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By: Jun Wakabayashi
提到 AI 發展最熱的國家時,最先想到的可能是中國或是美國。台灣,通常不是你最先會想到的地方。但是,最近幾個科技巨頭大膽的行動可能會顛覆你的看法!
今年三月,”AI-first” 的 Google 宣布了除了即將在台灣招募 300 位新員工(絕大部分為工程師)之外,也預計將在台灣培育超過 5000 位 AI 人才。同時,Microsoft 也將在台灣挹注三千萬美元設立 AI 研發中心,預計在五年內將招募 200 位研究員。而 IBM 則宣布會擴大在台灣的研發中心,並針對 AI、區塊鏈及雲端運算科技這三項領域招募百位人才。
為什麼大家突然對台灣這個小島有這麼濃厚的興趣呢?「運算能力」和「大數據」的爆炸性成長,不只是創造了一個能讓 AI 從理論發展走入實際應用的機會,更是讓台灣變成培育下一個 AI 人才的風水寶地。AppWorks 也正在積極尋找 AI 領域的 Founder 們加入我們第 18 屆加速器計畫。
In comparison to the US, China, or UK, Taiwan is not usually the first place that comes to mind when it comes to global AI hotspots. However, recent bold moves by several American tech giants would have you think otherwise.
Why the sudden deep interest in an island that has been in recent times characterized as an “Asian tiger that lost its roar”? Well, the parallel explosion of computing power and big data actually did more than just create the perfect storm to bring AI from classroom theory to real-world application. It also turned Taiwan into a fertile breeding ground for the next generation of AI talent.
real world application of ai 在 AppWorks Facebook 的精選貼文
Given the nature of hype, "AI" can often serve as a double-edged sword for startups looking to win over new clients and investors alike. Yes, the transformative impact of artificial intelligence is widely stipulated, but real, value-adding use cases still falls short of ubiquity--especially in the startup world.
In order to really stand out from the pack, AI startups, specifically those operating in the enterprise space, should be cognizant of what sort of metrics can truly help demonstrate your long-term value proposition to business partners. This includes:
1) Intervention ratio: # of times a human has to intervene to complement your AI, and whether or not this ratio has declined over time.
2) ROI curve: How much value does your application bring the client, and whether or not it will stagnate
3) Rev-up costs: $$$ it takes to successfully deploy your AI application and reach acceptable confidence thresholds
4) Data moat: the time and volume of data necessary to achieve an incremental unit of value for your customer, while creating a defensive barrier against entrants
Particularly in Southeast Asia, where AI adoption is still in its infancy, identifying the proper signals that help clients measure or at least grasp the value of your product/service will go a long way in green lighting all those potential deals simmering in the sales pipeline.
Be sure to follow AppWorks to stay abreast on the latest trends and developments in the region's AI landscape.
real world application of ai 在 AI in Action: Real-World Applications of Artificial Intelligence ... 的必吃
Artificial intelligence has come a long way since its early beginnings in the 1950s. In this video, we'll explore the history and evolution of AI, ... ... <看更多>