be addicted to造句 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

#1. 用"be addicted to"造句 - 查查在線詞典
造句 與例句 手機版 · He is addicted to smoking . · Now many kids are addicted to playing net games · The ones i ve been addicted to over the years
用addicted to造句和"addicted to"的例句: 1. He was habitually addicted to making love to ladies . 他慣常喜歡跟女人調情。 2. Apprehend that he is rather ...
造句 與例句 手機版 · Dr. townsend was a drug addict . · He was habitually addicted to making love to ladies . · People who suffer from addiction are called addicts ...
be addicted 的造句和例句: 1. He is addicted to smoking . 他嗜烟成瘾。 2. To my personal knowledge, dr. townsend is under the influence of drugs, ...
#5. be addicted to 中文 - 查查在線詞典
他們對計算機游戲上了癮。 更多例句: 1 2 3 4 5 · 用"be addicted to"造句. 相關 ...
用addictive造句和"addictive"的例句: 1. Have been prone to compulsive or addictive behavior易于發生壓逼或上癮的行為2. Therefore , it is quite challenge and ...
addicted 造句 / 例句. 1. People that are addicted to drugs get, er, help from the government one way or another. 那些吸毒上瘾的人,呃,通过某种方式获得政府的 ...
addictive 的例句. addictive. We are, then in the business of selling nicotine, an addictive drug effective in the release of stress mechanisms ...
Is it possible to be addicted to a person ? 有可能对一个人着迷吗? youdao I see . But your better not be addicted to it. 我明白了。 不过你最好别太沉迷于游戏。
#10. addict (【名詞】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
We believe the car was stolen and the man responsible was a drug addict. 我們認為那輛車子是偷來的,而且有責任的那男子是個吸毒犯。
#11. 用addicted to造句子三年级|二年级|一年级简单的 - 新华字典
4、He's addicted to computer games.(他迷上了电脑游戏。) 5、People addicted to the web often become inactive in real life.(沉溺于网络的人 ...
#12. addicted造句- 百度
I went through about four years of being addicted to video games ... 单词addicted 例句大全,用单词addicted造句: beaddictedto sth.
#13. addicted造句_用addicted to造句- 芭蕉百科网
addicted造句 1、Vicious andaddictedto warfare, wrote Hobbes. 2、Apprehend that he is ratheraddictedto profane song. 3、I'maddictedto a particular gen.
#14. addicted造句简单- 欧创网
addicted 造句 / 例句1. People that areaddictedto drugs get, er, help from the government one way or another. 那些吸毒上瘾的人,呃,通过某种方式获得政府的帮助。
#15. 托福写作模仿造句:be addicted to
有了模仿材料之后,我们要注意将短语或者句式提取出来,然后进行造句。下面我们从托福综合口语的听力文本中提取出来短语be addicted to,并讲解其用法 ...
#16. be addicted to造句简单- 布格伦科技网
最佳答案: addict是动词,表示沉谜!所以用于上面的搭配要加-ed。这点要注意!e.g. I am addicted to Internet。(我沉谜于网络). e addicted to doing 沉迷于eg: He is ...
#17. 【老師救救我】to 後面不是只能接原形動詞嗎? - 希平方
Anna is addicted to watching Korean dramas.(Anna 很著迷於看韓劇。) devote to something 奉獻給某事物. Mother Teresa devoted her life to helping ...
#18. addict to和be addicted to - 罗辞问答网
沉迷于做某事”的英文说法是be addicted to doing,不是be addicted to do,因为这里的to是介词,所以后面要跟名词或者动名词 ... be addicted to造句子.
#19. addicted to Internet - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"addicted to Internet" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#20. becomeaddictedto造句 - PP问答网
addicted tovbl. 沉溺于,醉心于,上瘾,沉迷于参考例句: On top of having been a drunk, my husband had been addicted to smok be addicted to沉迷于…
#21. ADDICTED - 愛下電子書
Alex, a senior high schooler was questioning himself a lot of things. He was not attracted to girls like any other boys did, and he was not ...
#22. look forward to / confess to 後面要接V-ing?be used to 呢?別 ...
I am addicted to watching soap operas. 我沈迷於看肥皂劇。 We estimate that some 20,000 young people are currently addicted to heroin and cocaine ...
#23. nicotine 造句/ 例句 - 优词词典
nicotine造句,nicotine例句,nicotine用法. ... After all, the nicotine in cigarettes is a powerfully addictive drug. 毕竟,香烟里的尼古丁是一种很容易让人上瘾的 ...
#24. before造句,不要太長,謝謝 - 貝塔百科網
他的辯才無礙,心思敏捷,令我十分折服。 排比句造句,短一點的,不要太長,十個字左右. 用be addict to ...
#25. 支援工作造句不要太長。。
用支援工作造句,支援工作造句不要太長。。,1樓匿名使用者交警叔叔在街上維持秩序我們一定要堅持真理 ... 用be addict to造句,簡單一點,不要太長,謝謝.
#26. 不定詞(Infinitives) - 實用基礎文法
我很遺憾不得不地告訴你真相。 他沉迷於賭博。 He is addicted to gamble.
#27. 英文面試王- #生活英文#諺語 今日諺語:Easier said than done ...
造句 :The doctor advised her to stop smoking and drinking but she is addicted so it is easier said than done for her. 翻譯:醫師建議他必須停止抽菸跟酗酒,但 ...
#28. 上癮的意思,上癮造句,上癮注音 - 國語辭典
注音 ㄕㄤˋ 丨ㄣˇ. 拼音 shànɡyǐn. 簡體上瘾. 解釋對某事物產生特別嗜好和依賴。[例]吸菸上癮∣吸毒上癮,需勒令戒除。 英文to get into a habit, to become addicted.
#29. 用first造句,first例句 - 英语句库
It was the first eyebar suspension bridge . 它是第一座眼桿式悬索桥。 It's difficult to find first in a sentence. 用first造句挺难的; Barbicane ...
#30. 1 HCL Diagnostic Test 第一题和第二题的词语 - Quizlet
【造句】这是我第一接触小学生,还不知道应该给他们送什么礼物。 ... 【释义】[get into the habit; get addicted to] 喜爱某种事物,成了癖好。 【造句】这种药吃多了 ...
#31. 用no造句-六车网
用no longer怎么造句:. 例句如下:. 1、After about three months, I was no longer addicted to nicotine. 大约3个月后,我就不再对尼古丁上瘾了。
#32. 明信片英文- 英文單字筆記:: Branbibi Blog
翻譯三、買張明信片並郵寄給你的朋友吧! mail to - 寄給. 造句四、When she receive postcard, she addicted the kind of joy. 翻譯四、當 ...
#33. 戀酒貪花意思 - 三度漢語網
英語翻譯 be addicted to drink and sex. 相關漢字成語:戀 酒 貪 花 相關漢字解釋:戀 酒 貪 花 ... 成語戀酒貪花造句. ▸ 成語劈天蓋地英文. ▸ 成語萬里無雲造句.
#34. /addicted造句简单_addict造句简单_frustration造句简单 - 小倔百科网
addicted造句 简单最新消息,还有addict造句简单,frustration造句简单,opponent造句简单等内容,1 I try to be a good ...
#35. Branch Out | 長難句拓展造句練習006 - 壹讀
Branch Out | 長難句拓展造句練習006 ... 知識點+造句練習. 1. in the hands of 由. ... She quarreled with her son who was addicted with drugs.
#36. [聲色狗馬]成語解釋
... 聲色狗馬成語故事,聲色狗馬的反義詞近義詞,聲色狗馬造句,聲色狗馬的意思,聲色狗馬 ... Be addicted to the pleasures of song and women, hunting and racing.
#37. be addicted to还是in - 望花路东里
by addicted和indulge at 2022-04-08 16:03:37. 沪江词库精选be addicted to是什么意思、英语单词推荐沉迷于… 相似短语addicted tovbl. ... 用be addicted to 造句.
#38. 以迷恋造句_字词解析 - 5068教学资源网
用迷恋造句: 1、前几年,由于迷恋电子游戏耽误了学习, ... [be addicted to;be infatuated with;madly cling to] 强烈的、通常是极度的爱慕.
#39. 考研英语写作满分必备:英语作文如何不出错? - 知乎专栏
造句 练习①:现在有越来越多的学生沉迷于网络。 错误示范:Nowadays,there is an increasing number of students are addicted to the Internet.
#40. DEVOTEE,有献身,致力于的意思,褒义ADDICT,有沉溺 ... - 作业帮
因为这些改变,使得吸毒成瘾者更加难以控制自己不滥用药物了,健康专家建议接受专业治疗并彻底禁戒. 26793. addict造句.
#41. /addicted造句简单_addict造句简单_frustration造句简单 - 小烟知识网
addicted造句 简单最新消息,还有addict造句简单,frustration造句简单,opponent造句简单等内容,1 I try to be a good ...
#42. be addicted to造句简单_用addict造句子- 凯世网
最佳答案: addict是动词,表示沉谜!所以用于上面的搭配要加-ed。这点要注意!e.g. I am addicted to Internet。(我沉谜于网络). e addicted to doing 沉迷于eg: He is ...
#43. accuseof造句_用英文短語造句並翻譯_東光縣教育
Air is indispensable to life. Aircrafts are vulnerable to interference caused by radiation. This injection will make you immune to infection. 二 ...
#44. be addicted to造句简单_be addicted to的用法- 优全网
最佳答案: addict是动词,表示沉谜!所以用于上面的搭配要加-ed。这点要注意!e.g. I am addicted to Internet。(我沉谜于网络). e addicted to doing 沉迷于eg: He is ...
#45. be addicted to造句子- 汇安网 - main - 汇安网
be addicted to造句 1、be addicted to TV soap operas 2、Be a simple man, ... e addicted to doing 沉迷于eg: He is addicted to drinking / smoking 酗酒, ...
#46. 烟瘾造句(烟瘾造句五年级) - 大脸猫句子吧 - 英文造句大全
Another study found that people with these genes get addicted more easily and smoke more. 35.对于所有的妖娆女人和烟瘾来说,竹子也是吸烟工具 ...
#47. addicted造句简单- 富源网 - welcome - 富源网
addicted 造句 / 例句1. People that areaddictedto drugs get, er, help from the government one way or another. 那些吸毒上瘾的人,呃,通过某种方式获得政府的帮助。
#48. 用addicted造句带翻译,用tried造句并翻译 - 翻译知识网
be addicted to doing 沉迷于eg: He is addicted to drinking / smoking 酗酒,抽烟希望对你有帮助哦~. d开头的英文单词造句depressed 英[dɪˈprest] ...
#49. 笑笑学华文5: 每日一篇轻松学中文 - 第 43 頁 - Google 圖書結果
上瘾(shàngyîn) :be addicted to 例句:最近很多人玩“精灵宝可梦”游戏,有些人还玩上瘾了。 4. ... 19 有一次,爸爸检查阿明的作业,其中有一个题目是用“想必”造句。
#50. “addicted to”可以造什么句,addicted to造句- 造句- 语文精选馆
addicted to”可以造什么句,addicted to造句推荐:Apprehendthatheisratheraddictedtoprofanesong.Iwasaddictedtomyradio,youcouldsay-wehadnoTVthen.
#51. addicted造句简单- 品信网
addicted 造句 / 例句1. People that areaddictedto drugs get, er, help from the government one way or another. 那些吸毒上瘾的人,呃,通过某种方式获得政府的帮助。
#52. be addicted to-翻译为中文-例句英语
使用Reverso Context: Brain teasing puzzle lovers will be addicted to this minimalist and unique puzzle game Ignis.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"be addicted to"
#53. 用be related to造句 - 容易答知识网
最佳答案: I passed the exam due to my teacher 由于我的老师我通过了考试. 托福写作模仿造句:be related to 摘要:托福写作究竟该如何提高呢?
#54. 英语造句!急! - 问问
He was addicted to heroin at the age of 17. 他17岁的时候对海洛因上了瘾。 It is conspicuous that smoking is harmful to health. 很明显, 抽烟对健康有害。
#55. 用be devoted to造句 - 作业九九网
英语造句(1)be located(2)in memory of(3)devoted(4)not only.but also ... 请大家帮帮忙,帮我用4个词组造句子 ... be addicted to 沉溺于;对…上瘾
#56. bedoingsth造句十句 - wbnn
bedoingsth造句十句 ... He was addicted to heroin at the age of 17. 他17岁的时候对海洛因上了瘾。 (2)be addicted to doing sth 对做某事上瘾Have you been addicted to ...
#57. obsess造句 - Default - 一定百科网
obsessing造句1、She stopped drinking but beganobsessingabout her weight. ... 本文标签: passionate的翻译 netizens造句 be addicted to加什么 ...
#58. “DDR3”寫句子,用DDR3造句精選 - 國文幫
DDR3”寫句子,用DDR3造句簡 ... 時間:2016-12-01 造句 閱讀(2.75W) ... “addicted to drugs”寫句子,用addicted to drugs造句 · “standardized form”寫句子, ...
#59. 孌酒貪蘤成語意思解释、造句注音、同義詞反義詞-詞典網
造句 例句, 明·汪廷訥《獅吼記·諫柳》:“季常此後決不敢戀酒貪花,但下官有一言奉告。” 成語翻譯. 英語:be addicted to drink and sex.
#60. addiction-沉溺 - 經理人
addiction 來自動詞addict,意思是上癮,想表示「對某件事上癮」要用被動式並加上介系詞to,比如:. He was addicted to TV. 他對電視成癮。
#61. 英文原來這樣說(English Is A Piece of Cake) - 金門日報全球 ...
(C) I am addicted with the computer and am almost glued to the desk. ... 這裡是固定用法 be addicted " to " + 人事物;addict(v.)對…上癮(n.)上癮者
be addicted to造句 在 英文面試王- #生活英文#諺語 今日諺語:Easier said than done ... 的必吃
造句 :The doctor advised her to stop smoking and drinking but she is addicted so it is easier said than done for her. 翻譯:醫師建議他必須停止抽菸跟酗酒,但 ... ... <看更多>