Synovitz LB, Byrne TJ. (1998) Antecedents of sexual victimization: factors discriminating victims from nonvictims. J Am Coll Health. 46(4):151-8.
原文引用: "The variables found to be related to women's being sexually victimized were (a) number of different lifetime sexual partners, (b) provocative dress, and (c) alcohol use."
Theresa M. Beiner, Sexy Dressing Revisited: Does Target Dress Play A Part in Sexual Harassment Cases?, 14 Duke J. Gender L. & Pol'y 125 (2007).
PDF: https://scholarship.law.duke.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1109&context=djglp
原文引用:"While people perceive dress to have an impact on who is assaulted, studies of rapists suggest that victim attire is not a significant factor. Instead, rapists look for signs of passiveness and submissiveness, which, studies suggest, are more likely to coincide with more body-concealing clothing.(140) In a study to test whether males could determine whether women were high or low in passiveness and submissiveness, Richards and her colleagues found that men, using only nonverbal appearance cues, could accurately assess which women were passive and submissive versus those who were dominant and assertive.(141) Clothing was one of the key cues: “Those females high in passivity and submissiveness (i.e., those at greatest risk for victimization) wore noticeably more body-concealing clothing (i.e., high necklines, long pants and sleeves, multiple layers).” This suggests that men equate body-concealing clothing with passive and submissive qualities, which are qualities that rapists look for in victims. Thus, those who wore provocative clothes would not be viewed as passive or submissive, and would be less likely to be victims of assault."
140. Chen Shen, Study: From Attribution and Thought-Process Theory to Rape-Shield Laws: The Meanings of Victim’s Appearance in Rape Trials, 5 J. L. & FAM. STUD. 435, 447 (2003); Alinor C. Sterling, Undressing the Victim: The Intersection of Evidentiary and Semiotic Meanings of Women’s Clothing in Rape Trials, 7 YALE J.L. & FEMINISM 87, 104–06 (1995); DUNCAN KENNEDY, SEXY DRESSING ETC. (1993); Gary D. Lafree, Barbara F. Reskin & Christy A. Visher, Jurors’ Responses to Victims’ Behavior and Legal Issues in Sexual Assault Trials, 32 SOC.PROBS. 389, 401 (1985) (study of jurors in rape trials noting that victim history often finds its way into rape trials in spite of rape shield laws).
141. Lynne Richards, A Theoretical Analysis of Nonverbal Communication and Victim Selection for Sexual Assaults, 9 CLOTHING & TEXTILES RES. J. 55, 59–60 (Summer 1991) (discussing Lynne Richards et al., Perceptions of Submissiveness: Implications for Victimization, 125 J.PSYCH. 407 (1991)).
(1) 雖然統計上很少發現「女性衣著和性侵被害」兩者的顯著相關,但是這似乎有可能是因為臨時起意的性侵案件占全部性侵案件的比例太小,導致樣本被稀釋而無法檢視「女性衣著和性侵被害」兩者的相關性?
(2) 如果男性可以從女性穿著推測出女性的個性,那性感衣著反而會成為反指標,使得穿著保守的女性更容易變成目標,如此一來,「女性性感衣著和性侵被害機率」兩者當然不會有正相關。
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5萬的網紅Brenda Tan,也在其Youtube影片中提到,The third instalment of short films I made over the past semester in New York. I came up with the idea for the film amidst the height of allegations ...
victim feminism 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最佳解答
#杯葛花木蘭電影 Hong Kongers disapprove Cop Backer 劉亦菲 Liu Yi Fei and Blackface 甄子丹Donnie Yen. That’s why we are calling for freedom-loving peoples everywhere to #BoycottMulan.
#Mulan #MilkTeaAlliance
1/ This film is released. But because Disney kowtows to Beijing, and because Liu Yifei openly and proudly endorses police brutality in Hong Kong, I urge everyone who believes in human rights to Boycott Mulan.
2/ Liu isn't a victim somehow caught in the geopolitical crossfire. Neither is she an icon of feminism if she ignores the suffering of female protesters. She's instead an icon of authoritarianism willfully betraying the values Hollywood purports to champion.
3/ Same goes for Donnie Yen, another outspoken admirer of the Hong Kong police. I, too, urge everyone who believes in racial justice to Boycott Mulan.
#存亡號召 #絕處逢生
victim feminism 在 新聞人事全面睇 Facebook 的精選貼文
近日不少香港名媛女星在 instagram 互 tag "Challenge" ,受挑戰者要貼上個人黑白照並 hashtag #womenempowerment 、#womensupportingwomen 等字眼,表示「撐女權」和「女性互相支持」。
翻查外國新聞, IG 發言人指今次「挑戰」最早來自巴西記者 Padrao 兩星期前的帖文。帖子裡,Padrao 貼上個人黑白照,並附有 WomenSupportingWomen 的標籤,但除此之外,她沒有表示任何其他內容,亦沒有發起挑戰。
紐約時報和其他外媒則報道, twitter 上有網民解釋這次挑戰源於對土耳其女性被殺的關注。該帖子提到,單是 2019 年就有近 500 名土耳其女性被殺,還有更多案件未被紀錄在案;但當地政府和司法部門並沒有採取任何行動制止這些罪惡,大多數兇手亦沒有遭到起訴。
「當土耳其人每天醒來時,就發現 IG 、報紙、電視螢幕上都有女受害者的黑白照片」,因此「這次黑白照挑戰是提升女性聲音的方式」。
除此之外,該帖亦提到土耳其有官員正試圖廢除《伊斯坦堡公約 (Istanbul Convention) 》。這公約是由歐盟專門制定用來打撃婦女及家庭暴力的條約(不過亦有歐洲國家例如波蘭抗拒簽約,認為公約內部分條文衝擊傳統家庭觀念及性別觀)。
雖然外媒報道亦提及沒有證據顯示今次 Challenge 真的來自對土耳其女性權益的關注,但當消息傳出後,一些參與挑戰的美國名星附上相關解釋,希望更多人關心土耳其女性的權益。
這不禁讓書生想起美國「黑人女性主義 (black feminism)」批判某些女性主義派別以「白人(女性)文化」為中心,認為這些「白人女性主義者」看不到「種族歧視」和「性別歧視」是相互交織,黑人女性處於比白人女性更低的地位,亦要面對兩重身份構成的獨特困難。
例如(白人)女性主義常倡議的投票權、性別薪酬平等等性別平權,即使女性都享有這些權益,但由於黑人女性的種族身份,令得她們仍然經常遭受額外的國家暴力、有色種族收入低微、職場機會較小等問題。又譬如,黑人女性受到性騷擾時,常常因「黑人女性都是性慾亢奮 (hypersexual)」的歧視定型而被 Victim blaming;這些都是(白人)女性主義看不到的問題。
因此,有些當代女性主義倡議「交織性理論 (intersectionality) 」,即性別研究必須與其他種族、(被)殖民、階級、跨性別等因素相互交織地分析,才能真正認識性別的問題。換句話說,這類女性主義者認為關心性別平等是和關心階級、種族等其他身份的權益是密不可分,即不同類型的「正義」是緊密在一起的。
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victim feminism 在 Brenda Tan Youtube 的最佳貼文
The third instalment of short films I made over the past semester in New York.
I came up with the idea for the film amidst the height of allegations and testimonials against Harvey Weinstein. I think it's appropriate to share this with you guys on Youtube, especially now, with the Eden Ang saga going on (more on my instagram story highlights @wordweed). This should hit close to home, ya'll. This matters, and all of you girls who have been messaging me and telling me about your personal experience dealing with predators like him (and some, of him), thank you for speaking up. Don't stop. The #MeToo and #TimesUp movement has no geographical borders.
In the making of this film, I made it a point to show how mundane and unceremonious sexual abuse often is. It is quiet and cruel. There are no tears, no crying, no police. Mostly shock, often frozen in an attempt to process it - and a whole string of self-doubt and blame. No one ever deserves to feel so fundamentally disrespected and violated.
It frustrates me to no end that we as Singaporeans are quick to embrace the conveniences of being liberal and ~Western~, but harbour such a distinct fear of speaking up and calling for change. I get it. I think many Singaporeans don't speak up about sexual abuse, assault or harassment precisely because of the unwanted attention and the (..........) quickness to blame, shame, mock or even question the victim. Look what's happening with the Eden Ang situation, right. Look at his comments - people making fun of both of them, people yelling personal attacks at each other, ugh. I don't know why we cannot have a civilised, mature and sincere conversation about this. Why we don't want to listen. Why we either choose to deny its existence, pray that we don't encounter it, or support someone blindly just because it's difficult to admit to ourselves that we may be wrong about who we thought we knew. Case after case, you see predators with no remorse or shame for their acts- only expressions of hurt and anger for people calling them out. That's fucking bullshit. It's never too late to make noise, so do it. Make noise. Don't do them a favour by keeping your pretty little mouths shut, and speak standing up. I've got your back!
Hey, how's it going? I'm Brenda. Born and raised Singaporean, very artsy, a lil fartsy, kinda weird but in general very chill and happy.
I make a crap ton of videos on anything and everything - fashion, beauty, skincare, vlogs, storytimes etc. If you like my videos and want to see more, hit the subscribe button to catch my videos hot off the press! You have no idea how much your support means to me. If you've got any requests or questions, please leave them down below and I'll get back to ya. Thanks again for watching my videos!
☞ Blog - http://wordweed.blogspot.sg
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☞ Snapchat - wtfisair
☞ Ask.fm - http://ask.fm/wtfisair
✎ wordweed@gmail.com
▻ FAQs ◅
What do you do?
- I'm a student (Theatre in NUS, Film in NYU)
What camera do you use?
- Samsung NX500. It's pretty decent but I wouldn't actually recommend it.
What do you use to edit?
- Either Final Cut Pro X or Adobe Premiere Pro, depending on what I feel like using that day.