而且,是all you can drink 嗎?!太吸引人了!偷偷告訴大家,我先試喝了,這兩款都超~~~~~~好喝滴!超~~~~~喔😍😍😍
您或許很想領養動物,卻沒有足夠的空間或時間照顧牠,但是您可以選擇助養牠們,讓 The PACK Sanctuary來幫您妥善照顧您所助養的毛孩子!
ART by KJC 承諾回饋關愛社會首次主辦愛心公益活動——「毛起來守護你」 此次要為「台灣巴克動物懷善救援協會--THE PACK Sanctuary」所有曾經流浪在外受虐的毛孩子們可以得到更妥善的呵護以及飽餐,讓您與創辦人Seán McCormack和志工們近距離互動聊天,了解他們在The PACK與毛孩們的生活以及動物救援行動,一起品酒玩畫,為毛孩畫出希望,玩畫派對當日會有藝術家帶領您一起創作出屬於您獨一無二的作品,活動結束即可帶回家!
ART by KJC 會將當晚所得收入的50%捐贈給「台灣巴克動物懷善救援協會」。若您也希望可以為浪浪毛孩們盡一份心力,歡迎您一起來共襄盛舉,名額有限,可以提前致電或Facebook 私訊ART by KJC預約。
活動時間:19:00 -22:00
玩畫主題:浪浪的願望 (米克斯剪影)
• ART by KJC 獨家創作主題作品
• 41x31cm 6號畫布
• 活動調酒無限暢飲
• 畫具(畫筆/防污圍裙/顏料/洗筆筒/輔助器材)
• 現場藝術家繪畫指導
• 好聽的音樂
• 派對花絮側拍
The Pack Special/ 巴克特調
辣椒伏特加 韓式釀柚醬 靜岡綠茶 玫瑰鹽
ART by KJC Special/ KJC招牌奶蓋茶酒
鹹焦糖奶泡 威士忌 哈密瓜利口酒 青蘋果利口酒
可樂 七喜 蔓越梅 無限暢飲
預約專線 02 2382 1919
臉書搜尋私訊 ART by KJC
In ART by KJC’s commitment to give back to our local communities, ART by KJC® proudly sponsors a monthly fund raising events – Painting for a Cause. 50% of the proceeds from Painting with a Purpose events are donated to local non-profit organizations. We’re passionate about making a difference. Together, we can raise money by inviting the community to enjoy our delicious cocktails (all you can drink!), to paint, laugh, and meet new people!
Date of Event: December 17th Saturday
Time: 7PM-10PM
Painting: Wishing for a Dream
Fee per person: $2500
**Class will be taught in Chinese**
• ART by KJC's artwork "Wishing for a Dream"
• Artist Fee
• Photographer
• Assistant Fee
• Canvases
• Paint Supplies
• Awesome Music
• Cocktails and Soft drinks
Our creative cocktails (All you can drink!)
The PACK Special
Spicy Vodka/Korean Yuzi Jam/Rose Salt/Japanese Green Tea
ART by KJC Special
Whisky/Salted Caramel Foam/Melon Liquor/Green Apple Liquor
Soft Drinks
Cranberry Juice
TEL 02 2382 1919
Facebook PM ART by KJC to RSVP
# 60, Section 2, Hankou St,, Wanhua District, Taipei City, 108
*Vouchers are not applicable to this event.
*We reserve the right to change the specifications of this event.
主辦單位 ART by KJC
協辦單位 HANKO 60
合作單位 The PACK Sanctuary
「we reserve the right to change specifications」的推薦目錄:
we reserve the right to change specifications 在 Change in Specifications Sample Clauses - Law Insider 的相關結果
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we reserve the right to change specifications 在 We reserve the right to change products and specifications at ... 的相關結果
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we reserve the right to change specifications 在 we reserve the right to change specifications - Chinese ... 的相關結果
According to the Reserve Reports, we understand that the Reserve Reports Issuer has performed, among others, comprehensive geological survey, ... ... <看更多>