失神發作(absence seizure);; 失張力發作(atonic seizure);. (臨床表現)(包括局部型發作、全身型發作、癲癇重積狀態) ...
#2. 馬偕紀念醫院神經內科衛教資訊
臨床上出現的症狀稱為"發作"(seizure),多次發作稱為"癲癇"(epilepsy) 。 ... A. 單純部份發作(simple partial seizure) ... A. 失神發作(absence seizure)
(甲)「失神發作」(Absence seizures,以前稱為「癲癇小發作」petit mal):通常都會完全失去意識。患者可能向前凝視、看似正在發白日夢或惘然若失,通常 ...
癲癇發作(epileptic seizures)是大腦突然發生短暫、可逆性之功能異常,造成暫時性神經症狀。 ... 例如孩童之失神型癲癇(childhood absence epilepsy)、青少年失神型 ...
失神發作Absence ("petit mal") seizure-這種發作並不會有抽慉的情形發生。然而,一個人可能變得對周遭一切失去知覺,兩眼空洞像死魚一般瞪著。
廣泛性發作的臨床表現差異很大,可以從輕微的發呆現象(如:失神性癲癇Absence Epilepsy)到全身痙攣抽搐(如:僵直併陣攣性發作General Tonic-Clonic Seizure),進而造成 ...
#7. absence seizure - 意識喪失型癲癇 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 心理學名詞, absence seizure, 癲癇小發作. 學術名詞 藥學, absence seizure, 意識喪失型癲癇;失神型癲癇 ...
#8. absence seizure 中文 - 查查在線詞典
absence seizure中文 :意識喪失型癲癇(小發作)…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋absence seizure的中文翻譯,absence seizure的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#9. 空白01
2.”失神性發作”(absence seizure),顧名思義也就是一種較輕微較小的發作,亦即會有短暫喪失神智(lapse of consciousness)的發作,肇因於整個腦子突然不正常的放電所致 ...
#10. 癫痫- 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Epilepsy. 同义词, 腦癇、羊癇、羊癲瘋、羊角風、豬腳瘋、發羊吊、癫痫. An electroencephalogram of a person with childhood absence epilepsy showing a seizure.
#11. 高雄長庚紀念醫院腦神經外科
... 肌痙攣性(Myoclonus)、失神性(absence)、以及失張性發作(Atonic_seizure)。 ... 手術房裡植入工作完畢後,會將病患送往癲癇監測錄影室( epilepsy monitoring ...
#12. 神經部- 癲癇伴我成長
另有一型全身性發作,叫做「癲癇性失神(absence seizure或petit mal)」它發作時,一忽兒就過去了,往往不被別人發覺。患者視線凝滯向前方,就像 正在做著白日夢,過了 ...
#13. 失神发作- 症状与病因- 妙佑医疗国际 - Mayo Clinic
Korff CM. Childhood absence epilepsy. Accessed July 13, 2017. Kasper DL, et al., eds. Seizures and ...
#14. 藥物的選擇 - 台灣兒童伊比力斯協會
和TPM同樣有效。 戊. 小兒失神性癲癇(children with absence seizures): 全身型失神性發作(generalized absence),尤其是典型之小兒 ...
#15. 精神科住院之癲癇患者的臨床特徵
ralized Epilepsy,簡稱GE),共20人(36.4%. ),其中包括强直一間代性泛發作及失神性發. 作(Absence Seizure)(表1)。 所有資料以SAS軟體進行統計,方法包括.
#16. absence seizure 失神發作- 神经病学专业名词 - 學術論文修改
absence seizure 失神發作,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,神經病學專業名詞-詞匯翻譯,美國LetPub 論文編輯.
#17. 0737 Dravet 症候群DS Dravet Syndrome 有 - 財團法人罕見 ...
DS被歸類為遺傳性癲癇症候群(genetic epilepsy syndrome)及癲癇腦 ... 抽搐性發作、肌陣攣發作(myoclonic seizures)、非典型失神發作(atypical absence seizures)、 ...
#18. 失神發作Absence (petit mal) seizure|疾病症狀與相關新聞
失神發作Absence (petit mal) seizure|疾病症狀與相關新聞,這種發作並不會有抽慉的情形發生。然而,一個人可能變得對周遭一...|KingNet國家網路醫藥|Second Opinion.
#19. Absence Seizures | Johns Hopkins Medicine
What are absence seizures? An absence seizure causes you to blank out or stare into space for a few seconds. They can also be called petit mal seizures.
#20. absence seizure 中文 - Thereco
3 “atypical absence seizure” 中文翻譯: 非典型失神發作. ... 全般型性癲癇Generalized Seizure – Absence Seizure 失神性癲癇(小發作) 通常它是在一個連續動作的 ...
#21. Types of Seizures | Epilepsy | CDC
Generalized seizures affect both sides of the brain. Absence seizures, sometimes called petit mal seizures, can cause rapid blinking or a few seconds of staring ...
#22. Absence seizure 释义| 柯林斯英语词典
Absence seizure 释义: petit mal | 意思、发音、翻译及示例. ... absence seizure in American English. 名词. Pathology. petit mal. Most material © 2005, 1997, ...
#23. College Ruled Absence Seizure Awareness Journal, Diary ...
書名:Absence Seizure Awareness: College Ruled Absence Seizure Awareness Journal, Diary, Notebook 6 x 9 inches with 100 Pages, ...
#24. DS 臨床表現 - 台中榮總
接下來,在⼀⾄四歲之間會演變多樣性的其他抽慉型態,包括. 肌陣攣抽搐(myoclonic seizure; MS)、⾮典型失神性抽搐(atypical absence seizure; AAS)、複雜 ...
#25. atypical absence seizures 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
atypical absence seizures 中文意思是什麼 · atypical: 不標準的 · absence: n. 1. 不在,缺席,缺勤(opp. presence)。2. 缺乏,缺少,無。3. 心不在焉,不注意。
#26. 筆記寫起來!癲癇的類型有這麼多種
全身型發作(Generalized seizure) · 失神性發作(Absences) · 肌陣攣發作(Myoclonic seizures,又稱肌抽躍型發作) · 陣攣發作(Clonic seizures) · 失張力發作( ...
#27. Absence seizures | healthdirect
How is an absence seizure treated? Many people with absence seizures don't need treatment. It depends on how often they are having the seizures. If a child is ...
#28. 儿童失神癫痫的研究进展-Progress in childhood absence ...
中文 摘要: 儿童失神癫痫(children absence epilepsy,CAE)是一种具有年龄依赖性的遗传性全身性癫痫,在所有学龄期儿童癫痫病例中占10%~17%。
#29. seizure中文(繁体)翻译:剑桥词典
seizure 在英语-中文(繁体)词典中的翻译 ... support the proposition that absence seizures might arise from a focal region of the cortex.
#30. 中風後癲癇治療指引
post-stroke seizure) 及兩次或以上無誘發因子的中風後癲癇. (post-stroke epilepsy) 。不同時期發作到癲癇,有不同 ... Childhood absence epilepsy.
#31. International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) 国际抗癫痫联盟 ...
1.1.1 Demonstrate working knowledge of what is an epileptic seizure. ... tonic, etc) and non-motor seizures (e.g., absence , focal with impaired.
#32. Multifrequency Dynamics of Cortical Neuromagnetic Activity ...
Conclusion The termination of absence seizures is associated with a dynamic neuromagnetic ... mechanism during absence seizures. 查看原文 公开下载. 中文翻译.
#33. 兒童第一次無預期性無熱性痙攣之臨床處理指引 - 實證醫學知識網
nuance)、非英文或中文文獻等。 ... seizure),特定的腦波型態也有助於某些徵候群或疾病的診斷,對於抽搐 ... Absence of serum chemistry abnormalities in.
#34. absence seizure - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"absence seizure" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#35. Absence seizures - AboutKidsHealth
Absence seizures are one type of generalized seizure and usually last for about 10 seconds. The symptoms of a typical absence seizure include ...
#36. 失神性癫痫_百度百科
由于典型失神性癫痫不表现为抽搐性发作,为失神性癫痫发作过程的影像学观察提供了良好的机会。 中文名: 失神性癫痫. 外文名: absenceepilepsy ...
#37. absence seizure - 从英语翻译成中文 - PONS在线词典
在PONS在线词典中查找absence seizure的英语中文对照翻译。包括免费词汇训练器、动词表和发音功能。
#38. Ethosuximide, sodium valproate or ... - Cochrane Library
Absence seizures (AS) are brief epileptic seizures which present in childhood and adolescence. Depending on clinical features and ...
#39. Absence Seizure - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis ... - Medindia
Absence seizure (petit mal epilepsy) involves sudden lapse in consciousness and staring blankly into space, the episodes lasting less than ...
#40. absence seizure 中文absence - Hitcvr
absence seizure 出處/學術領域英文詞彙中文詞彙學術名詞心理學名詞absence seizure 癲癇小發作學術名詞藥學absence seizure 意識喪失型癲癇;失神型癲癇
#41. 癲癇症
全身性抽搐(約佔三分之一),有六種主要類型:強直-陣攣性、強直性(tonic)、陣攣性狀態(clonic)、肌痙攣性(英語:Myoclonus)、失神性(Absence seizure)、 ...
#42. Absence Seizures (for Parents) - CHOC Childrens - Kids Health
An absence seizure is a type of generalized seizure. During this type of seizure, the person is not aware of what is going on around them.
#43. 行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告 - 國立成功大學 ...
中文 摘要: 癲癇是最常發生的神經疾病,約有1%的人口有此症狀,然 ... show absence epilepsy with comorbidity of depression and anxiety-like behaviors (Shaw et ...
#44. absence seizure 中文absence - Claudialan
版權所有違者必究。 您現在的位置:生物醫藥大詞典>> 通用詞典>> 詞匯解釋: atypical absence seizure atypical absence seizure. 你知道中文意思嗎?
#45. Seizure Disorders - MSD Manual Professional Edition
Myoclonic seizures. Eyelid myoclonia. All absence seizures are generalized-onset seizures. The following can help distinguish absence ...
#46. Chinese Information Sheets - BC Epilepsy Society
與腦癇症共存這些資料是準確和最新的﹐以及是由卑詩腦癇症協會(BC Epilepsy ... 失神性腦癇 (Absence Epilepsy); 良性羅蘭腦癇 (Benign Rolandic Epilepsy with ...
#47. Current and emerging treatments for absence seizures in ...
Some experimental drugs also show efficacy in animal models of typical absence seizures. The treatment of other absence seizure types is not ...
#48. Typical Absence (Petit Mal) Seizures | Calgary Guide
Other Languages · Chinese(中文) · French (Français) · German (Deutsch) · Spanish (Español) · Physiology (Indonesian) · Psychiatry (Indonesian) · Psychiatry (Slovene) ...
#49. absence seizure - Translation into Russian - examples English
As well, it is used as an alternative drug for absence seizure and atypical absence, myoclonic, and atonic seizures.
#50. Absence-to-bilateral-tonic-clonic seizure: A generalized ...
To test the hypothesis that absence seizures can evolve to generalized tonic-clonic ... 中文翻译. 缺乏双侧强直性阵挛性癫痫发作:全身性癫痫发作类型。
#51. absence seizure - Chinese Translation - 吕氏英汉字典
absence seizure, Chinese Translation of absence seizure, Chinese Definition of absence seizure, absence seizure in Chinese, absence seizure中文翻译.
#52. Ethosuximide, sodium valproate or lamotrigine for ... - Cochrane
Absence epilepsy involves seizures that cause a sudden loss of awareness. It often starts in childhood or adolescence. Three antiepileptic drugs ...
#53. 2001-ILAE-癫痫发作分类
强直-阵挛性发作(包括开始以阵挛或肌阵挛的变异型)(Tonic–clonic seizures (includes ... 典型失神发作(Typical absence seizures); 不典型失神发作(Atypical ...
#54. Seizures in Children
Periods of rapid eye blinking and staring. During the seizure, your child's lips may become bluish and breathing may appear irregular. The episodes are often ...
#55. 癫痫发作- Seizures - Health Information Translations
Sometimes, they cause staring spells. Most seizures last less than a 2 minutes, and the person may be confused after the seizure. A person who has repeated ...
#56. The Most Common Seizure in Children You'll Probably Miss
The specialists at Dell Children's Medical Center in Austin discuss absence seizures and why you may not notice this common type of epilepsy in children.
#57. 發作與癲癇Seizure & Epilepsy - Tiny Notes
定義(1) Seizure 腦部產生不受控制的電流訊號,導致腦部功能短暫的改變,產生抽搐(convulsion)、思考受損(thought disturbance)等症狀(2) Epilepsy ...
#58. 癲癇專輯
有些兒童癲癇症只要吃藥就可獲得控制當然不必手術這些包括: 熱性抽筋(febrile seizures), 小發作(absence or petit mal epilepsy), 良性癲癇(benign rolandic ...
#59. childhood absence epilepsy — 中文翻译- TechDico辞書
包含许多翻译示例按活动分类“childhood absence epilepsy” – 英语-中文字典和智能翻译助手。
#60. 兒童失神性癲癇 - 中文百科知識
兒童失神癲癇(childhood absence epilepsy,CAE)是兒童期起病的一種最常見的癲癇綜合徵,主要表現為突發性精神活動中斷,意識喪失、可伴肌陣攣或自動症。
#61. 檢驗科檢驗項目查詢系統
檢驗項目名稱, 中文:發爾波克 ... acid是一個廣效性的抗癲癇藥物,可單獨使用或與其他抗癲癇藥物併用於治療失神性發作(absence seizure)。
#62. 認識癲癇 - 台北市醫師公會
(Photosensitive epilepsy,也稱為光敏感性癲. 癇症)。 ... seizure),即放電是由腦部的某一個小範圍所 ... 失神性癲癇發作(absence).
#63. [臨床藥學] 報告用大圖首次癲癇發作處理建議流程 ... - NEJS
癲癇發作(seizure):腦部異常興奮或異常同步的神經活性,造成的短暫性症狀與 ... 發作(myoclonic seizure)、topiramate對失神性癲癇(absence seizure) ...
#64. 癲癇簡介@ 快樂小藥師Im pharmacist nichts glücklich
癲癇簡介名詞解釋Ø Seizure:神經元過度放電的臨床表現Ø Epilepsy:慢性、週期性的seizure復發癲癇的 ... A.失神發作Absence seizures (petit mal).
#65. Epilepsy and Seizures in Children - CHOC
What types of seizures are there? · Simple partial seizures: · Complex partial seizures: · Absence seizures (formerly called petit mal seizures): · Atonic seizures ...
#66. seizure醫學中文
seizure 捕獲;押收學術名詞實驗動物及比較醫學名詞seizure 發作學術名詞機械名詞-兩岸機械 ... “absence seizure” 中文翻譯: 意識喪失型癲癇(小發作); 癲癇孝作.
#67. Absence seizure | Beacon Health System
Many children outgrow absence seizures in their teens. Symptoms. An indication of simple absence seizure is a vacant stare, which may be ...
#68. Absence Seizures | UCLA Health Library, Los Angeles, CA
Absence seizures are a type of epilepsy that is most common in children. it is characterized by a blank or absent stare.
#69. 翻译'absence seizure' – 字典中文-英文
检查“ absence seizure”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中absence seizure的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
#70. Seizure Clusters | Epilepsy Foundation
Acute Repetitive Seizures or Clusters Seizures of any type may occur in groups or clusters over a number of hours or days. A person usually recovers between ...
#71. Seizures - Multiple Languages - MedlinePlus
Arabic (العربية) · Chinese, Simplified (Mandarin dialect) (简体中文) · French (français) · Hindi (हिन्दी) · Japanese (日本語) · Korean (한국어).
#72. “absence seizures”寫句子用absence seizures造句大全
“absence seizures”寫句子用absence seizures造句大全. 時間:2018-06-14 中文知識站 人氣:1.08W. Some children who have absence seizures also have grand mal ...
#73. 找Absence seizures in babies相關社群貼文資訊
Absence seizure - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic。 2021年2月24日· Absence seizures involve brief, sudden lapses of consciousness. They're more common in ...
#74. Childhood Epilepsy: Seizure Types and Syndromes
Types of Generalized Seizures · Absence Seizures (pronounced ab-sonce) · Myoclonic Seizures · Atonic Seizures · Tonic Seizures · Tonic-Clonic Seizures · Mixed ...
#75. seizures中文
die from a seizure of apoplexy 中風而死。. “a heart seizure” 中文翻譯: 心臟病發作. “absence seizure” 中文翻譯: 意識喪失型癲癇(小發作); 癲癇孝作.
#76. Seizures Symptoms & Treatment | Aurora Health Care
Absence seizures (previously known as petit mal seizures) are generalized seizures without any motor symptoms. Their symptoms can be very subtle, ...
#77. Seizure & Epilepsy Types
Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizure (formerly called grand mal): · Generalized Absence Seizure (formerly called petit mal): · Atonic Seizure: · Tonic Seizure: ...
#78. Seizure in Adults - DynaMed
a seizure is a transient clinical manifestation of abnormal electrical brain ... risk of childhood absence seizure continuing into adulthood reported to ...
#79. absence 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
absence 缺席,不在;缺少,沒有. ... etc.; common in petit mal epilepsy [syn: {absence}, {absence seizure}] 來源(4): Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, ...
#80. Seizure types | UCI Health | Orange County, CA
Generalized seizures · Absence seizures — During this type of seizure, which is also known as a petite mal seizure, a person may appear to be staring into space ...
#81. New Jersey Epilepsy Treatment | RWJBarnabas Health
Some of the most common symptoms of a seizure include: Staring spells; A brief blackout and period of confusion; Uncontrollable muscle spasms and twitching of ...
#82. Absence seizure - The Free Dictionary
A generalized seizure marked by transient loss of consciousness and the absence of convulsions, occurring mostly in children. Also called petit mal seizure.
#83. 咩係失神腦癇?(Absence Seizure)
今次想分享一下「失神」嘅經驗(因為google都好似冇咩中文嘅資料),如果有同路人都可以留言比我分享一下架 小發作嘅誘因通常包括: 睡眠不足壓力大 ...
#84. seizure翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
英漢詞典提供【seizure】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等. ... children with a history of absence seizure must be supervised carefully while swimming or bathing ...
#85. 今天我和大家分享第二種腦癲癇-顳葉癲癇(Temporal lobe...
它和失神發作(Absence epilepsy) 不同。失神發作是全面發作(Generalized seizure),腦多個區域癲癇。而顳葉癲癇是部分發作(Complex Partial seizure)...
#86. SELECT * FROM this ORDER BY _id_ ASC || 國家教育研究院
英文名稱, 中文名稱 ... absence seizure, 意識喪失型癲癇;失神型癲癇. absolute alcohol, 絕對酒精. absolute bioavailability, 絕對生體可用率.
#87. Seizure Information and Treatment in Central Texas - Ascension
Learn about seizure treatment and epileptic seizures from the Ascension Seton Comprehensive ... An absence seizure is one in which the affected person loses ...
#88. absence seizure是什麼意思 - 海词词典
absence seizure 的英文翻譯是什麼意思,詞典釋義與在線翻譯:. 英英釋義. Noun: the occurrence of an abrupt, transient loss or impairment ...
#89. Fainting vs. Seizure: How to Tell the Difference | Cedars-Sinai
Seizures and fainting can look similar, but the causes and treatments ... Lip smacking; Drooling; Random eye movements; Staring into space ...
#90. 克雷葛膜衣錠100 毫克200 毫克400 毫克(Inovelon Film-coated ...
LGS 有三個主要特徵:(1)頻繁的癲癇,多種發作形式,包含非典. 型失神發作(atypical absence seizures)、強直陣攣發作(tonic–clonic seizures)、失張力發作(atonic ...
#91. 國立陽明交通大學電機工程學系
論文名稱, Sheng-Fu Liang, Wan-Lin Chang and Herming Chiueh, “EEG-based Absence Seizure Detection Methods,” 2010 International Joint Conference on Neural ...
#92. Non-epileptic Seizures | Epilepsy Screening and Diagnosis
Less often they may look like absence seizures (petit mal seizures) or complex partial epileptic seizures, with temporary loss of attention or staring.
#93. Epilepsy in the Workplace and the ADA - US Equal ...
An employer also may not explain to other employees why an employee with epilepsy has been absent from work if the absence is related to her ...
#94. Seizure 是
"absence seizure" 中文翻譯: 意識喪失型癲癇(小發作); 癲癇孝作. 2022-03-18. 下列何者不符合罪刑法定主義之精神; org "seizure" 中文翻譯: n; Hillandale Building ...
#95. 心理學名詞(第二版) - 第 1 頁 - Google 圖書結果
A 英文中文 AA(Alcoholics Anonymous)戒酒匿名團體 AAA(Alcoholics Anonymous ... 但不適當,不建議使用} abnormality 異常、違常、偏態 absence seizure 癲癇小發作 ...
absence seizure中文 在 今天我和大家分享第二種腦癲癇-顳葉癲癇(Temporal lobe... 的必吃
它和失神發作(Absence epilepsy) 不同。失神發作是全面發作(Generalized seizure),腦多個區域癲癇。而顳葉癲癇是部分發作(Complex Partial seizure)... ... <看更多>