翻译啊,不要网上自动翻的,万分感谢!
#62. Funeral Assistance FAQ |
Cremation ; Interment; Transportation for up to two individuals to identify the deceased individual; Transfer of remains; Casket or urn; Burial ...
#63. Cremation pyre truck sinks in Bassac, drowning owner
A ferry carrying a mobile cremation pyre truck across the Bassac River was hit by strong winds and capsized, drowning the owner of the ...
#64. Cremation of Sam McGee - SchoolTube
Okay guys. So let's talk about this poem, the cremation of Sam maggie. Hope hopefully you have already read it so that while we're talking ...
#65. Cremation 4: Medical certificate
If the deceased died in a hospital at which they were an in-patient, has a hospital post-mortem examination been made or supervised by a registered.
#66. Psyche Cremation Jewelry Coupon - 包爾科技BauerGroup ...
中文 (台灣). 中文(台灣); 中文(中国) · English · FB粉絲專頁. Psyche Cremation Jewelry Coupon. psyche jewelry cremation coupon.
#67. VietnamnPlus - Vietnam+ (VietnamPlus)
The Thai Ministry of Tourism and Sports has affirmed that foreign tourists are welcomed to witness the historical royal cremation, which will be held from ...
#68. Funeral Service December 3rd, 2021 - KLMJ Radio
Visitation will be Thursday, December 2nd from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Redman Funeral and Cremation Service in Aplington and will continue ...
#69. Save 30% on Pacify on Steam
The owners ran a funeral parlor. They held normal funeral services such as ceremonies, wakes, cremation and burying the dead. The rumor around town is that they ...
#70. Add casket to cart: St. Peter launches e-store for memorial ...
The eStore offers both traditional and cremation plans, which are transferrable, assignable, and can be paid in installments for up to five ...
#71. cremation中的中文-英文-中文字典|格洛斯貝 - Bdrbmi
檢查“ cremation”到中文的翻譯。瀏覽句子中cremation的翻譯示例,聽發音并學習語法。 I'm sorry, those remains are being cremated at this very minute.
#72. (4th LD) Former President Chun Doo-hwan dies at 90
... told reporters outside the residence, adding his body will be cremated before being buried at a site to be determined later.
#73. Lambert Funeral Home | Manchester Ink Link
Calling hours are Wednesday from 4 to 7 p.m. at Lambert Funeral Home & Crematory, 1799 Elm St., Manchester. ... 简体中文 zh-TW 繁體中文 co Corsu hr ...
#74. Former South Korean military dictator Chun Doo-hwan dies at ...
Chun had wished to be cremated and buried near the border with North Korea, but his family would make a final decision when his youngest son ...
#75. Zartath 40k
... the teachings of Vulkan and the rites of self-cremation, which allowed ... 中文名. 23. With no means to contact the Black Dragons and direly pressed by ...
#76. Candlelight Memorial Service -
Candlelight Memorial Service Hosted By Nowak Funeral & Cremation Services. Event starts on Thursday, 9 December 2021 and happening at Ludlow ...
#77. Google Ads Help
... русский, српски, українська, עברית, العربية, हिन्दी, ไทย, 中文(简体), 中文(繁體), 中文(香港), 日本語, 한국어, English. English.
#78. cremation - 用法_例句 - 海词词典
cremation 的英文翻譯是什麼意思,詞典釋義與在線翻譯:. 英英釋義. Noun: the incineration of a dead body ...
#79. The World Economic Forum
The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, ...
#80. Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 -
Alternative dispositions of human remains. (2) Subject to the regulations, the provisions of this Act dealing with crematoriums, cremation and crematorium ...
#81. Application for Permission for Cremation (other ... - NSW Health
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English · Español · 中文. Languages. EN · ES · ZH. EN. Back. Vehicles. See all vehicles Certified pre-owned Business & Fleet. Crossovers & SUVs
#83. 镜头中的中国: 五洲传播中心影视节目集萃 - 第 20 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... cremation and golden foiling the bodies , which gives people both great ... 节目长度: 60 分钟 x2 集语种:中文制作年份: 2005 年制作单位:五洲传播中心 ...
#84. Dignity Memorial - Funeral Homes, Cremation and Cemeteries
Through personalized funerals and thoughtful memorials, Dignity Memorial providers celebrate each life like no other. We are the largest network of funeral ...
cremation中文 在 Furmate - Cremation Services (中文-->) We want to be with... 的必吃
Cremation Services (中文-->) We want to be with you through the good times, and the bad. Don't go through these difficult moments alone. We are here for... ... <看更多>