「Are you elevensing?」(你追上巴士11號了嗎?)
這是 Jeavons 夫婦Rosie and Colin五十年前在倫敦11路巴士上撞見彼此時第一次說到的對話。其實這之前他們倆已經在同一個地方工作一陣子,但從未有機會開口認識對方,直到時常追巴士的兩人終於有了適當的共同話題....
哎呀好溫馨呀,難得WSS也要感性一下,順便再來複習下"巴士11號" https://youtu.be/z8TV48FCwPk
by CT
Please join us in congratulating Rosie and Colin Jeavons on their 50th wedding anniversary that they celebrated today at the Museum!
The happy couple first spoke to each other on a number 11 bus over 50 years ago in January 1964. They had both been rehearsing a Midsummer Night's Dream together but had not spoken to each other before. Rosie was a ballet dancer and Colin was an actor at the time. They started talking to each other on the bus when Colin said to Rosie “Are you elevensing?” – meaning are you catching the number 11 Bus? They caught the bus from the Strand and were going to Fulham Palace Road. They now have two sons and one girl.
strand meaning 在 Strand Meaning - YouTube 的必吃
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