生物殖(Biomass)是指能夠當做燃料或者工業原料,活著或剛死去的有機物。生物質能最常見於種植植物所製造的生質燃料,或者用來生產纖維、化學製品和熱能的動物或植物 ...
#2. 生質燃料(Biofuel or Biomass) | 科學Online - 國立臺灣大學
不同於化石燃料(Fossil Fuel),生質燃料是取自剛死不久的有機體,包括植物、動物及其副產品。舉例來說:像是糞肥、庭園廢棄物及農作物殘骸都是生質燃料 ...
#3. Bioenergy
生物質量(biomass)顧名思義是指各種有機體的整體質量,亦即太陽能經由光合作用以化學能的形式貯存於生物體中的一種能量形式。因為燃燒生物物質可釋放出熱能,甚至將 ...
... 生質能源(bioenergy或biomass energy)指的是由生物質(biomass)經 ... 燃料(refuse derived fuel,RDF),焚化廠發電由於燃料來源為固態的 ...
#5. biomass fuel 中文- 生物質燃料… - 查查綫上辭典
biomass fuel中文 ::生物質燃料…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋biomass fuel的中文翻譯,biomass fuel的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#6. biomass fuel - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
biomass 在英語-中文(繁體)詞典中的翻譯. biomass. noun [ U ]. specialized ... biomass fuel/energy 生質燃料/生質能源. biology.
#8. 生質燃料英文,biomass fuel中文 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 生質燃料 biofuel 【生命科學名詞】 生質燃料 biofuels 【電機工程】 生質燃料 biomass fuel 【化學工程名詞】
#9. biomass fuel中文- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
biomass fuel中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:生物質燃料。英漢詞典提供【biomass fuel】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#10. USING BIOMASS FUEL 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译
预计将于2023年1月开始使用生物质燃料发电,运行20年。 The unit is expected to begin generating power using biomass fuel in January 2023 and operate for a 20-year ...
#11. 什麼是生物質能? (What Is Biomass?) - VoiceTube 看影片學英語
#12. bio-diesel-翻译为中文-例句英语
Biological liquid fuels include methanol, ethanol, bio-diesel and other liquid fuels derived from biomass resources. 生物液体燃料,是指利用生物质资源生产的甲醇 ...
#13. 行政院環境保護署國家溫室氣體登錄平台
ACM0009, 煤炭或石油燃料改為天然氣的工業燃料替代整合減量方法. Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for fuel switching from coal or petroleum fuel to ...
#14. biomass fuel 中文意思是什麼
The final objective is to realize the integrated coal gasification or biomass gasification fuel cell power system. 我們最終的目標是實現煤氣化或者生物質氣化燃料 ...
#15. 性質不同的酒精燃料對低碳生質柴油引擎性能影響之研究
繁體中文. 生質混合燃料 ; 直噴式柴油引擎性 ; 燃料消耗率 ; 廢氣排放 ; Mixed biomass fuel ; direct injection diesel Engine performance ; fuel consumption ...
#16. 生質物熱解液化轉製航空生質燃料用油技術
可以產生十至十六碳的石蠟煤油,即所謂的生質航空燃油(Biojet fuel, BJ)。生質航 ... 台灣替代性航空燃油解決方案中,未來的解決方案可發展生質燃油(Bio-fuels).
#17. 生質能Energy from Biomass 8.1 一般名詞8.1 General Terms
(註). 上述初級與次級生質之區別是基於經濟. 因素,生態學中此二名辭亦有定義。 8.1.2 生物轉化生質經生物處理轉變為有用. 的各種型態能量的程序(如生質燃料).
#18. Biomass wood pellets | JEN PEY ENTERPRISE
生物質產品燃料. 燃料. 生物質成型燃料(Biomass Moulding Fuel,簡稱"BMF")是採用木屑、秸稈等農林廢棄物作為原材料,經過粉碎、烘乾、混合、擠壓等工藝,製成顆粒狀 ...
#19. 生物燃料的发展现状与前景
义:①从物质角度理解,它们应译为“生物质能源”,也就是“biomass energy resource”;②当从能量角度理解时,.
#20. 國立中興大學教學大綱
(Eng.) Biomass Energy. 開課單位, 森林系. 課程類別, 必修, 學分, 2, 授課教師, 吳耿東. 選課單位, 森林系/ 學士班, 授課使用語言, 中文, 英文/EMI, 開課學期, 1062.
#21. Translation of biomass from English into 繁體中文 - LingQ
來自植物和動物的能源(生化能源)/ biomass power/ plant and animal matter used to provide power or energy; 10. 1. 生物量(泛指某一系統中一切生物物質的總量); ...
#22. 美国ACCDON公司旗下品牌 - SCI论文修改
推荐同事 机构合作 中文 繁體中文 English 한국어 日本語 Português Español. 美国ACCDON公司旗下品牌 ... 中英对照. 生物质燃料. biomass fuel. 学科分类.
#23. 生質能(Biomass energy) | Ansforce
生質能是指利用生物所產生的有機物質,來轉換成可以利用的電能或熱能,一般討論的範圍包括:合成氣(Synthesis gas)、生質油(Bio oil)、沼氣(Biogas)、 ...
#24. biomass fuel — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“biomass fuel” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#25. Intoduction to Biomass Combustion | 學術寫作例句辭典
#26. 生質燃料生產者對美環保署開炮 - 環境資訊中心
Biofuel Producers Give EPA an Earful on Renewable Fuel Standard ... biomass-based diesel, advanced biofuel, and total renewable fuel that ...
#27. 臺灣木質生質料氣化反應與合成氣重整反應結合固態燃料電池之 ...
態燃料電池(solid oxide fuel cells, SOFCs),其可 ... (LB, Lignin Biomass)資源化之技術漸次發展,若兼具處理廢棄物之功效,則木質生質料可視為具有.
#28. 翻译'biomass fuel' – 字典中文-英文
Use biomass fuels with low mercury content in all applications. 在所有应用中采用汞含量低的生物质燃料。 UN term. 显示算法生成的翻译 ...
#29. biomass fuel是什么意思、英文翻译及中文解释 - 英语作文
biomass fuel 是什么意思、英文翻译及中文解释介绍:biomassfuel词语:biomassfuel解释:生物质燃料词性:名词词典:能源专业英汉词典biomassfuel相关 ...
#30. 博碩士論文行動網
論文名稱(外文):, Co-firing of Biofuel and Fossil Fuel ... 語文別: 中文 ... 有鑑於此,混燒生質物(Biomass)與化石燃料是降低現有火力發電廠或汽電共生廠溫室氣體 ...
#31. Top - tku - 淡江大學
Promoting biofuel to replace fossil fuels and alternative utilization schemes to replace conventional measures of biomass waste disposal have been ...
#32. Effect of exposure to biomass smoke from cooking fuel types ...
背景/目的研究暴露于来自烹饪燃料的生物质烟雾与女性白内障、视力和眼部症状之间的关联。方法我们在尼泊尔丘陵和平原地区的女性(≥20 岁且之前未诊断出 ...
#33. biomass fuel - 中国的翻译
Toolkit Category 3 Fossil fuel and biomass fuel power plants household heating and cooking. 工具包第3类化石燃料和生物物质燃料电站家庭采暖和烹饪.
#34. RDF(refuse-derived fuel) - 《網路社會學通訊期刊》第57期 ...
淺談RDF再生燃料. 魏國泰. 國立高師大學工業科技教育研究所. 壹、前言. 能源是一切活動的原動力,人類文明的發展史與其所能利用的能源之間有著極密切 ...
#35. biomass 中文biomass - Tzpage
英漢詞典提供【biomass】的詳盡中文翻譯,用法,例句等英漢例句although biomass fuel has the potential to be virtually carbon neutral, the demand for cooking wood ...
#36. 生物燃料标准研讨会
Bio -fuel Standard Workshop. 主办单位:. 中国循环经济协会可再生能源专业委员会、美国贸易发展署、中美能源合作项目. 美国国家标准化机构、眉山加州 ...
#37. 國立成功大學機構典藏:Item 987654321/206638
multi-energy utilization; agricultural waste; dual circulating fluidized ... as well as be converted to high-quality bio-fuels or chemicals.
#38. 生物质能图片、库存照片和矢量图 - Shutterstock
Biomass Proceeding at Biofuel, Green Energy, Alternative Power Flat Vector Illustration. 生物发电厂与木制燃料(生物质)对蓝天存储.
#39. 生質能源 化腐朽為能源 - 隨意窩
200701301355生質能源(biomass energy)──化腐朽為能源 ... 把生質物/廢棄物轉化為不同形式的廢棄物衍生燃料(refuse derived fuel, RDF),乃成為主要的趨勢。
#40. 生物质转化为油气生产液体燃料通过热蒸汽过滤快速热解和催化 ...
热蒸汽过滤bIO-油加氢处理测试中表现完美了近60小时的TOS值。 ... A. Synthesis of transportation fuels from biomass: Chemistry, catalysts, ...
#41. 国外生物液体燃料发展和示范工程综述及其启示 - 农业工程学报
The progress of advanced biofuel development and the project activities in foreign countries were reviewed, which used lignocellulosic biomass, energy crops ...
#42. 行政院原子能委員會委託研究計畫研究報告有機廢棄物電漿氣化 ...
Therefore, biomass waste is one of the bio-energy sources and can be reused as a fuel or as a raw material to produce chemical feedstocks.
#43. Biofuels | ClassNK
Biofuels are renewable fuels produced from biological organisms (biomass) in which the primary raw materials used are vegetable oils. Biofuels do not emit ...
#44. SQL: SELECT * FROM this || 國家教育研究院-材料科學名詞
acid electrolyte fuel cell, 酸性電解質燃料電池 ... air-hydrogen fuel cell battery, 空氣氫氣燃料電池 ... biomass hydrogen/methanol, 生質氫/甲醇.
#45. Biomass 生質能發電
#46. biomass ash - SCIdict学术词典-在线专业词典
biomass ash的中文译词 · mycelium biomass 菌丝体生物量; 菌丝生物量 收藏 · Solid biomass fuel briquette 固态生质燃料炭砖 收藏 · biomass densification and formation ...
#47. 環保英文2: 替代燃料(附MP3) | 誠品線上
綠色國家:丹麥、瑞典、冰島Think Green: Alternative Fuels introduces 20 green sources of energy, including vegetable oil, biomass, solar power, ...
#48. Betting on biomass - ISO
会说中文吗 ... At a first glance, using biomass fuels instead of fossil fuels looks like a ... Modern bio fireplot fireplace on ethanol gas.
#49. Biomass energy to provide heat, fuel - The State Council of the ...
From plants and wood, to crops and animal droppings, all of these examples of organic waste could soon become important energy sources to ...
#50. biomass fuel是什么意思 - 趣词词典
企业是否计算生物质燃料消耗量? 2. This generating station in Canada, burns biomass fuel from nearby sawmills produce energy. 这个发电站 ...
#51. 生物質能_百度百科
當前的世界能源結構中,生物質能所佔比重微乎其微。 中文名. 生物質能. 外文名. biomass energy. 類別. 能量的一種. 含義. 太陽能以化學能貯存在生物質中.
#52. 什么是生物质成型燃料?
生物质成型燃料英文(Biomass fuel),简称“BMF”,是利用农林废弃物(秸秆、稻草、稻壳、花生壳、玉米芯、油茶壳、棉籽壳、树木枝叶和木屑…
#53. Chanouf Farm Biofire - the United Nations
2018年8月28日 — It has developed a form of bio-fuel as an alternative to firewood, ... organic charcoal and biomass energy out of pear and olive tree waste.
#54. LanzaTech | Capturing carbon. Fueling growth.
Bio. Nilesh Kumar Chief Information Security Officer. Bio. Johanna Haggstrom Vice President Chemicals and Hydrocarbon Fuels Technology. Bio.
#55. Brief on biomass for energy in the European Union123 - JRC ...
What is the contribution of bioenergy to renewable energy in the EU? Bioenergy is derived from a wide range of feedstocks, such as biomass from agriculture ( ...
#56. Conservation news on Energy Politics - Mongabay
The E.U. continues to struggle with the irony of a commitment to conserving forests, while also burning forest biomass and ignoring the carbon emissions that ...
#57. 九月| 2011 | BioEnergyToday 生質能源趨勢
Energy 〉(作者為Michael E. Webber),文中比較了生產各種車用燃料的水需求:能供應傳統汽油車跑100英哩的燃料約需水7-14加侖;燃料電池汽車約是42 ...
#58. 生物柴油(Biodiesel)
Information on pump regarding ethanol fuel blend up to 10%, California (2006) ... 解過程把棕油廠污水(POME)轉換成超乾淨燃料——超級生物柴油(Bio Pro Diesel)。
#59. 2022 - Marubeni
... reducing greenhouse gas (hereinafter, “GHG”) emissions has become an ... biomass fuel, and creating carbon credit from such projects.
#60. 生物质燃料预处理系统 - 洁普智能环保
#61. Sustainabilty for energy - Valmet
Carbon neutral energy from biomass. For over thirty years, Valmet has been supplying the energy industry around the world with solutions for ...
#62. 生物质/生物质能源Biomass /Biomass Energy_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
#63. Energy for food security | World Food Programme
Most of the food that the World Food Programme (WFP) distributes to people-in-need requires cooking, while drinking water often needs to be disinfected by ...
#64. Mazda 2 Bio concept to race in Super Taikyu Series - Paultan
The latter runs on what Mazda calls “next-generation biodiesel fuel” and the company is racing it to prove it, as well as to expand the use ...
#65. Maersk to sign Sustainable Aviation Fuel contract with Air ...
Maersk to sign Sustainable Aviation Fuel contract with Air France - ... product manufactured from recycled sustainable biomass and one of ...
#66. Guy Milligan - Associate, Energy Strategy & Planning - Ramboll
•UK Biomass Installation case study. Day 3 •Biogas and gasification •The highs and lows of renewable energy •Biomethane - gas to grid.
#67. S&P Global: Accelerating Progress
With a full scale invasion of Ukraine now under way, stock markets, global trade, energy markets, and commodities markets are all registering the impact of ...
#68. 生質燃油
生質燃料(Biomass Energy)又稱生物燃料,是指利用生物質經轉換所獲得的電與熱等可用的能源,所謂的生物質是指由生物產生的有機物質,例如木屑 ...
#69. 什麼是生質能 - Omarw
生質能源(bioenergy或biomass energy)指的是由生物質(biomass)轉化後所形成的可再生能源。生物質泛指各種生物產生的有機物質,例如農林植物、沼氣、一般廢棄物與一般 ...
#70. Select News | Argus Media
Natural gas/LNG · Power · Coal · Biomass · Emissions · Hydrogen. Chemicals Chemicals. Chemicals overview · Methanol · Olefins & polymers · Aromatics ...
#71. 生物能源 | 能源 | 联合国粮食及农业组织
What is sustainable bioenergy? Bioenergy is energy from biofuels. Biofuel is fuel produced directly or indirectly from biomass. Biomass is material of ...
#72. Hydrogen Takes Flight: Airbus and CFM International To ...
Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), made from renewable biomass and waste products, has also started to take off: Last October, Etihad Airways ...
#73. The long road for 2 northern Quebec towns to break a ...
Now, with a joint renewable energy project in the last part of an ... There are also plans to eventually add a biomass component to the ...
#74. Glossary | Fishery Solutions Center
... vessel type and power, gears used, fuel and more. ... Sustainable catch, Sustainable yield) – The biomass or number of fish that can be harvested ...
#75. Growing wave of climate cases piles pressure on private sector
English. English; 简体中文; Bahasa Indonesia; Melayu ... biomass power plants, greenwashing about a gas field,” Haewoong told Eco-Business.
#76. Despite net zero carbon emission targets, Australia forging ...
"But if alternative forms of energy become more viable then that will ... One of the greener methods being explored is using biomass to ...
#77. 金磚國家投資環境報告:中國(2017版)◆繁體中文版 - Google 圖書結果
Optimization and Upgrade of Energy Structure According to the 13th Five-Year ... (4) Biomass energy, geothermal energy and coastal tidal energy Promote the ...
#78. Tax Write-Offs You Shouldn't Overlook - MSN
... 한국 (한국어), 中华人民共和国 (简体中文), 台灣 (繁體中文) ... qualified solar electrical, wind, and biomass fuel systems, says Luscombe.
#79. 核能研究所年報-中文版2016年 - 第 25 頁 - Google 圖書結果
主導水裂隙我國核研所( Institute of Nuclear BIOMASS 所採用的參考生物圈概念流程, Energy Research , INER )自 1986 年初以來,就其首要工作為評估範圍( Assessment ...
#80. Macquarie CEO Shemara Wikramanayake lifts the lid on the ...
Macquarie was an early mover in the global renewable energy sector ... They spanned European and British projects across biomass, wind and ...
#81. 十二天突破英汉翻译——笔译篇 - Google 圖書結果
For example,the European Environment Agency advisory panel suggests that the best use of plant biomass is not for transport fuel but to heat homes and ...
#82. 环境科学专业英语教程 - 第 63 頁 - Google 圖書結果
【 EX.3 】把下列句子译成中文。 ... 3 ) Tropical deforestation has also become a significant energy source over the past several decades , which making up ...
#83. 美國綠建築專業人員LEED-AP BD+C建築設計與施工應考攻略(電子書)
Fossil fuel:energy dervedfrom ancientorganic remains,Such aspeat Coal Crude ol,and naturalgas(EPA)化石燃料:源于古時有機殘餘物如泥炭、煤、原油及天然氣的 ...
biomass fuel中文 在 Biomass 生質能發電 的必吃
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