[tạm ngưng duyệt info các shop để chống dịch cho đến khi shipper giao bth 3 miền] 4.9.
[English below] [Vẫn vậy, all free, nhưng dì sẽ có thêm những hạn mục mới cho phù hợp thời cuộc và đối tượng hỗ trợ là newbie mới tập kinh doanh thương mại điện tử]
Năm qua là năm biến động nhưng trong chúng ta đã có ít nhiều bài học làm vốn vào đời :))) , dì đã chứng kiến nhiều buồn vui của các cháu gửi về. Có những nỗi buồn khó nói về chuyện thất nghiệp dài hạn, rã team start-up vì miss Rona… và cũng có những câu chuyện tìm thấy hướng phát triển mới trên thương mại điện tử, nhờ mọi người ở nhà và mua hàng nhiều hơn nhờ những chính sách bình thường mới, “work from home” “study at home”. Vui hơn nữa là dì chứng kiến những chủ doanh nghiệp trước đây nhất quyết chỉ bán hàng tại store nay lại tập tành bán trên sàn thương mại điện tử, dần dà 1 đơn, 10 đơn rồi hàng trăm đơn, riết ghiền, dẹp store mặt tiền vào hẻm lên lầu mở store bán phụ, chuyển qua bán online là chính luôn.
Vì vậy, trong năm 2021, dì sẽ dùng cộng đồng của mình để chia sẻ đến những thương gia, những chủ doanh nghiệp đăng tải thông tin miễn phí, giới thiệu câu chuyên thương hiệu và mặt hàng đang bán,
qua đó có thể dựa vào đó làm bệ phóng đầu sự nghiệp nhắm tiếp cận người tiêu dùng, đỡ phần nào nỗi lo chi phí chạy truyền thông, trong khi sản phẩm mình bán okla
quý doanh nghiệp nhỏ lẻ, những thương gia trẻ có thể tham gia bằng cách hoàn thành form ứng cử sau:
🥰 Dành cho seller xốpi mới biết đến vụ này
(hoặc mới biết dì) ko yêu cầu chi phí nào, chỉ cần điền form
mảng fashion https://forms.gle/S34cx2SYvD8zyWmy7
mảng Bách hóa/ mẹ bé https://forms.gle/LK9qSVzdBj1ivZh79
mảng Điện tử/ gia dụng phụ kiện phone https://forms.gle/bS9jeNt95RypVzdg8
mảng văn phòng phẩm, nhà cửa đời sống thú cưng
🥰Dành cho những shop đã lên sóng nhưng muốn tính chuyện lâu dài cùng dì: https://forms.gle/yru4y4zybTuCXxWo6
🥰Dành cho seller xốp pi đã từng được lên sóng và muốn tiếp tục thông báo chương trình sale nhanh, khỏi viết nhiều.
mảng bách hóa, nhà cửa đời sống, văn phòng phẩm https://forms.gle/e31edEjRYmXPutBe9
mảng fashion nam nữ https://forms.gle/8qpaDqghdWo4sCFKA
mảng skincare bodycare https://forms.gle/b6kc1B1yngei1yuR7
* tham khảo đợt rồi 4.4 mấy seller dì duyệt cũng cho cho exclusive sale chấn động nè https://www.facebook.com/badinulo/photos/2847393805575631
------- Dành cho các cháu- độc giả của dì -----------
Có thể yêu cầu review sản phẩm, các shop trên shopee, hoặc mở thảo luận, tại đây: https://forms.gle/HwDoboPpbcXvCnaC9
Review sách đã đọc đến với mọi người: https://forms.gle/cyAQgwHi3z4joJUJ6
>>>> Dành cho các start-up, doanh nghiệp, agency <<<
For startup, Enterprises, Agencies https://www.facebook.com/badinulo/posts/2296898197291864
Full post English below (July. 2019)
GIVE BACK and future operation of the page (very long post, but your time is highly appreciated)
P/s: Đây là một bài viết rất dài nhưng mong các cháu có thể bỏ ra chút thời gian để nghe lời tâm sự mỏng của dì nhé.
Vào ngày 30/5, dì có thông báo cắt quảng cáo. Quyết định đấy được kha khá các cháu ủng hộ nhưng cũng có vài cháu đặt câu hỏi tại sao dì lại đưa ra quyết định đấy, thì trong post này dì sẽ giải thích cho các cháu một phần lí do dẫn tới lựa chọn của dì.
Tuy dì không phụ thuộc quá nhiều nhưng dì không thể phủ nhận nguồn tiền quảng cáo thu được từ page Dì không phải là một nguồn thu nhỏ, và việc một fanpage khi có một số lượng theo dõi nhất định thì việc bán quảng cáo là một điều rất phổ biến. Hơn nữa, nhằm thu hút các doanh nghiệp quảng cáo tới với mình thì ta phải có những content có lượt tương tác cao để họ đổ đến mình nhiều hơn. Dẫn tới việc trong một thời gian dài dì chạy đua theo điều đấy.
Đến tầm tháng 9/2018, dì bỗng cảm thấy chán page của mình. Khi trong thời gian đó tất cả những gì dì làm là đăng vài post vui vui vô thưởng vô phạt, may mắn thì đột nhiên post đấy được nhiều tương tác cao, rồi bỗng một ai đó liên hệ quảng cáo xong chỉ chỉnh sửa một vài câu rồi đăng lên và nhận tiền. Dì tự hỏi bản thân, thế đây là những gì mình sẽ làm mãi mãi sao? Rồi 5 năm nữa, page này sẽ như thế nào? Sau khi câu hỏi 5 năm hiện lên trong đầu dì, dì mới giật mình nhận ra rằng mình hoàn toàn không biết sẽ làm gì tiếp với page trong 2 năm tới huống chi là 5 năm. Dì đã từng chứng kiến số phận của một số page lớn vụt lên nhanh trong thời gian ngắn và sau đó lụi tàn thành những page cứ tiếng là đăng link một bài báo. “Thế Nhung ơi, mày có muốn page của mày cũng thành như thế không?” Câu trả lời tất nhiên là không. Và thế là trong thời gian đó, dì chỉ có một lựa chọn duy nhất là khi nào mình thật sự chán chịu không nổi nữa thì mình sẽ dừng hoạt động hoàn toàn. Hoặc, dì nghĩ ra thêm một mảng mới gì đó để làm và tìm hiểu.
Đó là lúc dì nghĩ tới về mảng nhân sự việc làm khi nhận thấy chưa có nhiều group kiếm việc làm cho mọi người mà hoạt động theo kiểu dì muốn. Nhưng lúc đó dì vẫn chưa làm ngay, có điều gì đấy cứ giữ chân dì lại khiến dì chẳng muốn triển khai cái gì cả. Và rồi dì tiếp tục những hoạt động thường ngày trên page và sự chán nản của dì ngày càng cao lên.
Tháng 10/2018, page dì bị hack. Đó là một cú tát vào mặt dì. Thành thật với các cháu, đấy chính là cú tát cảnh tỉnh mà dì cần bấy lâu nay.
Vì sao ư? Vì lúc đấy dì mới nhận ra fanpage facebook nó mong manh tới như thế nào. Mặc kệ cho page của dì có bao nhiêu like, hoạt động bao lâu, chỉ cần nó mất một cái, và cũng chỉ cần một thời gian thôi, mọi người sẽ quên hẳn cái page này và dì tồn tại. Dì không muốn tất cả những gì mọi người chỉ nhớ là “Page Bà Dì cuối cùng cũng chỉ suốt ngày quảng cáo.” Không, dì muốn sau này lỡ page có bị gì thì ít nhất dì đã làm được những điều có ích nào đó, dù chỉ một chút thôi cũng được.
Có lẽ dì cũng được ông trời thương và cũng nhờ một người bạn tốt mà dì lấy lại được page. Dì nghỉ ngơi một thời gian để thật sự định hướng lại về cách hoạt động cũng như số phận của page. Dì sẽ thẳng thắn luôn, đúng là khi mở lại page dì vẫn nhận quảng cáo nhưng đó là để tích góp lại thêm một chút lông cánh để cho page chuẩn bị kĩ càng cho tương lai sau này. Cũng trong thời gian đấy dì bắt đầu triển khai group việc làm của dì, vì dì không muốn lãng phí bất kì thời gian nào nữa.
(link group việc làm của dì: https://www.facebook.com/groups/UnemploymentTherapy/
Linkedin của dì: https://www.linkedin.com/.../b%C3%A0-d%C3%AC-nulo-nhung.../)
Vào ngày 30/5/2019, dì quyết định thông báo cắt quảng cáo. Sau một thời gian, dì nghĩ đó là quyết định đúng đắn nhất trước giờ của mình. Dì cảm giác như vừa bỏ khỏi vai mình một tảng đá nặng vậy, khi dì không còn phải quan tâm tới sự hài lòng của các bên quảng cáo và lo lắng về phản ứng của member trong page. Không phải canh cánh nghĩ content, schedule bài, rồi phải lo canh xem có cmt nào làm đối tác pùn, v.v… Và nhất là, không còn cảm giác mình đang lợi dụng lòng tin của member khi giới thiệu sản phẩm cũng như có thêm thời gian cho cuộc sống cá nhân của mình. Dù trước đó dì từng từ chối một vài bên vì nội dung của họ không hợp với page, nhưng hiện giờ dì được thoải mái hơn về việc chọn những bên mình thật sự muốn hợp tác mà không bị nhiều trách nhiệm đè giữa hai bên. Dì cảm thấy được tự do và cảm giác page chính là của mình chứ không còn phải phụ thuộc vào ai nữa.
Để page đạt được ngày hôm nay cũng nhờ phần lớn do chính các cháu và các member của page. Tuy đây không phải là page có lượng like lớn nhất, nhưng nó vẫn có một phần phủ sóng khá rộng với nhiều người. Nếu các cháu để ý, trong thời gian gần đây có một số post dì hỏi thăm về các startup ở Việt Nam cũng như làm khá nhiều về topic công việc. Ngạc nhiên thay, có rất nhiều cháu trong page đã hoặc đang startup hoặc đang kinh doanh, làm việc ở mảng nào đó. Page của dì bắt đầu hoạt động vào năm 2017, tính đến nay cũng hẳn có nhiều cháu đang bắt đầu hành trang vào đời. Có từng là học sinh cấp 3 thì giờ cũng đã vào đại học, có từng là sinh viên đại học thì giờ cũng đã đi làm ở công ty nào đó. Dì còn đang giữ một cái inbox của một bạn hồi còn hỏi dì thích idol nào cho tới lúc hỏi dì có muốn hợp tác công việc không nữa đấy.
Thế nên để cùng các cháu bước tiếp qua trang mới của đời, dì bỏ việc bán quảng cáo mà thay vào đó là Hỗ Trợ Truyền Thông.
“Hỗ trợ truyền thông” hiểu đơn giản là nếu có ai liên hệ với dì với mong muốn sản phẩm của mình được nhiều người biết đến hơn, dì sẽ yêu cầu họ gửi các tài liệu, thông tin liên quan đến sản phẩm đó. Nếu dì nhận thấy sản phẩm đó thực sự tốt và có chất lượng (và đáp ứng các điều kiện riêng khác), dì sẽ hỗ trợ truyền thông cho sản phẩm đó. Dì sẽ không nhận tiền, nhưng có thể sẽ yêu cầu một số benefit, tùy vào điều kiện và khả năng của đôi bên vì dì sẽ dùng uy tín của mình để đảm bảo chất lượng của sản phẩm đấy. Công việc này sẽ mang tính chất lâu dài. Nghe qua thì có vẻ không nhẹ nhàng với đôi bên lắm nhưng đây là điều dì muốn làm để hỗ trợ các doanh nghiệp, đặc biệt là các startup, để phổ biến những sản phẩm chất lượng của mọi người đến với cộng đồng. Ở đây dì sẽ gọi những bạn đang có kinh doanh riêng là “quý doanh nghiệp” nhé.
Tạm thời có hai cách để dì hỗ trợ truyền thông:
1. Đối với các mặt hàng tiêu dùng nhanh (như ăn uống, quần áo, phim ảnh,…) muốn được dì hỗ trợ truyền thông, doanh nghiệp có thể để dì dùng thử sản phẩm của mình. Sau đó, dì sẽ viết review chân thật và không chỉnh sửa theo ý của doanh nghiệp (trừ khi là fact). Tất nhiên, trước khi đăng bài, dì sẽ hỏi lại doanh nghiệp có muốn đăng review này không, nếu quý doanh nghiệp không muốn đăng thì dì sẽ không đăng.
Tuy nhiên dù review hoặc phần cmt phản hồi có phê bình nhiều hơn là khen thì mong quý doanh nghiệp đừng để điều đấy làm chùn bước, hãy chọn những ý có mang tính đóng góp để cải thiện sản phẩm của mình. Thậm chí dù sau khi đã hỗ trợ truyền thông một lần, thi thoảng dì sẽ inbox hỏi để kiểm tra tình hình đấy.
Vì dì chủ yếu ở TP HCM nên ưu tiên các doanh nghiệp ở đây trước nhé.
2. Đối với các startup, để được dì hỗ trợ truyền thông thì quý doanh nghiệp gửi email cho dì bao gồm: kế hoạch truyền thông, giới thiệu về doanh nghiệp, định hướng và nhiệm vụ của doanh nghiệp. Có thể dì sẽ yêu cầu thêm các thông tin khác để làm rõ hơn, và trao đổi với nhau để cùng nghĩ ra cách truyền thông tốt nhất.
Dì sẽ không yêu cầu bất kỳ một khoản tiền nào.
Lí do dì đưa ra quyết định đấy là để cho tất cả các doanh nghiệp dù lớn hay nhỏ đều được công bằng và có cơ hội như nhau. Tất cả sẽ dựa vào chất lượng và độ yêu thích của dì. Không còn chuyện dì phải từ chối bên này chỉ vì họ không có khả năng tài chính như bên khác. Không còn cảm giác áp lực vì tiền bạc. Nếu sản phẩm đấy xứng đáng để được biết tới rộng hơn thì dì sẽ hỗ trợ cho sản phẩm đấy.
Và cái yêu cầu lớn nhất mà dì muốn, là dì mong những doanh nghiệp lớn hay bé nếu đã tin tưởng và lựa chọn dì hỗ trợ truyền thông rồi thì sẽ làm tốt hết sức có thể của mình.
Đây là bước đi thứ 2 trong hoạt động mới của dì, group việc làm là bước đầu tiên.
Thế thì, nếu có cháu nào tự hỏi làm sao để ủng hộ cho dì, thì các cháu có thể làm những điều sau:
- Ủng hộ những sản phẩm trong tương lai tới của dì vì dì có nhiều dự án trong tương lai lắm.
- Ủng hộ những business nhất là của chính các cháu của dì mà sau này được hỗ trợ trên page.
- Ủng hộ những sản phẩm hoặc page/group hiện tại của dì.
Cái page này và các cháu đã hỗ trợ dì rất nhiều trong thời gian gần qua. Bây giờ thì page này không còn nuôi dì nữa, mà dì sẽ nuôi lại nó và tri ân lại cho mọi người.
Thật ra bây giờ có hỏi dì 5 năm tới dì sẽ làm gì với page thì dì vẫn chưa biết đâu. Nhưng dì biết sẽ làm gì trong 3 năm tới, và tạm thời thế là ổn.
Email của dì là: badinulo@gmail.com, (xin miễn phản hồi booking agency xợ lắm xợ lắm)
tiêu đề email nhớ có tên công ty để dì tìm cho dễ nhé.
On May 30, I announced a cut of advertisement placement on the page. That decision was well supported by some of you but there were some who questioned why I made that decision, so in this post I will explain to you part of the reason for my choice.
Although I did not depend too much, I can not deny that the advertising money collected from this page was not a small source of revenue, and as common sense, “the page when there is a certain number of followers, the placement of advertising is a very common thing. Moreover, in order to attract advertising businesses to the page, we must have high-interactive content for them to pour more to us”. This put me on a race for a long time.
By September 2018, I suddenly got bored with my page. During that time, all I did was post some funny and innocuous posts, luckily suddenly the post got a lot of interaction, then immediately someone contacted me to place the ad and just edited a few caption, then post and receive money. I ask myself, is this what I will do forever? Then 5 years from now, what will this page look like? After the 5-year question popped up in my head, I was startled, to realize that I had absolutely no idea what to do with the page in the next 2 years, let alone 5 years. I have witnessed the fate of a number of large pages quickly flashed up in a short time and then faded into pages that were known to post links to an article. "So Nhung, do you want your page to become the same?" The answer is of course not. And so, during that time, my only choice was when I was really frustrated and I would stop working altogether. Or, I think of something new to do and find out.
It was at that time that I thought about the human resources field when I realized that there were not many groups looking for jobs for people that operated the way I wanted. But at that time, I still didn't do it right away. And then I continued my daily activities on the page and my tiredness got worse.
In October 2018, this page was hacked. It was a slap in the face to me.To be honest with you, it was a wake-up slap that I needed all this time.
Why is that? Because at that time, I realized how fragile Facebook fanpage is. No matter how many likes I have on my page, how long it works, if it takes only one, and it only takes a while, people will forget this page and my identity exists. I don't want all that people can remember is, "Nulo Auntie” page finally ends up advertising the whole day.
No, I want to see if anything bad happened with the page in the future. I can at least do some useful things, even if it just a little.
Perhaps I was lucky enough, and also thanks to a dearest friend that she got the page back. I rested for a while to really reorient the way it works and the fate of the page. I will be totally honest, it's true that when I reopened the page, I still received the ad, but it was to accumulate a little more feathers to make the page carefully prepared for the future. At the same time, I started deploying my employment group, because I didn't want to waste any more time.
(The group names Unemployment therapy:
Group for sharing shopping deals, offers, events and mini reviews
And you can also check my linkedin:
On May 30, 2019, I decided to announce the cut of advertisement. After a while, I think that was the best decision I ever made. I feel like I have just dropped a heavy stone from my shoulder, when I no longer have to care about the satisfaction of the advertisers and the reaction of the member in the page. Not having to think about content, schedule posts, then have to worry about any cmt partner, etc. time for your personal life. Although I had previously refused a few parties because their content did not fit the page, I am now more comfortable choosing the ones I really want to work with without much responsibility between the two parties. I feel free and feel that the page is my own, no longer dependent on anyone else. A win-win situation is from now on, set up.
The page stands today is also largely thanks to support of viewers, and fans.. Although this is not the page with the largest number of likes, it still has a fairly wide coverage for many people. If you notice, in recent times there have been a number of posts I asked about startups in Vietnam as well as a lot of work topics. Surprisingly, there are a lot of viewers and fans on the page who are either starting a business or doing business in a certain area. My page started operating in 2017, so far there must be many viewers who are starting to step onto working life. I know there was a high school student took first steps in uni life, and now has been working for a company( I was still keeping an inbox of a viewer asked me about my fav idols, till she dropped me a professional message for work collaborating enquiry :)).
So in order to continue with viewers through the new page of their lives, I left placing advertisement and replaced it with new activity “Media Support”.
"Media support" simply means that if someone contacted me with the desire to make their products more popular, I will ask them to send documents and information related to that product. If I finds that the product is really good and has good quality (and meets other specific conditions), she will support the product's marketing aspect.
I will not accept money, but may require some benefits, depending on the conditions and capabilities of both parties because I will use my reputation to ensure the quality of the product. This work will be of a long-term nature. It may not sound like a lot, but this is what I want to do to support businesses, especially startups, to spread the quality products of people to the community. From here I will call those of you who have your own business “BO- Business Owner”.
There are temporarily two ways for me to provide media support to BO:
1. For fast-moving consumer entertaining goods (such as food, clothing, cosmetics, movies, etc.) who wants the media support, BO can let me try their products. After that, I will write a honest review and do not make any corrections at the discretion of the business (unless it is a fact). Of course, before posting, I will ask if the BO wants to post this review, if you do not want to post, I will not post.
However, whether my review or the comment section has more criticism than praise, please, BO, do not let that falter, choose ideas that contribute to improve your products. Even though after I have finished media support, sometimes I will inbox to check on your situation.
2. For startups, to get me for media support, you should mail me, including: media plan, introduction about the business, orientation and mission of the business. Maybe I will ask for more information to clarify, and we will discuss with each other to think of the best way to communicate to viewers.
I do not require money.
The reason why I made that decision was for all businesses, big or small, would be fair and equal. It all depends on the quality and my preference. There is no longer, a reason I have to cancel this one because others are stronger in financial power. No more feeling the pressure of money. If the product deserves to be known more widely, I will support it.
And the biggest requirement that I want, is that I hope big or small businesses, if I have trusted and selected the media support aunt, will do your best.
This is the second step in my new activity, the job group is the first step.
Then, if any of you wonder how to support me, you can do the following:
- Support my future products because I have many future projects.
- Support for the business especially of viewer’s business which will later be supported on the page.
- Support my current products or page / group.
This page and viewers have supported me a lot recently. Now the page is no longer raising me, I will raise it and share it to everyone.
Actually, if I am asked what I will do in the next 5 years, she still doesn't know. But I know what to do in the next 3 years, and that's okay for the time being.
My email is: badinulo@gmail.com, the subject of the email is the company name so I can easily find it.
Nhung Loren (pronounced Ñung Loren)
同時也有12部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過12萬的網紅一二三渡辺,也在其Youtube影片中提到,今日は雨の中、 CB400Fが三台も来てくれました、 素晴らしいコンディションです、 日本初のダチョウ料理専門店、 ライダーズカフェMACHⅢ 大阪府堺市美原区北余部469-6 TEL&FAX072-361ー3171 http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~malt...
「put out an advertisement」的推薦目錄:
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- 關於put out an advertisement 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳解答
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Garam Kasar 2kg + Lada Hitam 100g
Saja aku nak kongsi.
Panjang sikit hari ni,sape rajin bacalah.Kalau malas abaikan je.
Dah lebih seminggu aku cuba rawatan ni, jadi sambil buat rawatan ni aku tergerak nak kongsi apa yg aku rasa sepanjang aku amal rawatan ni.Ijazah rawatan ni aku dapat dr video Ustaz Hanafi,salah seorang 'cancer survivor'.Alhamdulilah terima kasih ustaz atas ilmunya.Ok ni link videonya ya : https://youtu.be/gsnju4-C_rk...
Continue ReadingRough Salt 2 kg + Black Pepper 100 g
I just wanted to share.
It's a little longer today, whoever's diligent to read it. If you're lazy just ignore it.
I've tried this treatment for more than a week, so while doing this treatment I'm moved to share what I feel while I'm doing this treatment. I received this degree from Ustaz Hanafi's video, one of the ' cancer survivor '. Alhamdulilah thank you ustaz for the knowledge. Ok here is the video link: https://youtu.be/gsnju4-C_rk
Sisters I have done it for a long time, always tell the best story, but that's it.. I'm lazy to do it.. I'm doing it now haha.. 😂😂😂
Okay, simple, there are some different things that I can feel, even though I just made it consistently in a week.
First, the wind comes out of the body. Throughout this treatment session, it's really burp.. the body feels light, it feels different.
Secondly, haa this is great, I think my digestive system has a very significant change. I really have problems with peeing, thank God after doing this with Allah's permission, it feels very different. Relieved that there's no feeling of not satisfied like before.. like that also pooping, lawas. If you think about it, salt + black pepper has a great effect like this.. only with His permission..
Ok the third one, my right knee since after the PKP that day is really difficult to fold. If you don't know what's wrong, you'll be forced to fold, but it's painful
That's why I'm working a lot of walking and standing long, so my right knee and other joints can do it. The second day I just made it Alhamdulilah I can feel the change. I can fold my knees as usual, no pain. Feels can be in joints especially when waking up in the morning is very reduced..
Allahu, it's like magic..
Fourth, this also gives me the best, sleeping is really crazy. It's really ' calm ' as the Javanese people say 😁😁😁.
Early in the beginning of yesterday, I'm sleeping too much, but it's fun.. hhaha.. it's different because I'm the type of sleep late, and it's hard Sometimes I want to sleep until an hour more than an hour and then I fall asleep. But Allah's permission, after a week I do this treatment I really sleep well, and want to sleep is easy, put my head on the pillow and it's already morning.. That's when you sleep tight, then we sleep well, although sometimes we sleep late but wake up early in the morning is easy and easy I don't feel like before, I'm weak to wake up. Another one, this treatment is like taking care of our sleep time, I used to do this treatment at night, after doing this treatment, my eyes are also tired, I want to sleep immediately. So I automatically sleep early, otherwise I'll just sleep late. People who are hard to sleep or insomnia, I encourage you to try it, hopefully there are benefits.
Fifth, for more than a week of doing this treatment I noticed that I am not tired easily. Before this, if he works his tiredness, it's like that. But this week my body feels good. Feeling light, not tired quickly.
According to Ustaz Hanafi, the treatment of using salt and black pepper is also one of the Islamic medicine methods especially those related to genie or witchcraft. Practicing this treatment Insyallah can prevent the disturbance of the jin. So before doing that I start with the reading of Bismilah 5, Pray for the visitation of His Majesty Rosulallah Sollu Alann Nabiy, Ayatul chair and I intend to heal the disease and disturbance that is inside me. But that's me, that's all I know, for those who have more knowledge read the verses related to treating distractions, hopefully it's more effective.
Okay, I plan to do it for 40 days, take the stories of the Prophet's story. After that I want to have a little distance in a few times a week. I encourage anyone who wants to try, those who are not sick can try. After all the capital has not reached RM10. So that's what I share, ooo, before I forget, for those who want to try, don't forget to drink a lot of water, at least 8 glasses / 2 liter a day. Another treatment effect for everyone may be different, so whoever wants to try it can see what changes happen after doing this treatment, don't forget to share with me and others. As for salt, this black pepper is all just asbab, just a part of our efforts, healing only comes with Allah Azza Wa Jall's permission. Insyallah.
Credit: Muhamed Azizi Nan
Want to make your business viral? Now open the lowest package advertisement for only RM30. Ads can choose your own date and time. Whatsapp admin: http://bit.ly/2FFyZuGTranslated
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เงินมีก้อนเดียว แต่ถูกทุบให้กระจาย /โดย ลงทุนแมน
เมื่อวันก่อนได้คุยกับผู้บริหารของบริษัทใหญ่ที่เป็นเจ้าของช่องทีวีช่องหนึ่ง ทำให้คิดได้ว่า ตอนนี้ เม็ดเงินโฆษณา กำลังเปลี่ยนไปจากที่คนในวงการคุ้นเคยไป "แบบถาวร"
สำหรับเจ้าของช่องทีวี ที่นึกถึงอดีตอันหอมหวาน แล้วนั่งภาวนารอ สปอนเซอร์แย่งกันเข้ามาต่อคิวโฆษณาระหว่างละคร ระหว่างรายการข่าว แบบเมื่อ 10 ปีที่แล้ว คงจะเป็นสิ่งที่ไม่เกิดขึ้นแล้ว
...Continue ReadingThere is only one bar of money, but it is smashed to distribute / investman.
The other day, talking to the executives of big corporations who own a TV channel. Realize that advertising money is now changing from those in the industry. ′′ permanently ′′
For the owner of the TV channel who thinks of the sweet past and sits in prayer and waits for the sponsor to get in the queue for the commercials during the 10 years of the last news show, it's probably not happening.
Which means that there are ten other missionaries, it doesn't bring more people back to turn on the TV.
The last event that the most people turned on TV, The Mask Singer and Baptist Noodles 3-4 years ago.
No one would have ever thought that was the peak of the TV already.
And it reflects that BEC stock price fell from 20 baht to 4 baht and Workpoint fell from 100 baht to 10 baht now..
Why is the story happening?
Invest man will tell you about it.
Blockdit is a platform of source of thinkers
At the moment, update the situation in the video article form.
Including podcasts to listen on the go.
Try it out at Blockdit.com/download
This story has many factors involved.
Both behaviors, people who are used to watching smartphones all the time.
The whole container is brought backwards. Let's see it by the need of less live watching.
Which all of this means our eyes are being taken by a smartphone from a TV screen.
In fact, a smartphone doesn't snatch from a TV. It snatches us from everything that is idle time or our free time in every moment.
We waiting for the elevator to pick up the mobile phone.
We wait for the electric car to pick up the mobile phone.
We are waiting for the red light to pick up the mobile phone.
And a lot of people think about it. It's a boyfriend's fight. Less than the previous boyfriend's appointment. Because now my boyfriend is late. We pick up the phone and watch it so that he can't be indifferent. When the other
Which too, TV is one idle time that the new generation thinks we can pick up the mobile phone instead.
So that makes some people say, ′′ Can't remember when was the last time the TV turned on?"
This story also resulted in many things like decorating condominium or house. Having TV in each room is very important.
But now becoming many people say that there is no need to spare a place for TV..
I have to admit that there are still a group of people who are familiar with turning on TV, most of them are 40 or older.
But if we think 40 or older people don't look at smartphone, we might have to rethink it.
Because smartphone is now accessible to all people of all ages.
Just this group of people are relieved of turning on TV while watching smartphone..
The next point that is the heart of the story is.
Advertisement money is only available and it flows to those who spend their time on it.
And of course from the same. TV's the number one choice and the most budget.
Now it's gonna be an important transaction where TV won't get the most money anymore..
Where the money will spread. No need to tell. We can guess..
Apart from the less TV-giving advertising budget, TV advertising has changed.
We will start to see
Interviews on TV. There are no commercials during the program. But more products in Tie In on the list.
House invasion program, interviewed stars, no advertisement during the program, but suddenly Darra comes to introduce inactive looking products.
Why is it?
The first thing is now, even if people watch TV, but people don't tolerate advertising during advertisements. When they are in commercials, people will come to watch their own smartphone, plow, Facebook, Facebook, Line.
The next thing is TV shows these days will bring contents to look backwards. Advertising in the list will be more beneficial than advertising during the program. In reality, there are no live-watching people..
When things are like this, the result is coming out at the advertisement. No one comes to sponsor because people put money in once and they are afraid of it. No one cares to open it backwards.
So we can see ads in between, only TV ads. Follow this list. There are plenty of ads after cutting into the commercials that are sponsored.
The next interesting question is.
And who are the people who benefit from online channels?
If we think there will be a big one, like Channel 3, Channel 7, can control all online marketplace and as big as before, I have to say that it's probably a dream that is impossible.
Because the principle of online media is that anyone can produce contents at a much lower cost than before. This is based on the unique characteristics of the owner of the channel or page.
What will happen is Personalized or so that the audience will spread to the channel or page they like on the Fragmented Market without anyone controlling the market.
To compare, it's like a dental shop distributed to each community. Noted that it's up to a good dentist in the community. No one can be a major country.
And of course, investment in production, drama, giant game show, magnificent. It may be less and less.
Because today people making containers are focused on ′′ speed ′′ rather than ′′ quality
It's probably a disadvantage that we may not see the intended containers planned for years like the old days anymore.
What we might see next is Consolidate or a group of more big partnering channels or pages. They can sell more ads across each other and set higher advertising prices.
And maybe we'll probably see a consolidate company of a channel or an online page big enough to be listed on future stock market..
Now we are in a head-to-head.
Which even everyone in the industry doesn't know how it ends.
But now I have to admit it's not the same anymore.
Because one sum of money is smashed to spread already.
And the interesting thing is that while everyone in Thailand can make contents.
But the one who has benefited from everyone is a foreign platform that hardly pays taxes to Thailand..
Blockdit is a platform of source of thinkers
At the moment, update the situation in the video article form.
Including podcasts to listen on the go.
Try it out at Blockdit.com/download
Follow the investment man at
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put out an advertisement 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的精選貼文
Dream CB400FOUR (Doremushebe Foix) is a motorcycle announced by Honda Motor Co., Ltd. on December 3, 1974. The alias is "CB400F", and is "Yonfoa", "Forwan (Forinwan)", and "Sheyon. ", etc.
Dream CB400FOUR is two to which dream CB350FOUR is put on the market as a successor of one.
That time..this..class..domestic production..car..only..series..cylinder..model..dream..that time..cylinder..dream..series..youngest brother..series..top..model..dream..get on..helmet..receive..surroundings..stop..establishment..president..Honda..Soichiro..get on..make..say..plan..say.The..dream..similar to..put out..muffler..externals..have..the..static..image..keep from..power..performance..twin..cylinder..slow..Foix..cylinder..say..welcome..evaluation..give.
Dream CB400FOUR that received this and was planned took a light cafe racer style that adopted the set muffler that began to become popular at that time and the retreating step to the whole and became a popular model. The engine was improved to 408cc the boa based on the thing of 347cc of dream CB350FOUR, and the transmission of an unusual six step changing the speed type was adopted first in addition as a car of HONDA on the market at that time. In this case, it is said that the instruction "The number of cooling fins of the engine (Chiefly for reasons of the externals) is increased" being pointed out by Soichiro Honda when dream CB350FOUR is developed was achieved.
Core was reduction in costs at the same time in the metallic painting though the logo of the sticker looked very fresh a simple solid color at that time at the time of general the emblem of the metal. The purpose of the set muffler is lightening and reduction in costs, and it did not understand well for the pulsation effect by the set at that time. It is said that the purpose of the Ekipai shape to draw a flowing peculiar line is to avoid interference with the oil filter, and there is an anecdote to set up the drawing from Ekipai made by "Actual thing" match of the development site, too.
It was pointed out by the police at that time that it was a sentence that the impressive advertisement of the catalog '400. You were a wind' associates the reckless driving act by the hot-rodder after it put it on the market, and was changed part to the copy of the content that gave back the ownership feeling '400. You like it'.
put out an advertisement 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳解答
It was formally announced to assume the car name to be "Nissan and GT-R", and was begun the early reservation order on September 26. It came to walk on the road besides the skyline though a current tradition was succeeded to in consideration of the balance of Infiniti and G when selling it out of Japan. Opening a global site (six national languages including Japanese) to the public was begun on the same day, too.
Two from which installation of Nissan high performance center in 160 places in the whole country that does sales and after-sales service was announced at the same time
GT-R was first open to the public in Fuji Television Network "New report premiere A" on October 21. At this point, the mask was still given to the bumper.
Founder R35 type(2007-)
Impressive advertisement: THE LEGEND IS REAL
The sales price in Japan began selling from 7.77 million yen on the vicinity and December 6. "Premium edition" with which "Black edition" in which a special interior color and the leather seat in addition to the base model can be chosen in a Japanese specification and the BOSE premium sound system and the antitheft device are equipped normally is prepared.
Design etc.
The total length and the width, etc. have increased greatly by the R34 type as an initial model of the third generation GT-R in this R35GT-R seen Takehone the design though De Zain is suppressed.
It is equipped with the speed meter, the tachometer, and the display of the number of gears at 340 km/h in the car. (It was a bytalk, and the method that was the right in the left the speed meter as said by the tachometer for R34GT-R was adopted. )Moreover, it became more large-scale than MFD from which multi function display (MFD) that was able to be called one of the features of R34 type skyline GT-R even by this R35 type was installed in the R34 type equipped with continuation and more multifunctional. Polyphonic digital to develop Grantsurismoshirez took charge of the design of the MFD screen.
The start and the stop of the engine are done with a red button that exists in the center console. When the door is opened from the outside, the doorknob is a storage type, and it pushes in a knob, the knob that has projected from the other side is pulled, and the opened shape is taken.
Drive train
...past ATTESA E-TS.. following 3. Moreover, the clutch, the transmission, and the transfer are put behind the vehicle, and "Independent type transaxle 4WD" integrated with Riyadef is adopted. It is called, "Premium midship package" together with the engine arranged in the reception desk midship. Moreover, because it has machine type 1.5WayLSD (Rimiteddosrippdef) in Riadef, running in the circuit is easy.
It exists a lot, and alpha Romeo in the FR age etc. also have the one that the clutch and the transfer were distributed to rear, and the rear-wheel-drive car of the transaxle : about transaxle type 4WD though it has been achieved by delivery Ford and RS200 by it in the 1980's. As "Independent type transaxle 4WD" to make the clutch, the transmission, and the transfer become independent by the set because the clutch is installed in the engine side in the drive train of RS200, it becomes the first in the world, and Nissan is acquiring the patent for this. This was achieved by adopting the drive shaft made of carbon FRP light, Inarsha few, the vibrational absorption high. Moreover, it is called "VDC-R" because of GT-R that does a weather resistant super-car in Shilshi, has three modes, and it equips it with the slipping sideways prevention mechanism of a special tuning.
put out an advertisement 在 一二三渡辺 Youtube 的最佳解答
It was formally announced to assume the car name to be "Nissan and GT-R", and was begun the early reservation order on September 26. It came to walk on the road besides the skyline though a current tradition was succeeded to in consideration of the balance of Infiniti and G when selling it out of Japan. Opening a global site (six national languages including Japanese) to the public was begun on the same day, too.
Two from which installation of Nissan high performance center in 160 places in the whole country that does sales and after-sales service was announced at the same time
GT-R was first open to the public in Fuji Television Network "New report premiere A" on October 21. At this point, the mask was still given to the bumper.
Founder R35 type(2007-)
Impressive advertisement: THE LEGEND IS REAL
The sales price in Japan began selling from 7.77 million yen on the vicinity and December 6. "Premium edition" with which "Black edition" in which a special interior color and the leather seat in addition to the base model can be chosen in a Japanese specification and the BOSE premium sound system and the antitheft device are equipped normally is prepared.
Design etc.
The total length and the width, etc. have increased greatly by the R34 type as an initial model of the third generation GT-R in this R35GT-R seen Takehone the design though De Zain is suppressed.
It is equipped with the speed meter, the tachometer, and the display of the number of gears at 340 km/h in the car. (It was a bytalk, and the method that was the right in the left the speed meter as said by the tachometer for R34GT-R was adopted. )Moreover, it became more large-scale than MFD from which multi function display (MFD) that was able to be called one of the features of R34 type skyline GT-R even by this R35 type was installed in the R34 type equipped with continuation and more multifunctional. Polyphonic digital to develop Grantsurismoshirez took charge of the design of the MFD screen.
The start and the stop of the engine are done with a red button that exists in the center console. When the door is opened from the outside, the doorknob is a storage type, and it pushes in a knob, the knob that has projected from the other side is pulled, and the opened shape is taken.
Drive train
...past ATTESA E-TS.. following 3. Moreover, the clutch, the transmission, and the transfer are put behind the vehicle, and "Independent type transaxle 4WD" integrated with Riyadef is adopted. It is called, "Premium midship package" together with the engine arranged in the reception desk midship. Moreover, because it has machine type 1.5WayLSD (Rimiteddosrippdef) in Riadef, running in the circuit is easy.
It exists a lot, and alpha Romeo in the FR age etc. also have the one that the clutch and the transfer were distributed to rear, and the rear-wheel-drive car of the transaxle : about transaxle type 4WD though it has been achieved by delivery Ford and RS200 by it in the 1980's. As "Independent type transaxle 4WD" to make the clutch, the transmission, and the transfer become independent by the set because the clutch is installed in the engine side in the drive train of RS200, it becomes the first in the world, and Nissan is acquiring the patent for this. This was achieved by adopting the drive shaft made of carbon FRP light, Inarsha few, the vibrational absorption high. Moreover, it is called "VDC-R" because of GT-R that does a weather resistant super-car in Shilshi, has three modes, and it equips it with the slipping sideways prevention mechanism of a special tuning.