【2020-2021 奧斯卡/金球獎獎季片 台灣檔期一覽】
誓血五人組 Da 5 Bloods
我想結束這一切 I'm Thinking of Ending Things
40衝一波 The Forty-Year-Old Version
流離者之歌 Hillbilly's Elegy
藍調天后 Ma Rainey's Black Bottom
曼克 Mank
畢業舞會 The Prom
芝加哥七人案:驚世審判 The Trial of the Chicago 7
飛奔去月球 Over the Moon(動畫片)
女人碎片 Pieces of a Woman
永夜漂流 The Midnight Sky
來日同行 The Life Ahead
流亡雙城 I'm No Longer Here (墨西哥代表)
餘悸無盡 The Endless Trench(西班牙代表)
體操A級醜聞 Athlete A(紀錄片)
希望之夏:身心障礙革命 Crip Camp(紀錄片)
爺爺的死亡排練 Dick Johnson is Dead(紀錄片)
揭開面紗:好萊塢的跨性別人生 Disclosure(紀錄片)
1/22: 白老虎 The White Tiger
1/29: 古寶 The Dig (凱莉茉里根主演)
2/05: 首映夜 Malcolm & Marie(Zendaya主演)
2/10: 讀報人 News of the World(與環球共同發行)
Amazon Prime Video:
金屬之聲 / 靜寂的鼓手 Sound of Metal
芭樂特續集電影 Borat Subsequent Moviefilm
我是你的女人 I'm Your Woman
談 Time(紀錄片)
全力以赴:為民主而戰 All In: The Fight for Democracy(紀錄片)
邁阿密的一夜 One Night in Miami
回歸之路 The Way Back
隱形人 The Invisible Man
猛禽小隊 Birds of Prey
在我看來 The Way I See It(紀錄片)
史泰登島帝王 The King of Staten Island
85年的夏天 Summer of 85
女巫們 Witches
殺戮荒村 Bacurau
不丹是教室 Lunana
謝謝你愛過我 Babyteeth
吞噬 Swallow
魔髮精靈唱遊世界 Trolls: World Tour(動畫片)
艾瑪. Emma.
Apple TV+ :
人生觸礁時 On the Rocks
新世代公民 Boys State(紀錄片)
狼行者 Wolfwalkers(動畫片)
Cherry (湯姆霍蘭德主演)
1/28 細物警探 The Little Things(華納)
2/26 晨曦將至(日本代表,傳影)
2/26 詐欺女王 I Care a Lot(采昌)
3/5 醉好的時光 Another Round(丹麥代表,好威)
3/12 花漾女子 Promising Young Woman(環球)
3/12 金窩駭浪 The Nest(車庫)
3/19 游牧人生 Nomadland(探照燈/迪士尼)
3/19 兩人之間 Two of Us(法國代表,傳影)
3/26 永遠的我們 Supernova(Catchplay)
3/26 我的親親小妹 My Little Sister(瑞士代表,可樂)
4/09 一場大火之後 Collective(羅馬尼亞代表,好威)
4/23 夢想之地 Minari(傳影)
4/23 父親 The Father(采昌)
4/23 失控的審判 The Mauritanian(Catchplay)
4/23 猶大與黑色彌賽亞 Judas and the Black Messiah(華納)
4/29 販膚走卒 The Man Who Sold His Skin(原創)
4/30 農場我的家 Gunda(紀錄片,海鵬)
5/7 阿依達的救援行動 Quo Vadis, Aida?(傳影)
5/14 女畫家與偷畫賊 The Painter and the Thief(紀錄片,海鵬)
檔期未定 Sun Children(伊朗代表,傳影)
檔期未定 戰地夜曲 Notturno(義大利代表,佳映)
《當世界不再下雪》Never Gonna Snow Again(波蘭代表)
《靈魂候選人》Nine Days(獨立精神獎入圍,瞄準下屆奧斯卡)
《女畫家與偷畫賊》The Painter and the Thief(紀錄片,海鵬)
《美好未來》The World to Come
深夜裡的美味秘方 First Cow
Never Rarely Sometimes Always(環球)
The Assistant
The United States vs. Billie Holiday
French Exit(索尼)
Night of the Kings(象牙海岸代表)
The Mole Agent(智利代表)
76天(紀錄片, MTV Studio)
同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過10萬的網紅TWINsふたごチャンネル,也在其Youtube影片中提到,It is 7-month-old Japanese man and woman twins. An older brother makes a younger sister laugh. Two people came to talk well recently.Costume play of D...
「the old man disney+」的推薦目錄:
- 關於the old man disney+ 在 丹眼看電影 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於the old man disney+ 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於the old man disney+ 在 Yun Ju Pan - ALicE PaN Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於the old man disney+ 在 TWINsふたごチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於the old man disney+ 在 Tod Toy Vlog Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於the old man disney+ 在 Phê Phim Youtube 的精選貼文
- 關於the old man disney+ 在 FX's The Old Man | Official Trailer | Disney+ - YouTube 的評價
- 關於the old man disney+ 在 FX's The Old Man | Teaser Trailer | Disney+ - Facebook 的評價
the old man disney+ 在 Facebook 的最佳解答
▼ 1. 《The Big Lebowski 謀殺綠腳趾》男星 Jeff Bridge 被診斷出淋巴癌
男星 Jeff Bridges 在自己的 Twitter 上揭露了自己的最新健康狀況:「就像 Dude (《The Big Lebowski 謀殺綠腳趾》角色)會說的台詞:倒楣事發生了。我已經被診斷出患有淋巴癌。雖然是很嚴重的疾病,但讓我覺得非常幸運的是可以接受一群優秀的醫生團隊的治療,而且我的預後相當樂觀。我會繼續療程,並持續向大家回報我的復原狀況。」Bridges 在此同時正在製作並主演明年將在 FX 和 Hulu 上播出的電視劇《The Old Man》。參與該製作的 FX、Touchstone Television、Hulu 和 FXP 等公司也在消息傳出後發表共同聲明力挺:「就像 Jeff 常掛在嘴邊的那句話:我們都在同一條船上(We are all in this together)。Jeff,我們會和你一起在這條船上努力。」
▼ 2. 電玩終會變成政治人物的新平台
電玩產業一直試圖將自己打造成一個像 Facebook 那樣源源滾滾帶來巨大收益的廣告平台,但將廣告整合進遊戲內容並以創造天衣無縫的互動體驗終究難度太高,加上專心玩遊戲的玩家很難將注意力分心到廣告上,使這塊市場從未真正起飛。然而政治人物正在積極嘗試把電玩變成一個政治平台。從最早嘗試遊戲內選舉廣告的美國前總統 Barack Obama,到最近的紐約州眾議員 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 在《Animal Crossing 動物森友會》上和支持者的密切互動,連今年席捲美國的 Black Lives Matter 運動都延燒到虛擬世界的孤島上。過去電玩經營者經常試圖阻絕政治議題和遊戲體驗搞在一起,但專家認為實際上這兩個世界並非完全互斥的,電玩平台在政治言論的市場中具有非常高的潛力。
▼ 3. 凜冬將至!Netflix 可能打算用漲價迎接大獲全勝的冬天
串流大戰嚴格說從未真正殺得你死我活,因為從頭到尾 Netflix 都是一路領先的狀態。Netflix 即將公布第三季財報,但整個產業每一個專家都不需要這個報告就知道 Netflix 大獲全勝,因為我們都活在2020年的嚴峻現實裡。彭博新聞認為 Netflix 正打算用漲價來迎接這個疫情會繼續惡化、人人都會繼續被關在家裡、Netflix 訂戶會繼續強力增長的「Netflix之冬」,來考驗 Netflix 訂戶口袋有多深、忠誠度到底有多堅強。Netflix 今天在加拿大市場開了漲價的第一槍,預計很快就會輪到其他人。按照常理在經濟衰退期間漲價絕非明智,但坐擁最大片庫的 Netflix 已經穩坐家庭娛樂的王座,所以他們的漲價只會逼窮困的消費者回頭去退訂 Disney+、HBO Max、有線電視和其他可以省吃儉用的生活開支。而且 Netflix 早已開始取消試用期機制,因為它的各大節目漫天迷因早就取代試用期的吸引消費功能。所以這個艱困的冬天,我們終將面臨訂還是不訂這個難題(月入25萬則可以跳過本題)。
▽ 其他今天也可以知道一下的事請見留言
the old man disney+ 在 Yun Ju Pan - ALicE PaN Facebook 的最佳解答
A little review of the year 🎆
My 2017 started with a fantastic tour in universities in Florida 🇺🇸 where I also visited Disney World !
Completed two big projects including
#1 completed my document and defense which Means I became a Doctor! 🌟 this project including finishing my transcription of Bela Bartok’s fifth string quartet for marimba quartet!
#2 organized a fun tour with Without Boarder Percussion Quartet (4Loko$’ =>yes, we change our name already 🤣) We did performances and clinics/workshops in Taipei, Yunlin, and Tokyo 🇯🇵!
Other than that, I also got invited to play and teach at Downriver Day of Percussion, IPA Clinuc Day, and Bowling Green University !
Summer in Taiwan 🇹🇼 is always an amazing time for me. I worked at the Taipei International Percussion Summer Camp again this year and learned so much! Thank you Mr. ju and Larry Huang for giving me the opportunity. Another cool thing that I did over the summer is to be a judge for the 2017 TPAA Taiwan percussion championship and translated for Nanae Mimura! I also get to visit a new country this year! Thanks to Fei Sir and Man Man’s organization, I had the great chance to visit Macao 🇲🇴 and meet new friends!
A super cool opportunity and honor in the second half of the year is to play with MSU percussion ensemble at 2017 PASIC Show Case Concert. I got the opportunity to present a piece that was written for me this year called “Round for Three Muses” by Andrea Clearfield. I’m so happy that I get to play this piece over and over again (especially in this amazing stage).
In addition, I finally stated recording section for my new project!! Please stay in tune with me!
Last, I get to spend my winter break in California with some family members that I haven’t seen for years!!! Lucky me! ❤️
There are too many people that I want to thank to. Thank you all the new friend I met for filling some precious beautiful moments in life, and thank you all the old friends for still being there for me.
Life is not so easy. But I’ll keep going with each of you in my mind. Thank you for bringing me courage .
Bye bye 2017 ! ( you are beautiful )
Here I come 2018 ! Fighting !! 🥁🥇
the old man disney+ 在 TWINsふたごチャンネル Youtube 的最讚貼文
It is 7-month-old Japanese man and woman twins. An older brother makes a younger sister laugh. Two people came to talk well recently.Costume play of Disney
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#二卵性男女双子赤ちゃん#TWINsふたごチャンネル#twins#twins talk#mix twins
Talking Twin Babies - PART 2 - OFFICIAL VIDEO
Talking Twin Babies - PART 1 - OFFICIAL VIDEO
Twins Merle and Stijn talking to each other oftewel: Stijn en Merle babbelen er op los!
Newborn twins talking to each other
The Talking Twin Babies, Translated

the old man disney+ 在 Tod Toy Vlog Youtube 的精選貼文
小陶德這次去日本大阪,其中一天來玩雪! 這是他第一次玩雪所以超級開心的! 還有製作自己的杯子泡麵喔! 很好玩~
🎀 歡迎按讚👍+訂閱頻道
🎀 歡迎追蹤facebook: https://www.facebook.com/todtoyvlog/
🎀 E-Mail: arttao188@gmail.com
玩具開箱種類: 健達奇趣蛋 , 季節玩具 , 搞笑玩具 , 特別玩具 , 恐龍世界 , 公仔 , 模型 , 佩佩豬 , 迪士尼 , 波力 , 小美樂 , 培樂多黏土 , Hello Kitty , 妖怪手錶 , 小小兵 , 樂高 , 冰雪奇緣 , 美女與野獸 , 變形金剛 , 風火輪 , 湯瑪士小火車 鋼鐵人 蜘蛛人 復仇者聯盟 浩克 美國隊長
Fav YouTube Channel:
Ryan ToysReview Toys AndMe 小伶玩具 Xiaoling ToyPudding TV
NyoNyoTV妞妞TV CKN Toys
Toys in Unboxing Video: Cars , Thomas the Tank Engine , Masha and Bear , Pororo , Hot Wheels , Poli , Tayo , Disney Princess Tomica, Baby Doll house , Barbie , Marvel Avengers , Superheroes Hulk Spider-man Iron Man Captain America Joker Transformers Robots Trains.
FTC: This Video is Not Sponsored / 這不是商業合作影片

the old man disney+ 在 Phê Phim Youtube 的精選貼文
Chào mừng các bạn đến với Phê Phim News, nơi mà mình nói về những tin tức thú vị nhất trong thế giới điện ảnh tuần vừa rồi. Video hôm nay ngày 18/12 (với sự giúp đỡ vô cùng tận tình của Hoài Anh) sẽ có những nội dung chính như sau:
1. Sao Disney bị bắt vì ấu dâm
2. DC xác nhận Warner Bros sẽ phát triển bộ phim về nhân vật Plastic Man
Điểm tin
Annabelle 3 chính thức đóng máy
Bộ phim kinh dị mới của A24 ra mắt vào đầu năm sau
Bohemain Rhapsody là bộ phim tiểu sử âm nhạc thành công nhất mọi thời đại
3. Henry Cavill ở lại hay rời Worlds of DC?
#PhêPhimNews #Số30

the old man disney+ 在 FX's The Old Man | Teaser Trailer | Disney+ - Facebook 的必吃
Nothing stays hidden forever. #TheOldManFX, an all-new Original series starring Jeff Bridges, John Lithgow, and Amy Brenneman starts ... ... <看更多>
the old man disney+ 在 FX's The Old Man | Official Trailer | Disney+ - YouTube 的必吃
Watch on YouTube ... Dan Chase absconded from the CIA and lives off the grid. When an assassin arrives and tries to take Chase out, the old ... ... <看更多>