Season 2 Episode 7
Adam’s voice over:
“People are peculiar creatures. All their actions are driven by desire, their characters forged by pain. As much as they may try to suppress the pain, to repress the desire, they cannot free themselves from the eternal servitude to their feelings.
As long as the storm rages within them, they can find no peace. Not in life, not in death. And so, day after day, they will do all that must be done.
Pain is their ship. Desire their compass, all that humans are capable of.”
Adam 在 S2E7 的开场白:
查看Google,screenwriter有六个人组成一个团队。主要来自于Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese。真的是当今很赞的编剧团队。
「repress suppress」的推薦目錄:
repress suppress 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的精選貼文
<3 俐媽好書推薦: And the Mountains Echoed 遠山的回音
上回Part 1主要介紹句型,這回Part 2要來複習過去幾週好多EEC、英模班教過的單字!
<3 partriarch (n.) 元老;族長
衍:patriarchy (n.) 父系社會(反:matriarchy)
字根:patri-: father/ matri-: mother/ -archy: ruling
<3 legitimate (a.) 正當的;合法婚生的(字根:leg-: law)
<3 monopoly (n.) 壟斷(Monopoly 大富翁遊戲)
字根:mono-: one
<3 randomly (a.) 隨機的(= at random)
<3 perch (v.) (鳥)暫棲於...;座落於
比:porch (n.) 門廊
<3 shabby (a.) 破舊的;寒酸的;邋遢的
<3 affection (n.) 溫情(字根:-fect-: do)
<3 melodrama (a.) 通俗劇
衍:melodramatic (a.) (劇情)灑狗血的
<3 oppression (n.) 打壓;壓迫
字根:op-: against/ -press: press
比:repress v. 壓抑/ suppress v. 鎮壓
<3 property (n.) 財產;特性
片:real estate/property 房地產
<3 maneuver (v.)(n.) 演習;調遣
<3 sluggish (a.) 懶散的;散漫的
<3 bureaucracy (n.) 官僚體制
原:bureau (n.) (政府體系)局/ bureaucrat (n.) 官僚
<3 grease one's palm (phrase) 在某人手掌上抹油,即表示「賄賂」(= bribe)
<3 crow/s feet (n.) 魚尾紋
衍:crease (n.) 小細紋/ wrinkle (n.) 皺紋
<3 asylum (n.) (政治)庇護;精神病院
<3 vandal (a.) 野蠻的;(n.) 野蠻人;恣意破壞者
衍:vandalism (n.) 破壞公物