目前在整理去越南探險的世界第三大洞穴 Hang En Cave 恆恩洞⛺️個人覺得越南最好玩的地方就是這裡 <3 而且洞穴裡面過夜真的是很奇妙!當初下大雨讓河水暴漲,我還差點沖走!想到就還是為自己捏了把冷汗...😨 是個非常讓人熱血沸騰行程啊!看我們照片會以為是官網照吧😂😂😂 #越南 #世界第三大 #洞穴探險
話說最近忙著讀書又安排行程,真的沒有多少時間可以寫網誌📖 原本以為 York 回台灣,我就可以獨享房子而專心寫作😍 沒有想到少了他,單單買菜煮菜就花好多時間😭 真的是人在福中不知福啊😳 不過當這些瑣事忙完之後,夜深人靜地打文章真的是很享受🌃
At home typing up my diary entry from visiting the World's third largest cave "Hang En" on a Saturday night🌃 Originally thought I will have plenty of time blogging while York's away, but it turns out shopping for food and cooking actually took longer than I expected🤤 However after all the housework is done, it is nice to be by myself at night😍
Even though I don't LOVE Vietnam, but Hang En Cave was certainly one of the biggest highlights of our world trip😁 The cave was enormous! Camping inside the cave was like a journey into another world⛺️ First-time river crossing and almost got washed away👀 It was definitely an adventure of a lifetime😍 Highly recommend it👌