G20的新聞到處都是, 我就不貼了(今晚美股會大漲, 今晚美股會大漲, 今晚美股會大漲).
有股友跟我說過, 分析公司時, 因為沒有看過摸過他們的產品或是沒用過他們的服務, 所以很難去體會公司的狀況.
我說, 那就運用你的想像力吧.
我自己在分析個股時也是這樣. 雖然住在美國, 但也不一定有機會接觸一些公司的產品或是服務, 所以我用的, 就是想像力: 透過年報季報中的文字, 來想像高層說話時的樣子, 想像產品的生產過程, 想像供應鏈, 想像產品到消費者手中後的使用體驗, etc.
在推想公司可能的策略時, 我也會想像如果自己是CEO, 那我會怎麼去做?
而我在念財務會計時, 其實也運用了想像力: 想像貨品賣出後, 是怎麼變成帳面上的數字; 想像原料變成產品的過程, etc.
想像力可以加深印象, 讓知識在腦袋中更有黏力. 下面這篇文章, 正好提到了想像力對學習的重要性.
該怎麼培養想像力? 我其實沒有具體的答案. 不過就我自己而言, 可能是因為有著讀書的習慣, 所以這幫助我很多.
"Never underestimate the power of visualisation. It may sound like a self-help mantra, but a growing body of evidence shows that mental imagery can accelerate learning and improve performance of all sorts of skills. For athletes and musicians, “going through the motions,” or mentally rehearsing the movements in the mind, is just as effective as physical training, and motor imagery can also help stroke patients regain function of their paralysed limbs."
"For most of us, visual imagery is essential for memory, daydreaming and imagination. But some people apparently lack a mind’s eye altogether, and find it impossible to conjure up such visual images – and their inability to do so may affect their ability to learn and their educational performance."
visual motor training 在 馬家四公子 VS 馬氏夫妻 Facebook 的最佳解答
1.Visual perception training
2. Improve fine motor skill and eye-hand coordination
3. Enhance self-esteem