【徇眾要求,舊文重post】English is so much more than just a subject that you study at school. Don't let the exam limit your vision. You don't learn English to get a 5** in the exam. You learn it so that the world, YOUR world, can be a little bigger, and hopefully a little freer.
Uncle Siu
【明報專訊】蕭叔叔成日同同學講,世界好大,香港好細。在香港這個小小的、半文明的地方,由那個小小的考試機構舉辦的考試的成績,其實不代表什麼。老套講句,不要因高分自滿,低分也不用絕望。世界好大,唔好因為在香港傳統的體制下攀不上去而感到沮喪。只要你肯open your eyes and heart to new things and new ideas,到處都是機會。
Invest heavily in yourself when you're still young. 世上marketable的技能,不限於公開考試、大學學位、認可資格所評核的東西。
Go and learn new skills and new knowledge. Learn marketable skills that you are absolutely passionate about, that you know you will be good at. Whatever you choose to invest your time and energy on, don't stop until you reach absolute perfection. And once you've established yourself as a master, an expert or a leader in your niche, opportunities will present themselves, and the money will follow.
也不要limit yourself to traditional skills,蕭叔叔身邊不少朋友,都從事一些很少人做的行業,例如練好英文書法在網上賣字,在香港考了導遊牌專帶外國遊客在港尋幽探秘,或專做target外國遊客的本地平民美食團。不要小看這些小小的生意,他們搵錢隨時比在英國一流大學畢業在香港國際律師行打工的solicitors多。就算要學教琴、攝影、化妝等traditional skills,都要找到自己的niche,and establish yourself as an expert。香港教琴的人成千上萬,怎能突圍?Find yourself a niche that you're absolutely passionate about。例如專門做jazz improvisation(即興演奏)的教學,或鋼琴考試aural examination的專家。攝影師全世界都是,也不妨找個niche,如專門拍鐘表或食物的攝影師。
咁關學英文乜事?學好英文,是open your eyes的第一步。尤其現在什麼都可以上網學,而暫時互聯網的世界仍是英文的世界,不同行業的新知識、新技術,用英文發表的仍是最多。好多中文的所謂新資訊,仍是以translate或recycle English materials為骨幹。何必limit yourself to the minds of the Chinese translators?學好英文,是開眼界的第一步。
aural中文 在 馮智政 Facebook 的最讚貼文
Touché. 尤其是習慣看多個一種語言的新聞,世界真係大好多。
English is so much more than just a subject that you study at school. Don't let the exam limit your vision. You don't learn English to get a 5** in the exam. You learn it so that the world, YOUR world, can be a little bigger, and hopefully a little freer.
Uncle Siu
【明報專訊】蕭叔叔成日同同學講,世界好大,香港好細。在香港這個小小的、半文明的地方,由那個小小的考試機構舉辦的考試的成績,其實不代表什麼。老套講句,不要因高分自滿,低分也不用絕望。世界好大,唔好因為在香港傳統的體制下攀不上去而感到沮喪。只要你肯open your eyes and heart to new things and new ideas,到處都是機會。
Invest heavily in yourself when you're still young. 世上marketable的技能,不限於公開考試、大學學位、認可資格所評核的東西。
Go and learn new skills and new knowledge. Learn marketable skills that you are absolutely passionate about, that you know you will be good at. Whatever you choose to invest your time and energy on, don't stop until you reach absolute perfection. And once you've established yourself as a master, an expert or a leader in your niche, opportunities will present themselves, and the money will follow.
也不要limit yourself to traditional skills,蕭叔叔身邊不少朋友,都從事一些很少人做的行業,例如練好英文書法在網上賣字,在香港考了導遊牌專帶外國遊客在港尋幽探秘,或專做target外國遊客的本地平民美食團。不要小看這些小小的生意,他們搵錢隨時比在英國一流大學畢業在香港國際律師行打工的solicitors多。就算要學教琴、攝影、化妝等traditional skills,都要找到自己的niche,and establish yourself as an expert。香港教琴的人成千上萬,怎能突圍?Find yourself a niche that you're absolutely passionate about。例如專門做jazz improvisation(即興演奏)的教學,或鋼琴考試aural examination的專家。攝影師全世界都是,也不妨找個niche,如專門拍鐘表或食物的攝影師。
咁關學英文乜事?學好英文,是open your eyes的第一步。尤其現在什麼都可以上網學,而暫時互聯網的世界仍是英文的世界,不同行業的新知識、新技術,用英文發表的仍是最多。好多中文的所謂新資訊,仍是以translate或recycle English materials為骨幹。何必limit yourself to the minds of the Chinese translators?學好英文,是開眼界的第一步。
蕭愷一,aka蕭叔叔。夢想做男神、現實是大叔的英文教學狂熱分子,law grad,哲學碩士dropout,語言學愛好者,以speak English like an educated native為教與學的終極目標。
aural中文 在 蕭叔叔英式英文學會 Uncle Siu's British English Club Facebook 的最佳貼文
唔想「成世踎喺香港」,除普通話外,也別忘了學英文啊 😊
English is so much more than just a subject that you study at school. Don't let the exam limit your vision. You don't learn English to get a 5** in the exam. You learn it so that the world, YOUR world, can be a little bigger, and hopefully a little freer.
Uncle Siu
【明報專訊】蕭叔叔成日同同學講,世界好大,香港好細。在香港這個小小的、半文明的地方,由那個小小的考試機構舉辦的考試的成績,其實不代表什麼。老套講句,不要因高分自滿,低分也不用絕望。世界好大,唔好因為在香港傳統的體制下攀不上去而感到沮喪。只要你肯open your eyes and heart to new things and new ideas,到處都是機會。
Invest heavily in yourself when you're still young. 世上marketable的技能,不限於公開考試、大學學位、認可資格所評核的東西。
Go and learn new skills and new knowledge. Learn marketable skills that you are absolutely passionate about, that you know you will be good at. Whatever you choose to invest your time and energy on, don't stop until you reach absolute perfection. And once you've established yourself as a master, an expert or a leader in your niche, opportunities will present themselves, and the money will follow.
也不要limit yourself to traditional skills,蕭叔叔身邊不少朋友,都從事一些很少人做的行業,例如練好英文書法在網上賣字,在香港考了導遊牌專帶外國遊客在港尋幽探秘,或專做target外國遊客的本地平民美食團。不要小看這些小小的生意,他們搵錢隨時比在英國一流大學畢業在香港國際律師行打工的solicitors多。就算要學教琴、攝影、化妝等traditional skills,都要找到自己的niche,and establish yourself as an expert。香港教琴的人成千上萬,怎能突圍?Find yourself a niche that you're absolutely passionate about。例如專門做jazz improvisation(即興演奏)的教學,或鋼琴考試aural examination的專家。攝影師全世界都是,也不妨找個niche,如專門拍鐘表或食物的攝影師。
咁關學英文乜事?學好英文,是open your eyes的第一步。尤其現在什麼都可以上網學,而暫時互聯網的世界仍是英文的世界,不同行業的新知識、新技術,用英文發表的仍是最多。好多中文的所謂新資訊,仍是以translate或recycle English materials為骨幹。何必limit yourself to the minds of the Chinese translators?學好英文,是開眼界的第一步。
蕭愷一,aka蕭叔叔。夢想做男神、現實是大叔的英文教學狂熱分子,law grad,哲學碩士dropout,語言學愛好者,以speak English like an educated native為教與學的終極目標。
aural中文 在 皇家八級考試聆聽測驗訓練課程內容簡介(中文) - Facebook 的必吃
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aural中文 在 八級皇家音樂學院鋼琴考試聆聽考試(aural test): Part A 練習I ... 的必吃
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