「萊鎂醫療器材 / iNAP®安鎂負壓睡眠呼吸治療裝置😴:
iNAP® One安鎂睡眠呼吸治療裝置主要針對阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症(OSA)居家治療使用;採與陽壓呼吸器不同的負壓原理,無需面罩,大幅提升療程舒適;透過APP📱,iNAP®可支援遠距居家睡眠照護。iNAP®已取得美國、歐盟與亞洲多國上市許可。」
「Somnics, Inc. / iNAP® One Sleep Therapy System:
iNAP® One Sleep Therapy System is a new, patient-preferred, non-surgical device for the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) in adults of all severities- mild, moderate, and severe. The iNAP® Sleep Therapy technology, using “intraoral negative air pressure” that treated the problem differently and without a mask, which is clinically proven to be a comfortable and discreet way to treat OSA. iNAP® can support sleep telemedicine service with its iNAP Lab+ APP and cloud platform. Now iNAP® has been prescribed in countries in Europe, Asia and available under a limited launch right in the US.」
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