提供carry out造句相關PTT/Dcard文章,想要了解更多carry out造句、carry on luggage中文、carry on luggage中文有關歷史/文化文章或書籍,歡迎來小文青生活提供您完整 ... ... <看更多>
提供carry out造句相關PTT/Dcard文章,想要了解更多carry out造句、carry on luggage中文、carry on luggage中文有關歷史/文化文章或書籍,歡迎來小文青生活提供您完整 ... ... <看更多>
造句 與例句 手機版 · Now carry out my order to the letter . · That plan would be carried out in 1987 . · I myself will firmly carry out this plan .
Owing to the extraordinary apathy of the inhabitants, the brigands were able to carry out their depredations undisturbed . 由于居民們的極度麻木,這些強盜的搶劫 ...
例句與用法 · Now carry out my order to the letter . · That plan would be carried out in 1987 . · I myself will firmly carry out this plan .
造句 與例句 手機版 · Now carry out my order to the letter . · That plan would be carried out in 1987 . · I myself will firmly carry out this plan .
例句與用法 · He made no attempt to carry out his undertaking . · He has n't the funds to carry out his design . · Remember to carry out your promise .
carry -out 造句/ 例句. 1. Let's get a carry-out. 咱们叫份外卖吧。 《牛津词典》. 2. He may be forced to carry out his threat to resign.
#7. CARRY STH OUT在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
The hospital is carrying out tests to find out what's wrong with her. Our soldiers carried out a successful attack last night. It is hoped that the kidnappers ...
用carry out 造句挺难的These aims will be carried out through to the end . 这些目标将贯彻到底。 He has n't the funds to carry out his design .
用carry out造句 ... 最佳答案: An MSF doctor was reduced to buying a saw in a market to carry out amputations of gangrenous limbs.法国医疗机构MSF的 ...
#10. carry out造句在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 小文青生活
提供carry out造句相關PTT/Dcard文章,想要了解更多carry out造句、carry on luggage中文、carry on luggage中文有關歷史/文化文章或書籍,歡迎來小文青生活提供您完整 ...
#11. 用carry out造句简单- 西瓜视频
西瓜视频为您提供又新又全的用carry out造句简单相关视频内容,支持在线观看。更有海量高清视频、相关直播、用户,满足您的在线观看需求,看用carry out造句简单就上 ...
#12. 用carry out造句 - 百度知道
不管你遇到什么困难,都要执行计划。 He balked me to carry out my plan. 他阻止我实施我的计划。 They swore an oath to carry out their duties ...
#13. 用carry 造句-六车网
The seventh part, under the guide of this strategy, we carry out the sub-strategies for the SB"s production, marketing, human resource, ...
#14. 用come out造句子三年级 - 字典
hao86造句为您提供come out造句,用come out造句,come out造句大全等例句,希望对您有所帮助! ... The moon came out from behind the clouds. 月亮从云后露出脸来。
#15. carry和rainy造句_東光縣教育
本資訊是關於carry和rainy造句,英語造句請用carry 造句(2個),carry咋個造句 ... to carry on a business himself亨利打算自己經營一起買賣carry out ...
#16. carry out取代do 4個動詞片語,英語力升級!
想描述跟工作、實驗等較正式的情況時,就可以用carry out取代do囉,例如:We carried out all their instructions.(我們施作了所有步驟。) 2.point out ...
#17. Carry Out的意思 - 希平方
不過現在,又一次離太陽很遠,羅賽塔不能產生一樣多的能量,很快就會沒有足夠力氣執行她的調查了。 觀賞完整影片 分享至FB. 造句練習 ...
#18. (1)用now,carry out,task造句.(2)用mother,as a ... - 作业帮
(1)用now,carry out,task造句.(2)用mother,as a result,allow,games,his造句.
#19. take out of造句並翻譯,簡單些,翻譯一下短語,英語造句
out of造句,take out of造句並翻譯,簡單些,翻譯一下短語,英語造句,1樓 ... no matter what difficulty you will meet with, carry out your plan.
#20. carryout是什么意思中文 - 帮博知识网
carryout造句 简单 · 上一篇: carry的固定短语搭配 · 下一篇: tolerate用法及短语 ...
#21. Book 4 L 1 片語與句型造句.docx
‧Since time is running out, all the students try to answer the questions as ... out of money/Sandra's money ran out, and (she) couldn't carry out her plan.
#22. 用carry造句意思是支撑 - 雨露学习互助
几个英文短语造句carry on, carry out, come across, compare to, congra. 1年前2个回答. 英语短语造句be full of 充满help sb.to do sth.帮某人做某事carry sth.away ...
#23. carryout是什么意思 - 脱壳百科网
海词词典,最权威的学习词典,为您提供carryout的在线翻译,carryout是什么意思 ... 本文标签: bereadytodo是什么意思 喜欢悬疑的人叫什么 carryout造句 ...
#24. 單詞回顧| 他們都是如何用“signature”和“perform”造句的?
點評:這個句子中的“perform”和圖片中的意思有細微差別,後面可以接“task”,“operation”等名詞,相當於“carry out/execute/do”。
#25. Carry的用法辨析_carry out用法 - 恩牛网
[carry out用法] 相关文章推荐: · carryout的用法例句不要长篇大论作业帮 · carryout是什么意思及反义词.
#26. carry away造句 - 国淳网
A jacket of water surrounds the tank, to carry away the heat generated byfermentation. ... carryaway造句; carry; carryaway是什么意思 ...
#27. out用动词造句 - 查理资讯站
out造句 :1、我们现在都用抽水马桶,你这个搅屎棍已经OUT了!2、大家好我 ... out 1. break out 2. bring out 3. carry out 4. come out 5. drop out 6.
#28. on demand是什么意思
think twice造句 · demand requirement; go on vacation造句; carry out造句; expect sb to do sth造句; fall apart造句; go to summer camp造句 ...
#29. 售的意思,售造句,售注音 - 國語辭典
注音 ㄕㄡˋ. 拼音 shòu. 解釋賣。[例]銷售|發售|廉售|售票。 英文to sell, to make or carry out (a plan or intrigue etc). 法語vendre. 德語absetzen, verkaufen ...
#30. 用carrying造句
If you make a promise , you should carry it out . 既然许愿就要还愿。 The timber carries the whole weight of the roof . 栋梁支撑屋顶全重。 We ...
#31. 旅行先要學會的常用英語(機場篇) - Skyscanner台灣
Well, I'll take them out as carry-on baggage. 那麽我把它們拿出來作爲手提行李。 Can I take this through security? 這個可以通過安檢嗎?
#32. carry out (【片語動詞】實施, 施行, 落實)意思、用法及發音
"carry out" 例句. The police are now carrying out inspections of all cars crossing the border. 警方正在針對所有穿越邊境的車輛實施檢查。
#33. because of造句_小红书
because of造句. ... 最好是造句,一个词组造3~5个句子为妙。 ... it's eventually gonna be carried out~~" carry out 有实行,执行;完成,实现的意思,当然不能只用 ...
#34. 請問。有關外太空的英文單字造句10句 - 全民打棒球
超優惠商品進入購物請點此請問。有關外太空的英文單字造句10句~~ 太空人在執行任務長時間的飛行於太空中The spaceman in carries out the duty long tim.
#35. carry through造句 - 985知识网
最佳答案: carry sb through:使…渡过难关Carry sb./sth. through帮助完成某事The seventh part, under the guide of this strategy, we carry out the ...
#36. [明正典刑]成語解釋 - 詩詞大全
明正典刑是什麼意思,明正典刑的解釋, 明正典刑成語故事,明正典刑的反義詞近義詞,明正典刑造句,明正典刑的意思,明正典刑的 ... Carry out a capital punishment.
#37. carryout造句简单 - PP问答网
carryout造句 简单. by 用carry out造句子 at 2021-12-26 19:23:33. in home and abroad at present and proposed to carry out the microscale chemical ...
#38. be used to doing sth造句简单 - 河智科学网
by suggest doing sth造句简单 at 2021-12-24 13:45:56 ... 本文标签: suggest doing sth造句简单 be worth doing sth什么意思 carry out造句简单 use to doing什么 ...
#39. 各位急需2个CARRY OUT的造句 - 学学习作业帮
各位急需2个CARRY OUT的造句. Farmers carry out "Three Represents" thought 农民贯彻三个代表思想.这个是新华网上的新闻标题
#40. carry out用法
carry out (【片語動詞】實施, 施行, 落實)意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words. ... 趣詞詞典為大家提供carry out是什么意思、carry out的用法、carry out造句等單詞或短語 ...
#41. carry+on+doing+sth造句 - 红宝石
carry on doing 造句- …… As long as you carry on doing what feels right, it will all turn out right.只要你坚持做自己觉得正确的事,就会得到好的结果.
#42. carry out翻译,用carryout造句并翻译 - 翻译知识网
carry outvt. 执行,实行;实现;完成;贯彻. 你是问词组还是单词,是单词的话就是carryout ['kæri,aut] n. 供打包的酒菜;外卖餐馆,adj.
#43. carry是什麼意思- 用法_例句 - 海词词典
carry 的用法和樣例:. 例句. 用作動詞 (v.) She came in carrying an important-looking piece of paper.
#44. Collins Cobuild 英語語法大全(全新版) - 第 199 頁 - Google 圖書結果
... blot out bring off carry off count out board up bring out carry out cross off bring about bring round cast aside cross out bring ... 遣詞造句:動詞的類型 ...
#45. carry造句简单,committee造句简单 - index - LDL知识网
最佳答案: The girl is carrying water.David went in,carrying his suitcase. carry造句31、Some people may wonder why the girl in the same ...
#46. 109年關務英文 - 第 101 頁 - Google 圖書結果
carry out (實行、實現)例 A man must work hard in order to carry out his ideas ... catch up with(追上)例 The policeman caught up with the 第五章片語造句範例 101.
#47. 用+carry+out造句+被动_老师办公室英语读法 - 小烟知识网
用+carry+out造句+被动最新消息,还有老师办公室英语读法,老师办公室英语怎么说,教师办公室翻译成英语等内容,(殷老师不知道肖先成住办公室所以 ...
#48. 成功之道:中级商务汉语案例教程 - 第 xcix 頁 - Google 圖書結果
进行(谈判/合作/收购)carry on sth.,carry out sth.例句:柯达与中方企业进行了近4年的谈判,最后达成收购、合作协议。用所给句型造句(Make up sentences using the ...
#49. test out 造句兼翻译,用comeout造句带翻译 - 翻译知识网
test out 造句兼翻译. test out充分体验try out试用,试验,考验,提炼give out 分发;用完;消耗尽;发出(光、声音)、筋疲力尽turn out 结果是、被证明 ...
#50. 承繼與拓新:漢語語言文字學研究 (上下卷合輯)
CARRY.OUT..搞商業.搞.=.FIND/DATE..搞對象.搞.=.ESTABLISH..搞關係.搞.=.PUNISH..幾個人合起來搞他顯然,單個虛動詞和不同類型的賓語可以發生搭配關係,這是語法問題, ...
#51. Hypodermic synonym
A hypodermic needle is a hollow needle widely used across medical settings to carry out different applications such as drug delivery, vaccination, ...
#52. 用deal造句,carry out造句,fight on造句 - 葫芦头旅游攻略网
介绍用deal造句,carry out造句,fight on造句,so that造句,prompt的旅游详情.
#53. 「carry out」不是「帶東西走」而是「執行」的意思
The scientists carried out a study on how coffee influences our brains. 科學家們執行了一項研究來看咖啡是如何影響人們的大腦。 快來發摟4U粉專英文學習不間斷!
#54. Doxology pronunciation
When Jesus was baptized he “came up out of the water”. ... Glory in English will, of course, carry connotations that may vary Doxology. 2.
#55. carry out - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
be carried out with one's feet foremost. ph. 被?著去埋葬. PyDict.
#56. carry out是什么意思,carry out怎么读 - 英语翻译在线翻译
carry out 的中文意思:执行;进行;完成;抬,点击查看详细解释:carry out的中文翻译、carry out的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握carry out这个短语。
#57. 9 個「carry」的片語動詞(Phrasal verbs)大集合! | 全民學英文
6. carry off 完成;帶走. e.g Carry this pen off , please . 請把這隻筆帶走。 7. carry out 進行;( ...
#58. 學英文/Wrap up不是包裝禮品而是結束會議! - English OK
Execute (v)執行,也就是carry out,名詞為execution,executive (n)執行長。 例句: Mr. Smith stepped down as the Chief Executive Officer of Pharma ...
carry out造句 在 carry out造句在PTT/Dcard完整相關資訊 - 小文青生活 的必吃
提供carry out造句相關PTT/Dcard文章,想要了解更多carry out造句、carry on luggage中文、carry on luggage中文有關歷史/文化文章或書籍,歡迎來小文青生活提供您完整 ... ... <看更多>