鼓勵自己每日來希平方模仿造句. 2 yrs Report. HOPE English 希平方學英文, profile picture ... It has something to do with your arrogance. 2 yrs Report. ... <看更多>
鼓勵自己每日來希平方模仿造句. 2 yrs Report. HOPE English 希平方學英文, profile picture ... It has something to do with your arrogance. 2 yrs Report. ... <看更多>
#1. 用arrogant造句,arrogant的例句,双语对照(31-40) - 查查在线词典
arrogant 造句 / 例句 · 1. He's an arrogant little shit. · 2. That sounds arrogant, doesn't it? · 3. She was said to be proud and arrogant.
arrogant 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. unpleasantly proud and behaving as if you are more important than, or know more than, other…。了解更多。
常见句型 · The boss's son was arrogant to all the employees. 老板的儿子对所有的雇员都傲慢无理。 · He is arrogant toward us. 他对我们很傲慢。
It's difficult to find arrogant in a sentence. 用arrogant造句挺难的; It's almost arrogant not to be able to do so .
#6. arrogant的例句_arrogant造句_arrogant的用法_学习英语网
arrogant. I dislike his arrogant demeanour. 我讨厌他那傲慢的行为。 He had an arrogant tone of voice. 他流露出傲慢的口气。 Well as he does in study, ...
This action displays an arrogant contempt for the wishes of the majority. 此举显示了对大众意愿的傲慢藐视。 短语. arrogant manner. 傲慢的态度.
#8. arrogant造句_百度知道
arrogant造句. 我来答. 首页 · 在问 · 全部问题 · 娱乐休闲 · 游戏 · 旅游 · 教育培训 · 金融财经 · 医疗健康 · 科技 · 家电数码 · 政策法规 · 文化历史 · 时尚美容 ...
#9. 13個不起眼但超級好用的英語單詞
造句 : Lisa is a very affectionate person; she really shows she cares. ... 造句: John is so arrogant. ... 造句: Ivan is so competitive.
#11. 'almost arrogant'的翻译、' - 在线造句- 句酷中英双语例句 - jukuu
And there is, between the arrogant swans and the prolific geese, an indifference, almost a disdain. 傲慢的天鹅对众多的黑额黑雁表现出一种冷漠,或者几乎以说是 ...
#12. arrogant 中文意思
發音: 用”arrogance”造句“arrogance”怎么讀“arrogance”的同義詞“arrogance” meaning. 中文翻譯手機版. n. 自大,傲慢(opp. humility)。. arrogance of power (大國的) ...
#13. 翻译_arrogant同义词和反义词 - 中华字典
#14. arrogant 中文
(arrogant在劍橋英語-中文(繁體)詞典的翻譯© Cambridge University Press). arrogant. 中文. 音標: [ 'ærəgənt ] 發音: 用”arrogant”造句“arrogant”怎麼 ...
#15. because of、due to 大不同!所有易混淆的「因為」英文一網打盡
due to 是個介係詞,後面必須要加上名詞,不可以接完整句子。 (O) His failure was due to his arrogance. 他的失敗是因為他 ...
#16. 106泉源校刊 - 國風國中
Am I an arrogant person? You should love me anyway. Just Because Poem. 909 廖奕瑋 ... 國中組造句黃湘婷1. 鐘佩琪. 715. 國中組造句徐睿妤2.
#17. 不卑不亢是什麼意思,不卑不亢的解釋,造句,成語故事,英文翻譯
... 不卑不亢成語故事,不卑不亢的反義詞近義詞,不卑不亢造句,不卑不亢的意思, ... be neither humble nor arrogant; show neither inferiority nor superiority.
#18. 《这样的哥哥》 Flashcards | Quizlet
3. 骄傲jiāo ào. 解释: 自以为了不起,看不起别人。自豪。arrogant; conceited; proud 搭配: 骄傲自满;非常骄傲造句: 我们都为自己是新加坡人而感到骄傲。
#19. 「建議」的英文只知道suggest?4種用法展現你的職場專業
It's just … the way you brought them up seems to be arrogant.」原來,Eddie 表達意見時總是說"I recommend"、"My opinion is …",聽起來相當自負,這時,Eddie 才 ...
#20. 傲慢-翻译为英语-例句中文 - Reverso Context
Prejudice, arrogance, inanity, what else? 有时那些当权者颇为傲慢嚣张。 At times the arrogance of those in power is quite blatant. 那是卢修斯顽固的傲慢在作祟.
#21. 客語辭彙
分類 腔調 客家辭義 客家音標 華語辭義 英語辭義 61048779 數詞量詞 大埔 少一屑 sheu^ rhid^ sudˋ 少一些 a bit less 61048780 數詞量詞 大埔 堵堵好 du^ du^ ho^ 剛剛好 just enough 61048781 數詞量詞 大埔 忒多 ted^ do+ 太多 too many, too much
#22. The Incredibles, Cars, Cinderella, Lazy Farmer, Arrogant ...
The Incredibles, Cars, Cinderella, Lazy Farmer, Arrogant White Goose. 3張相片. 興趣及遊戲 ... 小學生造詞造句. HK$20. 完全沒有使用痕跡! 幾乎全新.
#23. 用驕傲造句形容傲慢 - 優幫助
用驕傲造句,用驕傲造句形容傲慢,1樓匿名使用者1 他這個人特別驕傲, ... it is your arrogant insistence that ***plelled me to do as you asked.
#24. 13个不起眼但超级好用的单词! - 考情速递- 土豆雅思
造句 : Lisa is a very affectionate person; she really shows she cares. arrogant. adj. 自 ...
#25. 「因為、由於」英文是? Because, Since, As 等的用法! - 英文庫
because. 因為、由於的英文可以說because。 because 後面必須連接一個「完整的句子」,來解釋某件事發生的原因。 I don't like John because he is arrogant.
#26. 拒人千里意思 - 三度漢語網
英語翻譯 be arrogant and unapproachable <keep somebody at arm's length>. 相關漢字成語:拒 人 千 里 相關漢字解釋:拒 人 千 里 ...
#27. if it wasn't for、little did I know 的意思是?學會這6 個實用慣用語
延伸例句: When I first met him, I thought he was arrogant and boring. Little did I know he would become my husband five years later ...
#28. 夜郎自大造句写一段话一句话-雨芍学习网
用夜郎自大写一句话英文造句 (1)、夜郎自大的人,让人感到既可笑又可怜。 (1) arrogant people make people feel ridiculous and pitiful.
#29. 倨傲的意思,倨傲造句- 國語辭典
倨傲. 注音 ㄐㄩˋ ㄠˋ. 拼音 jù'ào. 簡體倨傲. 解釋驕傲無禮;傲慢不恭。[例]倨傲無禮|倨傲不遜。 相反詞謙恭. 英文arrogant. 法語arrogant ...
#30. 高傲是什么意思_高傲怎么读_拼音_造句 - 汉语词典
自以为了不起,看不起人;极其骄傲。[proud; be high and mighty; arrogant;]【造句】:各种专业特长,都可以成为高傲自大轻视旁人的资本。——《放下包袱,开动机器》 ...
#31. 新聞造句政治是非AP Stylebook - 自由評論網
The world's authoritative news agency, the Associated Press, whom Taiwan legislators called "arrogant" and "nonsense provider", ...
#32. NB_308_597.doc
17. incomparable 18. arrogant 19. architect 20. structural ... 片語與句型造句. 1. What can be done today should not be put off until tomorrow.
#33. 【英文副詞攻略】far、farther、further一樣都是遠,到底差在 ...
The signing of the contract was further complicated by her arrogant attitude.(她自大的態度使簽合約更加複雜了。).
#34. 《成語意思》自以為是造句_自以為是中英文解釋和造句
這聽起來更像是詆毀法國人是傲慢自大,自以為是的偽君子。 It sounded more like smearing the French for being arrogant, self-righteous hypocrites.
#35. 第28集:arrogant, arrow, as, ash, Asia等字的正確美語發音
#36. 目空四海成語意思解释、造句注音、同義詞反義詞-詞典網
造句 例句, 妳不要目空四海,比妳能榦的人有的是. 成語謎語, 眼裏沒有海. 成語翻譯. 英語:arrogant <conceited; haughty; hoitytoity; supercilious>.
#37. HOPE English 希平方學英文, profile picture - Facebook
鼓勵自己每日來希平方模仿造句. 2 yrs Report. HOPE English 希平方學英文, profile picture ... It has something to do with your arrogance. 2 yrs Report.
#38. 用成語心高氣傲造句 - 國文班
用成語心高氣傲造句推薦:心高氣傲指的是態度傲慢,自以為高人一等。 ... 造句:1. ... 英文:proud and arrogant;aim too high and arrogant.
#39. 不卑不亢用英文怎么说 - 沪江英语
not/humble/not/arrogant. to be neither humble nor arrogant ... 说、怎么读、用法、同义词、反义词、英文造句等学习资讯,助外语爱好者共同进步.
#40. Episode 3 我爸叫李刚Chingalese.com - Apple Podcasts
佳玲:“我看到最近校内网上还有各种造句大赛呢,比如'床前明月光,我爸… ... situation 拽/跩extremely arrogant /cocky 公安局副局长PSB vice-chief 副经理assistant ...
#41. 傲慢的近义词是什么-傲慢词语解释及造句 - 品才网
[arrogant;haughty;coontemptuous;disdainful] 看不起人,对人怠慢没有礼貌. 态度傲慢. 她忍着被侮辱了的`心情,一个一个地打量着这些人的欢愉和对她的 ...
#42. 矜持的意思|矜持的解释|矜持造句-乐乐课堂
矜持的解释◎ 矜持jīnchí(1) [restrained]∶局促;拘束这个小姑娘在众人面前有点矜持(2) [arrogant]∶...
#43. 飛揚跋扈- 成語字典
造句 :痛飲狂歌空度日,飛揚跋扈為誰雄? ... 其他語言:. <德>gebieterisch <diktatorisch><法>se montrer arrogant <se conduire en despote> ...
#44. #周思成英语[超话]#Day243 造句Day149 傲慢的Bill is s - 阅读
#周思成英语[超话]#Day243 造句Day149 傲慢的Bill is so arrogant that he doesn't consist with this distinguished expert's standpoint. 处理An overwhelming majority ...
#45. 囂組詞語
當前位置:首頁 » 組詞造句 » 囂組詞語 ... [arrogant]∶傲慢的樣子聽我囂囂。——《詩·大雅·板》。疏:「不聽之狀。」 另見{xiāo} 【常用片語】 囂鬧
#46. 谁曾经看过Harry Potter,可以帮我翻译这些句话成中文吗 " It ...
It doesn't mean that Ravenclaw will always be arrogant. It doesn't mean that Slytherin will never know how to love.
#47. 神气十足的意思
神气十足的意思,神气十足的意思_造句_出处_用法,神气十足的解释:(1) [perky]∶洋洋 ... 头戴珠宝,神气十足(3) [pompous;be extremly arrogant]∶自负的;
#48. 用arrogance造句子
Speaking to Saul who had been king of Israel Samuel the prophet said; For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil ...
#49. 用成語心高氣傲造句 - 國語季
用成語心高氣傲造句簡介:心高氣傲指的是態度傲慢,自以爲高人一等。 ... 造句:1. ... 英文:proud and arrogant;aim too high and arrogant.
#50. “()()四()”的成语「目空四海」
成语造句:你不要目空四海,比你能干的人有的是 英文翻译:arrogant <conceited; haughty; hoitytoity; supercilious> 成语谜语:眼里没有海 ...
#51. “live to”可以造什么句,live to造句- 造句- 语文精选馆 - 经典语录
My room-mate has many irritating habits but I just live and let live to keep the peace. A man lives too smoothly to be arrogant and arrogant, to ...
#52. 有趣的中國文字 - 第 124 頁 - Google 圖書結果
124 造句示例「自」是鼻子的形狀,下半部是兩個鼻孔 z# sh# b! zi de x!ng zhu3ng ... 自z#大(arrogant):一個人不可以自大,因為人上有 d3 ge b& k0 z# d3 y~n w-i r9n ...
#53. e- PSLE高级华文 应考手册: e-A Handbook Of PSLE Higher Chinese
64 骄傲 55666 自以为了不起,看不起别人。 arrogant;conceited ... l_、矗` 4 (冒 I 〔琵 55 闫讨悟膘酣闪忙 m 咱〕 小五部分 ji ( 5n 一 ji 巨第三部分必考造句资料.
#54. 英語教學法 - 第 97 頁 - Google 圖書結果
另一類是運用語言知識的練習,如造句、翻譯、表演、看圖說話、遊戲、複述課文、描述情景等。 ... (4)Murie- Teanne 的室友 Friderique 卻是 arrogant(傲慢 ...
#55. “eyes right”寫句子用eyes right造句大全- 造句知識- 中文知識站
Look like the new Duanmu grass sitting up straight before self's eyes right away , be confident but to some extent all no wildly arrogant;.
#56. proud造句简单带翻译 - main - 汇安网
proud 造句/ 例句1. She must be veryproudof herself. 她一定非常自豪。 《牛津词典》 2. She was said to beproudand arrogant.
#57. arrogant (【形容詞】) 意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
"arrogant" 例句. It requires a lot of patience to work with an arrogant colleague. Many people dislike him because he has a very arrogant attitude.
#58. 傲慢的意思
傲慢的解释[arrogant;haughty;coontemptuous;disdainful] 看不起人,对人怠慢没有礼貌. ... 【傲慢近义词-傲慢词语意思及造句】相关文章: 1.
#59. arrogant造句 - 保定烘焙培训
arrogant造句 · arrogant bear · sam donaldson quote call me a braggart arrogant people at abc · 【预订】katherine the arrogant.
#60. how to pronounce conceited
'It's essential for you not to let yourself appear arrogant and conceited because of ... accurate and safe 用conceited造句, 用conceited造句 用conceited造句!
arrogant造句 在 第28集:arrogant, arrow, as, ash, Asia等字的正確美語發音 的必吃
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