The origins of ‘fool’
Wednesday is April 1, when people in many countries worldwide celebrate the custom ( ) of “April Fool’s Day.” On this day, they play pranks ( ) on each other, the pranksters gleefully ( ) calling those hapless ( ) enough to fall for ( ) the joke an “April Fool.”
Nobody really knows for certain ( ) when, where or why the custom started. We have more certainty over the origins of the word “fool” itself, although some details remain unclear.
The word, which refers to ( ) a silly, stupid, or ignorant ( ) person, is thought to originate ( ) in the early 13th century, deriving ( ) from Old French fol, meaning a madman or insane person. The French word, in turn, comes from the Latin follis, meaning a leather bag or a bellows ( ) and, by extension later on, an empty-headed ( ) person.
Fool also referred to a rogue ( ) or a sinful ( ), wicked ( ) or lecherous ( ) person — around 1300, a “fool woman” meant a prostitute ( ), for example — and also a court ( ) jester ( ), a person whose purpose was to entertain ( ) the king and court, whether because they were pretending to be buffoonish ( ) or whether they actually were like that.
One theory is that the idea of the court jester “fool” derives from folles — the plural form of follis (bellows) — referring to the puffed cheeks of a buffoon.
It is unclear which sense came first, that of the idiot or the jester.
下週三是四月一日,許多國家的人在這天都有過「愚人節」的慣例,互相捉弄,惡作劇的人樂不可支地把那些不幸被騙倒的人稱作「April Fool」(四月的愚人)。
「fool」亦指惡棍或有罪、惡毒或淫蕩的人──例如在西元一三○○年左右,「fool woman」指的是妓女,亦指弄臣,也就是在宮廷中負責娛樂國王和朝臣的人,無論這些弄臣是故意裝瘋賣傻,還是本來就如小丑般滑稽。
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同時也有4部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過61萬的網紅{{越煮越好}}Very Good,也在其Youtube影片中提到,⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️ 芋頭糕: 材料: 芋頭1斤 迷你紫薯1個 蝦米3湯匙 臘腸4條 臘肉4兩 粘米粉160克 鹽1茶匙 水跟隨做糕盤的8成 處理: 1. 芋頭及紫薯刮皮。 2. 芋頭切條或切粒。 3. 紫薯切細粒。 烹調: 1. 白鑊中火爆香...
whether 倒 裝 在 J帥 Just Tri Facebook 的最佳解答
過去介紹過很多次Brett Sutton,他是個很傳奇也備受爭議的人物,八卦方面就不好說了,有興趣自己查。但就事論事,回到專業層面,人家就是有本事帶出一堆世界冠軍,包括Daniela Ryf。
不過,該文第二與第三段才是我想提的重點 "So with food, and let this be clear, this is the most individual thing in triathlon. The message that 'one plan fits all' is why half of Iron distance people are throwing up and in the toilets along the course. They force down their scientifically calculated grams of carbohydrates / calories, throw in a couple of salt tablets, and let's not forget the caffeine for good measure!"
講白了,補給是很個人的事,真的不要太相信人家告訴你STEP 1要吃什麼? STEP 2要喝什麼喝多少? 適合我的,不見得適合你。
第三段這句話就有三個關鍵 "Keep it simple, that's the key. Keep it to the stuff you practice on and don't stress about it. Get a routine and stick to it. If you don't like gels then fine, it doesn't mean your race is over. Just find a replacement. It could be melted chocolate bars for the run. They taste better and have huge calories and fat."
本文後段也簡譯一下好了,男主角叫Evan Barry,他很愛游泳,一心想去奧運,但Brett Sutton打他槍:醒醒吧孩子,你永遠去不了的!
Barry:"醬子啊?" 那怎樣才能讓世界看到我發光發熱勒?
後來過了些日子後,Evan Barry還在練游泳,而且不斷的游游游,游不停,這一個打不死的小強終究感動了Brett~
Brett: 好吧,孩子,我們來完成一個偉大的夢想吧!
Evan: 好啊~好啊~我要成為海賊王 (好傻好天真呀)
結局是 Evan成功的打破紀錄,將原本的91km推到96km(均速4000m/h)。
那這跟補給有何關係? 有的。
註:根據金式世界紀錄官方記載,這紀錄在1989年被改寫,由瑞典人Anders Forvass 刷新至101.9km(25m池),歡迎有志之士勇於挑戰!
whether 倒 裝 在 謙預 Facebook 的最佳貼文
【教書育人,立德樹人】(English writing below)
我教書不知不覺已有十一年, 教了至少兩百多個學生。教導小朋友和我的客人,其實沒什麼分別,一樣都是迷糊,一樣需要一位老馬識途的老師來引導,有些小孩其實比大人還懂事。在這引導過程中,我嚴厲時,客人、孩子是否能受教,就看他們對我的信任和自身的學習態度了。
我要求孩子進到課室,要向老師打招呼 (很多都不會),上課時不許講話,也不準以英語和同學溝通,交上作業,要放整齊。要上廁所,要先站好才問老師:「李老師,請問我可以上廁所嗎?」而不是一邊拉著褲子,一邊嚷嚷:「我要去廁所!」
"Teacher Lee, why do you never get angry? I must learn spiritual cultivation from you to learn your patience!"
Last week, a colleague adorably said that to me out of the blue.
I have been teaching for 11 years unknowingly. Teaching my clients and young children are not very different. Both are equally clueless, both need the guidance of an experienced teacher. Some children also turn out to be more sensible than adults. In this process of guiding, when I am strict, whether the clients or students can accept the teachings, will depend on their trust in me and their personal learning attitude.
As a teacher, adaptability and spontaneous reaction are very critical. And these are the three matters that I am very principled in:
1) I do not praise the outer appearance of my students.
Many parents will doll up their daughters for class. Some little girls will come with fanciful braids and in different princess frocks every week. There are some who even wear a sparkling tiara. No matter how prettily dressed they are, I never exclaim at them, "Wow, how cute! How pretty! How beautiful!"
A classroom is not a stage for a beauty pageant. I do not wish for the young children to build a strong mindset based on external appearances, and have an empty heart. For the children who do not get praised on their appearances by me, what would they be thinking? What if they too wish to dress up next time? What is going to happen if their parents do not have the financial ability to support their vanity?
One P1 girl liked to dress in denim shorts and sleeveless cropped tops. Very often, she would complain of coldness. Once I got very stern and told her, "You know that the classroom is air-conditioned. Why did you come to class without a jacket? You do not see me dressed like you, your classmates do not either. Every week, you would get so cold that you cannot focus in class and would interrupt me often with your complaints of coldness. Tell me, is this a problem you or Teacher Lee created?"
She replied quietly, "I created."
"Since you created this problem, then you have to solve it yourself. Do not push your problem to me. That is very selfish of you."
That day after class, I reminded her mother to pack a jacket for her. After knowing what happened, her mum said, "Aiyah, she lah, always want to dress like that, say like that then pretty."
"Madam, the kid does not realise that, so she needs the reminder from her parents. I have already spoken to her and I seek your assistance."
That was the last time the little girl ever complained of coldness in my class again.
It was the first lesson of a new academic year.
This child hid beside the classroom door. Regardless how her mother advised or coaxed her, she cried non-stop, refusing to step inside the class. All the kids were already seated, sans for her. I looked at her minute figure, and looked at the clock. The class got to start soon. I had to think of a way.
I walked out of the classroom and stretched out my hand, "Good afternoon, I am Teacher Lee. Can you tell me your name?"
In between her blubbers of tears and mucus, the child told me her name. I exclaimed, "XX, wow! Do you know that your hair is very pretty? It's curly and bouncy! Teacher Lee likes it a lot! Did Mummy comb your hair for you, or did you do it yourself?"
Just like that, in our mini Q&A, I slowly led the child into the classroom. That was my first and last time complimenting on her looks. I sincerely do think she has really pretty natural curls. From what I heard, when this child goes for make-up lessons in other classes, she would still cry like a baby, except for my class. She couldn't tell me why either. I guess, this is an elemental affinity of our teacher-student bond.
2) I value manners in my students
A colleague once told me that assisting me in my class was an enjoyment, as the class had good order and the children could do their work well.
I insist that children must greet the teachers when they enter the classroom (Many don't). They are not allowed to talk during lessons, and definitely not in English. When they submit their work, they have to do it neatly and not throw it onto the teachers. If they wish to go to the restroom, they must stand properly and ask, "Teacher Lee, may I go to the restroom?", and not grab on to their pants and yell, "Teacher, I want to go toilet!"
I am very principled on this, and my colleague asked why the extra emphasis on propriety and courtesy?
Courtesy is the very first form of kindness that we humans learn, and it remains as the easiest kind deed to do.
My reply was: so that we can create a conducive learning environment, that the teachers enjoy teaching in and the children revel learning in. Knowing how to say thank you, sorry and giving way can enhance inter-personal relationships. When these children grow up, my hope is that with their good manners, it pave the way for better relations with people, and life will be much easier for them at home and at work.
3) I have expectations towards children of stronger abilities
In every class, there will be some children that are especially smart. They learn fast and finish homework at the speed of lightning. Problem is, when they are better than their peers at a young age, they do not always understand the concept of helping one another.
Once, I asked a student who had finished her work to help her weaker classmate. Halfway through, she made loud exasperation sounds and I immediately put a halt to her behaviour.
"There will be times when you do your homework wrongly or do not know how to do. And every time when I teach you, have I ever shouted at you?"
She pursed her lips and shook her head.
"Then why did you not learn my teaching attitude to help your classmates?"
She could not say a word.
"You are very smart and I am happy that you have strong learning ability. However, I hope you do not use your cleverness only for yourself, but also to help your friends who are slower than you. Just like how we teachers use our cleverness to help all of you, so that everyone can improve themselves together. Such cleverness is the most amazing kind."
When Heaven bestows great abilities onto you, you have to learn how to shoulder greater responsibility. As you plough these seeds of kindness, you then regain the affinity for great wisdom even in your next rebirths.
Having taught 200+ students in over a decade, I have met many different types of parents and children. In this journey of teaching, I have had students who pushed me down with force, scratched me and bellowed at me. I once witnessed a fellow teacher, who had her palm stabbed by a student with a pencil. It was somewhat an accident, but still...
Many parents have the time to give birth to children, but do not have the time and ability to teach. That is a fact of reality. It is always with a slight regret that I cannot use my Metaphysics ability to help them manage their domestic issues, but within the four walls of a classroom, I do my best to help parents groom their children.
Be it my clients or these young children, in my heart, there is never a bad student. Sometimes, it is just that I have yet to find a teaching method that is most suitable for them.
This year, I met many great teachers who are working very hard to contribute to the children. I am thankful to have their help, and also thank you to the parents who have showered me with gifts this year.
We are all engineers of the human soul. Let's work hard so that we can give the children a very healthy growing up process, and that their childhood memories will be beautiful and meaningful.
whether 倒 裝 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的最讚貼文
⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️
1. 芋頭及紫薯刮皮。
2. 芋頭切條或切粒。
3. 紫薯切細粒。
1. 白鑊中火爆香臘肉、臘腸及蝦米,放在碗中。
2. 放芋頭落鑊爆香,加入裝糕盤8成的水分,大火煮滾。
3. 滾起,熄火,焗5分鐘。
4. 焗了5分鐘,看看芋頭是否已焗腍。
5. 加入1茶匙鹽。
6. 加入臘腸粒、臘肉粒及蝦米。
7. 粘米粉,分3次,逐少落,每次大約落50克, 攪勻。
8. 芋頭基本上慢動作跌下就可以了。
9. 掃少許油在糕盤上。
10. 倒入糕盤。
11. 細力搖一下盤,釋出空氣。
12. 錫紙封盤。
13. 大火燒熱一鑊水。
14. 大火蒸芋頭糕1個小時。
15. 過了20分鐘,再加入一次滾水。
16. 再過了20分鐘,又加一次滾水。
17. 總時間蒸了1小時,完成。
Taro cake:
Taro 1 catty
Mini purple sweet potato 1 No.
Dried sea shrimps 3 tbsp
Chinese sausage 4 slices
Preserved pork 4 taels
Rice flour 160g
Salt 1 tsp
Water 80% volume of taro glassware
1. Peel the taro and mini purple sweet potato.
2. Slice or dice the taro.
3. Dice sweet purple potato into small cubes.
1. Fry preserved pork, Chinese sausages and dried sea shrimps in wok with no oil, then put in a bowl.
2. Fry taro in wok, then add 80% volume of tap water of the pudding pan. Boil up at high flame.
3. Turn off fire when boiling up with the lid for 5 minutes.
4. Already 5 minutes is over, see whether taro becomes soft or not.
5. Put 1 tsp salt into taro cake.
6. Add Chinese sausages cubes, preserved pork cubes and dried sea shrimps.
7. Rice flour, divide into 3 shares, put into pudding pan little amount by little amount, about 50g per each time. Mix well then.
8. It is OK when the mixture drops slowly.
9. Brush little oil on pudding pan.
10. Pour mixture in the pan.
11. Shake pan lightly, this will help to release air from taro cake.
12. Seal pudding pan with aluminium foil.
13. Boil up a pot of water at high flame.
14. Steam taro cake at high flame for 1 hour.
15. After 20 minutes, add more boiled up water into wok.
16. Another 20 minutes is over, add more boiled up water into wok again.
17. Taro cake has been steamed for 1 hour. Serve.
芋頭 一斤
迷你紫薯 一個
蝦米 2湯羹
臘腸 兩條
臘肉 四兩
粘米粉 160克
鹽 1茶匙
水份 跟隨做糕盤嘅八成
Taro. 1 catty
Small Purple Sweet Potato 1
Dried Shrimps. 2 tbl.
Chinese Sausage. 2 links
Chinese Cured Pork Belly 4 tael
Rice Flour 160 gr.
Salt. 1 tsp.
Water 80% of inside of Cake-Pan
做蘿蔔糕之前 重點你要知
2020蘿蔔糕 (10大youtube熱爆影片)
大家入呢個網址 ?我幾佰多條片?全部可以睇曬? hip

whether 倒 裝 在 {{越煮越好}}Very Good Youtube 的最佳貼文
⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️
1. 芋頭及紫薯刮皮。
2. 芋頭切條或切粒。
3. 紫薯切細粒。
1. 白鑊中火爆香臘肉、臘腸及蝦米,放在碗中。
2. 放芋頭落鑊爆香,加入裝糕盤8成的水分,大火煮滾。
3. 滾起,熄火,焗5分鐘。
4. 焗了5分鐘,看看芋頭是否已焗腍。
5. 加入1茶匙鹽。
6. 加入臘腸粒、臘肉粒及蝦米。
7. 粘米粉,分3次,逐少落,每次大約落50克, 攪勻。
8. 芋頭基本上慢動作跌下就可以了。
9. 掃少許油在糕盤上。
10. 倒入糕盤。
11. 細力搖一下盤,釋出空氣。
12. 錫紙封盤。
13. 大火燒熱一鑊水。
14. 大火蒸芋頭糕1個小時。
15. 過了20分鐘,再加入一次滾水。
16. 再過了20分鐘,又加一次滾水。
17. 總時間蒸了1小時,完成。
Taro cake:
Taro 1 catty
Mini purple sweet potato 1 No.
Dried sea shrimps 3 tbsp
Chinese sausage 4 slices
Preserved pork 4 taels
Rice flour 160g
Salt 1 tsp
Water 80% volume of taro glassware
1. Peel the taro and mini purple sweet potato.
2. Slice or dice the taro.
3. Dice sweet purple potato into small cubes.
1. Fry preserved pork, Chinese sausages and dried sea shrimps in wok with no oil, then put in a bowl.
2. Fry taro in wok, then add 80% volume of tap water of the pudding pan. Boil up at high flame.
3. Turn off fire when boiling up with the lid for 5 minutes.
4. Already 5 minutes is over, see whether taro becomes soft or not.
5. Put 1 tsp salt into taro cake.
6. Add Chinese sausages cubes, preserved pork cubes and dried sea shrimps.
7. Rice flour, divide into 3 shares, put into pudding pan little amount by little amount, about 50g per each time. Mix well then.
8. It is OK when the mixture drops slowly.
9. Brush little oil on pudding pan.
10. Pour mixture in the pan.
11. Shake pan lightly, this will help to release air from taro cake.
12. Seal pudding pan with aluminium foil.
13. Boil up a pot of water at high flame.
14. Steam taro cake at high flame for 1 hour.
15. After 20 minutes, add more boiled up water into wok.
16. Another 20 minutes is over, add more boiled up water into wok again.
17. Taro cake has been steamed for 1 hour. Serve.
芋頭 一斤
迷你紫薯 一個
蝦米 2湯羹
臘腸 兩條
臘肉 四兩
粘米粉 160克
鹽 1茶匙
水份 跟隨做糕盤嘅八成
Taro. 1 catty
Small Purple Sweet Potato 1
Dried Shrimps. 2 tbl.
Chinese Sausage. 2 links
Chinese Cured Pork Belly 4 tael
Rice Flour 160 gr.
Salt. 1 tsp.
Water 80% of inside of Cake-Pan
做蘿蔔糕之前 重點你要知
2020蘿蔔糕 (10大youtube熱爆影片)
大家入呢個網址 ?我幾佰多條片?全部可以睇曬? hip

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不同的城市 同個故事
Different cities, same story
不同的粉絲 同種注視
Different fans, same gaze
不同的音軌 重複錄製
Different soundtracks recorded over and over
不同的巡迴 演無數次
Different tours performed again and again
不同的光芒 同樣刺眼 像把我穿透
Numerous rays of light, dazzling alike, all try to pierce through me
不同的訪綱 同樣嗜血 等著我犯錯
Numerous interview outlines, sinister alike, are all filled with traps
不同的房號 同樣失眠 和夢魘纏鬥
Numerous hotel rooms, unsleepable alike, all give me nightmares
不同處方藥 同樣制約 暫時性挽救
Numerous prescriptions, inhibiting alike, all cure only the symptoms
不同人知道我 但沒人認識我
People know me, but no one understands me
不同人需要我 沒人敢正視我
People need me, but no one looks at me directly
不同的治療後 沒人能根治我
After receiving different therapies, I’m still not cured
不同的包裝粉飾後 我感到更赤裸
After putting on different masks, I feel more naked
As the loop repeats itself
My soul and body gradually fall out of sync
不同的佈景 上演同個劇情 不同幕
Different settings, same scenario, different acts
抽離後 看著自己變麻木
Looking at myself from a distance, I feel more and more apathetic
it’s just like déjà vu
it’s just like déjà vu
When I’m yet again surrounded by unfamiliar people
Flashlights from the paparazzi
Noise of the crowd
skr 煞車聲伴隨刺耳尖叫
skr car brake sounds and shrill screams
man you‘re sick as hell
man you‘re sick as hell
Into the mic someone speaks
man you’re sick as hell
man you‘re sick as hell
Memories flash before my eyes like a teaser of a musical
is it real?
is it real?
注定的人生 像由人編造
My life is predestined like a script already written
is it real?
is it real?
宿命都成真 是否是圈套
Can't escape my destiny. Is this all a trap?
is it real?
is it real?
When the screen goes upside down
The colors are sucked out; only lines are left
一瞬間忘記我在追夢中 還是睡夢中
Suddenly, I’m not sure whether I’m chasing my dream or dreaming a dream
It’s like a vivid dream within a dream
造神 毀神 標準 流程
Being put on and then knocked off a pedestal; what a standard procedure
掌聲 噓聲 一轉身 鴉雀無聲
Cheering and criticism both disappear as I turn around
I look at the city in the foothills of the mountains while it’s fast asleep
那曾是珍貴的人事物 驀然回首人事已非
There used to be people and things I cherished, but they’re all gone now
everything fading away
everything fading away
已沒有了退路 只能向上奮力的推
There’s no turning back; all I can do is push the rock uphill
That rock is my guilt
每個晚上 質問著我會不會扼腕
Every night, I feel guilty and ask myself whether I feel regret
For my temporary pleasure
讓那業障不斷堆砌 積沙成塔
My karmic debts accumulate day after day
已無法急剎車 像邁向註定結局希臘神話
There’s no stopping now; I’m like a tragic hero in Greek mythology
然而當我達到山頂 I’ll be recognized
But I'll be recognized once I reach the summit
悲劇夠經典也會永遠被記載 right?
And my tragic story will be remembered, right?
and I’ll never rest
and I’ll never rest
Til I’m higher than Everest
Til I’m higher than Everest
a legend that will never die
a legend that will never die
I’ll never die!
I’ll never die!
As the fame fades
Half of the fans disappear
Interest on the wane
娛樂版 追尋下個天團
The paparazzi start looking for the next superstar
man your end has come
man your end has come
Someone is reading my diagnosis
man your end has come
man your end has come
Memories flashes before my eyes like comic strips
is it time?
Is it time?
夢想的成真 永遠最璀璨
A dream looks the most beautiful the moment it comes true
is it time?
Is it time?
陪葬的純真 鮮少人揭穿
But few talk about the innocence sacrificed
is it time?
is it time?
When the screen rotates
The colors are sucked out; only darkness is left
一瞬間忘記我在追夢中 還是睡夢中
Suddenly, I’m not sure whether I’m chasing my dream or dreaming a dream
It’s like a vivid dream within a dream
造神 毀神 標準 流程
Being put on and then knocked off a pedestal; what a standard procedure
掌聲 噓聲 一轉身 鴉雀無聲
Cheering and criticism both disappear as I turn around
Big rock, big rock
Uphills, uphills
In my dream, someone once promised me freedom
作為交換條件 某部分的我被奪走
As long as I give up some parts of me
究竟為何 在夢中卻已渾濁
Which parts? The memory is too vague now
夢醒後 內容回想起總是荒謬
The dream always feels ridiculous when I’m awake
But somehow I still hear the voice saying we’ll meet again
帶著參悟 帶著困惑 一步步邁向業果
With enlightenment and bewilderment, my efforts will culminate in my karmic fruits
Big rock, big rock
Uphills, uphills