OCCUPY THE SEED: Vandana Shiva's Message to Permaculturalists
"Dear Permaculturists,
"There can be no permanent agriculture without the permanence, diversity and renewability of seed. Unlike industrial monocultures, permaculture depends on the co-operation between different species – plant and animals, perennial and annual.
"The seeds of this diversity are at the heart of an agriculture of permanence. This is why you have an extremely important role to play in the Global Campaign for Seed Freedom both to save the diversity of seeds as well as our freedom to save and exchange seeds. Everywhere new laws are being imposed that make seed diversity, seed freedom and seed exchange illegal.
"That is why I invite you to play a leading role in the Fortnight for Seed Freedom from 2nd October (Gandhi’s Birth Anniversary) to 16th October 2012 (World Food Day). In the spirit of Gandhi’s satyagraha, we plan to focus especially on the 2nd October (Gandhi’s birth anniversary) as a call for civil disobedience against unjust seed laws, to declare our Seed Freedom.
"I enclose some ideas for actions for the Seed Freedom Fortnight [http://seedfreedom.in/seed-freedom-fortnight/#more-1334] and look forward to planning common strategies and receiving from you a calendar of actions for the Fortnight so that together we can reclaim our Seed Freedom."
Vandana Shiva
Founder and director of Navdanya
17th August 2012
Join the Seed Freedom Movement:
Website - http://seedfreedom.in/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/savetheseed
Twitter - https://twitter.com/OccupytheSeed
Follow the work of Navdanya:
Website - http://www.navdanya.org/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Navdanya/186535646029
Dr Shiva on Twitter - http://twitter.com/drvandanashiva