#1. SUBURB | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
an area on the edge of a large town or city where people who work in the town or city often live : Box Hill is a suburb of Melbourne. We drove from middle-class ...
#2. Translation of suburb – English–Traditional Chinese dictionary
More examplesFewer examples. a leafy suburb; a middle-class suburb of New York; It's a suburb of Manchester really - I wouldn't call it Manchester proper.
#3. Suburb Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
noun ; a · an outlying part of a city or town ; b · a smaller community adjacent to or within commuting distance of a city ; c · the residential area ...
#4. Suburb definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
A suburb of a city or large town is a smaller area which is part of the city or large town but is outside its centre. ... ...the north London suburbs of Harrow, ...
A suburb, more broadly suburban area, is an area within a metropolitan area where most jobs are located. It is primarily a commercial or residential area, ...
#6. Suburb - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms -
Suburb comes from Latin: sub means "below or near" and urbis means "city." You also will recognize this root in urban. Suburbs have more single-family homes ...
#7. Suburb Definition & Meaning -
a district lying immediately outside a city or town, especially a smaller residential community. the suburbs, the area composed of such districts.
#8. suburb noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage ...
an area where people live that is outside the centre of a city. a suburb of London; a London suburb; in the suburbs They live in the suburbs.
#9. suburb - Longman Dictionary
suburb meaning, definition, what is suburb: an area where people live which is away ...: Learn more.
#10. Suburb Definition & Meaning | Britannica Dictionary
SUBURB meaning: a town or other area where people live in houses near a larger city often + of.
#11. suburb - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
suburb · (城市周圍的)近郊住宅區(或村,鎮);郊區[the P] ; suburb · 郊區 ; suburbs · suburb的名詞複數 ; garden suburb · 園林(化)郊區 ; garden suburb · 園林(化)郊區 ...
#12. What does suburb mean? -
A suburb, more broadly suburban area, is an area within a metropolitan area that is primarily a residential area, though may also include commercial and mixed- ...
#13. Suburb Definition & Meaning - YourDictionary
A usually residential district or separately incorporated city or town, on or near the outskirts of a larger city. Webster's New World. Similar definitions. The ...
#14. Suburban Definition & Meaning -
Suburban definition, pertaining to, inhabiting, or being in a suburb or the suburbs of a city or town. See more.
#15. suburb (【名詞】郊區, 市郊)意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words
"suburb" 意思. suburb. /ˈsəbərb/ ... He bought a house in a suburb of New York. ... We lived in the city for a while, but we just relocated to the suburbs.
#16. suburb 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
['sʌbә:b] n. 市郊住宅區, 郊區, 邊緣.
#17. suburb - definition and meaning - Wordnik
Definitions · noun A usually residential area or community outlying a city. · noun An outlying part of a city or town; a part outside of the city boundaries but ...
#18. Suburb - definition of suburb by The Free Dictionary
suburbs The usually residential region around a major city; the environs. [Middle English suburbe, from Old French, from Latin suburbium : sub-, sub- + ...
#19. Suburb Meaning - YouTube
Video shows what suburb means. The area on the periphery of a city or large town.. The outer part; the environment.
#20. suburb - Wiktionary
NounEdit. suburb (plural suburbs). A residential area located on the outskirts of a city or large town that usually includes businesses that cater to its ...
#21. suburb - Dictionary of English
suburb · a district or area of land lying immediately outside a city or town, esp. a smaller residential community. · the suburbs, [plural] an area composed of ...
#22. What Is a Suburb? | Planetizen Planopedia
Another term lacking a consensus definition in the field of planning, "suburb" is usually deployed to describe residential communities outside central urban ...
#23. suburb在线翻译_英语_读音_用法 - 海词
#24. suburb | Etymology, origin and meaning of suburb by etymonline
SUBURB Meaning : "area outside a town or city," whether agricultural or residential but most frequently residential, from…
#25. How to Define American Suburbs - Bloomberg
For some people, it's obvious: A suburb is a smaller city on the periphery of a larger city. Or it's a sprawling neighborhood filled with vast ...
#26. suburb翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
suburb 中文的意思、翻譯及用法:n. 郊區;邊緣。英漢詞典提供【suburb】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#27. suburb 中文 - 英語翻譯
n. 1.〔常pl.〕郊區,城郊,市郊,近郊。 2.〔pl.〕附近,周圍。 短語和例子 +更多解釋 the suburbs 在郊區。 the suburbs of sorrow 悲哀的境遇。
#28. Suburbs - Urban Dictionary
A place on the outskirts of the city, this way more people can live in a city. It is often confused with the rich suburbs, such as Beverly Hills, California, ...
#29. suburb 的中文翻釋|VoiceTube 看影片學英語
US /ˈsʌbɜ:rb/. ・. UK /ˈsʌbɜ:b/. B1 中級. 定義 影片字幕. n. 市郊. Footer. Download on the App Store Get it on Google Play. 關於.
#30. What does the term 'suburb' mean? - Quora
Aside from being the name of a kind of vehicle, “suburban" means “on the outskirts of a city.” A suburban district, or suburb, ...
#31. What is a Suburb? - WorldAtlas
In most English areas, the word suburb is used to mean an area mostly resided by people, especially in the outskirts of a city. In Australian ...
#32. suburb中文意思 - 看影片不用背單字
suburb 的中文意思是什麼呢?2023年最常見的用法,有16影片中用到這個單字,並且可一鍵全部播放,快速聆聽各種外國人(真人),講述這個單字,不再是死死的機器發音。
#33. 關於Suburb的意思和用法的提問 - HiNative
A: A suburb is a residential area. For example: an area where ordinary families live. The outskirts of a place are the borders of said place. A rural area is an ...
#34. Glossary:Town or suburb - Statistics Explained
Short definition: towns and suburbs are areas where less than 50 % of the population lives in rural grid cells and less than 50 % of the ...
#35. suburb - 同義字、 反義詞和發音 -
suburb · 英語到中文的翻譯 · 英語中的定義 · 例句 · 相關的圖片.
#36. suburb - Translation into Chinese - examples English
Translations in context of "suburb" in English-Chinese from Reverso Context: residential suburb, garden suburb, suburb district, industrial suburb, ...
#37. What Makes a Suburb a Suburb? Nobody Knows
According to Forbes, the accepted post-1950s definition of a suburb is an area featuring low-density buildings and housing.
#38. 19 Synonyms & Antonyms for SUBURB -
Find 19 ways to say SUBURB, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, ... See definition of suburb on
#39. Suburbs |
SuburbsThe development of suburbs—residential communities on the outskirts of ... The result was a phenomenon known as "suburbia," a term meaning both a ...
#40. suburb - Translation and Meaning in Almaany English Arabic ...
meaning of the word suburb in English dictionary. suburb ( Noun ):. - a residential district located on the outskirts of a city - [synonyms]: suburban area, ...
#41. Difference Between City and Suburb
It is clear then a suburb means areas under a city. In modern times, the word has come to refer to areas adjacent to a prominent city that is ...
#42. suburb meaning in Hindi -
A suburb, more broadly suburban area, is an area within a metropolitan area where most jobs are located. It is primarily a commercial or residential area, ...
#43. suburb翻译为:郊区,城郊;边缘;附
suburb 的中文意思:郊区,城郊;边缘;附,点击查看详细解释:suburb的中文翻译、suburb的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握suburb这个单词。
#44. suburb的意思是:郊区,城郊;边缘;附 - 英语在线翻译
suburb 的中文意思:郊区,城郊;边缘;附,点击查看详细解释:suburb的中文翻译、suburb的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握suburb这个单词。
#45. Suburb meaning in Hindi - सुबुरब मतलब हिंदी में - Translation
SUBURB MEANING IN HINDI - EXACT MATCHES · OTHER RELATED WORDS · Definition of Suburb · RELATED SIMILAR WORDS (Synonyms): · Information provided about suburb: ...
#46. Suburb - Designing Buildings Wiki
The term 'suburbs' is thought to derive from the Latin 'suburbium' in which 'sub' means 'under' and 'urbs' means 'city'.
#47. Suburb Meaning in Urdu - Muzafati ilaqa -
Hence, the confines; the outer part; the environment. Suburb Urdu Meaning with Definition. Suburb is an English word that is used in many sentences in different ...
#48. Suburban Areas -
Suburban areas are lower density areas that separate residential and commercial areas from one another. They are either part of a city or urban area, ...
#49. English to Tagalog: suburb | Tagalog Translation
a residential district located on the outskirts of a city. May related with: English, Tagalog. suburb. kanugnog;. suburb. kanugnog;. Advertisement ...
#50. suburbs - 英中– Linguee词典
大量翻译例句关于"suburbs" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#51. Suburb - The Dictionary of Sydney
North-eastern bushland suburb. Its name means 'a peaceful place'. It developed after the Second World War when returned soldiers sought land for building ...
#52. Suburb Facts for Kids
A suburb is an area of a town or city, a little away from the main part, where there are fewer big buildings and mainly houses, schools and shops.
#53. Defining Suburbs: How Definitions Shape the Suburban ...
Under this definition, city tracts are defined as the urban core, consisting of census tracts with greater than 400 housing units built before 1940 per square ...
#54. Meaning of Suburb in Chinese is : 市郊, 甸, 郊, 边缘, 郊区
English to Chinese Dictionary - Meaning of Suburb in Chinese is : 市郊, 甸, 郊, ... a residential district located on the outskirts of a city / An outlying ...
#55. What am I required in the suburb section? - Google AdSense ...
What am I supposed to enter in the suburb section as I don't understand the meaning. And I can seem to find the HTML of my site to enter the ...
#56. Depinisyon ng suburb, Kahulugan ng suburb
Definition of suburb. English to English. noun. a residential district located on the outskirts of a city. source: WordNet 3.0.
#57. What Does Suburban Mean? - The Word Counter
Overall, the word suburban (adj.) means a residential area outside of a city. A suburban area is far different from urban areas. This outlying ...
#58. Suburb Meaning In Urdu | Muzafaat مضافات - UrduPoint
Definitions of Suburb. n. An outlying part of a city or town; a smaller place immediately adjacent to a city; in the plural, the region which is ...
#59. Village vs Suburb - What's the Difference? - Village & Cottage
The Latin root of the word 'suburb' simply means 'near the city'. And so any area that is adjacent to a city or town can be called a suburb.
#60. Suburb and locality names | Place naming Guidance
We encourage councils, developers and communities to make proposals to officially name your suburbs and localities.
#61. Suburbs in The U.S | Definition & Examples -
A suburb is an area of lower density population that surrounds a large city or town. Suburbs consist of many single family homes that are ...
#62. 搜索结果_SUBURB是什么意思? - 百度知道
suburb 的意思是:n.郊区。suburb的例句是用作名词(n.)Theyproposedsettingupaschoolinthesuburb.他们建议在这个郊区成立一所学校。suburb的读音是英[' ...
#63. Suburb in Tagalog
Suburb in Tagalog. The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word suburb. The English word "suburb" can be translated as the following word in ...
#64. English to Cebuano Meaning of suburb
The meaning of suburb in cebuano is suburb. What is suburb in cebuano? See pronunciation, translation, synonyms, examples, definitions of suburb in cebuano.
#65. Difference Between City and Suburb - Pediaa.Com
A suburb is an outlying district of a city. This term is especially used for a residential area. In general, suburbs have lower population ...
#66. Prevalence and Factors Associated With Sarcopenia in ...
... sarcopenia in the general elderly suburb-dwelling Chinese population is high. ... Older Chinese Using the Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia Definition.
#67. Rural, Suburban, Urban: unit vocabulary - Khan Academy
A suburb is a place where people live just outside of a city or town. There are lots of houses in suburban areas, but not as many other buildings as urban areas ...
#68. To fix suburbs, first define them | CNU
Therefore, the definition of a suburb should recognize the radical changes in land-use patterns in the second half of the 20 th Century that ...
#69. Origin of Suburbs - Sutherland Shire Council - NSW Government
inclusion of several new suburb names and additional place names. ... Although “Bundeena” is said to be an Aboriginal word meaning “noise like thunder”, ...
#70. Traduction : suburb - Dictionnaire anglais-français Larousse
À la différence du mot « banlieue » qui en est souvent la traduction, le mot « suburbs » ne désigne que rarement les quartiers en difficultés. Elle évoque ...
#71. Pandemic-fueled suburban growth doesn't mean we should ...
Pandemic-fueled suburban growth doesn't mean we should abandon climate resiliency ... such as small metro area suburbs and small towns.
#72. Rural and Suburban America: When One Definition is not ...
Rural and Suburban America: When One Definition is not Enough ... Last week I was pleased to speak to the Rural Philanthropy Conference. They are ...
#73. What's the difference btw outskirts and suburbs? when I ... - italki
Another difference is that "suburb" means a small town but "outskirts" could mean a place where people don't live, such as an area with lots ...
#74. From Suburb to Shtetl: The Jews of Boro Park
Once their contractual relationship with the abstract society is fulfilled, people promptly withdraw into finite universes of meaning which, by present-day ...
#75. Fringe and Suburb: A Confusion of Concepts - JSTOR
Such has been the case in refer- ence to the conceptual definition of the rural- urban fringe, a residence area in which the present authors are interested. An ...
#76. Suburb in a sentence
Similar words: suburban, urban, disturb, disturbing, bury, burst, burn up, burn out. Meaning: ['sʌbɜrb /'sʌbɜːb] n. a residential district ...
#77. List of all suburb's in Ghana with Latitude and Longitude
# Name Country Latitude Longitude Other Language Na... 1 Abawdikro Ghana 7.609215999393185 ‑1.9605753 "name"=>"Abawdikro" 2 Abeka Ghana 5.599984099467102 ‑0.24183280000000001 "name"=>"Abeka" 3 Abelenkpe Ghana 5.608003599466622 ‑0.2173342 "name"=>"Abelenkpe"
#78. Suburbs and Localities | Australian Bureau of Statistics
Suburbs and Localities, formerly State Suburbs, are an ABS Mesh Block approximation of the officially recognised boundaries of suburbs (in cities and larger ...
#79. Suburb: A Musical in Two Acts - 第 34 頁 - Google 圖書結果
I mean , check out this molding ! Is this molding something else or what ? ALISON . Easy , tiger . RHODA . I'm telling you , if this place is about one ...
#80. The Suburban Church: Modernism and Community in Postwar America
Postwar suburban communities like Park Forest are today very different from what they ... about the meaning of The Afterlife of the Postwar Suburban Church.
#81. City and Suburb - 第 1 卷 - 第 115 頁 - Google 圖書結果
“ I did not , but I do now , and I shall know more ; I find that it is impossible to begin the ladder at the top , and so I mean to commence at the first ...
#82. The Radial Express and Suburban Crosstown Bus Rider: Being a ...
Cross - town Service House Counts as a Means of Determining Riding Proximity of Residence to Bus Stop Method of Travel to and from Bus Route Characteristics ...
#83. City Suburbs: Placing suburbia in a post-suburban world
Placing suburbia in a post-suburban world Alan Mace ... Summary In this chapter the focus has been on how residents give meaning to their choice of home and ...
#84. Suburbs and Suburbanization - Oxford Bibliographies
The suburb is defined as a residential area situated on the outskirts of a city or urban district. ... Suburbs, characterized initially as ...
#85. Tag:place=suburb - OpenStreetMap Wiki
Suburbs may have uncertain boundaries, may overlap with other suburbs, and are often best mapped using a node. For areas within a suburb, the ...
#86. What Is A Bedroom Community? | Bankrate
A bedroom community is similar to a suburb but not quite the same. ... Living outside more densely populated areas often means subdivisions ...
#87. The A-Z story of Melbourne's suburbs - Herald Sun
Suburbs with Aboriginal origins include Nunawading which means ... This suburb by the Maribyrnong River became one of Melbourne's newest ...
#88. What Does Suburbs Mean? Bible Definition and References
Easton's Bible Dictionary - Suburbs ... the immediate vicinity of a city or town ( Numbers 35:3 Numbers 35:7 ; Ezek. 45:2 ). In 2 Kings 23:11 the Hebrew word ...
#89. Secret history of Brisbane's suburbs from A to Z
Berrinba: 24km south, it is split between Brisbane and Logan City councils. The name originates from an Aboriginal word meaning to indicate ...
#90. What We Mean When We Talk About 'Suburban Women Voters'
In the realm of politics, "suburban voters" doesn't just mean "voters who happen to live in the suburbs." "In general, if you were to pick one ...
#91. Urban vs. Suburban Communities: What's the Difference | 2023
What do the terms “urban” and “suburban” mean? In the US, there is not a clear-cut distinction between urban and suburban areas.
#92. What is another word for suburb? - WordHippo
Find more words! Another word for, Opposite of, Meaning of, Rhymes with, Sentences with, Find word forms, Pronounce, Translate from English, Translate to ...
#93. Suburb features that can improve your property's value
Transport, shops, restaurants, schools and parks are all suburb features ... in good time means they can avoid spending hours each day stuck in traffic.
#94. Road to nowhere: why the suburban cul-de-sac is an urban ...
But that also means fewer kilometres of footpaths, bike lanes and through-streets for public transport. The very nature of cul-de-sacs means ...
#95. Suburbs - Urban Sociology - iResearchNet
The term suburban also can refer to a way of life identified with suburbs. The definition of suburb and the characteristics of suburbs differ around the world, ...
#96. Building In An Estate Vs Suburb; Which Is Right For You? - BOQ
A suburb of a city is a smaller residential area just outside the centre, within easy commuting distance from the city. Pros of building in a ...
#97. Defining Suburbs - Ann Forsyth, 2012 - Sage Journals
Suburb could mean both a literal place and the figurative outskirts of something such as a place, idea, or event (examples include the suburbs of Lent, of a ...
#98. Suburbs - Bundamba - Ipswich Libraries
Originally the suburb was named Bundanba, it is believed to have derived from the Aboriginal words 'bundan' and 'ba', meaning a stone axe ...
#99. Meanings Behind Central Coast Suburb Names - Triple M
Article heading image for Meanings Behind Central Coast Suburb Names. Every wondered where our suburbs got their names? Here's a bit of a look at the ...
#100. Exurbs vs. Suburbs: Do You Know the Difference? -
While moving to the heart of a big city means being near major employers, top hospitals, schools, and culture, owning outside major metropolitan areas has a ...
suburb meaning 在 Suburb Meaning - YouTube 的必吃
Video shows what suburb means. The area on the periphery of a city or large town.. The outer part; the environment. ... <看更多>