ciliary zonule中文 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文

睫状体(ciliary body)是眼球壁葡萄膜中段呈环带状增厚部分,宽约6毫米,前接虹膜根部,后方止于脉络膜前缘,外表面与巩膜相邻,内里面通过悬韧带与晶状体相连。
ciliary zonule中文 中文意思::睫狀小帶;晶狀體懸帶;晶狀體懸器…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋ciliary zonule的中文翻譯,ciliary zonule的發音,三態,音標, ...
中文 詞彙, 英文翻譯, 出處/學術領域. 睫帶, Ciliary zonule, 【比較解剖學】. 睫帶, Suspensory ligament of the lens, 【比較解剖學】. 睫帶, ciliary zonule ...
#4. ciliary zonule翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
ciliary zonule中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:睫狀帶。英漢詞典提供【ciliary zonule】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#5. 睫状小带_百度百科
睫状小带(ciliary zonule)是2014年公布的组织学与胚胎学名词。
#6. ciliary zonule 的中文翻譯※ 328字典 - 英漢字典
ciliary zonule [醫](眼)睫狀小帶,秦氏小帶.
#7. ciliary muscle中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
ciliary muscle翻譯:睫狀肌(晶狀體周圍的一塊肌肉,作用是改變晶狀體形狀以產生清晰的影像)。了解更多。
#8. ciliary zonule 中文- 英文词典 - wordow.com
在中文里面,我们如何解释ciliary zonule这个英文词呢? ciliary zonule这个英文词,中文意思如下:睫状小带。 Meaning of ciliary zonule for the defined word.
#9. ciliary zonule 的中文含义- dute.org
单词ciliary zonule 的含义:[n.] 睫状小带,睫带.
Eyes were dissected to produce ocular structures that contain the lens maintained in its accommodating framework, including intact zonules, ciliary body and ...
#11. SQL - 國家教育研究院-比較解剖學學術名詞 - SheetHub.com
英文名稱, 中文名稱 ... Suspensory ligament of the lens (or Ciliary zonule), 睫帶. Suspensory ligaments of penis, 陰莖懸韌帶.
#12. 56 張Ciliary zonules 圖片、庫存照片和向量圖 - Shutterstock
截至2022 年9 月30 日,我們擁有超過4.24 億張圖片。 繁體中文.
#13. definition of ciliary zonule by Medical dictionary
ciliary zonule (zonule of Zinn) a series of fibers connecting the ciliary body and lens of the eye, holding the lens in place. Ciliary zonule. The system of ...
#14. ciliary zonule在线翻译_英语 - 海词
海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供ciliary zonule的在线翻译,ciliary zonule是什么意思,ciliary zonule的真人发音,权威用法和精选例句等。
#15. zonule - Wiktionary
zonule (plural zonules). (anatomy) A little zone, or girdle; ... (anatomy) The zonule of Zinn. quotations ▽ ... ciliary zonule, zonule of Zinn · zonulitis ...
#16. ciliary body-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: Ultrasound biomicroscopy iris ciliary body cyst diagnose,在英语-中文情境中翻译"ciliary body"
#17. Ciliary zonule - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
The portion in front of the ora serrata is thickened by the accession of radial fibers and is termed the zonula ciliaris(zonule of Zinn).
#18. 人眼水晶體調節功能(Accommodation)介紹 - Facebook
人眼水晶體調節功能(Accommodation)介紹] 原始影片來自:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yIpyitm6eE 小編於前端加上部份 中文 文字說明, ...
#19. anatomy of the eye Diagram - Quizlet
a series of fibers connecting the ciliary body and lens of the eye, holding the lens in place. Ciliary zonule. The system of suspensory ligaments holding ...
#20. Computer-animated model of accommodation and theory of ...
Current understanding of the anatomy of the zonule and the ... During ciliary body contraction, the anterior zonules lose tension while the ...
#21. 生物醫學學院- 香港中文大學學術研究文庫- Converis标准配置
Association of Proteoglycans with The Ciliary Zonule of The Rat Eye: An Histochemical and Immunocytochemical Study 1993).
#22. 测定带状纤维粘弹性的生物制备及机械技术 - JoVE
De Maria, A., Wilmarth, P. A., David, L. L., Bassnett, S. Proteomic analysis of the bovine and human ciliary zonule. Investigative Ophthalmology ...
#23. Delineating the anatomy of the ciliary body using hybrid ...
Delineating the anatomy of the ciliary body using hybrid optical and ... ciliary body portions, the iris, as well as, the attached zonule ...
#24. Zonulafasern (缩写与缩略语: ZF) (pl.)
法语, zonule de Zinn. 瑞典语, zonulatrådar. 英语, ciliary zonule. 英语, Zinn´s zonule. 英语, zonular fiber (缩写与缩略语: ZF). 英语, zonular fibers.
#25. Intraocular accommodative movements in monkeys - X-MOL
... nerve region as peripheral vitreous, attached to the vitreous zonule, was pulled forward by ciliary muscle contraction. ... 中文翻译: ...
#26. Zonular instability in patients with pseudoexfoliative syndrome
Zonular weakness is associated with the accumulation of PEM in the zonule of Zinn and ciliary processes [8, 16, 18]. The prevalence of lens subluxation ...
#27. File:Schematic diagram of anterior segment human eye.svg
Zonule of Zinn or ciliary zonule, 3. Posterior chamber and 4. Anterior chamber with 5. ... 中文(简体) Simplified Chinese. עברית Hebrew. العربية Arabic.
#28. Cross-section of the eye - MSD Manual Professional Edition
The zonules of Zinn keep the lens suspended, and the muscles of the ciliary body focus the lens. The ciliary body also secretes aqueous humor, ...
#29. 利用磁振造影來觀察視覺調視時視覺光軸改變之研究
語文別: 中文. 論文頁數: 72. 論文摘要 ... Lens is controlled by zonule fiber and ciliary muscle that are suspended in the posterior chamber.
#30. 組織學/眼球壁 - A+醫學百科
睫狀突與晶狀體之間通過細絲狀的睫狀小帶(ciliary zonule)相連(圖18-1)。它們是由許多直徑為11~12nm 的管狀微原纖維借蛋白多糖粘合、包被而成。
#31. 晶状体悬韧带与原发性闭角型青光眼之已知与未知
吴慧娟等通过UBM检查是否可见玻璃体悬韧带(Vitreous zonule,VZ),发现闭的发作眼与对侧眼相比,更不容易观察到VZ;和正常眼、PACS相比,PAC和PACG眼 ...
#32. 常揉眼嚴重可致白內障移位 - 信健康 - HKEJ
晶狀體移位是因為承托住晶狀體的睫狀小帶(ciliary zonules)鬆脫。 ... 撰文: 黃意喬醫生、尹浩柟醫生_香港中文大學眼科及視覺科學學系.
#33. 改良式大切口白内障囊外摘出联合人工晶状体植入术治疗高度 ...
... 515041 广东省汕头市,汕头大学·香港中文大学联合汕头国际眼科中心 ... into capsular bag except 1 eye for partly broken ciliary zonule.
#34. 扬州大学医学院来华留学生英语授课品牌课程网
《局部解剖学》是在系统解剖学的基础上,按照人体头部、颈部、胸部、腹部、盆部及会阴、脊柱区、上、下肢等局部,着重介绍各局部区域内结构和器官的位置、毗邻、层次 ...
#35. Grey matter, with added colour | Times Higher Education (THE)
The German anatomist Johann Gottfried Zinn (17-59) who discovered the ciliary zonules (very tiny elastic suspensory ligaments attaching to ...
#36. Lens (anatomy) - wikidoc
At short focal distance the ciliary muscles contract, zonule fibers loosen, and the lens thickens, resulting in a rounder shape and thus high ...
#37. The Eyes - Vivid Vision
Lens. Also called the "crystalline lens", the lens is suspended just behind the iris by a network of fine fibers called zonules. The ciliary muscle ...
#38. ciliary motion的解释和意思 - 英汉词典
ciliary motion的解释和意思. ... 中文, 【医】 纤毛运动. 最新查询: cilia cilianic acid ciliaris ciliariscope ciliarotomy ciliary ciliary action ciliary ...
#39. Lens subluxation or dislocation - VisualDx
A luxated or dislocated lens is one that is completely displaced from the pupil. The zonules are fibers that extend from the ciliary body to hold the lens in ...
#40. 【中文】一种预测人工晶状体术后位置的方法【EN】Method ...
【中文】本发明提供一种预测人工晶状体有效位置的方法,有效预测术后晶状体的有效位置 ... wherein the eye parameters comprise ciliary body parameters and zonule ...
#41. 眼球(Eyeball) - 小小整理網站Smallcollation
眼球外壁結構整理 ; 外層. sclera(鞏膜)、cornea(角膜) ; 中層. 1. Choroid(脈絡膜),含有豐富的神經血管,包覆眼球後4/5. 2. Ciliary body(睫狀體):為choroid 向前 ...
#42. Zonules - American Academy of Ophthalmology
The zonules also work with the ciliary muscles to help the lens accommodate (change focus). The zonule fibers tighten and pull the lens for near vision.
#43. 由睫狀體調節 - 當代醫藥法規月刊第131期
睫狀體(Ciliary Body) 睫狀體[6]位於虹膜根部和脈絡膜之間的環狀組織,通過懸韌帶(zonular fibers)與晶狀體相連。睫狀體富含血管,主要由可調節晶狀體曲度以取得適當 ...
ciliary zonule中文 在 人眼水晶體調節功能(Accommodation)介紹 - Facebook 的必吃
人眼水晶體調節功能(Accommodation)介紹] 原始影片來自:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yIpyitm6eE 小編於前端加上部份 中文 文字說明, ... ... <看更多>